Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1869

Jiang Wuyou had already moved his hand away, but Yan Fu didn't run away anymore.

He just sat there, his eyes were all on the teacup, and his voice was still gentle and elegant: "Miss Liu was joking, I just... have a stomachache."

Liu Xiuzhang glanced at the tea sprayed on the table, but didn't speak.

Young Master Yan was in a rare embarrassment, he still did not raise his gaze, but pressed a finger on the tablecloth, using Taoism to quietly melt away those water droplets.

It is said to be "quiet", but to these people present, this sudden Dao Yuan fluctuation is no different from the sound of gongs and drums.

"Jiang Wang said that Sanfenxiang Building reopened today, and there are many exciting activities." Li Longchuan looked around: "When will it start?"

I don't know if he is trying to divert attention from his friends, or if he is really in a pure mood... Anyway, if he can't leave, just enjoy it.

He asked about Xiangling'er, but Xiangling'er just laughed.

Liu Xiuzhang said: "From top to bottom, the activities on each floor are different. It depends on what Mr. Li likes. Shall I let someone take you to experience it?"

It was as if he was really in charge of the house here, instead of relying on the status of Jiang Wuyou's friend and respectfully sitting in the chair.

Yan Fu raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of shock and astonishment, with indescribably complicated emotions.

At this time, Jiang Wang knew who was the host of this sub-building. Looking away from the teacup, he looked thoughtfully at the beautiful woman in Yuchi flying by the water not far away.

Because of the debt of favor for killing Zhang Linchuan's clone, he promised to protect the Sanfen Xianglou in Linzi and develop it all the way to the level of the four famous museums.

So what about after being among the top four famous museums?

He will definitely not be contaminated.

How will the Sanfen Xianglou maintain its status at that time?

Fufeng Liu family may be an answer.

The Sanfenxiang Building, which wants to develop in Qi State, and the Fufeng Liu Family, which is declining in the west, do need each other, and the first step of this momentum is also decent.

He already understood why Jiang Wuyou was here today. Jiang Wuyou and Liu Xiuzhang were close friends in the boudoir.

He was invited by Ye Lan'er, and Jiang Wuyou was invited by Liu Xiuzhang.

It's just that Jiang Wuyou, as a friend of Liu Xiuzhang, can help support the show once when it opens, but it is far from enough to fully support Sanfen Xianglou.

If Jiang Wuyou wanted to be a qualified crown prince, he had to take care of the overall interests of the Huaying Palace, and he couldn't do things based on his mood.

One of the four famous museums, and the three-point fragrance building in Linzi is considered to be somewhat qualified to cooperate with Huaying Palace.

Viewed in this way, this step by step has a clear context and a clear direction.

It can't be said... Fufeng Liu, who has been in a slump since Liu Shentong's death, can really rise up.

Li Longchuan pointed at Yu's forehead, and really didn't know how to face his friend's ex-fiancée: "It's not necessary. I just asked casually. The main reason is that what Jiang Wang said earlier made me a little curious, and I didn't feel much. interested."

Jiang Wang turned around in shock.

Jiang Wuyou was on the side, and said calmly: "Jiang Wu'an really understands this very well."

Jiang Wang was very wronged: "What a wonderful event, isn't this the promotion of Sanfen Xianglou itself? I rarely come!"

After all, he took a look at Xiangling'er.

Xiang Ling'er testified for him in a very sensible way: "I can testify to this, Marquis Wu'an did not come here very often. His old man only visited the branch building in Fucheng that day."

"Even visited Tianfu City's sub-buildings?" Jiang Wuyou was a little surprised, and turned to ask Chong Xuansheng: "I remember that Marquis Wu'an seldom goes to Tianfu City, right?"

Chong Xuansheng sat upright, and said honestly: "About once or twice a year? He is friends with Lu Zongxiao, the lord of Tianfu City."

"Tsk! Hahaha." Jiang Wuyou laughed: "I can't go back to Tianfu City several times a year, and I have to go to the Sanfenxiang Building. That's really a race against time, sneaking away! Marquis Wu'an practiced both sex and moon. , You are also a role model!"

"Xiu Zhang." She said to Liu Xiuzhang, "This is a big client, you have to take care of it."

Jiang Wuyou could ridicule wantonly, but Liu Xiuzhang couldn't.

He only said softly: "One piece, one relaxation, the way of civil and martial arts. The Sanfen Xianglou dare not deceive Tianjiao, I hope that Marquis Wu'an can come here to sit and relax when he is depressed or tired of practicing, so as to relieve his body and mind, and maintain his body... climb to the top again in the future."

This made people feel very comfortable, and it also made Yan Fu's eyes more complicated. But after all, he had no position to say anything more, he just sank his eyes into the cup, lower and lower.

As a good friend who personally accompanied Yan Fu to cut off the former relationship, Jiang Wang felt more deeply about Liu Xiuzhang's changes, and responded more cautiously. He just reluctantly said: "There is a chance."

Liu Xiuzhang smiled and said: "Marquis Wu'an is a trustworthy person, you are willing to give Sanfenxianglou a chance, Sanfenxianglou must catch it well and not let it fall to the ground.

If you come upstairs.

When you use Qin Ding, you can cook tea, cook oxen, listen to pastoral songs, enjoy Chu dance, and move the country's mysterious sounds... All the wind and moon in the world will take three points and serve you.

With the intention of a hero and the heart of a hero, there is this building, which is worthy of the world! "

Xiangling'er looked at Liu Xiuzhang innocently with a smile, and felt more and more that she had found the right person.

This is the Liu Xiuzhang who wanted to listen to the music during the period of mourning and music ban in the whole city. It's not what people think, a little girl who can only hide in the boudoir, sad and self-pitying.

She was born weak, but not weak.

In other words, the current Fufeng Liu family no longer has any tiles to shield her from the wind, and there is no room for her to be weak.

Although she is a soft willow, she also welcomes the wind and rain, and the fast snow also cuts the spring.

While a few people were talking, Yi Huaimin, who ranked third in the "Three Wastes of Linzi"... limped in.

The so-called "Linzi Three Wastes" in the street talk does not mean that you can get this honor just because you are a waste. The premise of being listed among them is that it could have been dazzling, but it was useless to achieve nothing.

For so many years, Linzi Shoufei has always been the unshakable Uncle Mingguang.

Until Xie Baoshu, known as "Xie Xiaobao", was born.

On the Qixia battlefield, he personally broke the myth that the Qi army was invincible, and almost dragged his uncle, the court councilor Xie Huaian, into the quagmire. It made Xie Huai'an break through Xiadu, but he paid only a small amount of effort, all just to save his little treasure's life.

Uncle Mingguang has lost his family all his life, but he has not lost a battle like Xie Baoshu, so he can only take the second place.

As for Yi Huaimin...

Yi Xingchen, who has been dazzling all the way from his youth to the present, evaluates his two sons as "diligent but not fast" and "lazy but not fast".

Said that the eldest son, Yi Huaiyong, was limited by his talent, and he couldn't go too far with hard work. The second son, Yi Huaimin, was too lazy to move his legs, let alone go anywhere.

Even in the street talk, people couldn't bear to criticize the simple and honest Yi Huaiyong, so they put Yi Huaimin at the end of the Three Wastes.

At this moment, this pair of limbs is paralyzed, but I don't know where the trouble is, but it really lives up to Fei's name.

Don't wait for Jiang Wang to care about anything.

Chong Xuansheng got up abruptly, and his voice was extremely loud: "Jiang Qingyang!"

Marquis Wu An was still in a daze.

Bo Wanghou has already started his speech: "To practice for you today, I got into your carriage and was dragged here by you all the way! I have accepted your wishes, but now I am a man with a family. It is really not suitable to come here again!

I don't miss the absurd things when I was young, and I hope you don't indulge in them either.

Well, I'll stop here, my wife will be anxious if she doesn't see me when she returns home.

Tea is used instead of wine here, and I propose a toast to you. I wish you all the best when you go out to sea! farewell! "

After spitting all over the place, he didn't give Jiang Wang a chance to speak up, and he pushed the seat away from the chair, and walked out angrily.

Jiang Wang came back to his senses and glanced at it, but not far behind Yi Huaimin, he saw Yi Shishi turning in.

Chong Xuansheng ran over in surprise and joy: "Ma'am! Why are you here? Are you here to meet me? When I came out, I asked the door to leave a message for you. I was afraid that I would be drunk by then so that you could come." Pick me up. Did you receive it? Come on, let's go home first, go back and talk slowly..."

Not to mention that Chong Xuansheng coaxed Yi Shishi back home with a few words.

That Yi Huaimin was physically disabled, and despite such an inconvenient situation, he still insisted on coming to Jiang Wang's side, and reluctantly sat down. He couldn't see clearly with his swollen eyes, but he didn't bother to care about who else was present, so he asked Jiang Wang, "I'm not late, am I? The exciting event you mentioned...has it started yet?"

Li Longchuan looked at Chong Xuansheng's back for a while, and Yi Huaimin for a while, and didn't know which one he should admire more.

Jiang Wang pointed to the wound on Yi Huaimin's face: "It can't be Fourteen... right?"

"No!" Yi Huaimin waved his hand: "My sister is very quiet, how could she fight with me? The old man beat me up! My sister even helped to stop her."

Jiang Wang was a little puzzled: "Why did Doctor Yi do such a murderous thing?"

Yi Huaimin sighed: "Hey! I let my uncle go to the brothel so that he would know! He asked me whether my surname is Yi or Jiang... Do you think he has a way to make me a royal relative?"

"The ginger Doctor Yi is talking about is Jiang Wu'an's ginger, right?" Palace Master Huaying said abruptly.

Hearing the sound, Yi Huaimin turned his head and stretched his swollen eyes open, only then did he realize who was sitting on the other side of Jiang Wang.

The leg that had just been crippled suddenly became conscious, supporting him to jump up suddenly.

"Then what!" He helped Jiang Wang's shoulders, his hands were shaking, and he said hurriedly: "I didn't see anything, I just sent my sister to find my uncle... let's go first! I'm in a hurry Go back and heal."

Another sprain and sprawl out.

Jiang Wang couldn't bear it, got up and chased him, and held him by the arm: "I'll see you off."

"No, no, no." Yi Huaimin was very strong: "I can go back by myself. Brother Jiang, you go and accompany... your friend!"

"The purpose of inviting Brother Yi to drink this time is for... alas." Jiang Wang conveyed Daoyuan to help him recuperate, while comforting him in a gentle voice: "At any rate, I will send you to the carriage."

Just like that, Yi Huaimin limped and let Jiang Wang help him out. Those who didn't know it thought how intense the opening activities of Sanfen Xianglou were.

Pass through the empty corridor, walk through the courtyard, and walk outside the building.

The carriage that Yi's family came over had already carried Bo Wanghou and his wife away.

Jiang Wang helped Yi Huaimin into his carriage, and Yi Huaimin held his hand tightly, grinning: "The surname is Jiang, you didn't tell me that Palace Master Huaying will come today?!"

Jiang Wang shook his hand instead, and said sincerely: "Brother Huai Min, I didn't know she would come. Wait for the next time, and next time I will invite you alone, and I will not let you out of the building for three days and three nights! "

Yi Huaimin looked at him hard and said, "My dear brother, can we have the wonderful event you mentioned next time?"

"Yes, here will be very interesting in the future, and this place will become the Holy Land of Fengyue in Linzi." Jiang Wang patted his shoulder, helped him close the car door, ordered the driver to take him back to Yi's house, and then turned around...

Go to the other side of Long Street.

"Brother Jiang, you said..." Yi Huaimin suddenly remembered something, and poked his head out of the carriage again: "Hey, Brother Jiang! You went the wrong way!"

Jiang Wang waved his hands without looking back: "This is the way I want to go."

Linzi can't stay any longer, no matter if you are destined or not, let's meet again in Shanshui!

Yi Huaimin wanted to say that San Fen Xiang Lou would not leave here, but he blinked his eyes, and the Tsing Yi was no longer there... Is this the movement of Da Qi's No. 1 Tianjiao? !



In the Three Fragrance Building, the beauty in the Yuchi jumped like a fish, and her beautiful waist was as white as a fish belly.

Yan Fu was still looking at the teacup.

Li Longchuan was nibbling melon seeds and drinking tea, still sighing: "Brother Jiang has some benevolence and righteousness in his heart, and he can't see Yi Huaimin's miserable state."

Palace Master Huaying said indifferently: "You seem to be happy to see it come to fruition."

Li Longchuan couldn't help laughing: "You don't know, this kid Yi Huaimin is very weak, last time when we helped Chongxuan Fatty welcome his wife..."

He stopped talking, he stopped laughing, he stopped eating melon seeds, and his sitting posture became straight.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of boots hitting the ground is like a drum beating in the heart, making it difficult to breathe.

The daughter of Li's family, who is so beautiful in Linzi, seems to have brought frost all over the place.

The tall figure made it easy for her to take a panoramic view of the surrounding area, and looked at Li Longchuan coldly: "Who are you?"

Jiang Wuyou leaned back on the chair leisurely, as if watching a play.

Li Longchuan sat upright, with a harmless look on his face: "It's Jiang Qingyang! Qingyang, isn't he going to go to sea? He said he would take us to have a drink before leaving. I said just drink tea, just drink tea, he It wasn't a carriage that brought us all here! Sister, you know my brother's character. When did we ever lie? If you really don't believe me, go downstairs and see if there is only one from the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion. carriage."

He poked Yan Fu with his boot, and continued, "We didn't know what this place was before we came..."

He raised his finger and pointed at the Yuchi where the beauties were playing in the water, with a look of disbelief: "There is still this kind of performance."

Yan Fu still lowered his gaze, and only let out a "hmm" from the depth of his nasal cavity.

Li Fengyao, Jiang Wuyou, Liu Xiuzhang, and Xiang Ling'er, these are four beauties with completely different styles. Being in the same room can be described as a splendid scenery, a peerless oriental beauty.

There are only two elders and young men who are alone among the flowers, one looks like a quail and the other looks like a clay sculpture. What a shame.

Li Fengyao refused to comment, and only looked around: "Where's Jiang Qingyang? It just so happens that I'm going back to Ice Phoenix Island, so I can walk with him all the way."

Li Longchuan replied smoothly: "He sent Yi Huaimin out just now, and he will be back soon, when the time comes you..."

As he spoke, he felt something was wrong: "How long has Jiang Wang been gone?"

Xiangling'er blinked her eyes: "I don't remember the exact time, but this water dance...has changed three."

"He should... sent Yi Huaimin home." Li Longchuan comforted himself, looking at the girls: "He will come back...right?"

In Li Fengyao's eyes looking at the fool.

He jumped up suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go and catch him!"

"Sit down." Jiang Wuyou said lightly.

Li Longchuan sat down awkwardly again.

"Marquis Wu'an's body skills are peerless, this society may have already boarded the boat."

Jiang Wuyou said slowly: "But it doesn't matter, the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away, and his friends are here."

Yan Fu only felt a headache, a very bad headache. Abdominal pain, really abdominal pain.

Li Longchuan raised his hand: "I broke up with him! I have nothing to do with him! He left, and my friends are gone!"

"If you speak in a moment of anger, don't take it seriously." Jiang Wuyou smiled softly, his phoenix eyes turned slightly, and he looked at the two of Linzi's four tyrants who were more than a step behind in their physical skills: "It's inconvenient for the Marquis of Wu'an to be in charge of military affairs at the present meeting." For a long time, I will invite you two to a banquet for him!"

"Xiu Zhang." She emphasized: "It must be of the highest standard."

It is -

What a beautiful day, but what a day, the romantic son is so romantic!

The guests enjoy themselves!

Thanks to the book friend "Qilixiang live" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 410th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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