Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2013 If you think about something, just remember it

Before leaving, he stared at Jing Li who was guarding outside the door, and ran in to complain.

"I don't like this man." He said seriously.

"Okay." Jiang Wang coaxed casually: "Since you don't like it, then I don't like it either."

"It's not that I have a bad temper." As a senior brother, Jingli couldn't let his junior feel that he was stingy, and explained seriously why he didn't like to play tricks on this person: "He didn't use his full strength in Fulu, and we were all desperate. , He is keeping it. I feel that he has a stronger power, but he didn't release it in the end. So that the evil ghost Tiandao almost killed him with his knife. It was his dishonesty that caused this situation. I want you to take risks Go save him."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "At the moment of life and death, I still want to hide my strength. I don't know whether to say he is confident or stupid... But he is not a fool. Maybe he has his own reasons! Maybe he is playing tricks?"

The little joke at the end is not funny.

He was very worried about the fact that his junior brother took risks because of his hidden strength: "Junior brother, you are too honest and kind. If you don't remember to keep a distance from this kind of person, you don't know how many times you will be fooled in the future."

"Then help me watch more." Jiang Wang said with a smile: "Use your wise eyes!"

Jingli raised her bald head proudly. He felt a kind of responsibility, the responsibility of 'brothers protect juniors and teach them how to face the world'.


I wish that it is possible for me to be in the mountains and seas!

Jiang Wang really woke up in the enigma.

Not to mention that the Duke of Chu Huai State and Yun Guo, who is a businessman in the world, are helping him find Zhu Weiwo, and they have been searching for several years but have found nothing. How can the Mo family not strive for perfection if they only make a move in Unredeemed City? But I can't find the senior brother anywhere.

From here, it should actually be thought that Zhu Wei, I am probably not in this world at all.

In connection with the relationship between Huang Jinmo and Huang Weizhen, the Mountain Sea Realm is really a very possible place.

Previously, he was trapped in the inherent cognition that the mountain and sea realm had just been opened and would not reopen in a short period of time, but he forgot the particularity of Huang Jinmo in the mountain and sea realm, and it was entirely possible to break the rules.

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Wang couldn't sit still anymore. But before he got up, he forcibly held back.

He knew that during the period when he just returned to Xingyueyuan, he must have attracted much attention. Chong Xuansheng has repeatedly emphasized that the most important thing is to hide the purpose when playing chess with others. The second is to hide the strength and the third is to hide the opportunity. The most taboo thing is to make people see the cards before they are on the table.

No matter what you want to do, you can't let people notice it. In particular, he must be wary of whether Zhuang Gaoxian has other plans. For the time being, only Xingyueyuan can be called safe——Jiang Wang seriously mentioned to Senior Guan Yan that he was building a restaurant in Xingyueyuan, expressing that someone He is eyeing him like a tiger, please watch more, Senior Guan Yan.

Zhuang Gaoxian is Zhuang Gaoxian after all, he does not lack the courage to take risks, but he will not take risks rashly. Without knowing the whereabouts of Bai Yujing and everyone, he directly stopped the plan. Let Lin Zhengren, who mobilized many people to go on an envoy to other countries, be able to stay alive and go back, and he can continue their playbook of wise kings and virtuous ministers.

But with Zhuang Gaoxian's acting style, he will not stop there. Although Lin Zhengren left, it by no means means that the crisis has been resolved. How can a person like Zhuang Gaoxian wait until Jiang Wangdong is real, and sit and watch the noose approach his neck? If one plan fails, I am afraid there will be another plan soon.

I don't know if Lin Zhengren will be able to play any role in the next round.

Jiang Wang has expectations for Lin Zhengren's performance, but he doesn't expect it, and only regards it as a possibility of icing on the cake.

In the next period of time, he stayed in the Baiyujing restaurant honestly, practicing meditation every day, quite like sitting on the Diaoyutai, calm and peaceful like a mountain. Let Bai Yuxia and the others take care of everything, no matter how big or small it is, they never go out, as if they are going to be closed to death, and they will never get out of the mountain.

Under this kind of closed-door tactics similar to Ao Huangzhong, it is very difficult for anyone who wants to target him to find a chance.

Zhuang Guo's envoy Lin Zhengren has left, and according to the prior agreement, Lian Yuchan, who represents Xiang Guo's sincerity and is quite like a proton, can also return to the country.

But she seemed to have completely forgotten about it, and continued her work of passing on dishes happily.

"It's no fun to go back!" She said, "I've fallen in love with this self-supporting life!"

This is to change from a "hands-on" temporary worker to a regular worker... Speaking of this, it is impossible not to pay wages.

And leave it to Bai Yuxia to relieve the headache.

As the owner, Jiang Wang only sings red faces and gives meticulous care to the employees: "Has Yuchan seen the scenery on the other side?"

Even Yuchan didn't hide it: "Fulu and his party have benefited a lot, and they have indeed gained something!"

Jiang Wang nodded: "Go to practice as soon as you finish today's work, work hard. I always think that you will be the first one to come!"

In the world of practice, there have always been various records, and some records have even been marked as monuments. Among them, the record of practice speed is loved by many people. For example, "the youngest Dongzhen in history", such as "under the age of 30, you can achieve the gods, and you can be called the arrogance of the world".

But before God came, no one competed for the speed of practice, at most the strongest in the same realm.

Because before the separation between heaven and man, it is the time to lay the foundation. It's not uncommon to travel for seven or eight years, and it's very common to go on a weekday for three to five years. Although many children with good conditions take good care of their bodies early and take pills to open their veins, they still need to wait for the growth of their bodies and the stability of the root system of the Taoism. And Zhou Tianjing is a realm that initially establishes world cognition. If you are too young and have too little experience, you can't feel its true meaning. An eagerness for success affects the future.

From Tongtian to Tenglong, you need to push the gate of heaven and earth. When Tenglong came to the inner palace, he needed to clear up the ignorance.

How can we talk about clearing up the ignorance if the knowledge of the ignorant child has not yet been developed?

Those who are known from birth may not be included in this list, but they also need to wait for the maturity of the physical body, and use the carved skin as a boat in the bitter sea.

Bai Yuxia, Lin Xian, and even Yuchan are all within 30 years old, and they have all reached the gap between heaven and man, and have the possibility of being famous in this world. Although they didn't say it clearly on weekdays, but each of them devoted themselves to self-cultivation, and there was also a sense of competition.

In fact, for a talented person like them who can represent a country, usually only one or even none can be produced at the same time, if they fail to achieve the gods before the age of 30 and lose their heart, it will be even more difficult to achieve after the age of 30.

Once people's expectations fail, they will become a mountain that weighs on their shoulders, a thorn with a broken spine. The most feared thing is that the practitioner's own mentality is out of balance, and the way will be dead.

Hearing that her boss had such confidence in her, Lian Yuchan burst into a smile, and went downstairs happily.

Leaving Xingyueyuan quietly is not a difficult task. Every day, Jing Li guards the stairs on the top floor like a door god. No one knows whether he is in the room or not.

Of course, when it's time to leave, shopkeeper Bai still needs to say something.

"...That's the way it is. I'll be back when I'm done."

"My boss, don't worry."

Boss Jiang rambled a lot, but shopkeeper Bai's response was very concise.

I planned to explain a few more words, but it seems that there is nothing to explain. Shopkeeper Bai has both civil and military skills, and is reliable in his work, which is very reassuring.

In the end, Boss Jiang just encouraged: "Yuxia, practice hard, I have always been optimistic about you, and you must be the first to come."

Bai Yuxia let out an "oh" and left on her own.

Eh? Why is it not easy to get to him?

Even though Lin Xian had been praised before, Lin Xian was more than happy to chop hundreds of catties of firewood.

Boss Jiang scratched his head, put this little doubt behind him, and left Xingyueyuan this night...

The destination is of course Chu.

Ever since he had guessed about Zhu Weiwo's whereabouts, Jiang Wang began to prepare for the rescue.

It was inconvenient for him to take any action in Xingyueyuan, so he was entrusted by Zuo Guangshu with full authority.

The Nine Chapters of Jade Bi was in the hands of the Chu people except for the piece that was missing in the city without redemption. Needless to say, the status of the Duke of Huai State in the State of Chu, during the time when Jiang Wang was keeping a low profile, he had already gathered all the jade and bibi. Just wait for Jiang Wang to arrive, and then he can try to open the mountain and sea realm again.


Since ancient times, Chudi has had an unruly and romantic temperament.

No matter how many times you've been here, it's hard not to be amazed by the magnificence here.

Under the support of Zuo Guangshu, Jiang Wang sneaked into Huaichang County in a low-key manner and came to Luoshan.

Now Jiang Wang's name is too conspicuous, and Huaiguo Duke's Mansion is a place that attracts the attention of all parties. If Jiang Wang lives in it, it will be difficult to remain silent.

Once the news of his going to Chu was leaked, Zhong Liyan would definitely stir up trouble, among other things. Because he defeated Chongxuan and Zunban from Liqi, Dou Zhao, who looked down upon the world, would never miss the chance to fight.

Not to mention that his whereabouts might startle Zhuang Gaoxian, and whether Zhu Weiwo's Mo family will secretly pay attention to it...

Mount Luo is a forbidden area that cannot be entered unless ordered by the Zuo clan, and there is absolutely no problem with its secrecy, so it has become the choice of this industry.

"Brother Jiang." After returning to Mount Luo, Zuo Guangshu relaxed a lot, withdrew from that sneaky state, and stared at Jiang Wang as he walked: "How do I feel...compared to watching in the illusory world?" You, are you much stronger now?"

"Your feeling..." Jiang Wang said succinctly: "There is nothing wrong!"

Zuo Guangshu snorted.

They often compete in the illusory realm. Most of the time, Jiang Wang suppresses his cultivation, but sometimes, Zuo Guangshu will ask Jiang Wang to show more strength, and he liberates himself, practicing his cultivation in Taoism to the fullest. All sorts of magical ideas.

After being honed in the mountains and seas, the Zuo Xiaogong, who obtained the magical power of the Nine Phoenixes, has improved by leaps and bounds. Even the current Jiang Wang can often get inspiration for the use of spells from him.

What made Little Grandpa Zuo displeased was that Big Brother Jiang didn't completely reproduce his power in the illusory realm, and he still had reservations.

He does the calculations every day, how far is it from time to time. This is wrong!

"I heard that you won against Chongxuanzun when you left Qi?" Zuo Guangshu asked again.

When it comes to Chongxuanzun, Jiang Wang is a little more serious after all. After thinking for a while, he said earnestly: "Although I won half a move in the last fight, the bottom line is that the outcome of that battle has nothing to do with strength... It's our different determinations."


"The determination I had to go my own way. And the determination he had to win me."

"He doesn't want to win you that much, does he?"

"No one would want to beat me, Jiang Wang. It's just that on that day, I had the determination to give up everything. But he just had the determination to respect the opponent and go all out."

Zuo Guangshu was thoughtful: "That is to say, if you do it again, you are not sure of winning?"

"That's Chong Xuan Zun. In the same situation, who can win against him?" Jiang Wang walked forward calmly. The winding mountain road is under his feet, like a tame snake: "I can only say that if I fight again, I still believe that I will win. Of course, he will definitely have the same confidence."

"But no matter what, you still won. You drew against Dou Zhao in the supreme royal court, and you won against Chongxuan Zun in Linzi, can I understand that—" Zuo Guang's handsome eyes lit up: "You are now The gods of the younger generation come first?"

"Hey~Xiaoshu! Keep a low profile! You still have to be humble to be a human being." Jiang Wang swaggered forward and waved his hands modestly: "But I really don't know who is my opponent among the chiefs of the sects and the arrogance of the nations... Maybe it's me Be ignorant!"

I'm so sorry...

But so majestic!

Zuo Guangshu was full of fighting spirit: "You have to secure the number one throne, and come and challenge me when God comes!"

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Okay."

Of course there are those who can fight. For example Chong Xuan Zun, Dou Zhao, and even the older Ji Zhaonan, Chun Yugui, Huang Budong, Murong Longqi, Cang Ming, Ye Lan'er...

There are also masters in the ancient sect, such as Liuli Buddha, the little holy monk who purifies, and the play life who liberates all his strength...

The royal families of various countries are even more hidden dragons and crouching tigers, Jiang Wuyou who started martial arts by himself, Jiang Wuhua who is unfathomable, Helian Yunyun who has the "eyes of the sky"...

But no matter who he faces, Jiang Wang has the confidence to win the battle.

In God's presence, among all the people who can be called "young", no one can overwhelm him.

This is the self-confidence tempered by patrolling the world and defeating countless powerful enemies.

It's just that God's Realm is, after all, the realm of sublimation after breaking the barrier between heaven and man, and the lifespan of 518 years means endless possibilities.

Coupled with the characteristic of God's non-retirement until death, it is impossible for some old monsters to accumulate this place and possess such terrifying power. In addition, it is inevitable that there will be existences like Ji Tu once, because the way is too strong to understand the truth, constantly polishing themselves, waiting for a step to become a real person.

So after all, Jiang Wang couldn't say that he was the number one god.

Add a prefix of the younger generation, and no one has to have an opinion!

To this day, all the famous young Tianjiao are at most equal to him in the same territory, and it is impossible to surpass him. He can make such a bold statement!

Deep in Mount Luo hides the Zuo family's own training ground [Mountain Sea Purgatory], and the gatekeeper is a big man with a scarred face. But this trip does not go there, but to the top of the mountain.

After clearing away the clouds and mist, there is a group of buildings built along the ridge. Those who can live here are those who have served the Zuo family for generations.

The largest of the three Yanfa pavilions in the Zuo family is here.

Then Jiang Wang saw Zuo Xiao.

Grand Duke Huai put aside his official duties and personally presided over the opening of the Mountain and Sea Territory this time!

"I'm also quite curious about the mountains and seas, so I just took this opportunity to take a look." The old man said calmly.

The opening of the mountain and sea environment has its own cycle, which lies in the development of the world in between. Forcing it open this time might cause disharmony, so he came to take care of it himself.

As for the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi, he came forward to gather them and exchanged a lot of resources. He didn't say anything about it either.

"Grandpa Zuo." Jiang Wang bowed and saluted: "The younger generation can't greet you often, I feel ashamed and can't speak!"

The Zuo family has already done too much for him, if it wasn't about Zhu Wei me, he would be too embarrassed to trouble me again.

"You don't need to be polite." Duke Huai lifted him up casually, looked at him again, and then turned and walked in front: "It's not like I'm sick and unable to take care of myself, so why do I need to greet you often? When you have something to do, you can think of me It’s a memory.”

The eldest grandson, who wanted to prove himself wholeheartedly, refused to speak to his grandfather at any time.

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