Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1934 Revisiting the old place

Jiang Wang is Yunguo who left early in the morning.

Facing the morning glow, it disappeared on the stretching mountain road.

He's never been here publicly, and he's never allowed himself to be in the place for too long.

It's like he never allowed himself to be vulnerable.

Jiang An'an had an inadvertent question, which caused him to toss and turn on the soft couch in Ting Yunxie for a long time——

"Brother, where have you been?"

He saw the exuberant curiosity about the world in those big beautiful eyes.

Jiang An'an is already nine years old, and has almost never left Yunguo!

The only time was when Ye Lingxiao personally guarded the way, accompanied by A Chou, and Ye Qingyu captured and killed Zhang Linchuan's replacement, Luo Huanhuan.

That scene of chivalry that Jiang An'an talked about with great relish, which filled several sheets of letter paper, was essentially just Ye Lingxiao's concern about leaving her alone in Yuncheng.

It has been five years since he left Fenglin City, and Jiang An'an has also stayed in Ling Xiao's secret place for five full years. Occasionally, the next trip to Cloud City will be considered a trip.

What is holding back her freedom?

Jiang Wang has worked hard to move forward, but still feels that he is walking too slowly.

He came to Yun Country from the Lost Realm, because he was in a hurry, he walked very quickly, and also sneaked along the way.

Now that he leaves from Yun Country and returns to Qi Country, he has a lot more time, and no longer has to travel day and night. Although it can't be said to be ostentatious, it is just wearing a hood casually, without much cover.

The road from Yunguo to Qiguo is very long, he has walked it before, and now he continues to walk.

I used to walk slowly because of lack of strength, so I was cautious.

Now I walk slowly because I want to walk slowly.

In the footsteps measured by space, feel the meaning of time.

Back then, the young man who traveled far with his sword was not fearless. It's just that there is no country behind me, no shade above my head. Can only weather the wind and rain, overcoming thorns and thorns.

Over the years, he has traveled back and forth between Qi State and Yun State many times. In order to hide his whereabouts, the route is different each time. He is very familiar with traveling through the Southern Territory, Northern Territory, or Central Territory.

This time he passed by the Guanhe Terrace, took the Suanni Bridge, passed through Wo and Ji, and passed Zhongshan.

Yes, he came to Zhongshan again.

At the beginning, he was falsely accused of being a demon, and was wanted by Jing Shitai all over the world. He was almost taken to Yujing Mountain for trial, and died of injustice.

It was at this place that Jing Guo Tianjiao Zhao Xuanyang captured him.

Ji Zhaonan once came here with a gun to rescue him. On a certain Jiuzhen bridge not far away, Shi Mingzhen once fought against Pei Xinghe.

Just like the way he has traveled, both Guanhetai and Zhongshan Kingdom have passed by. He won the honor of the leader of the Yellow River for Qi State and the huge benefits after winning the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, and Qi State also gave the courtesy of the pride of other countries.

Now he is still sitting in the restaurant where he stayed at that time, listening to people talking, but no one mentions his name again. Whether it is the meeting of the Yellow River or the hunting of demons in the world, it is already the year 3919 of the Dao calendar. It has been several months since I escaped from the hinterland of the Yaozu and returned from the world of Shenxiao. There are many heroes in the central region, and there is no shortage of wine drinkers to talk about.

No matter how turbulent overseas is, people in Zhongyu generally don't pay much attention to it. The story that the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is located in the demon world under the city of Tianjing is even more touching.

They discussed Chunyugui, Chen Suan, Xu San, Pei Hongjiu, Lou Junlan, Taiyu real Li Yi, and by the way, they also mentioned Chongxuanzun who was practicing swords in the demon world.

Jiang Wang listened for a few ears, but he didn't hear anything bad about Chongxuanzun, so he lost his interest.

People from Zhongyu, who are used to looking above the top, are full of compliments when it comes to Chong Xuan Zun. What is perfect, which is rare in a thousand years, what is peerless, eternally talented...

In their mouths, it seemed that they surpassed Chun Yugui and went straight to Li Yi! Zhongshan people, as the subordinate citizens of Jingguo, why don't they admire Jing and change to admire Qi? I don't know if Chunyu Guitong agrees or not?

Thinking back to those Zhongshan people back then, when they talked about the other one who was also called Da Qi Shuangbi, they were a devil at every bite. The wine in the glass was already very ordinary, but it was a little more sour.

The quietness of the restaurant happened in an instant.

Of course, Jiang Wang was ahead of those silences and saw Lord Hou in white who had stepped into the restaurant.

Say Chong Xuan Zun, Chong Xuan Zun will arrive!

Even if the drinkers present had scolded Fang Qiu and compared Chongxuanzun with hundreds of heroes horizontally and vertically, none of them had seen Chongxuanzun with their own eyes.

But his appearance and demeanor are really eye-catching. His white clothes are better than snow, and his starry eyes are shining in the night. When he stands at the door, he naturally attracts all eyes.

And with a glance in his eyes, he walked towards Jiang Wang.

"Why are you still wearing a cloak?" With a flick of his hand, he wiped off some grease on the bench, and sat down in front of Jiang Wang naturally.

The two of them are robes side by side on the battlefield, and they are door gods in the same hall. The relationship between the two is not as tense as before.

In other words, even during the time when swords were on the verge of breaking out, they appreciated each other.

Recognize each other and do our best.

Jiang Wang took off the cloak casually and put it aside. He lifted the jug again, turned the wine glass over, and poured a glass of wine for the person in front of him. He said in his mouth, "or shelter from the wind and rain."

Chong Xuanzun didn't pick up the wine glass, of course he wouldn't drink this kind of wine, and he would never come to this kind of restaurant. He just smiled: "How can it cover your wind and rain?"

Jiang Wang said in a low voice, "Talk is better than nothing."

The last time Ji Zhaonan came out of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters and arrived here in time.

Chong Xuanzun, who practiced swords in the demon world, appeared here so accurately, and it would not be a coincidence.

When he left the Lost Realm, he didn't hand over military affairs to anyone, and in fact, he didn't have any military affairs to hand over. Apart from himself, there was nothing left in his army.

But although the dust of the Lost World War has settled, there is still a lot of finishing work.

Qi Xiao has fallen beyond the ordinary, and Cao is not suitable for many things, and he still needs to recover from his injuries.

As a Qi Fang general whose rank is only below Cao Jie, he actually shoulders some responsibilities, and he can also hold a knife to slaughter cattle and divide many benefits, but he chose to leave and walked away.

This is not a big deal, at most it bears the name of arrogance.

In the end, he violated Qi Xiao's military order, refused to attack Chen Zhitao and Zhu Biqiong, and cut off the future of Diaohailou, which was a very serious violation of the law.

If Qi Xiao dies unfortunately and there is no proof of death, there is still room for debate. But he just sent Qi Xiao back to Jueming Island, strictly ordering no one to interfere with Qi Shuai's recovery... He should have woken up by now, and he doesn't know how to impeach him.

Does Jiang Wang do things without considering the consequences?

Perhaps he had already considered it.

But he decided to do it anyway.

Just as he saw Chong Xuanzun sitting opposite him, he was still so calm.

Between friends and himself, he always chooses the former.

Between conscience and future, he would rather kill the latter.

After Zizhong Xuanzun walked in, the whole restaurant became much quieter, people spoke in low voices and looked at them with concern from time to time.

They may not recognize the two, but the man in white is already peerless, and the swordsman who drank alone for a long time and took off his cloak sat opposite him, and he was no less impressive.

They are in green shirts and white clothes, and they are all coquettish. They don't look like people here at all!

Chong Xuanzun sat casually with a strand of hair in front of his forehead, parting his bright and clear eyebrows. He asked very casually: "Why did you choose such a restaurant?"

He was talking about identity, of course. Compared with the status of Da Qi Guohou, this restaurant is too dilapidated, poor, and not upscale.

"This is the second time I've come to this restaurant." Jiang Wang said: "I remember that it wasn't called that name before. Now it's called 'Xuanwulou', which probably refers to the four images."

The restaurant, which was in ruins at that time, has now been rebuilt. In Jiang Wang's view, the name "Xuanwu" also meant to put out fire with water. After all, this building was originally burned in Jiang's fire realm.

But the shop waiter who happened to be holding the food plate came over: "The customer misunderstood, the name of the shop has nothing to do with Sixiang."

This Xiaoer is quite bold, others dare not speak loudly, for fear of disturbing. He spoke casually, without restraint.

"Why is that?" Jiang Wang asked.

The waiter in the shop said proudly while serving the vegetables: "It is to commemorate the great battle that took place here at the beginning, Zhao Xuanyang vs. Jiang Wu'an."

Chong Xuanzun raised his chin, with a half-smile: "Is this battle so famous?"

"It's okay." The waiter in the shop asked for truth: "The main reason is that we haven't had any major incidents here. It just happened to catch up, so don't wait too long."

He added: "Besides, isn't Jiang Wu'an doing well now? I heard that he is going to marry Princess Qi soon."

"Oh?" Chong Xuanzun looked at Jiang Wang meaningfully, and said in his mouth: "I haven't heard of this. There are quite a lot of princesses in the Qi Kingdom. I don't know which one Jiang Wu'an will marry?"

"The most famous one." The waiter in the shop vowed, as if he was the one appointed at the wedding: "Qi is likely to have a female emperor, and Jiang Wu'an fought very well. In the battle of Guiyi, he killed 100,000 soldiers. , slaughtered five Xiahou, even more ruthless than the murderous slaughter back then—”

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the guy said more and more outrageous, Jiang Wang had to interrupt: "Who did you listen to?"

"The guest officer doesn't believe me?" The waiter said innocently: "My third aunt's son's senior brother from the academy participated in the Qixia War, so he knows all about these things! I heard what my third aunt's son said, that is First-hand information, can it be wrong?"

Jiang Wang asked: "Is the brother of the college of the son of the third aunt from Xia people?"

"He's from Liguo," said the waiter.

One of the parties who watched the fire from the other side in the Qixia War.

"You don't even know the truth, so don't spread it." Jiang Wang said seriously: "The one who killed 100,000 soldiers was the champion of Chongxuan. Do you know that? That's a murderer."

Chong Xuanzun raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

"I'll just say it!" The waiter slapped his thigh: "The surname is Chongxuan, how can you be kind?"

He was in awe: "May I ask who you are?"

Jiang Wang said: "I am the tree by the pit, I could see it clearly at that time."

Only then did the shop waiter realize that he was joking, put away the food plate embarrassingly, bowed and was about to leave: "The villain talks a lot, please don't take offense."

"I didn't talk too much, just chatting!" Jiang Wang didn't mean to pursue it. It's normal for the market's words to be outrageous. Instead, he looked at him with interest: "You are a bold one. ?”

"You can't tell him." Chongxuanzun threatened from the side: "Be careful that he goes back and sues, and ask Princess Qi to send someone to Zhongshan to arrest you."

The shop clerk was not afraid: "So this guest officer is from Qi?"

Chong Xuanzun looked at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang nodded.

"Hang Hai." The waiter in the shop said with a silly smile, "My name is Hai Hai, I chose it myself."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "Why did you choose this name?"

The waiter said: "I've never seen the sea, only the long river. That was three years ago, when I was running with a caravan, the waves hit the sky, not to mention how beautiful the long river is! There is a name called Lu Hanhai. If you want to come to the real vast sea, it must be more beautiful and magnificent than the long river."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment: "Yes. It's really a beautiful place."

It doesn't take many years.

Here in Zhongshan Country, the danger of the sea is no longer remembered.

Those sacrifices and heroism gradually lost their flavor in the repeated chewing after dinner.

Wish it was a nice place.

Wish I had never seen the sea.

Seeing that Jiang Wang was no longer interested in talking, the waiter named Haiyang said, "Customers take it easy" and turned to leave.

And Chong Xuanzun just sat there quietly, still refusing to touch the food and drink.

Jiang Wang took a few mouthfuls of chopsticks before asking, "Take me back?"

Chongxuan said: "It's better for me to come than others."

"That's the reason." Jiang Wang nodded: "When I finish eating these, don't waste them."

Zhong Xuanzun came to find someone, it can be said that it was just a reminder. If Shi Mingzheng, Xiuyuan and the others came instead, it would be a questioning.

"Eat slowly, I'm not in a hurry." Chong Xuanzun has an aura of being far and near, just like the smile on the corner of his mouth, always faintly visible. When you really catch it, it disappears.

This is an unattainable figure.

Jiang Wang said again: "Actually, I have to go back myself. I want you to make an extra trip."

Chong Xuanzun only said: "This is your attitude."

"It makes sense." Jiang Wang didn't observe any dining etiquette, and chatted while eating and drinking, and his tone was very relaxed: "How are you in the demon world?"

Chong Xuanzun just watched him eat, watched him drink, and... chatted with him.

"It's not bad." Grand Qi champion Hou said slowly: "It's just that I get a little confused occasionally."

"What confusion?" Jiang Wang said confidently: "As a senior who ventured into the demon world, maybe I can give you some life experience."

Chong Xuanzun shrugged: "I don't know why, most of the time I just make the most time-saving choice... They all think I'm brainless."

"It's strange." Jiang Wang stared at him: "Does anyone dare to say that you have no brains to your face?"

Of course there are people who say that Xuanzun is important behind their backs, and they say it very loudly. For example, Chong Xuansheng. But if you dare to scold clearly, it really takes some courage. This is a Lord who likes to smash people's heads with the sun wheel.

"They scolded very directly." Chongxuan said.

Jiang Wang asked with great interest, "Why did you scold me?"

"Quite like Wu'an!"

boom! ! !

On this day, people in the entire Lanshan City of Zhongshan Kingdom heard the earth-shattering loud noise.

The loud noise was like thunder, rolling endlessly.

And the entire Xuanwu Building was illuminated by flames.

Thanks to the lord of "impulsive consumption is the devil" for rewarding Qingyu!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Lai Sad Tea" for the reward, it is the 448th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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