Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1964

The young Water Monarch from the Qingjiang Water Mansion had already left, and the hall was so empty.

Changhe Longjun sat quietly, his face could not be seen clearly, and his expression could not be seen.

In this world, there should not be many people who know that Zhuang Gaoxian and Jiang Wang will eventually divide life and death.

It just so happens that he, Ao Shuyi, is one of them.

Although he has already handed over the water rights of the long river, he has never really controlled the world's water veins, and he can't see the world like the palm prints.

But at the beginning, Kuju blocked Zhuang Gao and envied Changhe, how could the battle between the two real people blocking the river not disturb the Changhe Dragon Palace?

Although he sits in the Dragon Palace and often does not move for hundreds of years, he is not a prisoner.

At that time, Zhuang Gaoxian was chasing the boy named Jiang Wang, he knew it. In other words, he knew about Jiang Wang earlier than Zhuang Gaoxian.

Later, on the Guanhetai, he witnessed Jiang Wang's election as the first prize, and also witnessed how Lin Zhengren was afraid of death and dared not go on stage. The conflict between Jiang Wang and Zhuang Guo was almost on the table.

Anyone who is an enemy of a peerless genius like Jiang Wang, as long as he is not stupid, will definitely choose to kill him in advance and cut off the future.

Zhuang Gaoxian has been doing the same.

Du Ruhui slandered Jiang Wangtong demon and was flogged naked on Yujing Mountain. Although it is not widely spread, Yu Changhe Dragon Palace is not a secret incident.

But if you think that Zhuang Gaoxian only thinks about Jiang Wang and only seeks Jiang Wang, then you will underestimate Zhuang Gaoxian, the hero of ZTE Zhuang Kingdom!

With the two masters of the Buddhist sect closing their doors, at the moment when Jiang Wang fashioned the golden body of a human hero and leaped towards the cave at a terrifying speed of practice...Zhuang Gaoxian is still full of ambition, and is advancing the pace of Zhuangguo's expansion.

For the emperor of a country, there is no way to increase his cultivation more than improving the country's power.

Changhe Longjun saw Zhuang Gaoxian's ambition, and he didn't mind making a deal.

But before that, Zhuang Gaoxian still needs to cross the dragon gate.

As for the roll of yellow silk in his hand... Ao Shuyi casually threw it aside.

Do not read this letter again.

The message that Zhuang Gaoxian wanted to convey had already been conveyed through the matter of sending a letter.

It was impossible for him to trust Song Qingyue, nor could he trust the journey from Qingjiang Shuifu to Changhe, and the time spent on the journey.

Therefore, there can't be any substantive content in the letter. If you really want to open it, it will be nothing more than a short courtesy greeting from some parents.

There was a long silence in the hall, and then Lord Long's voice sounded——

"Maybe I haven't seen any guests for a long time. Please choose a time, get ready, and send an invitation to Xingyueyuan to invite Jiang Wang, the former leader of the Yellow River, to come to the Dragon Palace banquet."

A voice outside the hall replied, "Is Jiang Wang the only one?"

"Of course not." Changhe Longjun said slowly: "All the Tianjiao of the main competition of the last Yellow River Conference are invited. A few years have passed, how are the current Tianjiao? Let’s have a taste of their fineness.”

"Where are the true biography of the world's great sects?" the voice outside the hall asked again.

Changhe Longjun said: "Please come if you are worthy enough, I am rarely interested, so we might as well make it lively."

"As you wish." The voices outside the hall disappeared round and round like ripples on the surface of the water.

And this very important news will spread like this——

After many years, the Dragon Palace Banquet is reopening!



On the nine pedestrian bridges, it is like a dragon's spine carrying mosquitoes and flies.

I can feel my own insignificance.

It is hard to imagine how powerful Chiwen was back then. To be able to directly forge his blood into a bridge, what a supernatural power Lie Shan Renhuang is!

King Qin Guang has been gone for a long time.

It has been a long time since he walked such a spacious road, and it has also been a long time since he walked so slowly.

With the majesty of the Changhe River and the length of the Chiwen Bridge, ordinary people have to walk for three days and three nights to walk across this bridge.

He could not verify the claim.

Because he was stopped by unruly customers to explain when he was halfway there, and he was able to get away with proper after-sales service.

It's really not easy to do business these days. After deducting the operating costs of the organization and the appearance fees of the employees, the profit is only a few dozen times, making no money at all, and being troubled by customers from time to time.

Alas, he often persuaded other killer organizations to change careers, but his kindness was always not rewarded.

What is there to do in this line?

He is from the south bank of the Changhe River to the north bank, not far from the Chiwen Bridge, which is the southern border of Daqi. Of course, after crossing the bridge, you can also go to Jiange, Liang Guo, or Xuankong Temple. The rest of the small countries, sandwiched between the Qi State and the old land of Nanxia, ​​will be swallowed up sooner or later, but there is nothing to hang around.

He simply retreated from the bridge and turned to Liguo.

The country of Li is also a small country, which has always been weak and weak, and has been left to the hands of powerful countries. Once destroyed by Xia State, after the first Qi Xia War, the country was restored with the help of Chu State. After the restoration of the country, it still cares little about diplomacy with Xia State, and is named "Shangguo".

Liang Guo, which was also swallowed up by Xia Guo and successfully restored, has a much stronger sense of existence in this world.

Because Liang Emperor Kang Shao raised his flag to restore the country, he always made it clear that the chariots and horses confronted the Xia Kingdom, and regarded them as enemies, and the country's character was very strong.

Fortunately, Liguo produced a genius, Fan Wushu, who made it to the quarterfinals of the Outer Buildings at the Yellow River Meeting, but lost to Jingguo's genius, Zhongshan Weisun. This achievement earned them the qualification to open up territory and compete for resources after entering the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Liguo knew that he was weak and unable to support the battlefield behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, so he exchanged this qualification with Xiaguo. However, Xia Guo didn't have time to make use of it. In the vigorous Second Qi Xia War, it fell in one battle.

However, Liguo has actually obtained a large amount of resources, which has enriched the country's heritage.

As for the future, perhaps it still depends on how far Fan Wushu can go.

Small countries have always been the targets of exploitation by powerful countries, and they are also the best hiding places for heretics and heretics. In fact, there is a very well-run ghost house in Yining City, the capital of Liguo.

But the leader of No Door to Hell came here today not to check the post.

Wearing long hair, he walked leisurely on the long street, feeling the unique style of this country.

There is no one opponent in the whole country. Even Duan Sigu, the so-called No. 1 expert in the country of Li and God's presence, can't be a good match.

It is no problem for him to walk all the way to the palace like this.

But he is not arrogant.

There is no difference between walking in Yining City and walking in Taiping City or Nanwei City.

He would even buy a few boxes of snacks——Yining’s unique Zen noodle crisps, and eat them while walking.

Until a certain moment, the long street suddenly became quiet.

He also stopped, turned around in the crowd that should have been bustling, and saw a man wearing a tiger-head mask walking slowly towards the other end of the long street.

His stature is upright, and his temperament is completely different from before.

But he knew that this was You Que.

"You didn't come in time." He greeted and sent the pastry box forward: "Have something to eat?"

The tiger-head mask said humanely: "You can call me..."

"Stop!" Qin Guangwang stopped immediately: "You must not tell me your current identity, I am not interested and dare not listen."

"Sun Yin." The tiger mask said humanely: "You already know my identity, there is no point in deceiving yourself and others."

King Qin Guang sucked his teeth and said, "You are so stubborn!"

Sun Yin wore a pair of black gloves, and calmly took out a ray of green light from his arms. The green light writhed between his fingers like a bug, and then was crushed out.

"After you killed me, you still used spells to test repeatedly. It will be a matter of time before you guess my identity."

"I can explain." Qin Guangwang said: "This is just professionalism, not my personal attitude towards you. In fact, I respect you very much."

As he said, he looked to the left and right: " don't want to make a move in the downtown area, do you?"

Sun Yin only walked forward slowly: "There is a price to be paid for everything. Since you choose to become a knife, you must have the awareness to be broken."

"No." Qin Guangwang felt very bad: "Do you not care at all who found me in front of you and said something to me?"

"It's nothing more than those people who are true. I could find you first, but you chose to let them find it first." Sun Yin said without emotion: "If you tell them that I am not dead, then I will kill you." You, you killed just right. If you don't say anything, then I will kill you, and no one will know what I didn't die. "

King Qin Guang's stomach full of rhetoric was choked up.

This Sun Yin is sick, he doesn't follow routine at all.

How unreasonable!

Anyone of the true way can talk, but you can’t?

He took a deep breath, opened his hands wide, his long hair swelled instantly, and his eyes turned green: "Are you going to kill me anyway?"

Sun Yin smiled: "You still want to resist—"

Suddenly one step forward, just one step, and stepped in front of King Qin Guang, the palm of the black glove pressed forward so lightly——

The dense incantations were crushed into blue streamers flying all over the sky.

King Qin Guang's feet sank into the floor tiles, and he vomited blood all the way back, hitting a deep ditch on the long street!

And the bustling crowd on the street only discovered the two people who were fighting at this time, and suddenly lost their position, screaming and running away.

"If it wasn't for avoiding harming the innocent, you would already be dead." Sun Yin walked forward calmly, pushing the crowd away with all his strength, while approaching King Qin Guang.

King Qin Guang just looked at him seriously: "No one can easily use the word 'death' to sentence me."

The blood dyed the corners of his mouth very brightly, and the green light in his eyes was strange and crazy: "I curse you—"

He started to walk back, and he took the initiative to walk towards Sun Yin. Every time you take a step, the green light on your body becomes more and more blazing: "I curse you, you have no food to live! No clothes to wear! No way to walk! No house to sleep..."

This sound is strange and evil, manifesting terror, as if some kind of shackles in the Great Thousand World have been untied, releasing some furtive creatures that cannot wander in the sun.

Every single word sounds like a blow, as if it has become the source of darkness, the end of chaos, and the essence of terror!

The sky is full of blue light, and endless negativity grows crazily wherever it can be attached. The beauty is painted with yellow mud, and the heart has green moss. Everything is like this, once you fall into evil forever!

Sun Yin was unmoved, just stretched out his hand in front of him, covered his face with the palm parallel, and then flipped it over gently, as if this overturned the world——



Just as they were fighting fiercely and escalating the battle again, a figure suddenly descended from the head. With its face up and its back down, it hit the ground in all directions! There was such a loud noise at the end of the long street that the stone bricks on the street were smashed into a deep human-shaped dent.

A dog fur hat flew limply through the air.

His black mask was intact, but it was firmly held down by one hand.

It was this hand that kept his mask, pressed his face, pushed his head into the ground, and pressed his whole body into the stone street!

And the owner of this hand was a squatting man in black robe who landed on the long street at the same time.

This man has an extremely cold demeanor, and his eyes are like iron.

On the face is a mask that is completely black, only the eyes and mouth are exposed, and a dark white door is painted on the forehead. Inside the dark white door, there are blood words... "Biancheng"!

In this way, he pressed Chu Xu, the Taoist guardian of Pingping Kingdom, half squatted at the end of the long street, raised his eyes to this side, and said coldly: "I said, didn't I bother you?"

King Qin Guang's curses never stopped, but intensified at this time. He strode forward, but there seemed to be a gap between him and Sun Yin.

And Sun Yin maintained the posture of turning his palms towards King Qin Guang, turned his head sideways, and looked at King Bian Cheng who suddenly appeared, with a little surprise in his tone: "How dare you come up to me?"

Not only did he take the initiative to come up, but he also brought Chu Xu, who was out of Liguo, with him. As expected of an organization that dared to take on Jingguo's assassination mission, these people who have nowhere to go to hell, don't know whether to say they are blindly confident or bold.

Facing such a powerful real person, King Bian Cheng remained ruthless, and said: "After killing Dongzhen with one sword, I am indeed a little more confident."

Chu Xu's voice rang out under the mask with difficulty: "Your Excellency, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the near future. Why do you want to show off my face?"

He can still speak, which means that his life is safe.

The reason why he said nothing was just a manifestation of his intelligence - he fully understood why King Biancheng didn't kill him, and even considerately didn't lift his mask to protect his hidden face.

He also wants to let King Biancheng know that this kindness is useful.

"I'm sorry." King Biancheng replied coldly in a completely unembarrassed tone: "It's just a matter of convenience."

Sun Yin asked plainly: "You don't think that threats are useful to me, do you? As guardians of the Tao, who is afraid of sacrificing for our ideals? After he dies, you go to be buried with him."

"Cough!" Chu Xu, who was pressed into the pit, hurriedly said, "But, if unnecessary sacrifices are made, we can avoid them as much as we can."

The previous Chu Xu died hastily, so he had to do something before he died, right?

It wasn't until this time that Liguo's city guards assembled in an emergency, and the experts from all walks of life came late.

But seeing the blue light flying all over the sky and the majestic power of the tiger-headed masked man raising his palms, who would dare to come forward?

There is only a figure in a toga with long sleeves and a jade belt inserted obliquely into the folding fan, striding forward, approaching the battlefield rapidly!

Li Guo Tianjiao Fan Wushu!

He is still only at the peak of the outer building, and his cultivation level is even inferior to that of Chu Xu who was pressed into the gravel pit. He is completely unqualified to intervene in such a battlefield. But his clothes are like a flag, and his momentum is unstoppable.

"My lord, stop!" Someone shouted to stop: "You are the body of a thousand gold, the hope of the country, don't take risks lightly!"

Fan Wushu didn't turn his head back: "Others are fighting in the capital of our country. Even if the people of Liguo are powerless to intervene, how can there be no one watching!?"

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