Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1955 No one is immortal

The bad news is that time for action is running out and the risks of action are once again elevated.

The good news is... there is still a chance.

"Jingguo has been in existence for four thousand years. People have walked all the roads and positions, and the space to go up is already very narrow. Nowadays, there are some young people with promising prospects who are developing in Tianjing City. If there are Choice, who wants to stay in Taiping City?

"This place is said to be a famous mansion and a powerful city, but its glory has long been ashamed, and it is not a border town. It is a good way to say that you are indulging in leisure and leisure and slack in armaments. I came here a day earlier, and the city owner walked several times. No movement could be heard.

"When You Que left Tianjing City, he lost the opportunity to compete and was driven back to his hometown.

"Now he lives alone in the small courtyard in the northeast corner. Well, this is the one."

King Qin Guang flicked with his fingers: "You family's servants don't come here very often. They didn't throw him into the woodshed or drive him out of the house to wait for death. It was just for the sake of the dignity of the You family's children. Now the You family only serves as a servant. No such person."

It has been more than 20 years since You Que's Dao heart collapsed in the battle of defending in 3898.

That's quite a long time.

Youjia must have tried all the methods that can be used and those that cannot be used, but they are all to no avail.

He gave up on himself, and in the end Youjia also gave up on him.

Wuguan Wang said stiffly but methodically: "Then this task is very simple. Give King Taishan a chance to redeem his sins. Let him squeeze You Que to death without making any noise, and come to see him with his head raised. You guys Let's go first, I'll talk to him here."

Speaking of which, the current Taishan King is indeed tall, full of blood, and has a good physique... But the king of officials is too obvious to covet.

King Qin Guang looked at him dangerously: "Do you think I recruited people to buy you goods?"

Wuguan Wang shrank back: "I'm just giving advice to the organization... You can disagree."

Those who can survive in the doorless hell cannot be really stupid. Wuguan Wang coveted the body of King Taishan, and King Taishan was not stupid, he would not do things that must die. He's always getting into trouble, it's just that sometimes he gets out of control.

King Bian Cheng ignored the undercurrents between them, and maintained a cold attitude: "If killing You Que is such a simple matter, and customers can solve it casually, why should they spend a lot of money to find us?"

He looked at Qin Guangwang: "As you said, there is no door to hell without delving into the client's intentions. But before I act, I must know what the danger I will face is."

Even with more than twenty years, verifying You Que is already a waste.

Even if there are many reasons, to discuss the harmlessness of You Que.

But just the fact that someone offered a high price for the assassination of You Que is enough to illustrate the danger of You Que.

Either You Que is not simple, or the things involved in You Que are not simple.

A person who has cut off the future is also removed from the family inheritance sequence, and there is no power struggle. Living alone for many years, and there is no competition of interests... Then why, there are still people who want to spend money and buy him to kill him?

Please hell have nowhere to sell, the price is not cheap.

He would rather You Que had reshaped his Dao Xin and returned to God, or he was still valued by his family and well protected. That kind of danger is still within the known range, whether to fight or not, can be easily weighed.

Now I don't know what the danger is in the fog, whether it is a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​fire, so I rashly risk my life to explore... How many lives can I be so stupid?

"You're right." King Qin Guang thought about it: "But time is already very tight, and we are in Jingguo, and our actions are very limited. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find out too clearly."

"Why don't we ask the King of Mount Tai to find out the depth first?" Wuguan Wang came to brainstorm suddenly.

King Qin Guang couldn't bear it anymore and slapped him to the ground.

He was like a shattered clay puppet, without even a scream, his bones and muscles were separated, limp under his black robe, like a puddle of mud.

Not long after, another spirituality descended. The bones were put together again, the flesh and blood continued to cling, and the black robe was propped up again. Wuguan Wang sat down unsteadily, and muttered: "I just don't want to talk."

Of course, King Biancheng did not miss the strength performance of the two Yan Luos, but he did not look sideways, and said in a cold voice, "If I remember correctly, Lou Junlan should be from Yingtianfu. Why did she come to Taiping City?"

King Qin Guang has obviously investigated it long ago, and he said clearly: "She is currently working in the Jingguo Military Aircraft Building. Her position is 'Bing Cao Joining the Army' and she has the right to patrol. The Jingguo Military Aircraft Building will be selected at different times every year. All the prefectures are under military order so as not to waste their time. Lou Junlan happens to be in charge of the Fengtian Mansion, and is now patrolling to Taiping City."

King Biancheng said calmly, "That is to say, it's just a coincidence that she came to Taiping City at this time?"

"That's all we can say at the moment." King Qin Guang said, "It's impossible for us to find out more detailed information."

"I don't believe in coincidences." King Bian Cheng said coldly.

Wuguan Wang drooped his head and didn't know whether he wanted to nod or shake his head.

Qin Guangwang was thoughtful: "What else do you feel?"

King Biancheng said bluntly: "You Que feels very dangerous to me."

With his future ruined, he lived alone and was abandoned by his family. It was too easy for him to think of a friend.

"But you haven't seen him yet."

"That's why I say it's a feeling."

"I trust your intuition." Qin Guangwang nodded: "But the task has already been completed, and we must take it. There is no way to hell to make it today, and word of mouth is very important."

"Excuse me." King Bian Cheng said unceremoniously: "Word of mouth?"

King Qin Guang sat in a casual posture, his eyes were playful, but his tone was very serious: "As long as the price is right, no one in the world will die."



Youjia old house can be considered to be accustomed to wind and rain.

Back then when You Yuheng was there, not to mention the cities of Fengtian Mansion, dignitaries in Tianjing City often came to pay their respects. Youjia's ancestral hall has accumulated so many incense ash of true feelings.

As far as You Qinxu's sword is crossing the middle region, it is also in the deep mountains, and there are often distant relatives.

When Youque Huanghe wins the first prize, there are many uncles and elders who take care of the old.

Speaking of which, You Que was able to participate in the victorious war of attacking and guarding, and led an army under Yin Xiaoheng's command, which was also the result of the care of his uncles.

Otherwise, the great scene has been magnificent for four thousand years, how many aristocratic families, great opportunities, would it be easy for you?

It's a pity that You Que couldn't grasp it, and instead fell into a slump.

For today's Youjia, the mansions in Tianjing City are desolate and the carriages and horses are sparse, let alone the old houses in Taiping City. For ten days and half a month, no one came to visit, and the incense in the ancestral hall was continued by the wandering family themselves.

A rare visitor came today.

The one who came was Lou Junlan, the pride of the country, who was in full swing.

At the Yellow River meeting, they also competed with Chen Suan for the place in the outer building, but they were defeated by a secret...Of course, at the Yellow River meeting, Jing Guo even abandoned the inner mansion and the outer building competition, and they also competed for nothing played a game.

Lou Junlan was born in the Lou family known as "Yingtian's No. 1 Family".

The most famous strongman in this sect is Lou Yue, who is now the number one real person in Central Territory.

With the vastness of the Central Territory and the number of strong ones, being able to be the number one, and to subdue such powerful beings as Jingshi Taishou and Bajia Commander in terms of personal force, the horror of their strength can be seen.

Lou Junlan herself is also a godly achievement, her golden body is not bad, she has been tested in the battlefield of the demon world, and she can look forward to it in the future.

In the Youjia old house in Taiping City, there was really no one who was qualified to receive her.

All the elders who could only guard the shrine went out and waited outside the gate.

Lou Junlan, who is twenty-seven this year, has exquisite facial features and a lovely appearance, but her brows are very proud. Today he is still wearing soft armor, so he is even more aloof and difficult to get close to.

"There is no need to be formal." She just got off the frame, she waved her hand, and stopped the greetings: "I am on patrol in the Tianfu military affairs, and I am here for the public. Thinking of the ancestors of You family, I just come here to offer a stick of incense."

The elder with the most qualifications at the scene was You Qinwei, You Qinxu's younger brother.

Compared with his elder brother's bravery who was once famous in the central region, he is a dying old man. He often says that the road is difficult and the hole is hopeless.

Hearing Lou Junlan's words, You Qinwei nodded: "Thank you Miss Lou for your concern, please come this way."

Before Lou Junlan stepped up to keep up, she glanced at the others indifferently: "Mr. You can lead the way alone, and the others don't have to follow."

You Qinwei also waved his hand, and everyone dispersed.

After waiting so long that You Qinwei and Lou Junlan could no longer be seen, You Shirang, the youngest member of the You family's lineage, couldn't help complaining: "What is so proud, who begged her to come?"

"You just have fun, I didn't give you a slap. Your eyeballs are almost hanging on her, and you still want to look good?" An old man next to him said: "Before she participated in the Xingyueyuan War, she was even more beautiful than she is now." Be proud."

You Shirang then sneered.

In the battle of Xingyueyuan, Qi Tianjiao defeated Jing Tianjiao. For every Jing Guo Tianjiao who participated in the war, it was a stain on life.

After all, people in Jingguo have always been used to winning.

In the You Clan's ancestral hall, Lou Junlan seriously burned a stick of incense in front of the memorial tablet of the powerful You Clan of all generations, and said casually, "Why haven't you seen You Jinglong?"

You Qinwei, who was standing aside, blinked and seemed to think for a while before he remembered who Lou Junlan was asking.

In the old days on the Guanhe platform, You Que shook the sky with one palm, which made Changhe Longjun exclaimed "peerless".

That's why it got the good name "You Jinglong".

Haven't heard of it for decades!

"Talented people come out from generation to generation, but the hidden treasures and pearls will never be known." You Qinwei sighed: "You Jinglong in the past, disappeared from everyone! I don't care too much, but Miss Lou still remembers?"

Lou Junlan said: "Since You Startled the Dragon, the name of the chief of the Inner Palace has never been attributed to Dajing. Maybe one generation is not as good as the next generation, I can't help but feel ashamed."

You Qinwei combed his white beard lightly, and said meaningfully: "Let's not talk about moving forward, if Wan Qi Jinghu is still alive, he may not be as good as that Jiang Wang."

Wan Teng Jinghu is the Tianjiao of the Neifu field originally scheduled for the meeting of the Yellow River in Jingguo in 3919 of the Dao calendar, and was designated by Yujingshan. But he had also defeated Xu San who was born in Daluo Mountain earlier, and Pei Hongjiu, the nephew of Zhengtianfu Pei family and Pei Xinghe, possessing indisputable strength. In the end, he was lost in the demon world and died unexpectedly.

This triggered a thorough investigation and self-correction in the country, and also caused Jingguo to abandon the inner mansion and the outer mansion one after another, and urgently recalled the real person Li Yi of Taiyu, so that all the gods, including Chunyugui and Zhao Xuanyang, came to heaven. , all failed to show their brilliance and were eclipsed.

Lou Junlan did not extend it, but only limited the dimension of discussion to the title of the chief of the inner government: "Wan Qi Jinghu does have the strength to challenge Jiang Wang in terms of the first name of the inner government alone, but if he wants to win, I'm afraid there is little hope. Then Qin Zhizhen's foundation is so deep, and his strength on paper is a bit higher, but he also lost the battle. Although I don't want to admit it, the competition in the inner mansion field in the year 3919 of the Dao calendar is fierce. It is rare, and all the arrogances of the inner palace at that time have been left far away by Jiang Wang now... At that time, many people could compete with him on the front line, but now I don't know who can be his opponent?"

"The so-called time is also luck." You Qinwei said: "The name of the leader of the Yellow River is added to the body, like a long rainbow piercing the sun, naturally there is no match in the world. If Qin Zhizhen won the river view platform back then, it can't be said that he is like Qin Changsheng now , can be called 'Qin Wudi' in God's Realm."

Although You Qinwei's own cultivation is not very good, Lou Junlan, as a latecomer, is confident that he is already on top. But after all, his brother was once the number one real person in the Central Territory, and his vision should not be underestimated.

"Mr. You's words made me think deeply." Lou Junlan pondered and said, "The name of the leader of the Yellow River is Huanghuang's general trend, the luck of humanity. Some rise up by riding on the trend, and some are suppressed by the trend. Those who can't stand the trend will act like Zuo Guanglie star fell to Qinghe County, You Jinglong broke Xinye Wangcheng?"

"Wild King" is the city that You Que slaughtered back then, and it was also an important town in the Wei Kingdom. It was here that You Que's Dao Heart collapsed, and he became a useless person ever since.

Seeing that Lou Junlan's words are always inseparable from You Que, You Qinwei knows that this side is inevitable. Finally said: "Since what happened back then, You Que has become more and more withdrawn and weird. He lives alone in the same courtyard and never communicates with others... I'm afraid it will be rude."

Lou Junlan said solemnly, "I'll pay a visit."

You Qinwei didn't stop him anymore.

To be honest, no one in Youjia can stop Lou Junlan. Ken is here to say hello tactfully, which can be regarded as going upstairs to Junlan to save face.

All the way to the lonely courtyard in this sea-deep mansion, weeds can be seen on the gravel road, and no one has visited for an unknown period of time. When You Que died here, no one probably knows.

You Qinwei didn't hide anything, walked to the gate of the small courtyard, picked up the door knocker, and knocked on the door lightly: "You Que, there are guests coming to see you! Clean it up."

After a while, there was a slow voice: "Don't look, I'm not here."

Lou Junlan took a step forward, with the demeanor of a well-known family: "Young Yingtianfu Lou Junlan, I dared to visit, sir, please see me."

The voice said impatiently: "No see, no see, no see!"

You Qinwei turned his head and looked embarrassed: "Look, this..."

Lou Junlan smiled politely: "In that case, then..."

She slapped the door open, walked into the room, and said indifferently: "You're taking the liberty."

The scenery in the small courtyard is quite different from what I imagined.

It is now afternoon, and the sun is setting. A man dressed in coarse linen and with long hair bound only by a wooden hairpin was digging the ground with a hoe. At this time, he stopped the handle of the hoe and looked back indifferently, with a kind of peaceful loneliness in his eyes.

His facial features are still middle-aged, but there are already many gray hairs. He was probably handsome when he was young, but like his white hair, it has withered.

Behind him are green and green, all kinds of vegetables.

This lonely courtyard was turned into a vegetable garden by him.

Among the ridges in the field, there are flocks of chickens foraging and pacing.

There is a dog lying under the eaves over there. Seeing the stranger, it has stood up and its tail has been erected.

Warm light in the afternoon, just like an ordinary farmhouse.

Lived in isolation for decades.

It doesn't seem so lonely.

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