Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2011 Be careful!

Because I am very satisfied, I can leave with peace of mind!

In the battlefield where the sky is full of stars, everyone is silent.

From ancient times, ancient times, middle antiquity, modern times, to the modern world. How did the sages go through all kinds of hardships, and how did the pioneers overcome obstacles, so that today's heyday era of the human race that dominates the world and suppresses the heavens and worlds!

How can those who come here take lightly?

The way of evil ghosts is like wind blowing sand, and stalwart dragons and demons are like turning pages of books.

This battle that has been entangled in the floating world for hundreds of thousands of years has come to an end in this way.

"Little friend, be careful!"

Suddenly there was a sharp reminder, accompanied by a group of terrifying black shadows approaching——

It was a majestic and mysterious ghost dragon, stretching its dragon body, in a fearless posture, like a mountain, lying in front of Jiang Wang!

Long Mu looked at Jiang Wang with concern, remorse, and sincerity!

Jiang Wang himself was also on the blue sky, but because he was slow in dragging the cleaning ceremony, he couldn't evacuate immediately.

But there is no need to evacuate...

A group of extremely beautiful oval fantasy stars surrounded him and Jingli.

Time and space are different here!

Standing inside Fantasy Xingxuan, looking at the outside world like a mirror,

The familiar Yuheng starlight made Jiang Wang completely relaxed, so that he was free to enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of him.

At first glance, the starlight looks like quicksand, but at a closer look, every grain of star sand is printed with dao patterns. Looking as far as the eye can see with Qianyang's red pupils, this pattern is like a living thing that is endlessly alive.

Its quality and its prestige, every grain of star sand is like a meteorite! Once it breaks out, its killing power is hard to predict.

In addition to this fantasy Xingxuan, there is also a gorgeous floating star map, standing like a screen. A thin page, but separated into a moat.

Ao Kui's dragon body is just outside the star map screen.

And the reason why he suddenly rushed over and shouted to be careful has already appeared——

Duke Wu Han did not want to be driven away by the demons, so he became a dragon demon and abandoned the dragon demon. After killing the will of the demon spirit and saying goodbye to the human race present, he took the initiative to erase his traces and turned over the "Wu Han" public" history.

But magic is eternal.

Although Duke Wu Han died and the demon spirit disappeared, the "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" still exists.

And at the moment Wu Han Gong disappeared, he had re-manifested and reappeared in the world.

It was a pentagonal board the size of a human head, made of unknown material, which was a bit like a clay tablet book.

But not as rough as clay tablets. Exuding metallic luster, the edges are neat and can even be called sharp, with a very symmetrical aesthetic. The surface is so smooth that the distorted rune seems to be floating on it.

A touch of black magic surrounds the book, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

At the same time as it manifested its traces, it slammed into Jiang Wang's side!

Like a baby swallow returning to its nest, it arrives suddenly, bound by fate. I don't know if it's for Jiang Wang or for Jingli.

Ao Kui made a decision at this moment.

When Wu Hangong was talking to Jiang Wang and others, he had already slipped to the edge of the battlefield without a sound. is not realistic.

He actually thought about taking Jiang Wang as a hostage, but if Jiang Wang slipped away, he might miss it. Second, this kind of behavior has already been tried in Tianwai, and it has failed once, which is somewhat shadowy. What's more, this time Yuheng Xingjun has an extra real monarch next to him, who knows what means?

After weighing, you can only give up.

But at this moment when the magic power changed, a bold idea came to his mind, and he decided to take a gamble.

He wants to sacrifice his life to save Jiang Wang once, and let the Yuheng Xingjun who came over see how he has changed his mind and become a dragon again.

As for his various actions after he tricked Jiang Wang to Fulu, they are all explainable.

The demon spirit's self-justification gave him infinite inspiration.

It can also be said that he came to Fulu because he couldn't help himself. He was tricked in the Tianfo Temple in the early years and was subject to begging for living such as bowls. Jiang Wang made a big splash in the Lost Realm and attracted the attention of the Hai Clan, so Qihuo Rushibo specially summoned them to Fulu to deal with Jiang Wang!

He started a killing spree in the Ministry of Rapid Fire, and all of them could be blamed on the demon spirits. With a body that has been tired for a long time and a weak soul, it is impossible to resist the vicious demon spirit. And he bears the burden of humiliation, in fact, to protect Jiang Wang at a critical time. He has long since surrendered piously!

In short... it is roughly such a framework. How to express it more believably depends on the performance on the spot.

At this moment, he sacrificed his body to block the magic skill, and made a gesture first, earning a round of emotion!

The green clouds that had risen under Jiang Wang's feet, and Xingxuan covering Jiang Wang in an instant, showed how wise he was to give up the idea of ​​taking hostages.


Great as Yuheng Xingjun, what can you do if you cover me by the way? What about your mercy? !

Almost at the same time as he stopped Jiang Wang, the "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" had already been killed, and the sharp edge directly cut off the dragon scale and cut into the dragon's body!

Forget it, it's easier to get sympathy for a little injury... Ao Kui was thinking about this, and suddenly felt a sharp pain that touched his soul, which made him stiffen in front of Jiang Wang, his dragon body raised his head and howled!

pain! It hurts so much!

What hadn't been seen in his long life? I have also dragged my body and fought bloody battles, and I have also felt the pain that can be called capital punishment in the world, but I have never felt such pain!

It's like the soul was put into a stone mill, and the juice was squeezed out bit by bit.

If he knew it was so painful, he wouldn't say anything to stop it.

Bald thief Guanyan, save me? !

Compared with the body of a ten thousand-foot dragon, the small "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" is not much bigger than a sesame seed. But from the moment it cut into the dragon's spine, Ao Kui could barely feel his own body, only the endless pain that almost destroyed his will.

He wanted to yell at Guan Yan's ancestors, wanted to yell at the Heavenly Buddha, the World-Honored One...but he couldn't find a mouthpiece.


In the next moment, Ao Kui had a different feeling. After surviving the extreme pain, the power that rose almost infinitely spread from the wound on the dragon's spine to every part of the dragon's body!

The body of the ghost dragon condensed by Youguang suddenly exploded with upside-down bone spurs, becoming more ferocious, colder, and stronger!

At this moment, his eyes were in a trance, and he couldn't tell whether it was pleasure or pain that swept through his mind. He vaguely saw the future of infinite leaps... the extraordinary scenery that he had been seeking so hard for so many years!

From chasing the emperor in the sea, to chasing the star king in the Senhaiyuan world, to becoming a ghost dragon in the floating land.

He planned step by step and struggled all the time, but he was always one step short.

He doesn't lack a city, talent, or courage, but he always lacks a little bit of luck and coincidence!

The star map screen, the brilliant Xingxuan behind the screen, and Jiang Wang in Xingxuan were reflected in the slightly dazed dragon eyes.

Jiang Wang's posture was relaxed, his eyes were inexplicable, and his tone was also inexplicable: "What are you careful about?"

Ao Kui's temper came back along with his strength, and he was furious, manifesting in the form of a dragon demon with a dragon's head and a human body, and punched the star map screen with one punch: "Be careful that you can't survive Wu Hangong's first seven! Carriage crash! You ruthless, rotten bastard!"

When the fist was thrown out, he was also completely awake.

I finally know what the material of "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art" is clearly a piece of dragon scale!

And with the body of a ghost dragon, he absorbed the magic power and became a dragon demon.

Perhaps the first Demonic Dragon ever created!

The fist covered with thin scales smashed into the screen-like star map, but failed to smash through it, only dented it.

Not so good.

Perhaps because he didn't know enough about "Mountain and River Broken Dragon Magic Art", Ao Kui found that he was not as strong as he imagined, and the true king who wore the star chart on his body as a Taoist robe was more terrifying than imagined!

At the same time as the strength of the fist surged back, he also surged back.

There was only a slightly concave fist mark on the star map that quickly recovered, and even Xingxuan didn't touch it, let alone hurt half of Jiang Wang's hair.

His ghostly dragon body was so strong that he slammed through the land and plunged into the boundless sky.

Only one sentence was left: "This punch is to teach you a lesson! Take care of yourself, little thief!"

Jiang Wang stared at the slightly shaking star map in front of him as if blown by the wind, and was stunned for a moment, waiting for him to try to recall the old monk Kujue's insulting art and prepare to fight back... Ao Kui has disappeared.

Guan Yan walked past him in a moon white gown, said "Wait for me here", then stepped into Youtian, chasing and killing Ao Kui!

The sky was dark and endless, but his whiteness seemed to be imprinted in it, and it couldn't be hidden!

A volume of the star map, printed back on Ruan Yu's Taoist robe. The ink jade hairpin concealed Xinghui, he looked around, focused on Li Fengyao, and then said to Jiang Wuxie: "Your Highness Ninth Prince, are you okay?"

"Unscathed!" Jiang Wuxie put away the Red Luan Spear casually, led the Rapid Fire Jade Ling, and walked up to him with a calm and royal demeanor: "Where did you invite that master just now? Why are you so gentle?" , and so murderous?"

"It's senior Yuheng Xingjun Guanyan." Jiang Wang introduced: "Before I came to Fulu, I wrote a letter to the old man."

"That's it!" Jiang Wuxie paused, just about to say that I also invited Supervisor Ruan.

Then I heard Ruan Yu say to Jiang Wang: "You told me about this life before, and if I come here today, I will pay the fortune. You and I have no debts."

Jiang Wuxie was stunned.

Although he was not in the same stupefied way, Jiang Wang was also stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "How can this be done? You have done my fortune-telling for me, and you have used a lot of force. But here in Fulu, I have nothing to offer, so how can I repay you?" ?”

"At my level, primordial stones are useless, thousands of gold are useless, and the most important thing is chance. Although the talent is outside the time gap, Wu Hangong is the master of all ages, and he did what he did and did not cover it. Both Taoist Guanyan and I have benefited a lot. That's a lot, it's enough to pay off!" Ruan Yu waved his hand: "You should relax and get closer to the truth!"

It was only then that Jiang Wang understood why Wu Han would say, "Those two Yan Taoists are very enlightened."

Wu Hangong breaks the seal, transforms the dragon demon, kills the demon spirit, and judges the history by himself. From his perspective, it may be difficult to see anything, but a person standing on the top of the extraordinary, looking at the people on the top of the top. The scenery can always be rewarded. But Mr. Wu Han was open-minded and allowed to learn.

What a teacher of all ages!

The time gap is erased, and the time flow in this world is gradually becoming one with the outside world.

The calamity of destroying the world is over, and Ruan Yu and Guan Yan have brought the starlight beyond Tianshu.

The floating world has never been so free.

Under the stars, there are great mountains and rivers.

Qinghuo Qiming swam close with his huge whale body, and said to Jiang Wang, "Friend...friend, I'll help you catch him."

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and the sound transmission said to him: "You are now the guardian spirit of the floating land world. The most important thing right now is to restore the order of the floating land, appease the people of the floating land, and reduce the follow-up impact of the disaster."

After all, he has participated in large-scale battles and has held extremely high power. Know that once the order collapses, sometimes man-made disasters are more severe than natural disasters. If the order of the floating land is not restored in time, more people may die than the demons and Ao Kui.

"What should I... do?" Qinghuo Qiming asked via voice transmission.

He has obvious trust in Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang was his friend when he was a cowardly witch named Qinghuo Qiming. He is the only one who is willing to listen to his thoughts.

"You can't ask me, this is the time for you to establish authority and truly grasp power. What you have now is trust and strength, but you haven't really grasped power yet." Jiang Wang searched his guts, recalled all kinds of history, and gave him what he could think of The best advice for Qinghuo Qiming: "If you really don't know what to do, you can assign tasks to Qinghuo Yuanchen or other tribal leaders, and they will naturally know how to do it. You don't have to say too much, just evaluate them How well you did. Just watch and you'll understand."

Qing Huo Qiming let out an "Oh" and asked again: "Will you come to see me often in the future? Previously in was too lonely."

Maybe that's what he wanted to say the most.

"Of course." Jiang Wanglift pointed to the sky, lost the cover of the begging bowl, and Yuheng Xingjun was here, and his Yuheng Star Tower was shining high in the sky, becoming a bright star among the stars.

"We can keep in touch," he said with a smile.

Qinghuo Qiming smiled with satisfaction, and slowly floated towards Qinghuo Yuanchen.

The army all over the mountains and plains, under the command of the leaders, gradually receded like a tide.

The world has collapsed and the earth has been torn apart. Although there are raging fires supporting the sky, and celebrating the fires to mend the ground, the lives of ordinary people have been destroyed too much.

They need to rebuild their lives.

This is a long and painful process, but it is just like the stars tonight - not only Tianshu, not only tonight.

Generations of efforts of the Fulu people have won a wider possibility after tonight. Some are crying, some are sad, some are full of hope.

Li Fengyao made some arrangements for the soldiers of the Water Purification Department, and then flew towards Jiang Wang.

The eldest daughter of the Li family in Shimen put on her armor and looked heroic, like a goddess standing on the top of a glacier. It is completely different from the usual style, but it is also a kind of thrilling beauty.

"Didn't you run a restaurant in Xingyueyuan? Why can't you stop here?" Li Fengyao asked.

Participating in such a fierce war as soon as they entered the floating land, there is really no time for chatting, and this is the time to catch up on the old days.

"It's a long story..." Jiang Wang scolded, "It's all the old dragon's fault!"

"Leaving aside the matter of the old dragon..." Li Fengyao raised her eyebrows slightly: "You knew I would come?"

Jiang Wang knew that she was asking about those totem paintings, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I just thought, if Jiang Wuxie could arrange something in Fulu... Sister Fengyao has no reason to miss it. So I just drew it A few strokes, don't blame my sister."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he quickly went to Jiang Wuxie to make amends: "I didn't mean to say that His Highness Ninth Prince can't do're pretty good at it!"

Palace Master Yangxin, who was frowning, stretched his brows again, and smiled affectionately: "It's okay, I've known you for so long, don't I know you yet? You're talking without intention."

Li Fengyao ignored their hypocrisy, turned around and walked in the direction of the Water Purification Department, and only said lightly: "The painting is not bad!"

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