Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1960 The Old Land Will Revisit

The Prison Secretary of Daqin Town, Daqi Dagan, Dajing Central Sky Prison... These are all organizations in charge of dealing with dark side affairs in several powerful countries, and they can be said to be synonymous with terror.

However, in specific functions, it is not completely consistent.

Among them, the town prison secretary and the central prison are both in charge of the world's punishment prisons. The former often hunts down murderers all over the world, regardless of Qin and foreign countries, while the latter focuses on Jingguo's domestic, and rarely shows its minions outside the central region... That is usually the mirror world Taiwan thing.

The watchman also has his own prison, but he is only in charge of a sky prison in Linzi City, where he only detains criminals captured by the emperor's own orders. It has no authority over the world's prisons, nor does it have an affiliation relationship with the Metropolitan Inspection Office. As the name suggests, the organization is more like a lantern and a clapper for night shifting, and a night patroller.

Such a dark blade, in terms of external reputation, is now the most vicious prison chief in Daqin Town. The Central Heavenly Prison, which was once disgraceful, has gradually lost its reputation.

On the contrary, Jingshitai is acting more and more ostentatiously, reflecting the "all directions" and reflecting the "present world". There is nothing in the world that they do not interfere with.

Sang Xianshou came from the Central Sky Prison, so he can be regarded as a fierce existence.

But when You Que mentioned him, his tone was so careless.

It is worthy of being the top figure who once won the first place in the world.

Chu Xu said "hey": "That's right, once the true way is reappeared, the forces of the world will definitely attack together. They are more hated than us."

You Que didn't know what this guy was comparing, he sat alone in the coffin, filling his life indifferently.

I didn't speak for a while.

Yizhendao, which was once a disaster for the world, is of course tabooed by the world.

In fact, how good is the equal country?

They are also challenging the order of this world, but they are completely different from the concept of the one truth. But all are equally disgusted.

Taoist orthodoxy such as Yizhendao is classified as heresy, and organizations such as Equality Kingdom are also classified as cults.

Looking at any country in the world, the current equal country is a street rat and notorious.

So they mock themselves and drink in the gutter.

That's why when the cooperation between Xia Kingdom and Pingguo was discovered, it was so unreasonable, and the people of Qi blocked the country and reprimanded them, so they obediently showed their sincerity.

Once the fact that You Que is a member of the Pingguo Kingdom is revealed, the You family will immediately be wiped out. From this point of view, You Que avoided this situation in advance - by destroying the family in advance.

Chu Xu sat leaning against the coffin, looked up at the moonlight, and couldn't help sighing softly. The moonlight is so beautiful tonight, and the coffins are surrounded by forests, and the people lying inside are all people who can no longer enjoy the moon.

In order to achieve ideals, the equal country has never hesitated to sacrifice, whether it is sacrificing itself or sacrificing others.

Just like at the beginning, in order to confirm Zhang Yong's identity, the organization also wiped out Fengxian Zhang's family.

This time, You Que also killed 137 members of the You family, plundering materials for this time to fill his life, and completely completed the death of You Que's identity.

But this is not to say that they are members of the equal country, so ruthless people.

They also have love and hate, sympathy and compassion, and can't bear it.

After joining the organization for so long, all the members he has come into contact with, some are crazy, some are crazy, some are crazy, some are cold, but no one takes pleasure in killing, and no one takes pleasure in hurting others. They hated the dark world, hated the people who messed up the world, but never hated the world.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of the deepest love for this world that they have embarked on this most difficult path.

Although the world regards them as evil.

Even today, they dare not speak out their ideals, for fear of becoming public enemies in this world.

"Friend Daoist." Chu Xu murmured, "Do you hate the people who died in this house?"

"Why should I hate them?" You Que asked.

Chu Xu said: "In the past years, they have been very mean to you, completely forgetting the resources and honor you won for them. They seem to regard your talent as their private property. They don't seem to think that you You didn’t bear their obligation to move forward. You shine brightly, and they shine with the sun and the moon. When your meteor falls, they trample on the loess. Shouldn’t you be resentful?”

You Que said indifferently: "Maybe at first, I was still very young. But gradually I realized that human nature has always been like this. Since this is my choice, then I will face it like this."

"Then." Chu Xu said slowly, "Will you regret it?"

Would it be regrettable to bid farewell to You Que's identity completely?

Will you regret killing so many people with your own hands?

"The relationship between You Que and You Jia cannot be erased. This is one of the family's misfortunes. I have to face this misfortune." You Que said calmly: "They have all become my materials for this time. live in my life."

Chu Xu thought, at least the four brothers of the You family, especially the poor little boy named You Shirang, have been preserved since then. Even if the truth of You Que's fake death is revealed in the future, and You Que's identity as a equal country is known to the world, the four Youjia brothers will no longer be implicated by him. Because of self-destruction, there is only hatred between him and Youjia.

"Speaking of which, Jing Tianzi specially sent Sang Xianshou to investigate your life and death. Does it mean that he has never forgotten that You Jinglong who won glory for the country?" Chu Xu said: "When you resigned, it may not be true. His original intention. After all, Jingguo is so big that it is not up to him to decide... If you can show your Dongzhen cultivation as You Que, maybe Jingting will reuse you again."

You Que's face regained its color, so he walked out of the coffin and walked out calmly: "There is no You Jinglong in the world, only the protector of Pingping Kingdom...Sun Yin."

Regarding the many possibilities that Chu Xu described, he was completely indifferent.

He has already made a choice, and he will not let anyone control his will and desecrate his ideals. Even if that person is the supreme emperor of the world's number one empire!

Chu Xu consciously took out a corpse from the storage box and put it in the coffin.

The appearance of the corpse was the same as that of You Que.

So reclose the coffin.

He took a step forward and followed closely behind Sun Yin.

You Que's status has been lost, and Sun Yin can fully participate in the affairs of the equal country in the future.

And a core member of the organization like him naturally knows that the four real people of Pingguo are Zhao Zi, Qian Chou, Sun Yin, and Li Mao.

In terms of strength, Sun Yincai is number one!



"Where did those people from the Black Mountain Academy go? Where's Zhang Chengqian? Where's Zhang Wang?"

"I don't know, who saw it?"

"It seems that I didn't see it last night."

People's discussions were not intense, but they sounded so harsh.

It was a good trip to collect scenery on the long river, but because of a shitty assassination incident, it was stopped at the ninety-ninth step of the hundred-step long journey. And because of the inexplicable commotion, people panicked.

Listening to the students of the Bamboo Society, they spent a good night resting in the Chiwu Water Pass—even though these students are all from good backgrounds, and the guards of the Chiwu Water Pass are flattering, but let them go out directly. Obviously not.

They can only stop here, wait for the turmoil to subside, and wait for the ban to be lifted.

Nights are long, especially when there is something to look forward to. After finally meditating until dawn, Wu Minjun dressed up and got out of the room when he heard the shocking news.

Without saying a word, she went straight to the room where she had been watching carefully last night. When I went there, I saw a junior sister standing at the door, holding flowers in her hands, and she was also dressed up beautifully.

The junior sister was quite as shy as if she had been caught having an affair, and she was still twitching: "Senior sister, why are you here? Don't get me wrong, I just thank Mr. Zhang Wang for his brave move yesterday, and came to give him a bouquet of flowers. It hasn't even entered the room yet!"

Among the three students in Montenegro, the one who made the move yesterday seemed to be the stutterer with an ugly voice... Why didn't I see you send flowers?

Wu Minjun didn't bother to expose it, not only because she herself had bad intentions, but also because...

She stepped forward and pushed the room away.


The room was empty!

"Huh?" Junior sister poked her head in: "Has Mr. Zhang Wang gone out already?"

Wu Minjun gritted his teeth: "He's not just going out!"

I have gone abroad!

Well, you have nowhere to go to hell, you have tricked my girl from the Wu family! The potential will not stop with you!

"Ah, there seems to be a letter on the table." Junior sister said suddenly.

But when the smell of fragrance came, the phantom turned around, and the letter had already fallen into Wu Minjun's hands.

The junior sister came forward to take a look, but Wu Minjun had already read the letter, rolled it up casually, and strode out.

"Where are you going, Senior Sister?" Junior Sister asked after her.

"I'm going to sit in the Central Sky Prison." Wu Minjun didn't look back.

"Hahaha, senior sister, you really know how to joke!"



"What was written in the letter?"

In a certain passenger ship wandering on the long river, Wuguan Wang asked curiously.

Although the ruthless King Bian Cheng looked coldly at the river outside the window, he turned his ears slightly.

King Qin Guang was sitting by another window—in this high-class cabin, there were two windows in total, and King Qin Guang and King Bian Cheng took each side, leaning on the soft couch and looking at the river view. Wuguan Wang was alone in the middle of the cabin, sitting on a low stool.

The river wind stirred King Qin Guang's long hair, adding a little tenderness to his profile.

He smiled lightly: "I will send you off for thousands of miles, but I will have to say goodbye eventually. I will come to see the scenery of Jingguo again."

Wuguan Wang said depressedly: "You two come and see, I guess I won't be free next time."

Qin Guangwang sighed: "If you are gone, I will be very sorry."

Wuguan Wang put his hands on his knees and blinked his eyes: "Boss, you know me, I have always been unsure... If you are free, please specify if you are free!"

King Bian Cheng was cold and silent, but the sound transmission was already continuing: "My account should have been settled?"

King Qin Guang looked out of the window and responded, "Not only that, but there is still a surplus. Our King Biancheng has made great contributions this time, stabbing You Que to death with a single sword. How can the bounty not satisfy you?"

"...You Que or the organization behind him came to him, that's what you plan to say, right?"

"You said that! How can the organization let you take the responsibility alone? Am I that kind of person?!" Qin Guangwang changed the subject: "Anyway, you don't have much attendance, as long as I don't tell them, they won't be able to catch you. "

"...Then I want to add more money."


King Bian Cheng looked at the vast river and felt the vast expanse of waves lying on the bottom of the big boat, like an angry dragon breathing out. Naturally, he thought of the Dragon Lord who was watching the battle on the viewing platform, and thought of the Changhe Dragon Palace.

Song Qingyue... Song Hengjiang's son, Song Wanxi's nephew, Song Qingzhi's elder brother. Zhuang Gaoxian sent Song Qingyue to the Changhe Dragon Palace, what exactly was he asking for?

Regarding the death of Song Hengjiang, the former Qingjiang water lord, he is the only person in this world who knows the truth. Coupled with the love and hatred between Song Wanxi and Zhuang Chengqian, it should be said that there is a chance to turn the Qingjiang Aquarium into an ally.

But he had never been in contact with Song Qingyue before, so he didn't know his temperament. If you visit the door rashly, you may be suspected of throwing yourself into a trap. Moreover, since a person like Zhuang Gaoxian is already in power, how can he not grasp Qingjiang Shuifu?

It may not be that simple to instigate rebellion against the Qingjiang Aquarium, and a long-term plan is needed...

Thinking like this, he continued to transmit the voice: "Since this mission is over, I will take a step first. Don't come to Bai Yujing ostentatiously in the future, and don't cause trouble for me."

King Qin Guang was very dissatisfied with his attitude: "I always meet secretly, which damages my reputation as King Qin Guang!"

"Isn't it right to be sneaky?" King Bian Cheng felt quite tired: "You wanted criminal, don't take it for granted."

"Aren't you?"

"Prince Biancheng is wanted, what does it have to do with me, the owner of Baiyujing Restaurant? I do business in a down-to-earth manner, run a restaurant with integrity, and I am no longer in the Jianghu!"

After speaking, he will get up.

"Hey wait!" King Qin Guang hurriedly called out via voice transmission: "There are still tasks to do!"

King Bian Cheng was very impatient: "What else is there to do?"

King Qin Guang said: "We have escaped, and there are several colleagues in Jingguo."

"What do you want to do?" Bian Chengwang asked.

"It's not me, it's us." King Qin Guang emphasized.

King Biancheng said indifferently: "Tell me about it."

King Qin Guang said: "In this assassination of You Que, we don't need all to escape from Jingguo, just one is enough. The only thing for those who escape is to let the people of Jingguo know that there is no way to hell. Yan Luo, you have already fled from the border of Jingguo. Especially you, King Biancheng, as the number one murderer in Tianzi who slaughtered Youjiamen, your escape announcement is very important."

King Bian Cheng remained calm: "How do you plan to let the Jing people know?"

"This is the mission I want to tell you." Qin Guangwang obviously had a plan: "Next we will do the second order - go to Wei Guo'an to kill people!"

King Bian Cheng was silent for a while.

This can indeed be known to the whole world, and it can indeed let the people of Jingguo know that Yan Luo, who has nowhere to go to hell, has escaped, and he still accepts orders as if nothing happened!

But do you really have to be so bold to be a killer organization?

After Jing Guo provoked Wei Guo?

Don't say that the killer is just a knife, and the customer is the creditor. If you dare to go to another country to assassinate, you will inevitably face a counterattack.

Although Wei is not a hegemonic country, it is also a powerful country.

Today Emperor Wei is the hero.

General Wu Xun is the pinnacle of martial arts today.

There is also Wei Guo's number one pride, the ranger Yan Shaofei. He is the Yellow River Tianjiao, second only to Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun in the outer building field, and is the third in the world in the outer building field. Now I don't know if he belongs to Wei, nor what his cultivation is, but if he wants to come to a strong god, he can't escape.

If there is a strong army, there will be a strong army, and if there are famous generals, there will be famous generals. There is no shortage of the strong Tianjiao.

Such a country, how can you allow a killer organization to run rampant?

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