Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2022 Sunday

When Jingli came back, Jiang Wang and his party were about to take their seats.

He ran forward thumping, wanting to grab a seat next to his younger brother—why did he only leave for a while, there were more women beside his younger brother?

The coming and going is endless!

This world is a sea of ​​suffering, and all mortal karmas are evil karmas, you have to be careful, junior brother.

While running, he glanced at the door of the hall, just in time to see a man and a woman walking in.

The man looks good, but what is striking is that there is no shadow under him.

And the woman has a pair of white eyebrows, which makes her originally weak facial features look a bit indifferent and determined.

Suddenly, I heard the call from my junior brother: "Friend Bamboo! Brother Fu!"

Then he saw the man and the woman walking towards Junior Brother Jiang.

Yes, one more.

The younger brother is simply entangled in evil fate!

He quickened his pace to go to the berm.

Everyone has a different understanding of Tao, and everyone is seeking their own Tao.

Zhu Biqiong from Diaohai Tower and Fu Yanqing from Yanggu came to the Dragon Palace Banquet together today, of course there is something meaningful about it.

In the battle of the Lost World, Diaohailou suffered a devastating blow. The backbone force suffered heavy casualties, and Huai Island was slaughtered in a sweeping manner. Jinghai real person Gu Huaixin and Xu Xiangwan both died in battle, Shendu Zhenjun died in battle, the dragon fisher and Wan Tong returned together...

Fortunately, Tianjiao Zhu Biqiong shines brilliantly, big brother Chen Zhitao is firm and reliable, and the two powerful real people Chong Guang and Qin Zhen are still there.

Fortunately... the people left behind by Diaolongke and Wei Xun are still there.

With the intervention of Penglai Island and the support of Yanggu... Well, Qi Guo also made a strong statement, and there was more substantive support in addition to the statement.

They even supported the reconstruction of Wai Island, but they forgot to return Wai Island to Diaohailou.

In short, all parties support it.

So Chen Zhitao took the risk to find his will, and succeeded him as the landlord of Diaohai Tower. It has ensured that the integrity of Diaohailou is still intact, and it is still an important voice on the offshore islands.

It is impossible to compare with the past.

But when the dragon fisherman accepted everything calmly and tied Wan Tong with him as a salary to burn the blood demon, he was already prepared for "fame and karma to be wiped out".

Just as Qi Tianzi agreed to support Diaolongke's detachment at the beginning, he also made preparations for Diaohai Tower to stand upright and Qi State to shrink its sea area.

This is a gamble, and people will never turn back in the direction they choose.

At the beginning when Shendu was trapped in the bottom of the sea, when he was fighting to escape the dragon fisherman, why didn't he make preparations for "years of painstaking efforts to pay for it" in case of failure?

For a long time, in the turbulent sea near the sea, Li Zong stood by Qiang Qi's couch, and he had done everything he could.

The state of Qi rises like the rising sun, and the golden light spreads over thousands of hectares of waves. The Diaohai Tower, illuminated by the sun, can only guard the past glory, gradually weathering and withering in time. No matter how hard you's not a matter of hard work, resourcefulness, or determination.

After the Zhenhai League was also sidelined, and the Qi State successfully annexed Nanxia, ​​he had irrevocably seen the final outcome - this situation can only be solved by Diaolongke's detachment.

There is only one fight.

Success will continue with glory.

If he loses...his way is the Diaohai Tower, and the Diaohai Tower sank along with him.

He won the bet and lost the bet.

Diaohailou was almost removed from the list.

In today's offshore situation, Zhu Biqiong, as the pride of Diaohailou, participated in the Dragon Palace Banquet, and she shouldered certain responsibilities.

Fu Yanqing's walking with him is also a manifestation of the strengthening of cooperation between Yanggu and Diaohailou in all aspects during this period.

Qi State, on the other hand, acquiesced in all this happening.

Just like the champion Hou and Bowanghou at the moment, they were chatting and laughing, but none of them showed any concern.

Of course Zhu Biqiong remembered that Jiang Wang was his friend, according to his past memory, he should be his best or even his only "friend". But only in memory.

Remove the blinding leaves, and you can see the vast blue sea.

For the self in her memory, she felt very strange that she would live for one person before.

Now she shoulders the responsibility of the sect, promised her sister to live a good life, and at the same time fulfilled the last wish of Master Gu Huaixin. She also has many expectations for cultivation that she had never had before. Although the road is long and difficult, there is infinite hope ahead.

Facing Jiang Wang who took the initiative to say hello, she also walked over without alienation.

What needs to be vigilant is Qi State, and Jiang Wang has given up all his status in Qi State.

So she smiled and said, "Long time no see, Fellow Daoist Jiang."

Before the Yellow River Meeting in 3919, Jiang Wang had already become famous overseas. The Bureau of Fame is at Tianyatai.

Some people knew what Jiang Wang did to save Zhu Biqiong, and some didn't.

But it made their meeting today before Zhong Tianjiao attracted more attention.

Ning Shuangrong, who was in the distance, cast her eyes curiously.

Zhuo Qingru, who was sitting next to her, observed all this calmly.

For some reason, I always want to take a pen to record something.

He raised his eyes stealthily, and met Zhu Biqiong's gaze, so he smiled generously, straightened his waist, put on an expression of "I'm looking for you", and waved vigorously.

After spending time together in the Lost Realm, their relationship is very good. Zhu Biqiong also left Jiang Wang for a while, and walked to Zhuo Qingru's place. Of course, it is inevitable to get acquainted with Ning Shuangrong.

Fu Yanqing and Jiang Wang also fought side by side, rushed through the battle together, and were injured together, and when they met again in the Dragon Palace, they were much closer. However, it was impossible for him to make a lot of noise because of his temperament, so he just exchanged a few casual greetings. Then he followed Zhu Biqiong.

Ye Qingyu silently glanced at Jiang Wang, Zhu Biqiong from Diaohai Tower... seemed to be the first person Jiang Wang greeted at the Dragon Palace banquet today. Fu Yanqing from Yanggu next to him was too obvious.

Oh no, I am the first one. Oh, it's still not right, counting the worthless smile he gave to the prostitute of the Marquis of Ruicheng, this woman is the third one.


Although the Dragon Palace Banquet has not yet officially started, the waves before the banquet are already turbulent enough.

It is not difficult for the Tianjiao to find out who is the center of this Tianjiao event.

On occasions where there is no strong person from the older generation of humans to sit in charge, all young people can show their brilliance unscrupulously.

And almost most of the Tianjiao, after entering the arena, would take the initiative to come over to say hello to Jiang Wang.

He is clearly in the corner of the hall, with a calm expression and gentle eyes, far from being as bluffing as Xu Xianggan, but people's eyes can't help but be gathered by him.

This is indeed today's world, the highest achiever of the younger generation's military exploits, if not separated, is also the most powerful person of the younger generation.

He has created the most brilliant record, and at the age of weak crown, he can be called a "hero of the human race".

He is already a legend.

Even if he died suddenly today, his deeds will flow in history and be remembered for a long time.

In the same situation, whether Dou Zhao is stronger or Chongxuan Zun is stronger, or whether Qin Zhizhen has caught up... These may be controversial.

But what is not in dispute is that Jiang Wang is indeed the number one arrogance in the world, and the most prestigious one among all young people.

Those who came to the Dragon Palace Banquet today, whether they are enemies or friends, have such a sense of Jiang Wang. No one can ignore his light. And anyone, as long as he defeats him, he will be famous all over the world immediately!

Jiang Wang has long been used to the attention of the public, but being stared at by a group of geniuses with different thoughts feels different. He hurriedly arranged for a few people to sit down, but he really didn't have any interest in being the pearl of the night.

Jingli hurried or took a step too late, the position next to the junior brother was very tight. Ye Qingyu was sitting on the left, and Huang Sheli was sitting on the right.

He sat in the seat behind Jiang Wang angrily, staring at the front row with wide eyes. The younger brother said that he should help keep an eye on it. He wants to see today, who can deceive his junior in front of him!

"There are so many people here today." Jiang Wang felt a little belated.

Ye Qingyu: "Yes, there are so many people."

Eh? How come the same sentence seems to have different meanings? The cleansing ceremony in the back row fell into deep thought.

Jiang Wang, who was sitting in front of him, also tried to get rid of the embarrassing situation, and decided to turn to a topic he was good at: "You know how to deal with it in the ring battle..."

He glanced roughly, and locked on to ask: "A disciple of Qingya Academy?"

Xu Xianggan was whispering to Zhao Wuyan, but he didn't hear this sentence, otherwise he would jump up and make a fuss.

Ye Qingyu smiled softly: "He's all over the place, I can't beat him."

Qing Yu really likes to talk about these things!

Jiang Wang took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Not to mention the fight, you have also practiced to the present level, what do you expect for God's presence?"

Ye Qingyu said: "Great Pavilion Master Ye arranges a trial for me every few days to help me polish my foundation. Let me take medicine according to the prescription and nourish the chalcedony. I also invite famous teachers to teach this and that every day, and you... "

Her beautiful eyes raised slightly: "Resolve my doubts for me, and teach me Huang Weizhen's method of perfect divine presence."

"After Yunzhuan blossomed, I also mastered the Taoism that I practiced before... Speaking of which, the foundation of my divine presence is satisfied. But the gap between man and nature is not enough to supplement the foundation. The most important thing is that people are in front of the natural moat. That step, or stepping on a single-plank bridge, or stepping on the Yangguan Road, or crossing it in one step, or falling to pieces. I can’t fall, but I still lack a little opportunity.”

Jiang Wang nodded, and said old-fashionedly: "Your talent is very good, but you lack experience. To be able to say these words today, the foundation of Shenlin has indeed been supplemented. Master Ye is admirable for his teaching skills. "

Ye Lingxiao has the ability to raise her daughter well, and can let Ye Qingyu grow up to this point without wind or waves. This made her feel more at ease about Jiang An'an's growth.

He didn't expect Jiang An'an to be successful in the future, he only hoped that Jiang An'an would be happy and safe. Just like Ye Lingxiao's doting on his daughter.

Ye Qingyu smiled gently: "You have a way too."

In this small chatter.

More and more people entered the Dragon Palace one after another.

Such as Sheng Xuehuai in Shengguo, and Chensiwu in Songguo.

For example, Fan Wushu of Li State and Yan Shaofei of Wei State.

Another example is Yeluzhi from the Liao Kingdom, Jiang Shaohua from the Shen Kingdom...

The Tianjiao who had a certain ranking at the Yellow River Meeting all received invitations to the Dragon Palace Banquet. On this kind of occasion that can represent the country, the Tianjiao of all countries can come whenever they can.

Of course, Bai Yuxia and Lin Xian were not ignored.

But Bai Yuxia has left the country. Lin Xian also temporarily left Rongguo and joined Jiang Wang's sect as an individual. They simply stayed behind at Bai Yujing.

In addition, Ji Zhaonan of Qi State and Ge Fei of Yue State did not come.

Ji Zhaonan is because there are already enough people from Qi, but Ge Fei doesn't know why.

Then came another acquaintance.

Gentle, gentle, refined, Lin Zhengren...

This guy is really tenacious to be able to jump up and down until now!

And Zhuang Gaoxian's heart is also very big. Last time, he made it clear that he would send Lin Zhengren to die, and take Lin Zhengren's life as a game. As a result, when he turned his head, Lin Zhengren was still swaggeringly representing Zhuang Guo.

There seems to be no grudge between the monarch and his ministers.

Judging by Chong Xuansheng's judgment. One is that there is a shortage of talented people in the Zhuang Kingdom. Apart from Lin Zhengren, there is no other person who can be compared in the world. The second is Zhuang Gaoxian, who is the ultimate pragmatist. What you want is only the value, and what you look at is the result. As long as this person is useful and useful, he doesn't care about other things at all. He never believed in loyalty, so loyalty or not meant nothing to him.

Jingguo people haven't come yet. Lin Zhengren looked around for a week, then walked towards Sheng Xuehuai. No matter what the two sides are in their hearts, they still talk and laugh freely on the surface.

Jiang Wang became more and more suspicious that Longgong had arrangements for welcoming guests and had bad intentions.

Because the one who followed Lin Zhengren into the palace was Bei Gongke from the Yong Kingdom.

Always call the enemy against the enemy!

Next to Bei Gongke, there was a young tomboy with oil paint on his face—the Mo family, who played Xiangxiang.

Jiang Wang used a strong concentration to keep himself from paying attention.

At the beginning, the impolite little girl who pestered him to buy Ruyi Immortal Clothes was the controller of the real-life puppet "Ming Gui" and one of the main forces of the Mohist School in the battle to destroy the City of Unredemption.

I don't know if there is a rule that no puppets are allowed to appear in the Dragon Palace Banquet?

But Jiang Wang didn't pay attention anymore. Xi Xiangyi, on the other hand, was bouncing over with his riding boots and the copper box on his back.

"Hey! Are you still selling your clothes now? I'm richer now!" She didn't seem to have the concept of sophistication in her mind. It was like that when she first met. Just say anything.

Ye Qingyu said leisurely from the side: "A gentleman does not take what others like. Do you have a lot of money, this little girl from the Mo family?"

With her delicate fingers, she slowly peeled a tiger-striped orange, and said casually: "What percentage of the wealth of Jucheng do you own?"

Xi Xiangyi blinked her eyes: "Are you going to bid with me?"

Ye Qingyu put the peeled oranges on Jiang Wang's dining table, and said flatly: "I just remind you, don't throw money at my friends. With me here, he will never be short of money."

At this time, Jiang Wang gracefully sliced ​​a plate of honey cloud melon with sword energy, each slice was in the shape of a perfect crescent moon, and gently placed the plate in front of Ye Qingyu.

Xi Xiangyi didn't quite understand why the two of them had to deal with each other's precious fruits. Isn't this a waste of two processes? Too inconsistent with the aesthetics of simplicity, and too "frugal"!

She was also a little wronged: "But I really like this dress, and I really want to take it apart and study it. I spent money because I don't know what he wants..."

Seeing that she didn't really want to overwhelm others with wealth, Ye Qingyu changed her tone and said softly: "We all have what we want, but money can't buy everything. It's like I am your Mo family Qianjilou The highest-ranked Sunday VIP, I can't buy the copper box behind you, can I?"

There are seven levels of VIPs in the Mojia Qianji Building, and each level requires a huge amount of consumption accumulation. Starting from the moon, to the fire, water, wood, gold, earth, and finally the sun.

This in itself is proof of wealth.

Xi Xiangyi had already been convinced, but she was still a little bit reluctant.

Jiang Wang said calmly: "There is really no need for you to ask this question again, Xi Ming has already asked it for you once."

"Xi Ming?" Xi Xiangyi wrinkled her nose, turned around and left: "That's a strange guy."

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