Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1871 I Was Born Fifteen Years Early

"From the bright moon over the sea, look across the sky from here."

On Tianyatai, since ancient times, how many human events have been witnessed.

The dragon fishermen once sat here alone, fishing for dragons facing east with one pole per person.

The gate of heaven once broke up here, and it is rare to meet the gate of heaven and earth in the world.

Fangtian ghosts and gods used to dance high in the sky.

The overthrowing army here once attacked Shendu.

The Zhenhai League is established here, and the sea festival is held here.

Heroes in the sea once met, and the souls returned, mourning and singing.

In the long waters of the sea, after all, things are right and people are wrong.

Today, Jiang Wang is watching from the audience, and he is confident that he can subdue the two arrogances on the stage with one hand.

However, what he saw was the young man in the 3919th year of the Dao calendar, in this place...

I also argue and bow my head and bend over, and make amends, apologize and atone for my sins.

Also angry and roaring and gnashing of teeth.

Not self-sufficient, but also want to cry without tears.

He may have done some stupid things over the years and hurt some people. But looking at that moment at this moment, he can tell himself at that time that he has not wasted a moment in these years.

From south to north, from east to west, across the sky and beyond... such a long road, he has indeed walked solidly.

"I became what I am today."

The wind is blowing and the sky is wide.

On the Tianya Platform, two offshore Tianjiao faced each other.

One is the long-established Shenlin Tianjiao, a leader of Diaohailou's generation; the other is a genius from Yanggu, who has experienced many years in the fandom, and has become famous after returning to the offshore islands, and has the potential to skyrocket.

Today, whether the plaque of the No. 1 Tianjiao in the offshore area was removed, or the rising star who spread his wings and folded his wings into the sky, is undoubtedly the result that the entire offshore islands are paying attention to.

Speaking of which, Diaohailou used to have two outstanding talents who should be matched with Fu Yanqing.

One is Xu Yuan, the son of the third elder Xu Xiangwan, and the other is Ji Shaoqing, the personal successor of the fourth elder Gu Huaixin.

Especially the latter, who took off the Tianmen magical power and had the opportunity to explore the legendary magical power "Tiandimen", was once regarded as the hope of the rise of the offshore islands, and also developed a supercilious self-character.

It's a pity that in the Tianyatai battle, Jiang Wang killed the future.

And Xu Yuan, who was watching that battle, was also heartbroken, and he was still standing in front of the gap between heaven and man, and was passed by Fu Yanqing.

Therefore, Chen Zhitao made the move today.

People at the time talked about it, and they couldn't help but sigh at the end of the age.

Of course, looking back, Zhu Biqiong, the closed disciple of Elder Jinghai Gu Huaixin, also has the reality of being a genius, and the future is bright and bright. Perhaps after Chen Zhitao, the banner of Diaohailou can be raised again.

Zhang Linchuan pretended to be Li Daorong for his life, poisoned the master of the Nine Xuanzong Master Jiuxuan, Shang Ji'an, the great guardian of the Nine Xuanzong, and killed all the senior officials of the Nine Xuanzong, and his notoriety spread for a while... In the end, he died in Zhubi in a fair duel. Joan's hand.

Today, when Fu Yanqing challenged Chen Zhitao, Xu Yuan, Yang Liu, Bao Song, Fang Pu and other real legends of Diaohailou also came to the scene one after another, watching from the stage.

And Zhu Biqiong, who was wearing the Taoist uniform of Jinghai, also came from the sea.

Her black hair hangs down her shoulders, her eyes are cold and calm, and the sea blue Taoist uniform on her body seems to suppress the vast waves. Although she is in the outer building and has not witnessed the presence of the gods, she walks alone between the sky and the sea, with extraordinary momentum. It seems to be more oppressive than Xu Yuan, who has been famous for a long time.

Who would have imagined that just a few years ago, she was still so young, timid, innocent and innocent.

Be deceived, used, tortured, sacrificed without hesitation, erased without hesitation!

She came back from the dead like a myth. Reborn, the Arabian Nights. Appreciating Gu Huaixin as a teacher, shocked many people's jaws.

Before her, there were Xu Yuan and Ji Shaoqing.

When she rises, Jin Hai has no opponents, and no one can take away the slightest bit of her light.

There are also levels of true biography. In the eyes of many people, the disciples accepted by the practice elders cannot be regarded as true true biography. And Huzong's true biography cannot be compared with Jinghai's true biography.

Except for Xu Yuan, Yang Liu, Bao Song and others all bowed their heads to salute her.

But she was fixed in the air and did not land on the Tianya Terrace immediately, which even affected the duel between Fu Yanqing and Chen Zhitao.

Someone wanted to remind her, but when she saw her gaze, it fell under Tianyatai.

The still water is billowing, and the cold pool is full of lines.

It was the first time for many people to see that this always indifferent, proud son of heaven had such complicated eyes!

She looked at the people in the audience, and the people in the audience looked at her.

She almost cried, but the audience was laughing.

It's the kind of pure, reunion old friend laugh.

When she saw the person in the audience, she smiled and said with her lips—"Long time no see, Fellow Daoist Bamboo"

Her tears stopped.

"Jiang Wang!" she shouted.

At Tianya Terrace at this time, the crowds face the tide, and the noise overlaps with the waves.

All kinds of people, with their own thinking eyes, all of them are human faces at a glance. Who can see who?

But she still saw Jiang Wang at a glance.

Although Jiang Wang had deliberately concealed it.

The sound wave exploded in the crowd in an instant.

"Ginger what?"

"What hope?"

"Which Jiang Wang?"

"Damn it, he came to Tianyatai again?!"

The angry brother said "Eh?", "Eh?", "Eh?", and squeezed out.

The crowd dispersed, with Zhu Biqiong's line of sight and Jiang Wang in the front row as the center, leaving a large space in an instant. On the contrary, Zhuo Qingru, who stood not far from Jiang Wang and stood very low-key, stood out.

Without it, only she didn't avoid it.

The two, one on the left and the other on the right, enjoy exclusive VIP seats.

At this moment, the two people who are about to confront each other on the Tianya stage are more eye-catching.

Sea people always enjoy their own enjoyment and enjoy their own suffering, and they don't care much about things on land. They are more concerned about the wind and waves, the catch of fish, and the movements of the sea people.

But Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi may be considered an exception.

Because of his reputation, he first started on the Tianya Terrace, stepping on the corpse of Ji Shaoqing, the offshore Tianjiao.

That happened in April 3919 in the Dao calendar, and there were still many people who were not convinced at that time. Three months later, it will be the meeting of the Yellow River that attracts the attention of the world. No one in the world is as proud as heaven, and the offshore islands are silent.

A few years, a flick of a finger.

The boy who once went to sea for his friends, mobilized all available resources, struggled in the offshore islands, in the lost world, was willing to accept all reasonable or unreasonable tests, but couldn't understand the truth in his heart... Now he has grown into a hegemony Duke.

In terms of status, he is already proud of the sea, and he can discuss friendship with anyone on an equal footing.

His words will no longer be ignored. Once he stomped his feet, the entire offshore islands trembled three times!

"Why are they so afraid of you?" Zhuo Qingru asked.

"Do you think there is a possibility..." Jiang Wang said, "Is it respect?"

Since he was called Po Xingzang, he, Mr. Jiang, was not shady, so he also walked on the stage openly, waving while walking: "Fellow Daoist Zhu, come down and talk."

Then he said to the two people facing each other in the middle of Tianyatai: "Brother Fu, Brother Chen, you continue! This is a battle of glory, don't be disturbed by off-site factors!"

Zhu Biqiong ignored the two offshore Tianjiao who had been confused by the interference, and walked down the air. When she walked in front of Jiang Wang, her eyes were already calm.

Jiang Wang felt that her eyes were like mirrors, as if reflecting all external emotions.

But a few years ago, these eyes were like shallow water, and all emotions could easily overflow, and they were crystal clear.

"Who is this?" Zhu Biqiong first looked at the woman following Jiang Wang on Tianyatai.

"Zhuo Qingru, a disciple of the Fa school." Zhuo Qingru didn't need Jiang Wang to introduce her, and said calmly: "This trip is traveling thousands of miles, and I want to start from the lost world, so I came to Tianyatai."

The doubt in Zhu Biqiong's eyes still persisted.

Zhuo Qingru said again: "I will walk with the Marquis of Wu'an along the way."

Only then did Zhu Biqiong salute: "So it's Miss Zhuo, Biqiong was rude."

Finally, he looked at Jiang Wang: "Jiang... Fellow Daoist, why are you here on Huai Island?"

Bamboo Pichon oh Bamboo Pichon. A voice in my heart is asking myself - don't you know the answer?

But there are always some expectations that shouldn't be there, and they are endless.

After the catastrophe, Jiang Wang was very happy to finally meet his old friend. Just like when he saw Xu Xiangqian and Li Longchuan meeting Yan Fu, he smiled calmly and said: "I am restless. The emperor sent me to conquer the world of confusion, and here I am!"

"This is very good, this is very good." Zhu Biqiong said, raising the corners of her mouth in a kind of smile: "Then you have to pay attention to safety."

Jiang Wang smiled softly, with indescribable self-confidence: "It's those two-character kings of the Hai clan, all of them must pay attention to safety!"

Several Diaohailou Zhenchuan standing beside each had expressions.

Fang Pu, who had once pursued Zhu Biqiong, stared at her hotly, but endured and endured, and finally did not say a word. He still knows how Ji Shaoqing died.

Bao Song, who had fought against Jiang Wang, just wanted to go further.

Xu Yuan, who witnessed Ji Shaoqing's death with his own eyes, fell silent after seeing Jiang Wang's appearance.

On the contrary, Yang Liu, who had drank wine and poured bitter water with Jiang Wang, and shed tears because of her shameless face, nodded to Jiang Wang as a greeting. Jiang Wang also nodded in response.

Besides, Jiang Wang chatted with Zhu Biqiong on the sidelines, and of course they also kindly gave up the duel venue.

But Fu Yanqing and Chen Zhitao, standing in the middle of the Tianya Terrace, looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Ordinarily, the relationship between Fu Yanqing and Jiang Wang is pretty good. They didn't get along with each other before, which can be regarded as a good relationship. Later, when they went to Neverwinter Island to collect debts, they were very shouldn't affect their friendship.

But on such an occasion as Tianyatai today, I met Jiang Wang, who once came to Diaohailou to block the door in the inner mansion, and claimed to have suppressed his fellow monks near the sea.

He was challenging Chen Zhitao, trying to compete for the title of No. 1 Tianjiao in the sea, so he couldn't help but feel a little delicate.

You are still engaged in a dispute over snail horns in the offshore islands, and you presume that Jiang Wang, who was just passing by to watch a play...has already had a big fight in the demon world, and has become famous all over the world!

How much glory does it take to be worthy of the "battle of glory" spoken by the hero of the human race, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi?

The people on the stage wanted to fight when they didn't want to fight, and they didn't fight when they said they wanted to fight. The rest of Wai Island was not idle.

While speaking, another figure flew down from the sky.

Three figures with strong aura descended on the Tianya Terrace, and immediately silenced the noise.

They are Hai Jingping, Liu Yu, and Deng Wen, and they are all well-known figures in this offshore islands. All of them hold real power, all of them are prestigious, and all of them are elders protecting the sect.

Once Jiang Wang was chased and killed by a practical elder Hai Zongming Wanli, he was pulled forward, and with the help of Zhongxuan Chuliang's guidance, he was able to fight back. Once, in order to meet Hai Jingping, a person who is not good at communication, he did not hesitate to put his face on Yang Liu's cold ass, pushing cups and cups, and persuading him emotionally.

Now Diaohai Tower has a total of eight guardian elders, and after hearing Jiang Wang's name, three of them came at once!

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

In the battle of Qi Xia, how many gods were killed in a row.

How many demon kings have been killed in the hell world!

The State of Qi built Wu'an City for him, and the Heavenly Demon chased him to the Civilized Basin.

Mount Sumeru gave him the highest gift, and the people of Jingguo also called him a hero.

If it weren't for Huai Island, they could mobilize the power of the island guarding formation at any time. Even if the three elders of the guarding sect came together, they might not have the confidence to hold Jiang Wang down!

And if the Elder Jinghai, who represents the highest authority of Diaohailou, is allowed to come forward to sit in charge just for Jiang Wang's passing by, then Diaohailou will be even more embarrassing.

Seeing the three elders protecting the sect of Diaohailou approaching menacingly, Jiang Wang was not surprised, but enthusiastically maintained the order of the duel. He waved to Hai Jingping who he knew, "Elder Hai, long time no see! Come over with your friends, There's a duel here!"

Hai Jingping shook his head helplessly, and with two old colleagues, he flew to Jiang Wang's side, and said with a headache, "Why is Marquis Wu'an so free to come to Huai Island today?"

He also remembered that when he was in the mansion back then, this young man begged in every possible way and came to his door, begging for a chance to speak.

At Tianyatai back then, facing the threat of death, this young man still defended loudly.

Facing real Chongguang, and even Zhenjun Shendu, he still insisted on his own principles and held his sword tightly.

At that time, he knew that this son was extraordinary, but he never realized was so extraordinary!

At that time, he could slap him away with a single slap, but now he had to rely on the large number of people, the momentum of Diaohailou, and even Jiang Wang's nostalgia for the past to have this attitude of speaking as an equal.

The real thing is different, which is quite embarrassing!

Jiang Wang was surrounded by a group of Diaohailou monks, talking and laughing freely: "This is not on the way to the lost world, let's take a look at the heat... Enjoy the grand events near the sea! The battle of the heavenly pride is the most exciting!"

Hai Jingping said angrily, "You'd better be by the way."

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Who do you think will win this duel? How about we make a bet? Let's fight for eyesight?"

Hai Jingping said without hesitation: "Of course Chen Zhitao will win, I will press a thousand yuan stone!"

"Hey no no." Jiang Wang stopped him quickly, and said with a dry smile: "Small bets are fun, but big bets hurt your health. You are old, it's not good to bet too much. I forgot to say, there is a limit to this bet of."

Hai Jingping was surprised and said: "A thousand yuan stone is too much? The dignified Marquis of Wu'an, won't the Qi court give you a salary?"

His surprise was so real, and therefore so hurtful.

Jiang Wang waved his hand and said angrily, "Forget it, I don't like gambling by nature!"

Hai Jingping became interested: "What's the upper limit of the bet?"

Jiang Wang raised a finger.

"One hundred yuan stone?"

"One hundred Dao Yuan stones."

Hai Jingping snorted: "I don't like to gamble by nature...Will I win Seya?"

They have a good chat here.

Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, Chen Zhitao, who is very strong, suddenly smiled bitterly, looked at Fu Yanqing opposite and said, "Do you still want to fight?"

The same as the young generation of Tianjiao, Jiang Wang is even a round younger than him, and now he needs three elders to confront him. And what about myself? What are you still fighting for the first day in the sea!

What a shame!

"Fuck!" Fu Yanqing cupped his hands to Jiang Wang as a greeting, then turned and walked off the stage.

The Haimin who came to watch the battle under Tianya stage were in an uproar.

What a big deal to compete for the No. 1 pride in the sea here!

The angry brother yelled again: "Why did you stop fighting suddenly? I didn't do any work early in the morning, and I have been fighting for a seat for a long time!"

The noise in the crowd is naturally ignored.

The Marquis of Wu'an was in a hurry: "Brother Chen, who are you?"

When Fang Pu saw Jiang Wang and Zhu Biqiong standing together, he felt very uncomfortable and dared not speak out.

Now that his master, Liu Yu, who ranks second among the guardian elders, came, he felt confident.

Before Chen Zhitao could speak, he took a step forward and said, "Some people shouldn't ask questions knowingly. If the bandits have entered the village, who can eat with peace of mind?"

Jiang Wang was still a little baffled, but Zhu Biqiong had cast her eyes coldly: "Who do you call a bandit?"

Fang Pu, who often compares himself to beautiful jade, exploded emotionally at this moment, and roared with red eyes: "Who do you call a bandit?! I'm always so eager for you, and you are as cold as ice. Now you are a dog for others!"

Zhu Biqiong's hair stretched out, but Jiang Wang's hand was already in front of her, stopping her.

And he took a step forward and looked at Fang Pu indifferently: "If this Marquis is fussing with you, it would be disrespectful...Who is your master?"

Forced by such calm eyes, Fang Pu's anger dissipated in an instant, and his courage also dissipated.

He seemed to remember at this time, what he said just now, and who he was facing!

He stood there, bewildered.

"It's me." Liu Yu stood up and said, "He's still a child, he's not very sensible, if he has something to say that's not nice, Marquis Wu'an, don't you..."

"Not enough..." Jiang Wang shook his head in a low voice, then gave Hai Jingping a sorry look, his voice suddenly raised, and he even raised his finger, pointing at him extremely contemptuously.

Liu Yu, Deng Wen, Chen Zhitao, Fang Pu, Hai Jingping.

"You! You! You! You! Including Elder Hai!"

His fingers swept around directly: "It's here at Tianyatai, you might as well come together! Jiang was not born fifteen years earlier, and he also wants to try his hand with some elders and some arrogances from Diaohai Tower." !"

"So that you know, Duke of Qi, don't insult me ​​lightly!"

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