Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1980 The Book of Creation

Jiang Wang didn't care whether King Qing really believed in the story of the World-Destroying Demon Dragon, he only cared about whether the royal tribe was really playing a role.

How can there be so many old friendships that are unforgettable, and old feelings do not change?

Back then, they fought in the floating land world, fought in catacombs, and competed in the game of life and death. To say nostalgicly, the royal power of the Qinghuo Department depends on the star generals. Indifferently say that each takes what he needs.

It's all human.

Four years is plenty of time for big changes.

Power and entitlement are also enough to make any change happen.

Jiang Wang can understand.

The floating land world has a long history, and he is just passing by.

This cage fight with Ao Kui is the only important thing at the moment.

He didn't think about whether King Qing was sincere or not, and he shouldn't care about Jihuo Yuling's intentions.

It's just... Jihuo Yuling's pessimism shows, will it affect his struggle with Ao Kui?

If it were Jiang Wang from a few years ago, he might have chased him out of the palace immediately, and would not stop until he found out the truth. Now Jiang Wang just smiled lightly and continued his visit to the Huo Temple.

If Jihuo Yuling can speak, or is willing to speak, there is no need for him, Mr. Linchuan, to ask.

Of course he will figure out the truth, but there is no need to be in a hurry, nor to be so simple and rude.

With King Qing personally leading the way, the Huo Temple was naturally opened wide.

The new Wu Zhu was also like Qing Huo Qiming in the past, with long hair loose, wearing an exaggerated mask, and the braids hanging under the ears were red, like two wisps of fire.

The attitude can't be said to be intimacy or alienation, in short, it is obedient and well-behaved.

"How many copies of "Book of Creation" have you collected?"

In the Huo Temple, which was far more majestic and majestic than before, Jiang Wang got straight to the point.

The new wizard is called Qinghuo Guanwen, and the voice is not too young: "There are seven in total."

"so little?"

"The Fire Shrine of the Qinghuo Ministry originally had two pages of the "Book of Creation". After gaining the kingship, many of the "Book of Creation" were collected. But most of them are duplicates, and only five pages have new content."

"Is it convenient for me to take a look?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wu Zhu looked at King Qing, who said in a loud voice, "Mr. Linchuan is the great benefactor of the Qinghuo Department, and the Qinghuo Department has no secrets from him. Just show him whatever you want to see!"

At that moment, Wu Zhu led the way, and Jiang Wang and King Qing went hand in hand to the library.

The huge Huo Temple was empty, and usually no one would come except Wu Zhu. The footsteps of the three people were very clear. The sound pattern is infinitely rippling in the world of hearing, bringing Jiang Wang information about the sound.

Basement, attic, secret compartment...

Huo Temple is different from other places.

The walls and floor tiles are full of painted and strangely shaped fire beasts.

When Jiang Wang came here for the first time, he didn't know much. Now he can vaguely see some clues, these strange-shaped fire beasts... are quite similar to the demons of the wilderness, and also similar to the evil view of the disaster.

He remembered again that he had discussed floating land with Zheng Ruan Yu, the supervisor of Da Qiqin Tianjian. Ruan Yi said at the time that the floating land world was suspected to be a tomb world. And leave a knife money, so that Jiang Wang can contact him if he has the opportunity to go there again.

Could it be said that Ruan Yi, who is a master of astrology, would return to the floating land one day at that time?

It's a pity that the knife money was later shattered in the decisive battle between him and Zhang Linchuan. Ruan Yi didn't know if he was worried that he would call him to help him every day, so he didn't make it up again...

Otherwise, now he must rub the knife and money until it smokes.

If Ruan Yu comes, how can Ao Kui say anything?

While thinking about it, the three of them had already walked to a stone room.

Apparently, King Qing was not very familiar with this place, and looked left and right along the way.

In front of the heavy stone gate, Wu Zhu held a tortoise shell in one hand and a bull horn in the other. With his left hand up and his right down, with his thighs apart, he danced an ancient and absurd dance.

The lights flickered.

The distorted shadow stretched its teeth and claws on the stone wall, accompanied by a low and hoarse singing that could not understand the lyrics, which was a bit strange.

There are hidden forces flowing.

King Qing remained silent, and Jiang Wang was as stable as a mountain.

The stone door slowly opened——

It's not the kind of library that Jiang Wang imagined, and even the "book" is different from what he imagined.

Under the light of the flaming totem, the stone chamber was very bright.

In the huge and empty stone room, various animal-shaped stone platforms stand like a forest. The square base is engraved with insect and moisture-proof totems. Between the base and the stone support, either the snake coils up, or the antlers lift up.

Most of the stone platforms are vacant, and there are only a few stone platforms with yellowish-brown clay books about two spans long and one span wide.

The "Book of Creation" in the floating land world was originally written on clay tablets!

It also conforms to the ancient style of the creation myth.

The floating land language is similar to the Jingguo language, and is very close to the Dao language, and so are their characters. So Jiang Wang, who was still at the Tenglong Realm four years ago, came here to communicate without any hindrance.

Now that he has come to God, he can go to any place in the heavens and worlds, and he can communicate freely. Because he has been able to speak the language of the Tao, he can write the words of the Tao, and he can tell the Tao in all realms.

But these characters on the clay tablets are different, weird and crooked, swimming like tadpoles. It has no divine meaning in itself, does not hide the Taoist rhyme, and cannot find the meaning.

Jiang Wang looked at Wu Zhu.

Wu Zhu explained: "This is the divine text of creation, and only the truly wise and profound Wu Zhu can correctly interpret its meaning."

Jiang Wang bowed his head in salute: "Thank you, Your Excellency."

King Qing urged from the side: "Quickly read to Mr. Linchuan."

This is the first stone platform from the left after entering the gate, and there are not many characters on the clay tablets. Wu Zhu read slowly: "There are gods and men in the northwest, and they are enshrined in the blue sky."

Jiang Wang frowned: "Why?"

Some sentences, placed in different contexts, have completely different meanings. He had never read the "Book of Creation" and could not interpret it lightly.

Wu Zhudao: "About this piece, there are two theories. The first theory is that there is a god-man in the northwest of the floating land, which made a gap in the blue sky. The second theory is that there is a god-man in the northwest of the floating land. People come to this world through the portal above the blue sky. We generally think that it is the first way of saying that the god-man in the blue sky is the ancestor of the Ruijin Department, Ruijin Yufeng. It appears in this book of creation and Before it was successfully interpreted, there was indeed a legend in the Ruijin Department that the ancestor Ruijin Yufeng broke through the sky many times, went to the depths of the universe and returned. The gap in the blue sky is the path for Ruijin Yufeng to go back and forth."

Quenching in the blue sky, going to the depths of the universe?

Doubts arose in Jiang Wang's heart. He didn't dare to claim the qualifications to travel the universe until he was enlightened, but he would not wander willfully and go to the depths of the universe at will, because the vast universe is really unpredictable and unpredictable. This is still based on the fact that the living beings in this world go to all worlds without falling into the world. Creatures from other realms usually cross realms and fall into realms.

Among the strong men he knew, only senior Guan Yan took senior Xiao Fan to wander around the heavens and worlds all day long.

Senior Guan Yan has this strength! And free.

In any place other than the present world, wherever Yuheng stars shine, Yuheng Xingjun can maintain peak combat power. But in Yuheng main star, Yuheng Xingjun's combat power is better than the peak.

If the legend of the Ruijin Department is true, the strength of that Ruijin Yufeng should not be lower than Dongzhen's level no matter what.

But this conflicts with his judgment on the power level of the floating land world.

"What is Que Yu Qing Tian!" King Qing said at this time, with a very disdainful look: "The ancestor of our Qinghuo Department was the first to use dance to celebrate the birth of the floating land after the creation of the world. creatures!"

Jiang Wang said inappropriately: "Then you should be in the dance department, why is it the fire celebration department?"

Prince Qing's expression was very complicated: "...the ancestors danced around the first bonfire in the floating land world. Isn't the Ruijin Department also called the Breaking Heaven Department?"

Jiang Wang said that it made sense, and asked Wu Zhu curiously: "Is the dance that Mr. Wu Zhu danced before, the dance that the ancestor of the Qinghuo Department danced in front of the first bonfire?"

Wu Zhu shook his head: "That is the dance of wishing the world. It is said to have infinite power, and it has long been lost. The dance I just danced was the dance of freedom, but it can only resonate with the sealing totem in this stone room."

Jiang Wang faintly felt that Wu Zhu's dancing and singing seemed to be a kind of power system. It can be combined with the totem training system to exert more powerful power.

But he didn't know a powerful enough Wu Zhu, so he couldn't get a clearer and more intuitive judgment. Qinghuo's inscription is really weak, and the strength of Xin Wuzhu in front of him is also mediocre, about the level of four lines of fire.

The dance of prayer, the song of sacrifice, and the various legends spread among the various tribes...

With more and more understanding of the floating land world, this world has not shed its veil quickly, but it has become more and more mysterious and complicated.

The more you know, the more you see what you don't know.

If this is really a tomb world, then what is buried in it? And why is there such an abundance of vitality?

King Qing suddenly slapped his thigh: "Wrong!"

Both Jiang Wang and Wu Zhu looked at him.

There was a kind of excitement on his face that finally made it clear: "Is the game of life and death in the northwest direction? Did Mr. Linchuan descend through a star? This page of the book of creation does not record Rui Jinyu at all." Feng, but Mr. Zhang Linchuan! According to the second explanation, in the northwest direction of the world, the god-man Zhang Linchuan descended through the portal above the blue sky, and the next step is to save the world!"

His excitement wasn't entirely exaggerated.

If he can really explain the Book of Creation in this way, helping him find the legal correctness of "spare no effort to support Zhang Linchuan" will also strengthen the kingship.

And didn't Mr. Linchuan say that? The mission of this trip is to help King Qing become the savior of the world!

No matter how godly a man is, he will go back after all, and he Qing Huoheng is the master of the floating land world.

Jiang Wang's scalp was a little numb.

Zhang Linchuan is used to playing with beliefs. A "Sutra of No Life" has poisoned many people in this world.

The Fulu people here are Zhang Linchuan and Zhang Linchuan every day, and they even signed the deed of kingship, so why not call that guy over from Yuanhai?

"Okay, okay." He quickly stopped: "What kind of god is Zhang Linchuan? If he is not careful, he will be wiped out. The floating land world is the world of floating land people, and outsiders are just passers-by. Let's look at the next page What does the book of creation say."

King Qing also shut up.

Wu Zhu had already walked to the second stone platform silently. At this time, he opened his mouth and said: "The god of creation is named Kong. The god cut off his left foot and thought it was a floating land, and smashed his right foot to think it was a thousand spirits."

After listening to Qinghuo Qiming's talk about this section, Jiang Wang continued to walk to the third stone platform.

Wu Zhu read: "The calamity of eternal calamity, the evil of extreme evil. One exists forever, and one perishes forever."

Maybe this page can correspond to Jihuo Yuling's pessimism?

Hatefully described too little to decipher. Such a large piece of clay tablet, just a few words! Write a few more words, bothering you?

Jiang Wang asked aloud: "What is the eternal calamity, and what is the extreme evil?"

Wu Zhu shook his head: "I don't know either. The answer may be in other broken pages."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful.

King Qing slapped his thigh again: "Isn't this eternal catastrophe and heinous evil the world-destroying dragon?! If you destroy him, this world will exist forever. If you are eliminated by him, this world will never exist." It's all right..."

Jiang Wang subconsciously wanted to tell King Qing not to make trouble, but found that he couldn't let this guy stop making trouble. If the annihilation of the world is not counted as calamity or evil, then what is the eternal calamity and the extreme evil?

How can he justify his claim of saving the world?

"Ah... yes. What the king said makes sense. We must work together to prevent the catastrophe from happening." Jiang Wang's expression became serious: "It turns out that I came to this world to help you become the real savior. Return, as prophesied in the Book of Creation! The heavens have given you a great mission, Your Majesty, you must work harder."

King Qing was full of ambition, and his whole state was aroused a lot: "What do I regret about saving the world and the people?!"

Jiang Wang walked to the next stone platform: "Look at the next page."

Wu Zhu continued to read the fourth clay book collected in the stone room: "The world has Wei, Wei Yu..."

"What is Wei Yu?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wu Zhu shook his head again: "I don't know either, the original Tubu's Wu Zhu only read this far."

Jiang Wang could only give up with regret: "Then look at the next one."

"I can only read but not read." Wu Zhu said.

"Didn't you say that you have collected seven clay tablets with different contents? What about the remaining three?"

"None of them were deciphered."

Jiang Wang really wanted to ask him what he ate. But after all, he was polite: "What is Master Wu Zhu busy with?"

Wu Zhu, named Qinghuo Guanwen, said as a matter of course: "I don't have the ability to decipher the creation of the gods. The two clay tablets left by the Fire Shrine of the Qinghuo Ministry are all deciphered from the Qinghuo Bamboo Book." The third one I read with you is the interpretation of Tekibu Wuzhu. The fourth one has been collected by the former Dobe for so many years, and only half of it has been deciphered."

Qinghuo Zhushu is the witch Zhu before Qinghuo Qiming, and also the adoptive father of Qinghuo Qiming, known as the strongest witch Zhu in the history of the Qinghuo Department. Inheriting the behest of Wu Zhu from the Ministry of Celebration of Fire in the past dynasties, the existence of the "Totem of You" has been preliminarily completed!

"Speaking of which level Master Zhushu's strength has reached?" Jiang Wang looked at King Qing and said, "How is it compared to the king?"

This question is very important and helps him to clarify the power level of this world again.

King Qing said seriously: "Master Zhushu was able to become the spirit of the totem a long time ago, and repelled the witch Zhu Jingshui Chengyu from the Ministry of Purification. But since then, he has never made a move. What kind of level did you reach a few days ago? I think it is far beyond me."

At the beginning, when the fire was celebrated and the eight lines of fire were blazing, it was still short of the head to turn the whole body into flames and transform into the spirit of the totem—this is the level of power equivalent to the presence of a god.

The Water Purification Department is the tribe where Li Fengyao was a star general, and it is the number one water department in the floating land world. The Wu Zhu of this tribe will never be weak.

Qinghuozhushu was able to defeat this person a long time ago, and completed the Totem of Youzhi a few years later. Could it be that he has reached Dongzhen? Seeing the essence of the world clearly and understanding some kind of cruel truth, leaving behind such hopeless words, jumping down to the sky and committing suicide?

But if a world allows strong people of that level to appear, there will definitely be strong people of that level. Because there are so many tribes in the floating land, there are so many people, and there is a long history, enough to make everything possible that should happen.

If there are experts at the Dongzhen level in this world, how can Ao Kui be allowed to lock the world?

"What is the next level of the spirit of the totem?" Jiang Wang asked.

King Qing said full of longing, "It's the holy spirit of the totem. It is said that when you reach that level, you can share the power of the original totem."

The source totem is the foundation of the floating land world!

This sharing of authority is remarkable.

For example, if you can share the authority of the fire totem, you can control all fire elements in this world.

Judging from this description alone, the realm of the totem holy spirit sounds almost beyond [True God], and has a part of the power of [Yangshen]...

Jiang Wang asked again: "Has anyone in history reached the realm of the totem holy spirit?"

King Qing looked at Wu Zhu, and Wu Zhu said, "There are, but they are all legends, and it's hard to tell the truth from the fake. Anyway, I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

Jiang Wang didn't say anything anymore, and silently read all the seven clay tablets in the stone room, and engraved them one by one with Rumeng Token. Let those people from Bai Yujing's early practice group study together later, Tianjiao must have some abilities of Tianjiao, right? Can you still recognize the characters?

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