Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1901 Tomorrow, tomorrow

With the defeated generals and the remnant army, face the Saha Dragon Territory and guard the true king!

This is without a doubt the most dangerous path.

But calm down and think about it, this is really the only lifeline.

Ao Huangzhong and Qi Xiaoqian may not have imagined it, but Jiang Wang, a defeated army like them, dared to join the barbarian king. This has the opportunity to win more escape time.

And at that time, Ji Keyi fought head-to-head against the barbarian king, and there was no victory or loss for many years, if it was a fierce fight. If they kill at this time, they may not really be able to reap the effect of a surprise soldier.

Wasn't it Jiang Wang who broke the deadlock between Qin Zhen and the Blood King?

And it's better to have the support of the human race forces from Futu Pure Land, than to circle around in the Saha Dragon Realm, being surrounded by enemies and wasting vitality in vain!

The Feiyunlou boat accelerated to the limit, carried out Jiang Wang's will, and shuttled across the boundless forest.

The dragon's breath incense sandalwood tree unique to the Saha Dragon Domain is steaming with blue, fog-like miasma, which is stirred endlessly by the air current passing by the Feiyunlou boat.

Escaping in a realm determined by rules is much more difficult than in a realm with chaotic rules. Therefore, Jiang Wang has to keep an eye on the environment, plan the route, and adjust the direction from time to time.

The general in charge of the treasury came over to report in a low voice, at the current speed, the primordial stones in reserve were only enough for three hours. This is the result of looting many sea nests.

Chen Zhitao was exhausted, sat cross-legged on the deck, lowered his head and drooped his hair, and said in a hoarse voice: "Now it's a war in the whole world, not just one region, not just one army. As long as we toss in the Saha Dragon Realm long enough, we will Nature can wait for changes to happen."

"I believe that Qi Shuai's support will definitely come. If Ao Huangzhong moves troops without authorization, the boundary river where he is stationed will also have great changes..." Jiang Wang said: "But compared to waiting, I am more used to seizing opportunities on my own hand."



"Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows!"

Crescent Island, Qing'ao Jiao, Qingpingle Restaurant, by the window, sat a handsome man with a sad expression.

One person, one table, one jug of wine, facing the sea breeze into the throat.

This location is said to be a private room, but in fact it is only surrounded by screens to prevent those who are polite, but not to stop those who come uninvited.

It is like pure white jade, with dark eyebrows and dark eyebrows, making it look sad and fragile, attracting many women in the building to deliberately pass by and peek at it frequently.

At this time, footsteps sounded, Yang Liu, a true disciple of Diaohai Tower who was used to tidying up and had his face painted with makeup, stepped upstairs as usual.

Holding a jar of wine in each hand, he sat down in front of the man drinking alone.

Speaking of which, this drinking buddy named Xia Yubai only came to Crescent Moon Island recently.

They also have a fate of not knowing each other.

Who doesn't know this Qing'ao Jiao, this private room with the best scenery in Qingping, is his exclusive seat for Yangliu all the year round? Whether he comes or not, you have to keep it for him.

And this Xia Yubai occupied this place as soon as he came here, and he occupied it for several days, coming here every day to drink.

He originally wanted to teach this outsider a lesson by sitting down on the opposite side, and when this guy got angry, he could calmly put on his identity and scare this guy's knees down. Unexpectedly, this fellow ignored him at all and only cared about drinking by himself.

Annoyed...he drank too.

The two of them didn't exchange a word, so they just shared a table and drank wine for several days.

He only knew that this person was Xia Yubai, but he didn't know anything about his identity, background, or origin.

Xia Yubai never asked him what kind of person Yang Liu was.

It's just that the emotions are similar, each has grievances, and both are depressed. That's how I became drinking buddies. Occasional gossip can be considered hit-and-miss.

Yang Liu put the wine on the table and slapped the Kaifeng mud casually. Floating in the air with a faint bitter wine aroma.

"This is suffering!" Yang Liu said, "Try?"

Xia Yubai drank the wine in the glass, turned the glass upside down, and pushed the wine glass and the flagon he drank to one side. He took out a brand new set of jade wine vessels and arranged them neatly.

Only then did he raise his hand, signaling to Yang Liu to share the wine.

Yang Liu patted the wine jar lightly to make the wine more evenly distributed, and just now poured the wine into the cups, each full of eight points. Xia Yubai's attention to detail was also admired by him, Mr. Yang. A good man should know etiquette, fine clothes, good manners, and beautiful appearance. However, Senior Sister, she...doesn't know how to appreciate it.

But the bright moon shines on the ditch!

Thinking of this, I suddenly feel that the smell of alcohol is more astringent.

He didn't want to be sad, so he changed the subject: "Although Tianyaku is a good wine, I don't drink it often. It has too much stamina and makes my heart suffer too much. Do you know who was the person who drank this wine with me last time?"

Xia Yubai said indifferently: "Who?"

"Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in Qi State!" Yang Liu kept looking at his drinking buddy, seeing him startled with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Surprised?"

Xia Yubai said: "I heard that he is the most unpopular person on Huai Island, even mentioning his name may get beaten. I didn't expect you two to drink together."

Yang Liu snorted: "We drank tea and ate seafood together."

In Xia Yubai's melancholy eyes, there was a hint of curiosity: "You don't hate him?"

Yang Liu thought for a while, and said, "If you put aside the position of the sect, he is a good friend."

Xia Yubai snorted coldly, noncommittal.

Yang Liu wondered, "You know him?"

Xia Yubai said, "Not familiar."

Yang Liu nodded: "I just said, how can you recognize him by just grabbing someone. He is so powerful now that no one else can get close to him, and he is no longer the young man who begged me to do things with the wine jar in his arms."

Xia Yubai couldn't help being curious again: "He asked you to do something?"

"It's the past..." Yang Liu waved his hand: "Don't mention this. I heard you sighing before going upstairs. What is tomorrow and tomorrow?"

Xia Yubai didn't bother to ask, he drank up the remaining wine in his glass and said, "Sigh that I wasted my years and achieved nothing!"

"What's so embarrassing about this!" Yang Liu said: "A few years ago, I was also very anxious. I couldn't find the Taoist partner I liked, and I was always overwhelmed in the rankings of the true biography, and I always met such inhumans as Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun. The monster...isn't it good now?"

"How did it get better?" Xia Yubai asked.

"Get used to it." Yang Liu said from the bottom of his heart: "When you realize that you are a waste, you are not as good as Jiang Wangzhong, Xuan Zun and the others. The person you like just won't like you... One thought is wide."

Xia Yubai held the wine glass: "...Maybe I still have some spirit."

Yang Liu looked like you were still young: "Gui Geng this year?"

Xia Yubai let out a long sigh: "I'm already twenty-four! I'm still wasting here, making no progress in my career, and accomplishing nothing. I don't know when I will fulfill my life's wish!"

Yang Liu raised his chin out of the window: "Since you are still very energetic and the door of the Lost Realm is not locked, you should go and make meritorious deeds yourself. A name on the Sea Honor List can be regarded as honoring your ancestors."

There was indignation in Xia Yubai's eyes: "Someone won't let me go!"

"Oh, I offended someone." Yang Liu knew it in his heart, and said kindly: "I'll find someone to send it in for you later, the sea is the sea of ​​the world, there is no reason why people with lofty ideals are not allowed to fight in the Lost World!"

Xia Yubai said bitterly: "This can't be solved by just finding someone..."

Yang Liu obviously didn't listen: "Speaking of which, this year is still the year of your birth. You have to wear red clothes and a red belt or something. Otherwise, you will be unlucky."

It's okay not to say this, but when he said it, Xia Yubai seemed to be trampled on the tail, and flew into a rage: "It's not bad luck, I don't believe it!"

Yang Liu just felt baffled: "If you don't believe it, don't believe it, what are you excited about?"

Xia Yubai was still indignant: "Whoever is unlucky is not unlucky, they say I am unlucky. I sit here and drink every day, and I have never choked to death!"

The voice just fell.


The entire Qingpingle Restaurant, no, the entire Qing'ao Reef, and the entire Huai Island shook violently!

"what happened?"

"Did it touch any restrictions? Or did the earth dragon turn over?"

The guests in the restaurant talked a lot.

And the restaurant shook even more.

The handsome man named Xia Yubai turned his head to look out the window with Yang Liu, and they saw——

A bright golden mountain fell from the sky and slammed heavily on the island protection formation of Wai Island. Makes the whole Isle of Wye shake!

Looking closely, where there are mountains, it is clearly a giant claw.

Since then, the line of sight has been higher and higher, but it can be seen that the clouds and peaks are gathered together, and the rainstorm is like a waterfall. The world is steep and dark! And thunder came, electricity came, in the dark horror, sometimes appearing and disappearing, the body of the dragon stretched like a mountain range!

The golden lin is as big as a house, and its long beard looks like a giant python. It is surrounded by purple thunder and its tail is wrapped in white electricity.

Generosity and generosity turned upside down, the tiger dominates the dragon!

The real dragon is alive!

Why is there a real dragon that directly crossed the battlefield of the maze and appeared on Crescent Island?

As far as the human race is concerned, this is a visit that has been separated for an unknown number of years!

This is no ordinary real dragon!

Didn't you see that Elder Jinghai with long black and white hair intertwined, had been lifted into the air for the first time, but he could only stand under the big light curtain, not daring to show his head?

"Gu Huaixin, the fourth elder of Diaohailou who leans against Huai Island to protect the island, can't take the lead and fight back..." Xia Yubai's face was serious: "I'm afraid this dragon has the power of the emperor!"

While speaking, another elegant man with a fifty-something face flew into the sky, and joined forces with Gu Huaixin to resist, but still failed to stop the shaking of Huai Island!

This is Xu Xiangwan, the third elder of Diaohai Tower!

But the combination of the two real people, coupled with the large formation of Diaohailou that has been in operation for thousands of years, can only support it.

The wind and rain are on the eve!

This undoubtedly once again verified the level of terror of the real dragon.

"So what about the emperor?" Yang Liu on the side was full of confidence: "My landlord will take action, what kind of dragon and sea master, he must be sunk in the sea!"

The emperor of Qi State wanted Marquis Wu'an to go to the battlefield of the Mijie to be gilded, and asked Qi Xiao, the commander of Xia Shi, to teach the art of war himself, making it clear that he was trained as the commander of the Zhanyu Army.

The Marquis of Wu'an has the merits of Qi Xia and the glory of the demon world. What level of "gold" is worthy of being plated on him?

To say the least, it is a war involving the base of the Hai Clan's fandom, and it is not uncommon to even break into the sea!

In addition, the dragon clan at the emperor level suddenly attacked Crescent Island...

At this moment, all kinds of things are connected together, Xia Yu Bai Surong said: "I'm afraid Shendu Zhenjun won't be able to come back in a short time."

"What do you mean?" Yang Liu turned around.

Xia Yubai was about to speak, when there was a bigger commotion outside Qingpingle Restaurant.

The two immediately flew out of the building.

Under the dark and gloomy sky, but with occasional flashes of lightning, there was only a sea beast shaped like a giant elephant but covered with fine scales, wreaking havoc among the crowd. The patrolling team of Diaohailou monks couldn't stop it at all!

"It's the guardian sea beast of Qing'ao Reef!" Yang Liu said in a nervous voice, "How could the restriction designed by the elder brother get out of control?!"

His voice became more and more flustered, because he had already seen that this was not the only place where the sea beast lost control.

On the huge Crescent Island, where Diaohailou has been established for thousands of years, there are powerful sea beasts raging wildly everywhere. They roared, howled, and launched powerful spells to destroy everything within their reach.

The whole island is a mess!

Xia Yubai grasped the key point: "The two real people are fighting against the dragon emperor, and they can't get away. We can't let these sea beasts destroy the island protection formation, or we're all finished!"

"All right, I'll call someone! I'll go right away!" Yang Liu panicked and wanted to call her master, but remembered that her master had gone to the Lost Realm.

Thinking of the big brother again, and thinking of the rookie Zhu Biqiong... only to realize that they are all gone!

His mind was muddled, and he looked at the drinking buddy who was drinking together: "Who is it?"

Xia Yubai didn't know whether it was because the quality of Diaohailou's true biography was too poor, or because Yang Liu was trapped by love and drank his sorrows every day to drink away his sorrows, which made everyone useless.

Immediately shouted: "Call someone who can make the decision! Remember, you don't need to worry about other places. First, concentrate your strength and defend the nodes of the big formation! After ensuring the safety of the big formation, come to subdue the sea beasts and calm down the turmoil. Finally, it is to find out why the sea beasts are out of control." reason."

The drinker's extraordinary calmness made Yang Liu come to his senses. Immediately, he flew into the air: "I am Yangliu, the true biography of Huzong, and Qing'aojiao listens to my orders—"

At this time, a powerful voice spread throughout the island: "All the monks of Diaohailou, protect the nodes of the large formation nearby, and do not move the defense area lightly! Patrol the first, third, ninth, and seventeenth teams, set off immediately, patrol and kill Sea beasts! All true disciples are responsible for the defense area separately, killing sea beasts nearby, regardless of whether they are out of control or not! The law enforcement team is in charge of Xu Yuan, whoever affects the defense and takes the opportunity to cause chaos, kill immediately! The rest of the people wait in place and wait for rescue!"

There are still capable people in Diaohailou!

This made Xia Yubai feel a little relieved.

"This is Elder Liu's voice!" Yang Liu also had the backbone, his brain gradually began to recover, and looked at Xia Yubai with some surprise: "Brother Xia, you are a talent, and the strategy to solve the riots is the same as that of our elder protector." And together!"

Liu Yu, elder protector of Diaohai Tower?

The one who was pointed at the nose by Marquis Wu An and wanted to beat them together, but could only apologize for his disciple?

Ranked second among the guardian elders, he is considered a character!

Xia Yubai ignored Yang Liu's compliment, raised his long sword, and was about to kill the sea beast. But with a glance out of the corner of his eye, after a little thought, he reached out and grabbed it, and tore off a piece of red cloth from the banner of the restaurant... Wrapped it around at will, and tied it around his arm.

Yang Liu wondered, "Brother Xia, what are you doing?"

Xia Yubai only said: "I'm used to being responsible for my own destiny. How can I just sit and watch the crisis on Huai Island? I also want to kill a few sea beasts!"

Yang Liu pointed to his arm: "I'm asking this."

"Oh." Xia Yu flew forward with a blank face: "Make a simple red armband to distinguish the enemy from us."

Yang Liu felt something was wrong, but couldn't tell what was wrong. He also cut off a piece of cloth and wrapped it on it: "Does it have to be red?"

"Whatever you want!" Xia Jiuyou seemed impatient.

It wasn't until Xia Yubai got close to the terrifying giant elephant with thin scales that he realized that something was wrong. "No! You still can't tell the difference between a sea beast and a human. Do you still need to see the armband?"

Xia Yubai finally couldn't bear it any longer, and roared angrily: "Why are you talking so densely, even a real dragon can't stop you? I'm born to pay attention, okay? Ah? How many times do I have to ask!?"

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