Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1982 The general trend is crushing, and the world is falling together

These eyes can not only penetrate the deep sky, but also predict death?

Received the complete copy of "Pupils of Qianyang", the true biography of the royal family of Dayang as a gift from Yan Yanru, Jiang Wang, after becoming an Immortal of Eyes, has extraordinary pupil skills.

He stared at Jihuo Yuxiu's empty and dark eyes, but he couldn't see anything from them. These eyes seem to be part of Youtian.

"You said you saw that everyone died?" Jiang Wang faded his red pupils and asked calmly.

Ji Huo Yuxiu's eyes were separated again, and she put on the mask again: "No matter which direction I look at, no matter who I look at. There is only blood, blood everywhere, nothing else."

Her voice was as calm as possible, but there was still a trace of uncontrollable fear in her voice.

After all, he was just an eight or nine-year-old child.

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "Your mother trusts your eyes very much."

Ji Huo Yuxiu said: "At first she didn't believe it, until the blood color I saw became a reality."

The World Extinguishing Demon Dragon is not all Jiang Wang's fiction.

It's not like that guy Ao Kui can't do it. The people in the Senhaiyuan world are devastated and hundreds of clans are wiped out. It's his evil deeds.

But Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking deeply about the casually fabricated theory of the Demon Dragon's Mieshi, which was so coincidentally connected with Ji Huo Yuxiu's eyes.

"Of course you are a trustworthy child, and your eyes are also very special." Jiang Wang stretched out his hand to hold her seat, and led her to fall to the palace of kingship below, his voice was still steady in the sudden turbulent wind: "But fate can be changed.”

These indifferent words, calm gestures, and unparalleled confidence!

Jihuo Yuxiu tightly grasped the armrest of the seat, her ten fingers tensed, and her voice was rarely excited: "I have never flown so high! So fast!!"

Jiang Wangsui flew her two more times.

With a gentle breeze, two figures, one large and one small, fell into the General's Mansion.

Lin Xian was not the only one in the courtyard. Except for Monk Jingli, the "dragon hunters" he had assigned to compete with Ao Kui for time had all returned.

Ji Huo Yuxiu had calmed down at this time, and greeted each one politely: "Hi Uncle Chadao, Hello Uncle Organ, Hello Handsome Uncle, Hello Beautiful Sister."

The joke called Uncle Guan, with a slight lift of his index finger, a simple wooden wheelchair appeared out of thin air and landed in front of Jihuo Yuxiu.

"Let's sit on this in the future." Xi Ming said calmly: "This wheelchair can fly and run, and there are two small spells that can block the enemy. The only problem is that it needs to replenish the source energy. I have modified it, and the power of the totem can also be used. .”

Jihuo Yuxiu looked at Jiang Wang, who nodded slightly.

So she propped up the chair by herself and slowly moved to the wheelchair. After a while, she learned how to control it. Advance and retreat freely, come and go like flying.

"Thank you, Uncle Guan!" With this thank you, the feelings became much more vivid.

On the contrary, Xi Ming was still indifferent, and only raised his finger to Lin Xian who was practicing the sword: "Thank him, he asked me for it."

Jihuo Yuxiu said crisply and authentically: "Thank you, Uncle Chaidao!!"

Lin Xian responded with a "huh".

"Lin Xian, take her to play for a while." Jiang Wang made an arrangement and walked inside with Xi Ming, Bai Yuxia, and Lian Yuchan.

Bai Yuxia frowned slightly: "I always feel that this kid..."

"Don't think about it yet." Jiang Wang pressed him on the seat: "Tell me about your discovery."

Bai Yuxia just gave up: "The original soil department that is number one in the soil department has nothing unusual, and is also earnestly searching for the world-destroying dragon. As for the Fang Chong of the Universal Merchant Alliance you mentioned, he was swept away by the original soil department four years ago. A lot of things, even a page in the Book of Creation, saying that the two worlds will be able to trade in the future... It's pure fraud.

By the way, I have visited several other tribes. The royal system in this world is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and people generally accept the rule of the royal tribe. Those tribes who don't do superficial work, don't obey Wang Ling, and don't cooperate with this operation have some problems, so they can directly call the door to investigate.

By the way, I would like to mention that the very powerful witch Zhu Qing Huozhushu you mentioned once visited the original soil department, but unfortunately the witch Zhu who communicated with him at that time was dead, otherwise I could find something useful. "

Jiang Wang looked at Lian Yuchan.

"The history book system of the floating land world is not complete, and there are many omissions and contradictions. I have reviewed the historical records of various tribes, and there are only two things worth noting between 1200 and 1000 years ago. " Lian Yuchan had done a lot of homework, and now she talked eloquently: "One is that in 1111 years ago, Yagan Lake, the largest lake in Fulu at that time, dried up overnight, and I still don't know the reason. Many people think that the water from the lake poured into Youtian, but no burrows were found at the former site of Yagan Lake. That place is now called 'Yagam Tiankeng'.

The second thing happened just one year later, that is, the first thousand and eleven years. Shengshou Mountain, one of the three famous mountains in the floating land world, collapsed bizarrely, and the violent explosion shook the entire floating land. However, several strong men who had cultivated totem spirits nearby went to check, but found nothing. The holy hunting mountain has been halfway until now. "

Ao Kui worked hard and finally got the chance, but he was locked in the base of Yuheng Star Building for a long time, isolated from inside and outside, and he didn't know that Jiang Wang was surrounded by so many people.

Begging for work is like throwing a bowl upside down on the floating land, and all those who fight him in the cage are the pride of heaven.

Not only can they perform perfectly the tasks Jiang Wang thought of, but these people can also help him make up for what he didn't expect. It really saves worry and effort.

"The time is right." Jiang Wang nodded: "Yagan Tiankeng and Shengshou seems that there are many secrets. Let's go and see when everyone is ready."

He can almost conclude that the changes in these two places are related to Ao Kui who was exiled in the universe back then. Now Ao Kui, if he is not busy gathering beliefs, maybe he will also do some small things in these two places.

"There is another interesting thing." Lian Yuchan said again: "The change of Shengshou Mountain, the totem spirits who rushed to the scene at the first time were from the Xuanfeng Department, the Huntu Department, the Xiaolei Department, and the Jingshui Department. And within ten years, they all died of various reasons without a good end. The split of the Xuanfeng Department also started from this."

The practice of the floating land world is self-contained, and the spirit of the totem can be roughly regarded as the level of the gods, and because of the particularity of the original totem, the life span is more than five hundred and twelve years.

The fall of a totem spirit is almost a turning point in the rise and fall of a tribe.

The death of the totem spirits of these tribes is definitely a useful clue. Follow the clues, maybe you can find something.

The chief server of Bai Yujing Restaurant is indeed talented!

Jiang Wangza touched the information and found another point——

The split of the Xuanfeng Department made it known to the world that they had held the royal power twice in a row. That's why all the ministries of the floating land took the people from outside the sky as star generals to participate in the game of life and death.

The chess game of life and death has existed in the floating land world since ancient times, and the kingship totem was born at the same time as other totems.

However, the behavior of "pointing the star general" was followed by other ministries after the Xuanfeng Division split, and developed into a fixed ritual!

Does this mean that... the floating land world also established a connection with the secret realm of the Seven Star Tower after the changes in Shengshou Mountain, and became one of the many outer worlds connected to the secret realm of the Seven Star Tower?

Lian Yuchan deliberately emphasized that she also had such a judgment in her mind.

"Thank you." Jiang Wang calmly looked at Xi Ming again.

Facing an opponent like Ao Kui whose vision, cultivation, and wisdom are all above him, he is locked in a cage and fights to the death.

He was supposed to be the one who was flustered, which is why Ao Kui launched such a challenge.

But he wasn't nervous at all.

This is not to force composure, so it is calm.

Rather, he was already on the right path.

Now all the tribes in Fulu have been mobilized to look for clues to the World Exterminating Demon Dragon everywhere. Even if they can't find it right away, it will make it difficult for the old dragon to cultivate safely.

He sat firmly in the tent of the Chinese army and dispatched troops and generals. While cultivating and strengthening himself, he is looking for clues about begging for a living Rushibo, and looking for clues about the ancient sage Wu Hangong.

Ao Kui hid and licked his wound, it didn't matter. Of course Ao Kui is patient and determined.

But he will run over the entire floating land world with majesty. He will take away the begging bowl, take away the inheritance of the ancient sage Wu Hangong, and let Ao Kui know that the opportunity he was waiting for will not come. Hiding is a slow but irreparable defeat!

Such a crushing situation is to imitate Duhou's military strategy. Upright and upright, the world is in love with each other.

Currently facing Ao Kui's two advantages, the advantage of the enemy's physical condition, and the advantage of the royal tribe, all have been brought to the limit. Then press on step by step, forming an advantage into a winning situation.

No one can deny Ao Kui's terror.

But Jiang Wang believed he had won.

This confidence, of course, is also perceived by Xi Ming.

He reported with a correct attitude: "Wu Zhu from the Ministry of Fire and Fire died. It was the day we came to the floating land. Wu Zhu sang a song of congratulations, danced a sacrificial dance, and prayed to the original totem. God The result of praying is——'This world will end, and the end is coming.' This matter was blocked in the Ministry of Fire and Fire, and it took me a lot of effort to get it."

The result of Wu Zhu's divine prayer was so consistent with what Jihuo Yuxiu's eyes saw. Coupled with the theory that the dragon will destroy the world suddenly spread by the royal tribe, Jihuo Yuling deeply felt that the doomsday was coming, and this also made sense...

Bai Yuxia calmly said: "If death in this world is doomed, then life can only be found outside the sky. But the escape route to the outside world has been blocked, so we can only count on people outside the sky... so Jihuo Yuling will Leave the daughter in your care. The logic holds."

Of the few people who went out, only Jingli has not come back.

There is nothing to worry about. With his strength, there is almost no danger in the floating land world. Even if he meets Ao Kui alone, he can retreat completely.

Jiang Wang went through all the information in his heart, and then urged Rumeng Ling to engrave the pictures of seven clay tablets on the table with Yuanli: "Don't worry about other things, I will test it out." You——these are the creation scriptures of Fulu, these three have already been deciphered, and I have engraved them into words. Try to decipher the rest of them."

Bai Yuxia frowned slightly: "This is not a job that can be completed in a short period of time. There are not enough known creation myths, and we have not studied the evolution of floating land characters."

"I have thought about it." Xi Ming said lightly: "But the Fulu script is a very typical evolution of Dao script, which is similar to Jing script. And these creation scripts are completely another writing system. If you want to decipher it, We need to master the sacrificial dances, blessing songs, and totems here... In other words, we must at least have the talent of witchcraft."

Tianjiao is Tianjiao, everyone has their own thinking.

Jiang Wang appreciated it very much, and took out several tomes on the spot, as well as a stack of manuscripts: "The ritual dance postures, lyrics of blessing songs that can be collected, the records, interpretations, and experiences of witchcraft in the past dynasties, as well as the creative works that have been deciphered. All the world god texts are here. I believe it will be helpful for you to interpret the book of creation."

Lian Yuchan didn't talk nonsense, and silently distributed the manuscripts to the few present.

"Don't share mine." Jiang Wang stopped her: "I'm going to meet with the Water Purification Ministry Wu Zhu Jingshui Chengyu, you guys get busy first."

As soon as the words fell, the person was already outside the door, and he thoughtfully closed the door behind him.

Xi Ming looked at Bai Yuxia.

Bai Yuxia took the manuscript and began to read it while saying, "Jingshui Chengyu once fought against the legendary witch Zhu Qinghuozhushu of the Qinghuo Ministry. Maybe we can find some historical truth in him...let's work."



The shopkeeper will never dismantle the owner's platform.

Just like King Qing's decree came out, so Chengyu Qingshui had to come.

Because the kingship system is the foundation of the existing order in the floating land. To protect the kingship is to protect everything that one owns.

This is an old man with white hair, tall and old. Wearing an exaggerated witch wish mask, she sat quietly in the quiet room provided by Qinghuo Yuanchen.

Jiang Wang sat cross-legged opposite him.

"I'm sorry to ask the elders to come to see me instead of me. The dragon is about to die, and I need to make the most of every minute of my time."

"It doesn't matter." Jing Shui Chengyu said: "Once a person becomes old, he knows that time is precious. Don't dare to waste it. Mr. Linchuan, please get to the point."

"Then I'll get straight to the point." Jiang Wang said: "You have fought against Qinghuo Zhushu, can you talk about your knowledge of him?"

Jingshui Chengyu thought for a while, and said, "Qinghuo Zhushu is the strongest person from Fulu I have ever met in all these years of living, and he is also the most intelligent one."

"Why are there restrictions on floating land?" Jiang Wang asked in a relaxed tone.

Jing Shui Chengyu said: "Because I'm not sure about your strength."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Has the celebration fire bamboo book reached the realm of the totem holy spirit?"

"At the last moment of his life, I was not there." Jing Shui Chengyu said: "I can only say this, if anyone in the floating land can reach the realm of the totem holy spirit, that person can only be Qinghuo Zhushu. Between me and When he came into contact with it, he was infinitely close to that legendary realm."

"Infinitely close?"

"Before him, I didn't even think that realm existed. But he has actually seen it."

Did he go there?

Jiang Wang thought about it, and asked again: "What research do you have on You Tian?"

Jing Shui Chengyu said: "My research is far behind the Qinghuo Bamboo Book. What Mr. learned in the Qinghuo Department includes everything I know."

Jiang Wang sighed: "The Qinghuo Department's research on Youtian has been destroyed by the Qinghuo Bamboo Book. The new Wu Zhu doesn't know anything."

The Qinghuo Bamboo Book was really decisive. It brought all the painstaking efforts of Wu Zhu from the Qinghuo Department, as well as his own life's income, into Youtian.

This matter has never been rumored, and the Totem of Youzhi is an absolute secret of the Qinghuo Department. To this day, the cause of death of Qinghuo Zhushu is that he died while sitting in the burrow, resisting the riot of star beasts.

Jing Shui Chengyu was silent for a moment, and said: "Then I will destroy my research when I go back."

Jiang Wang was really surprised now.

Is this the blind faith in Qinghuozhu Shu?

"Since it's all going to be destroyed, why not leave it to me." Jiang Wang said bluntly: "I need to know more about the world to deal with the World Destroyer Dragon."

In fact, when he was in Wuzhi Grotto, he really wanted to jump into the secluded cave and experience Youtian for himself, but he didn't take the risk in the end. Having reached his current level of practice, his desire to know the nature of the world is almost a natural desire.

"Yes." Jing Shui Chengyu agreed very readily: "I will sort out the relevant research when I go back, and send it to my husband."

Jiang Wang got up directly: "Don't bother you to run again, I will accompany you back to pick it up."

Jing Shui Chengyu glanced at him with mixed emotions, it felt like you were being polite to someone, saying 'I'll treat you to dinner later' or something, and the person suddenly said 'Don't look back, let's just do it today'.

What else can I do?

The old Wu Zhu from the Water Purification Department also stood up: "Then Mr. Linchuan, please come with me."

"Lin Xian! Yuxiu! Come out with me!"

Not only did Jiang Wang go by himself, but he also recruited two attendants. He didn't treat himself as an outsider very much, and he was quite "broad-looking".

The old witch Zhu stayed in the tribal ancestral hall all his life studying totems and blessing songs. Obviously, he was not suitable for the style of the hereditary prince of the overlord in the center of the world. He glanced at Jiang Wang several times, but finally said nothing.

Don't say no, just agree.

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