Red Heart Survey

Volume IX Summary and Reflections

Today I don't know why, but the cold water I drank was a bit bitter, which reminded me of the salty sea water that Gao Jie swallowed.

Looking back at the writing of the entire ninth volume, it is really a dream.

The chapter of Flowers in the Mirror and Water Moon can be divided into two parts, the Demon World Chapter and the Lost World Chapter.

Although I had expected the difficulty of writing, and I was advancing strictly according to the writing plan, it was indeed more difficult to write than expected.

The chapter on the demon world is a brand-new way of writing for me. When the protagonist hardly shows up and can only watch from the sidelines, it is necessary to spread the setting of the entire demon world.

Can the first half be classified as "behind the scenes"?

But it can't write the coolness of behind-the-scenes flow. What about playing big chess, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, jumping out and flipping the chessboard...all can't be written.

Because our Jiang Wang can't jump out of the world in the mirror, he has to say goodbye when he comes out.

Compared with the vast number of strong men in the entire monster clan, he doesn't have to pretend to be a pig, he is. Only what is eaten.

He was targeted by the will of the demon world throughout the whole process, and the chess he played was destined to be fruitless.

How to write a good-looking and attractive story is a question I have to think about when the protagonist does not appear, and the story is completely advanced with new characters, and a lot of settings need to be laid out, and there are so many restrictions.

So after Jiang Wang's sudden fall, I first came to a battle in Wu'an City, using the collision of Zuo Xiao, Jiang Mengxiong, Yuanxianting, and Zhuyi to fill my expectations.

Many characters related to Jiang Wang are used to jointly outline the waiting for Jiang Wang to return home. Let readers be in the atmosphere of anticipation and waiting.

Then began to slowly unfold the picture scroll of the demon world.

Of course, when outlining those waiting and expecting, planting the foreshadowing by the way is also what a qualified author should do.

As the most powerful opponent of the human race, the old enemy that has been passed down from ancient times, the monster race is too important and must be highlighted. Otherwise, what is lost is the thickness of the whole story.

But Jiang Wang cannot move, which is the biggest limitation. He could only sit at the bottom of the well and wait for the sun to rise and the moon to set. Use a narrow perspective to observe everything in the demon world.

This is a chapter destined to be depressing, very depressing. Because all Jiang Wang's efforts will fail, and all plans will come to nothing. Keep hoping, keep despairing, keep working hard, keep being knocked down... keep repeating this process.

So I try to be as relaxed as possible, and use a relatively humorous style of writing to ease this depression.

But in fact, Chai Asi's overconfidence, Yuanmengji's only stupidity, Yuxin's live broadcast of cursing... The background of this part of the story is very cruel.

It wasn't until the Shenxiao Bureau unfolded that the story reached its climax.

This is the most difficult dungeon to write so far. There are so many characters, and the clues are extremely complicated and entangled with each other, traveling infinitely in time and space.

Let us now review their names again——

Xiong Sansi (Rao Bingzhang), Yu Xin, Zhu Lanruo, Spider Ji, Yang Yu, Gou Xihua, Shu Jialan, Lu Qilang, Yuan Mengji, Chai Asi, Zhu Dali, Snake Guyu.

Spider string, dog Ying Yang.

Cicada Fayuan, Deer Xingkong, Tiger Taisui, Lu Ximing, Spider Yi, Xuannan Gong, Yuan Xianting, Maca Zhiben.

Remembrance, thank you,

He Huating, Yuan Xi, Yu Zhen, Chai Yin.

In just one Shenxiao round, including Jiang Wang, twenty-nine characters danced together.

Each has its own plans and needs.

Do you still have an impression when you see these names again after a few months?

The horizontal expansion is the power structure of the entire monster clan, Black Lotus Temple, Ancient Nanshan, Fengshentai, and the ancient imperial city.

Longitudinal travel is a trace of history, Hehuating in the depths of time, Chai Yin thousands of years ago, Yu Zhen and Yuan Xi thousands of years ago, and even the older Bu Lian.

When I wrote about Zen Master Xingnian crossing the Tianhe in a lonely boat, Mr. Qin asked me in the group, this is so big, and Jiang Wang hasn’t returned home, how to continue?

This is already considered a climax, but the tide has never stopped. From the reader's point of view, you can also feel how difficult it is to write later.

I just say, don't worry.

When I wrote about Xu Xiangqian's "Traveling Here" and about the Fountain of Youth's recognition of the Lord, I can fully feel that the readers' emotions are full and their expectations have reached the highest peak.

In the chapter "Schooling the World's Proud and Famous People", in a short chapter of 4,000 words, there are 3,000 chapters!

On average, for every four words, three people commented. Everyone is discussing the plot enthusiastically, and the chapters are longer than the main text.

If the book ends here and a higher climax is made to let Jiang Wang go home, the reader's emotions should be comparable to those of the Sword Immortal at the Meeting of the Yellow River.

But Jiang Wang couldn't just go back like this.

Because the description of the Yaozu is not enough, the pattern of the Yaozu has not yet come out.

A person's strength is reflected by his opponent. If the monster race is not magnificent enough, why is the human race that overthrows the monster race called great?

The momentary peak destroys the overall structure of the novel.

However, when the emotions reach a climax, they cannot burst out immediately, and they have to suffer and endure all the time, which makes people feel very tormented.

This is Chapter 1030, and Chapter 122 is the end of the Shenxiao Bureau.

The interval between nineteen chapters is actually not that long.

But because I can only write one chapter a day because of the situation, it took more than half a month to write.

I also want to do it with one stroke, but writing is not about moving bricks after all. I also need energy, emotional stability, and inspiration to move the story forward with a steady quality.

I understand the torment that slow writing can cause to the reader, especially when the emotions are already piling up. But I really can't get a single word out. I have a lot of updates for many days. I really have a headache and can’t write at night. I set the alarm clock the next morning, get up early at six or seven, and write again. I often finish writing by the update time.

That's why I keep saying, please keep a book. If some readers are anxious to read it, they can wait until it's over.

Most readers have given me patience. But there are always a few people who interfere with the screen at regular intervals every day, cursing and cursing.

I'm pretty much used to it too. Just a piece of advice at the end of the chapter, it’s okay if you don’t like it or simply think the book is bad. Now that the Internet is very developed and there are many good works, you can go and read others first. Put your heart aside and talk again.

Then someone posted a response to me - you told me not to read the book, and I told you not to watch me scold you. Isn't that very reasonable?

So fucking reasonable.

I can only ignore it.

Why do I say that writing in Shenxiao Bureau is too difficult?

When he arrived at the Fountain of Youth to recognize the Lord, Jiang Wang still couldn't leave, and of course he couldn't die, and the story still had ups and downs.

Every character must have his behavioral logic, and Jiang Wang must walk in the gaps. As the protagonist, he must connect the story lines and give readers a main perspective. As a relative ant in the Shenxiao Bureau, he must also shine his own light.

So I gave a lot of settings to make the whole story evolve reasonably. Zen master Xingnian is innocent outside the sky, Quan Yingyang seeks a new world in the cave, Ji Xingkong sees the three-life orchid flower, Xuannan Gong wants to cast the body of a god king...

All the wishes were in vain, and finally Yu Zhen got 10%.

I used it to pick up a lone boat across the Tianhe River, pick up the Fountain of Youth to recognize the Lord... It was Yuan Xi who asked Shi Guang, Chai Yin who was unrestrained and detached, Yu Zhen who lost everything, and Bu Lian who completely disappeared in time.

Of course, readers who have read to the present know better that there is another very important clue in Bu Lian - the fate begins with Bu Lian and ends with Yu Beidou.

The entire Shenxiao Bureau is your side singing and I appear on the stage. Many characters are very charming, and I personally like them very much. Of course, in addition to the dazzling splendor here and there, too many clues are intertwined and intertwined, which will indeed make some readers who have no patience to walk into that world, the exact "dazzling", dizzy, hard and tired.

There is no way, no story can satisfy everyone.

I have to thank my readers for their support.

With my steady update of 4,000 words per day, the follow-up subscription of the chapter on the demon world has steadily increased. After the opening of the Shenxiao Bureau, the skyrocketing mode was activated, and the price rose to 38,000!

You must know that He Chongtian's follow-up order has always been 18,000 to 20,000, which has put me under great pressure. And the Shenxiao Bureau has nearly doubled the price here.

This is a novel with six million words!

And "Red Heart Survey" can still have such a reader stickiness, there are so many and more and more readers follow the update of only 4,000 words per day.

It is these readers who make me sure that I can try more writing possibilities. It is these readers who told me that what really impresses readers is the quality of the story and the emotion poured into the text.

In a fast-paced society, people generally pursue the result of "imagining and getting it", but my readers can tolerate my slow writing.

I have always said that your expression of the world is your choice of the world.

You like it, vote for it, subscribe to it, support it with real money, and express your likes with real feelings, which is to tell the world what kind of work you want.

Similarly, if you hate it, criticize it, and spurn it on various occasions, you are also telling the world what kind of work you don't want.

I think we can all understand.

The only kind of people I can't understand are those who have to read every chapter, and because the piracy of the starting point is doing well now, they have to spend money to read every chapter, and then they have to scold every chapter.

What are you drawing?

After more than 6 million words, you still follow up every chapter and read the 4,000 words on time. It can only be because my writing is so good that you can't stop writing.

Otherwise, can it still be because you love me?

There are tens of thousands of novels updated every day on the entire network, and you just chose Chixin like the current 38,000 follow-up readers... Your body is very honest!

I do have a better mentality now. You know, I was the one who found it unbearable even when someone said water at first. I think I wrote it so carefully, how can you say water?

Later I found out that any novel has many people talking about water...

One day I saw an author friend say in a group, "I really wonder if my readers are in the desert, why are they sending me distress signals every day."

Ha ha ha ha.

Let me say it seriously, really, if no one gives you money, if you don't hate me to the bone, don't mess with my mentality anymore.

It's been a long time since I competed for the rankings, and I haven't asked for a monthly pass for a long time.

My energy has been exhausted by those who swipe the screen and attack all day long in Shenlinjuan. So now I can only change four thousand a day.

I just want to finish writing this story safely, outline my fairy world completely, and leave no regrets.

Some people talk about why there is a negative emotion collection system, the more people scold, the better the writing.

damn it! I really am not!

What do you think the author has to face every day.

You think that you are just venting your emotions alone, and you have to vent if you are unhappy.

Hundreds and thousands of negative emotions add up, have you ever wondered whether you can bear it?

Chixin Sky Survey has been written the most and has been scolded the most.

One is that Zhu Biqiong returned from the secret realm of Tianfu, and people have always said that she was rescued by Dameng Krypton Gold. My leaders are all readers who really like this book, and no one has ever tried to interfere with my creation.

One is the meeting of the Yellow River. At that time, many people talked about water, why they portrayed so many useless characters, and said that this book should not be read after reading it.

One is that Jiang Wangdian singled out the stage and lost to Chong Xuanzun.

One is Lin Youxie. Many people say that she always targets Jiang Wang. This character is too disgusting and disgusting.

Now that I’ve written it, and looking back on these stories, is there really anything worth scolding?

If Zhu Biqiong had died at that time, how would the line covering the sea be closed? Shall I rewrite a pair of twin flowers and add another plot?

As the story advances to the present, which character in the Yellow River Meeting did not shine? Which character is useless? Do you still have to question it?

If Chongxuanzun lost that battle, his sense of oppression would immediately collapse. After his battle damage, is he fighting side by side with Jiang Wang still moving?

Not to mention Lin Youxie, she is now one of the most missed female characters.

I have written 6 million words, the quality can be seen, and the 6 million words that I have worked hard to feel can give me a little more confidence. A lot of times... wait a minute?

On January 29th in the Gregorian calendar, a person named "XXX" on Weibo (who originally wrote his ID, but deleted it after thinking about it) sent me three comments.

One is "Happy Death Day".

As many of you know, that day is my birthday.

One is "Hurry up and hang up", and the comment is a Weibo where I said that my cough is not good.

One is "Congratulations". This Weibo comment is about my memory of my grandma. On December 27, 2022, my grandma passed away. I wrote a Weibo on the same day, and this is what he congratulated.

Why do I feel so much about writing? Up until now, I have never paid for a leader, bought a monthly pass, or even issued a red envelope for a monthly pass (this is a formal channel for rankings recognized by the platform).

Some people say that Chixin is popular through business operations and rankings, and it is said that so many leaders are bought.

I offered a reward of 200,000 yuan for self-certification, but no one has come to take the money so far. Do they not love money? I slapped them in the face with 200,000 yuan, but they didn't dare to respond! They kept barking in the gutter, but never dared to come up to me.

I write so cleanly.

This is the case when there are 200 monthly tickets, and the same is true when there are 20,000 monthly tickets.

This is the case when there are 60 uniform subscriptions, and it is also the same when 27,000 uniform subscriptions and 38,000 follow-up subscriptions.

All readers are written by me word by word with a little effort and a little blood.

All the results were voted by readers one by one, and they were spontaneously promoted one by one.

Where does the reader hold the Red Heart Survey, and where does it go.

I cherish my readers more than anyone else.

But I never imagined that a person I never knew and never met could hate me so much.

I have won everything openly and squarely by my own talent and hard work.

Just because I am stubborn about my own writing ideas, should I endure these?

I can't understand, they are very sick.

That day I was so angry that I went crazy in the alliance group. It was my birthday. I had asked for leave to rest, but in the end I didn’t. I ran to the police station to call the police on the spot, but the police station said they couldn't handle it and told me to go to the court.

It was the end of the new year that day and it was very cold. I was stuck in traffic for two hours on the road. The courts are closed.

At seven o'clock in the evening, I have to go to my grandma's house for dinner, because my grandma has the same birthday as me, and my family is waiting for me. The next day I have to rush back to the countryside for the New Year, because my grandma just left for a short time and needs to keep a vigil.

I can't say this to my family. You can only pour bitter water with your friends in the alliance group.

How to calculate the time cost? I need a lot of time every day to sit there and work through the plot, and I will not be inspired if I don’t hold myself to a certain level.

But I ran all afternoon in the cold wind, and all I got was anger, anger, anger.

The huge time cost makes me let it go, I need to update every day, so I have to endure in silence, and I have to digest my emotions by myself.

Is writing difficult?

I'm having fun!

I love writing, and I like to challenge the difficulty of writing. My greatest pain lies in my incapacity, and my greatest joy lies in the improvement of my writing ability.

What is difficult to serialize?

The hard part is to absorb so many negative emotions, and stick to what you think is right!

I am not a strong person, I am far inferior to my characters.

Their hearts are as firm as iron, and they will not worry about anything.

I don't care about anything.

I am sincerely grateful to those who have always supported me and given me strength.

O my readers!

I will not treat those who are dissatisfied with me and criticize me with resentment.

But I will not forgive those who hurt me and slander me.

We meet by chance, or we may not meet in our lifetime, just because of the fate of this book.

I start well and end well.

You can stay as you like.

I don't like to repeat myself. So if there is a next book, I won't write Xianxia either.

So Chixin Sky Survey has carried all my fairy tale dreams so far.

I want to write what I think is best, not what anyone else thinks is best.

I may write more and more slowly, and will still be slower.

But I will definitely be worthy of the six million words in front of me.

I should have summed up the writing of the Mystery Chapter, but it went too far.

I was a little sleepy, and I had an appointment for dinner that night.

Then come here, just treat it like a flower in the mirror!

Or, a one-sentence description is enough - it caught the Shen Xiao game.

As we all know, it is not high to tune up high, but it is high to catch it.


Finally report the results:

At the end of Crane Soaring to the Sky, the average subscription for novels was 19,500, and the highest subscription was 24,000.

After the end of the mirror, the average number reached 27,000, and the highest order was 38,000.

By the way, I’m sorry if you don’t have a full subscription, you can go and subscribe to Chapter 119 of the first volume, "Pressing the Sword and Gu Xin at a Lost Mind".

That is the first chapter on the shelf, and it is also a reflection of the book's high order.

I want to see how many real readers this book has. How can it be possible to subscribe for less than 30,000 yuan, and talk about thousands of chapters at every turn, so many readers discuss the plot!

At this point, I stop writing and end the entire ninth volume.

Four days off (counting today is five days).

The update resumes on Wednesday, March 15th in the Gregorian calendar.


The name of the next volume is——

"Everything Becomes Me Today"

Thanks to the book friend "20200118184853696" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 433rd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "The Panda Who Doesn't Eat Bamboo" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 434th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Zheng Buyuan" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 435th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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