Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1984 The Buddha Contemplates Evil Ghosts

Monk Jingli felt embarrassed about being caught stealing a farmhouse's reed chicken, stood there reluctantly, and said to Bai Yuxia: "Well, well, if you are my Buddha, well, that's the end of today's sutra."

Then I turned around in surprise: "Junior Brother, you're back? Is it Shengshou Mountain? I'll accompany you there."

Flying all the way, Jiang Wang, who tried his best to let go of his eyes and ears, actually heard the conversation between Jing Li and Bai Yuxia a long time ago. Go slow on purpose and don't come back until they're done talking.

At this time, he would not say anything, and only ordered: "Yuchan, stay here, supervise them to continue to collect clues, and take care of Yuxiu by the way. The others follow me."

Lian Yuchan smoothed the twin swords agitated with murderous intent, and took over the handle of Jihuo Yuxiu's wheelchair.

The group didn't say anything else, and followed Jiang Wang to fly to Shengshou Mountain.

Since coming to the world of floating land, Jiang Wang has been running around non-stop, almost never stopping, and even discussing matters, he is mostly on the road.

"Where's the woodcutter?" Xi Ming spread out his steel wings behind his back, soaring freely in the sky, and asked casually, his voice cold.

"Going to do other things, Shengshou Mountain doesn't need him." Jiang Wang responded.

Jingli and Jiang Wang walked side by side, Bai Yuxia secretly exerted strength, speeded up a little, walked to the side, let her forehead flutter, and said in a flat tone: "Why did the master send Lin Xian to do other things, let Lian Yuchan see Child, but you only take me to Shengshou Mountain?"

His posture is very casual, but the corner of his mouth still shows his happiness.

Think of him, Lin Xian, and Lian Yuchan, the three of them work together in Baiyujing, and they are all practitioners standing in front of the gap between heaven and man, and they are all the pride of a country. The boss only took him to Shengshou Mountain, isn't that enough to explain the problem? Believe it or not, not to mention, it is clear that in the heart of the boss, he, Bai Yuxia, is the best one!

"Oh." Jiang Wang said casually, "It's too dangerous for you to stay there."

Bai Yuxia suddenly became unhappy: "What danger can I have?"

Jiang Wang said, "I'm worried about them."

Without waiting for Bai Yuxia to get angry, she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I'm not joking. Have you achieved any results in your interpretation of the creation divine text?"

"If I can be in danger in the Fire Festival, then even Yuchan will not be able to. My boss's words are a shame!" Bai Yuxia said resolutely, and then said: "In such a short period of time, it is necessary to set off fireworks. It's not like that!"

But then changed the subject: "We really deciphered a word."

"What word?" Jiang Wang was very interested.

"Do you still have any impression of the clay tablet book of 'Shi Youwei, Wei Yu——'?"


"The next word is 'it'."

"It doesn't make much sense." Jiang Wang, the pioneer of the Creation Divine Text and the owner of Baiyujing Restaurant, commented on this.

Generally, the key point is after the word "Qi".

"It means a lot." Xi Ming, who flew far away, suddenly flew closer, and said coldly: "You may not know much about this knowledge. The interpretation of every ancient character is swept out in the fog of history. A clear piece of the puzzle. It helps us to eliminate a large number of fallacies and greatly promotes the interpretation process.”

"Is that so?" Jiang Wang reluctantly accepted, and then shared with them what he had seen in the Ministry of Water Purification.

"As a shaman, Jingshui Chengyu is understandable for hiding some tribal secrets. After all, it is the root of the clan, and it is impossible to completely let go of our guard." Bai Yuxia made a calm analysis.

"There is one thing that is very interesting. I don't know if you have discovered it." Jiang Wang said: "So far, there has not been a real totem holy spirit in Fulu. I have searched history and found no records. There are legends, but they are not credible. As far as the information we have about the various ethnic groups in Fulu, there is only one Qinghuo Bamboo Book that is really close to that realm, but the Qinghuo Bamboo Book has broken through before it even appears."

Xi Ming said directly: "Either this world has limitations, or the method of totem practice has limitations."

"Every one of you has seen the totem practice method, and you should have practiced it, but what experience do you have?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Unless you practice to the realm of the spirit of the totem, refine the body, and call the spirit to the source, how can you really talk about the realm of the totem spirit." Joke said: "It is impossible for us. No one will take it as the fundamental method, just It’s just firewood.”

"Abandoning the physical body at that step. That's why the spiritual life of the totem exceeds the divine presence." Bai Yuxia also said: "Not to mention that it is not limited, just judging from the pictures, it is indeed a profound knowledge. Just relying on our desire to understand its true meaning, it will not be completed in three or two years. These powerhouses in the floating land cannot really dig out their hearts..."

Jingli, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let out a 'huh', "It's done!"

But seeing his right hand stretched out in front of him, a circular pattern slowly formed above his palm——

In that circle is a slanted swastika with two black and white lines interlaced. There is a simple but mysterious aesthetic.

The three people who saw this scene were all shocked to varying degrees.

Because this is not a simple pattern, this is a totem. A totem that truly possesses power, has integrated into the extraordinary system of this world, and can practice.

And unlike any pre-existing totems they had seen collected by the Crown Clan, it was a brand new totem!

Bai Yuxia didn't do this, Xi Ming didn't do it, and Jiang Wang didn't do it either.

Bai Yuxia recalled her own advice, and her voice was a little lost: "Is this... the karma totem?"

"It should be." Jingli himself was not very clear, he poked the totem in front of him with his fingers, as if he had poked something substantial, and pushed it back a few inches.

He grinned as if he had found his favorite toy: "It should be!"

Bai Yuxia was still in confusion: "Didn't I ask you to make a karma totem shell? Does the little holy monk know what a shell is? A shell is a cover, used to fool people, it looks very real , But fakes that are useless at all are easy to get out, does the little saint understand?"

Jingli blinked and blinked: "Is it really impossible to do it? It's not difficult."

Ah, makes sense too. Bai Yuxia stopped talking.

Xi Ming had already lit the totem of wind on his left forearm, and now he is silently operating the power of the totem, examining its nature again... probably a little self-doubting.

Jiang Wang smiled and looked at Jingli: "It seems that your exploration of totems has surpassed all of us. Then, this little monk of the Xuankong Temple, in your opinion, in this totem practice method, the realm of the totem holy spirit is Can it be reached?"

Jingli thought for a while silently: "I still don't have an answer. Looking at the other shore from this shore, that realm can be imagined, but if you don't become a totem spirit, you can't see the real thing until you reach the shore."

"Even the little holy monk who created his own karma totem didn't have an answer for a while, and even the bamboo book celebrating the fire with the name of 'the strongest' has not arrived with certainty." Jiang Wang said to them: "But the clean water more than a thousand years ago The shaman Zhu Jingshui Yiyuan tried to sublimate to the totem Holy Spirit seven years after he collapsed in Shengshou Mountain. And his strength was not outstanding among the spirits at that time."

Bai Yuxia didn't expect his boss to get such useful information from the Ministry of Water Purification: "You mean..."

Jiang Wang said: "He may have obtained some kind of harvest in Shengshou Mountain. That kind of harvest is likely to be something out of the sky, allowing him to get inspiration from other worlds and see the way forward!"

"Are there any clues left for us to discover the changes that happened thousands of years ago?" Xi Ming asked.

"Impossible to survive, even if there are clues, they have been cleared away by the Fulu people. We have also seen the civilization here, how can we underestimate their wisdom?" Jiang Wang said: "I am looking for traces of Ao Kui. He has no way to dominate the beliefs sweeping the floating land now, and is forced to fight against the various tribes of the floating land. There are not many choices. This is probably the place where he brought changes to the floating land. He must come here to find changes. Capture your chances."

Shengshou Mountain is in the central area of ​​the entire floating land world, and the two tribes closest to this mountain are the Huntu and Tianfeng tribes. The former is the seventeenth of the Tubu, and the latter is one of the eight divisions split from the Xuanfeng section.

It is said to be "nearest", but it is also thousands of miles away from Shengshou Mountain.

Jingshui and Xiaolei are farther away.

Flying all the way, discussing all the way, I don't think the journey is long.

When the four of them stopped, what appeared in front of them was not so much a mountain, but a high platform.

Standing high in the vast land, but being cut off on the majestic and steep road.

The mountains are still lush and green, and there are animals and birds singing. It seems to have become a world, a world that has not experienced the changes of the times.

Xi Ming retracted the steel wings, landed on a relatively flat mountaintop, squatted down, and pressed his index finger on the ground. From his fingertips, black ants appeared out of thin air and crawled out quickly.

With his foothold as the center, ants are like a black tide, pouring down to the entire Shengshou Mountain!

"Are these organs?" Monk Jingli looked at them curiously.

"They are all living things." Xi Ming said indifferently: "Mechanism can also produce such ants, but the cost is too high, which does not conform to our concept of 'saving use'. These are the ants that have been bred and made some special Processing, supplemented by mechanical techniques to control."

Ever since Qian Jinhua became a giant, the word that Mohists have considered the most is "frugal use".

But before Qian Jinhua's era, "frugality" was restrained and simple. After Qian Jinhua's era, "frugality" is more inclined to control costs in commercial activities.

It is indeed not untrue to say that he is a true king of business.

Bai Yuxia raised her sword in the air and flew into the distance.

Jiang Wang turned on the Immortal Eye to inspect the Quartet.

Purification ritual strides far away, sitting cross-legged in the air, clasping palms together, closing eyes, Buddha's light surrounds the body, and ripples like water ripples.

The four divided different areas and thoroughly investigated every inch of Shengshou Mountain.

"Found it." Xi Ming flickered, and had already rushed into the forest, and Jiang Wang stepped up and followed.

The two walked quickly through the deep old forest, agile like birds returning to their nests, and finally landed in front of an old tree that was enough for nine people to hug.

The tree was dead, only a half stump remained, still as tall as a house. It has long since been eaten away by moths. Dense black ants are crawling inside and outside the tree.

Xi Ming pointed at the tree with his index finger, and the black ant quickly retracted, almost forming a line, and crashed straight into his index finger—as if it was connected to another space.

"The ink ants have tasted a power that doesn't belong to this world." Xi Ming said: "It's still very fresh, just within the past three days."

Jiang Wang casually cut off a piece of rotten wood, and slowly burned it with the real fire of samadhi: "It can only be Ao Kui. What did he do here?"

Jokingly said: "Plundered the vitality of this old tree. He deliberately covered up the traces and modified it to look like it was naturally decayed, but the impact of this old tree on the soil and the encroachment on the living space of other surrounding trees are all He can't change that."

Jiang Wang himself has already obtained the answer through Samadhi True Fire, which is consistent with the description of Xi Ming. Frowning, he said: "Ao Kui has the ability to plunder the vitality of trees for his own use. But this vitality is too small for him, what can he do?"

Jokingly said: "If Ao Kui can recover with this, we should see Bald Mountain. It means that this secret technique is limited, and he needs to use this vitality to do something here."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Can you trace him through these forces?"

"I'm doing."

"If I were Ao Kui, I hurried past here a thousand years ago and hid the treasure of the Buddha. When I came back after a thousand years, the first thing I would do would be to hunt for treasures. And I have already contacted the beggar Rushi bowl and blocked the world. For some reason, I can't completely release its power—then the most important thing right now is to unseal this treasure and live a hundred lives." Jiang Wang pondered: "The vitality of this tree can be as good as a beggar's life." Is the bowl useful?"

Xi Ming injected the power swallowed by the black ants into the four mechanism birds, and then let them fly in four directions. At the same time, he analyzed: "From the comparison of power, even if it is useful, it is at most the function of an introduction."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "What's so special about this tree?"

"The oldest tree in this mountain forest..." Jokingly said, grasping the key point: "No, the special thing is that it is the oldest tree existing on Shengshou Mountain."

The special place lies in Shengshou Mountain!

Jiang Wang's eyes also brightened: "It has the power of the origin of the Fulu Human Race!"

The play continued: "The begging for such a bowl may be blocked by the world power of the floating land world, which prevents Ao Kui from using his full strength. Whether it is the deliberate guidance of the floating land human race, or the world's instinctive rejection. Well, in short, such a situation has been created. And Ao Kui Dongshizhizhen has seen the fundamental problem and is solving it. Therefore, it is necessary to use the power of the origin of the floating land human race as a guide."

"There must be many ideas on how to solve the blockade of world power when one's own strength is insufficient, and with the inheritance of Jucheng for a long time?"

"You can also ask the little holy monk, the Xuankong Temple is definitely not in vain. It is best that we brainstorm and exhaust the dragon's path, and then cut off one by one."

Just as he was talking, the voice of Jing Li sounded—"Junior Brother, this way!"

The black ants are still tirelessly crawling across every inch of the ground.

Jiang Wang and Xi Ming shuttled through the secluded mountains and forests, and soon found the place of the cleansing ceremony——

He is in a deep cave.

There are vines, ancient trees and mossy boulders outside this cave, which are hidden very deep, and he does not know how to find them.

At this moment, the tree moved and the stone was opened, just like an ancient tomb being dug, and the skylight swimming in. The old and decayed breath is still gushing out. I don't know how many years it has been sealed in stone, and it has reappeared in the world.

When I walked in, I found that the cave was tall and wide, extending in all directions, and it was hard to tell what it looked like at a glance.

The sound of the wind shuttled in the cave in the distance, and the name of the old crow was faint, inexplicably gloomy.

The handsome and clean young monk is standing in front of the historic stone wall with palms folded. A circle of Buddha's light behind his head made his shiny bald head shine brightly, as if the dark cave was also illuminated by him.

So the bloody and terrifying rock paintings in front of him seemed to become peaceful and warm.

In Jiang Wang's eyes, this scene itself is also a painting, for——

The Buddha sees evil spirits.

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