Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2045 Old Dream of Maple Forest

Song Qingyue is so rude!

I still remember how Song Qingyue lowered his head when Song Hengjiang died.

I still remember how such a proud Young Master of Shuifu wagged his tail and begged for mercy, and let him be driven.

He is about to domesticate this fellow into a dog!

Considering the meritorious deeds the Qingjiang Shui people have made since the founding of the Zhuang Kingdom. He followed Du Ruhui's suggestion and implemented Xu Tu's strategy for the Qingjiang Water Mansion, so as to moisten things and complete the control of the Qingjiang Water Clan in a silent way——

The entire plan can be completed within five years.

If it cooperates with his next strategy of plundering Lanhe, the time can be advanced.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether Song Qingyue is alive or dead.

But before today, who would have thought that he, a real person with a life span of 1,296 years, would not even have these five years?

Du Yehu rebelled, and Song Qingyue rebelled.

Du Ru concealed himself and dared not see anyone!

Great General Huangfu duanming, did he betray me?

At this time, Zhuang Gaoxian is no longer angry.

People's hearts are unpredictable, this lesson has been taught since ancient times.

He never trusted people.

When Du Ruhui was his teacher back then, the first sentence he taught him was "The Son of Heaven should be suspicious!"

So no matter what other people choose, he is not surprised.

His wrath is when he has leisure. Except for the shaking of the country, nothing can really shake his mind.

But it is an established fact that the country's power has been shaken.

He accepts it all and faces it all.

Qingjiang Shuijun kept cursing, but Zhuang Gaoxian just wiped the sky with his backhand. It was like holding a rag and wiping away all the thunderstorm clouds in the sky. The night sky is still clear and bright, but it can be seen that the stars are dotted, flickering and flickering. Like mysterious eyes, watching this difficult war.

Song Qingyue is very cunning, his real body is hidden in the Qingjiang Water Mansion, and he only uses the power of the water veins to speak out, making him want to kill and seize power, but he can't - Jiang Wang and others who have been chasing all the way to this point, how could they allow him to kill? Qingjiang Water Mansion?

Impossible to give up.

Although the power of mountains and waters should not be right, and even the power of the country is backlash, making his combat power unstable, Dao body suffers, and it becomes more and more difficult to deal with the siege.

But in his life, he never gave up.

To erase this thunderstorm cloud is to erase Song Qingyue's right to speak.

Under his feet are the mountains and rivers of the Zhuang Kingdom, and what he represents is the orthodoxy of the dynasty. In this land, he does not believe that he is alone and helpless!

Back then, Han Yin was cut off from the support of the country on the battlefield, so he was defeated and died. But he is different from Han Yin.

In the first year of Zhuangli Yongtai, that is, in the 3904th year of the Taoist calendar, he officially accepted the imperial seal of Yujing Mountain and became the son of Zhengshuo recognized by Taoism.

In the 3918th year of the Dao calendar, he won the crucial battle of Zhuang Yong, which was changed to Dading.

Up to now, in the sixth year of Dading in the Zhuangli calendar, during the whole Dading period, Zhuangguo has been in good weather and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Isn't it the king's merit? Isn't it the rule of Mingjun?

Calculating with one's fingers, the country has been in power for nineteen years! If it is counted from the day when he took power, it will be more than that. From the day I sat on the dragon chair, it has been far more than that.

He is the most accomplished king in the history of the Zhuang Kingdom, and he pushed the Zhuang Kingdom to an unprecedented height.

If it is said that no one in the entire Zhuang Kingdom supports him, it's all because of Jiang Wang and Du Yehu... He doesn't believe it!

Under the successive attacks of Longguang Shedou, Tianzijian, and Sauvignon Blanc, he swung left and right, turned upside down, and tried his best to parry and maneuver, showing his real demeanor. Seeing the opportunity, and then controlling Qi in the voice and hearing, Hong Sheng said——

"Dazhuang Emperor Zhuang Gaoxian, command the world!"

After the first sentence was uttered, he realized that the voice was not autonomous.

Jiang Wang didn't have any reservations about facing him.

The jade-colored ear fairy flew out of Guan Zizai's ear. The sprinkling of Qinghui is really like a fairy! Sitting in Gaoqiong, he directly controls all the sounds in the world within a radius of three thousand feet!

There is a life without a biography, and there is no progress!

Zhuang Gaoxian snorted coldly, that slightly rich face was surrounded by fresh air at this moment, and majesty suddenly emerged.

There are faint mountains and rivers behind him, and the people are falling.

Qi said - "Long live my emperor, long live!"

Endless torrents impacted the world, and his true mastery of the world was added to the voice and hearing, and he confronted the ear fairy with force, breaking through the barrier of the voice and hearing!

So it is said——

"Today there are national thieves who are violating ethics and want to kill the king!"

"My family and country have been gathered for three generations, and the mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, but they died once?"

"It is tolerable, what is unbearable!"

"How can all the people of our Zhuang Kingdom tolerate such a great evil!"

"What I ordered—the righteous men of the world, rise up and serve the king. The subjects of the world, follow my order!"

"The world should be my drum, and I will fight even more for the world. Now I am on the pole of the world, reorganizing the rivers and mountains, and then saving the country."

"This is an opportunity for the survival of the world, don't let it die! Let's fight against the country's thieves!!!"

After all, he is the real person in the world, the emperor Zhengshuo, and his words will inevitably spread throughout Zhuangguo. The land of four thousand miles was filled with the holy will of the Son of Heaven for a moment, and it oscillated non-stop.

The whole country is in an uproar!

The capital of Zhuang State is named "Xin'an", and Du Yehu led Jiujiang Xuanjia to town it.

Even Du Ruhui's personal visit failed to cause waves, and he remained silent at this moment.

This is the center of Zhuangguo, the core. Controlling Xin'an City is like controlling a person's heart.

And the eight-hundred-mile Qingjiang River has a complicated water system, just like human blood vessels. Qingjiang Shuijun's family rebelled, so blood did not flow and his body was not smooth.

Zhuang Gaoxian had no choice but to proclaim the slogan of King Qin.

Once the king of the world works hard, the mountains and rivers are exhausted, the "vessels" are opened, and the "heart" is activated, he will have the opportunity to break the embarrassment of the country being blocked and truly mobilize the power of the country. Even more able to respond to the dragon's veins, break through the sealed town, and kill the thief who stole the dragon with dragon energy!

Even taking a step back, Zhuangguo's military and political system has been paralyzed, and the bravery of the county soldiers from all over the country is not enough to penetrate the country.

As long as he said, "The subjects of the world, follow my decree", officials at all levels in the Zhuang Kingdom will respect the emperor with the power of official ethics. People all over Zhuangguo worship the emperor with the hearts of the people.

He can still gather strength from the most basic level of the country to compete for national power!

What is the significance of the state system? What is the significance of so many ordinary people?

For Zhuang Gaoxian, this moment is the answer!


When he really looked at the world, he clearly knew that this matter was not so easy. Today's opponents obviously have a deep understanding of the national system, completely blocked the pass, and choked the country by the throat!

The four prefectures of Zhuangguo are called "Hualin", "Daishan", "Qinghe" and "Yongchang".

Hualin County is the center of the empire, where Zhuangdu is located, and is affected by the radiation of Xin'an City. Tens of thousands of households in Xin'an City closed their doors, and the Baiyu Army obediently stayed in camp. How many early birds can there be in the entire Hualin County?

Needless to say, Qinghe County was too heavily controlled by Qingjiang, and 30,000 Shui warriors patrolling Qingjiang was enough to deter most of the cities. Qinghe city, the prefecture, has already fallen, and the Qinghe county guards are all prisoners.

Daishan County is where Jiujiang City is located, and Zhuang Gaoxian himself knows the influence of Jiujiang Xuanjia in Daishan County. At this moment, most of the people who are patrolling in Xin'an City with their swords drawn and suppressing the imperial power of his surname Zhuang are from Daishan!

As for Yongchang County... this newly attached county was acquired by cutting off the land of Yong. It is very lucky that it is not divided at this time, and it is pitiful to be able to give him the support of the emperor of Zhuangguo.

Zhuangguo's frontier army is powerful, but the Yongguo army in Yinge City is staring at them, how can Suolongguan let go? What's more, the frontier army is the personal town of the great general Huangfu Duanming, and Huangfu Duanming has always followed Du Ruhui's lead...

Of course, the Zhuang Kingdom is a county-city system, and officials at all levels, in addition to the central officials, are also the top priorities of the city lords everywhere.

For example, in Sanshan City, the fat young city lord heard the edict, immediately put on his armor and raised his knife, and rushed to the meeting hall of the city lord's mansion.

The noble city lord of Sanshan City was having tea with the senior officials of Sanshan City, talking and laughing, as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Those grown-ups who indulge in pleasure!

"Mother!" Sun Xiaoyan yelled, waking up these uncles and aunts who don't care about the country's major affairs...and the old lady: "The emperor sent an edict to the king of the world! Let's hurry up and get together—"

Dou Yuemei, who was sitting at the top, looked over in surprise, and beckoned him to come closer: "What did you say? Mother didn't hear clearly."

Sun Xiaoyan strode closer, raised her voice, and was very serious about saying it again: "Mom! I just said——"


Dou Yuemei slapped him on the forehead: "What to eat? Is it time to eat now? Do you want to eat? You are just too full!"

Sun Xiaoyan was slapped and turned around a few times.

Shaking his head, he walked out of the conference hall in a daze.

I feel wronged, I miss my sister very much...

The attitude of Dou Yuemei, the lord of Sanshan City, is by no means a special case.

Because under Zhuang Gaoxian's political ideas, what Dou Yuemei experienced is not a special case!

But today, since the mountains and rivers are out of place and the country is overturned, how can Xin'an City allow Zhuang Gaoxian to calmly use the imperial power and dispatch the people?

Immediately after his edict of the Son of Heaven, there was another decree, issued from Xin'an City, and spread across the world through the power of the country——

"My Li Jianqiu, following Master Dong's last order, was entrusted by Du Xiang, and with the seal of the Prime Minister, the order will be enforced in the world!"

"Zhuang Gao envies the king of no virtue, he acts against the law. Covering the maple forest and plundering the real pill, harming the common people and fattening a person, the world sees it!"

"The common people should not be bullied, how can the common people be taken lightly?"

"The faint king wants to make the mountains and rivers bleed, and the Xiangfu only wishes the people to be peaceful!"

"The Xiangguo Mansion sent an order to all the counties and cities, your salary, your salary, the people's fat and the people's anointing, please take care of the people's livelihood, treat the people kindly, immediately lock the city gates, and don't follow the chaos. My country is so vast that I can cleanse the demon atmosphere. The people sit still, It’s okay to warm the wine in a red furnace and wait for the dawn!”

The check and balance between monarchy and power is an eternal topic in the national system.

Who the common people should listen to often depends on the influence of the ruler and the prime minister.

Most of the time, of course, the king is in front of the prime minister, but there are many dynasties in the country, and there are not a few powerful ministers. It's just that the Xiangguo Mansion controlled by Du Ruhui has a deep influence in Zhuangguo!

Because during those years when Zhuang Gaoxian sat alone in the deep palace, the whole country was supported by Du Ruhui alone. The Xiangguo Mansion is almost equivalent to the imperial court in Zhuangguo, and government orders are often issued from the Xiangguo Mansion.

Zuo Qiuwu, the dean of Diligent Academy, once conducted an experiment——

Project the same class of students into a two-page history book. On two pages of history books, ask the same question. Say "if you agree, please stand up" on the previous page, and say "if you disagree, please stand up" on the next page. The results obtained were quite different.

Zuoqiu Wu is a master of history, and a famous Confucian who studies human nature. His research is for the purpose of cultivation, and it also helps human beings to understand human beings better.

People are born afraid of trouble, and of course they are even more afraid of danger.

Zhuang Jun's order is to make all the people in the world to fight for their lives. The Prime Minister's order is to tell people in the world not to do anything.

This makes people's choices tilted at the instinct level.

Of course, the Zhuang family has ruled this place for three generations and hundreds of years, and Zhuang Gaoxian has been in charge of the country for decades, and was entrusted by Yujing Mountain for nineteen years. Zhuang Gaoxian naturally has a strong appeal in this country.

It's just that Jiujiang Xuanjia rebelled, the Qingjiang navy raised the flag, Huangfu Duanming was dead, the frontier army should not move lightly, even if they did, it would be too late... Who can lead troops through mountains and rivers like he ordered?

It's not that no one wants, but that no one can!

At this time, Jiang Wang also spoke.

His voice was like thunder, and he rolled across the mountains and rivers of Zhuangguo with the gesture of shaking the sky. The sound of King Kong thunder descending from heretics must be heard in the world!

"I am Jiang Wang."

He said so.

Today, he no longer needs to introduce himself.

In any country in this world, the word 'Jiang Wang' is enough.

But in Zhuang Country, this name may be more evil, more terrifying, and more powerful.

He said in a deep voice: "The enmity between Zhuang Gao and I is as deep as the sea, and he will be killed today. Whoever dares to block the way is my enemy. The enemy and I will not share this life!"

He only said this sentence, and only needed this sentence.

What he wants to deter is not only Zhuang Guo's various officials, but also those people or forces who think that Zhuang Gaoxian has investment potential and want to help.

He showed his hatred and showed his determination. If anyone thinks that Jiang Wang's hatred is not worth mentioning, then just step on the battlefield of life and death!

As soon as these words came out, Zhuang Gaoxian clearly felt that the people's will and people's wishes that kept pouring towards him stopped flowing halfway in an instant. The deterrent power of the name Jiang Wang is so strong!

The people's will and the people's wishes that came in here and there were not enough to support him to fight back against the pursuers.

But he is still fighting spirit.

If Jiang Wang and the others think that this will end the war, they are very wrong!

The reason why Zhuangguo was able to stand in the western region, and why Zhuang Gaoxian was able to keep the country when his strength was weak, did it depend on Han Yin's kindness?

Relying on Yujing Mountain!

Zhuang Kingdom has its own support behind it, it is the country of Taoism, the Zhengshuo Empire with Taoism recorded in the book!

He has a name in the "Jade Qing Gold Book" and "Yuanshi Jade Book".

If something happened to him, it is impossible for Yujingshan to fail.

It is impossible for Yujingshan to bet in Zhuangguo for so many years without seeking a harvest.

In the territory of Zhuang Kingdom, there are the gold pages of the Jade Qing Golden Book and the jade pages of the Yuanshi Jade Book!

The means of these chasers are varied, and all the channels he could think of were cut off after being chased all the way.

But can the thieves behead the "Jade Qing Gold Book" and "Yuanshi Jade Book"?

Zhuang Gaoxian put his palm against the Son of Heaven Sword, avoiding Wang Changji's gaze, preventing him from opening the Soul Battlefield, and then formed a seal with one hand——

Headmaster of Yujing Mountain Sect!

Although the opportunity to contact within ten years has been exhausted, but now is the autumn of Zhuang Guoshe's survival, how can Yujingshan not be rescued?

The seal has been completed, and Yuxu's qi is urging wildly. He asks the power of Zhenjun Zixu to descend, and asks Yujingshan to intervene to help him reorganize the mountains and rivers!

However, he pushed the qi of Yuxu to the limit, and he couldn't feel the golden and jade pages... as if they never existed.

It's a waste of so much power for no reason!

How could it not exist?

Where did you go?

Hidden by who? Or has it been destroyed?

Du Ruhui...

He thought of the name again.

Apart from him, only Du Ruhui had the authority to move the golden and jade pages. He only gave Du Ruhui such power!

Such grace and honor, now, what have you gained?

Are you seeking truth, or what?

Damn it! ! !

Zhuang Gaoxian got nothing from the summons of the "Jade Qing Gold Book" and "Yuanshi Jade Book", and the mobilized Yuxu Qi was empty for no reason. But he himself is not empty.

No one who besieged him would make him lonely.

The light and shadow are mixed, and they are all overwhelming killing methods!

He stubbornly responded to the endless tide of attacks, but at the moment when he failed to contact the golden page and the jade page—at this moment of loss, he was filled with a terrifying coercion!

Boom boom boom!

It's thunder!

Zhuang Gaoxian cautiously looked at the pupil of Kunlun, and what he saw was an eye of thunder and lightning, which was a rapidly rotating thunder pool appearing in Wang Changji's palm.

Not just one, but five.

The five lightning ponds are connected together, and what falls down is a sea!

He had been avoiding Wang Changji's sight to prevent Yuanshen from falling into a hard fight again, but he couldn't avoid the blow because of this.

Because the current position is the choice he would make subconsciously when avoiding his sight in the chaos of battle!

Wang Changji watched with cold eyes, like a traveler passing by, and then hit him with one blow.

He pressed this sea of ​​thunder on Zhuang Gaoxian's body!

boom! boom! boom!

Zhuang Gaoxian raised one hand high, and a whirlpool appeared in the palm of his hand. He had pushed the technique of returning to the original from the hole to the limit...but with the sound of sizzling, it was exploded in an instant!

His Kunlun pupils opened wide for a moment, as if when the heaven and the earth first opened, the fresh air rose. His qi of jade emptiness surged up into the sky like this—the hearts and minds of the people! Son of Heaven! The pupil of Kunlun! The Qi of Yuxu!

Such a combination of four forms a bright canopy.

It is for Shanhe Umbrella!

This is his secret defense method at the bottom of the box, which integrates the secret of Yujing Mountain and the secret technique of the Son of Heaven, and has never been revealed to anyone.

Lei Hai bombarded the Shanhe Umbrella, but failed to hurt Zhuang Gaoxian at all.

boom! boom! boom!

Amidst the roaring thunder, he held up the luxurious big umbrella and lowered it calmly.

When his feet set foot on the ground, he noticed that the desolation of this place was somewhat familiar.

He couldn't help but looked up, and saw a stone tablet - only the back of the stone tablet could be seen from this angle, but if he remembered correctly, on the front of this stone tablet, there was a sacrificial oration written by himself, which was carved by the National Academy of Wine.

But none of that matters anymore...

There was an old man sitting against a stone tablet.

He hung his head down, as if very tired... and indeed fell asleep forever.

Not far away was a charred corpse lying on the ground, which belonged to an insignificant man named "Lin Zhengren".

Looking at the old man on the back of the stele.

Even if he was as ruthless as Zhuang Gaoxian, he was stunned for a moment.

He was thinking of the damned...

is dead.


In the prime minister's mansion, Li Jianqiu Hengjian township prime minister.

Fu Baosong was firmly tied to the pillar not far from the case. Sitting against the pillars of the porch, I can't move or speak.

In the huge main hall, there were only the two of them, and only one dim oil lamp.

They are Du Ruhui, the prime minister of the great village, the two people who have valued the most in recent years and have devoted all their efforts to cultivating them.

They all sit, just in different positions.


Li Jianqiu drew his sword out of its sheath, the sound broke the silence. He picked the wick with the tip of his sword, and the room suddenly became brighter.


Zhuang Gaoxian would be dazed, but Jiang Wang would not.

It's good that Du Ruhui died, but how could he die alone?

Chasing after Shanhe Umbrella, Jiang Wang activated his body into the Three Realms again, wanting to take advantage of Zhuang Gaoxian's fluctuating mind and give him another ruthless blow.

But Zhuang Gaoxian came back to his senses in an instant, raising his hand was the opposite, pushing Jiang Wangsheng away.

At this time, Zhao Rucheng, Wang Changji and the others were all down, still surrounded Zhuang Gaoxian, and still attacked one after another.

This time, Zhuang Gaoxian approached Jiang Wang along his own diametrically opposed path!

He holds a mountain and river umbrella, wears a crown suit, and has long hair loose.

He escaped all the way, tried so many methods, was cut off from so many possibilities, and suddenly felt very tired!

And anger was born out of exhaustion. He stared at Jiang Wang, the jade-colored Kunlun pupil, and the red Qianyang pupil.


He asked angrily: "Why did God Linjing come to seek death!? Since I have endured it for so many years, why don't I continue to endure it?!"

He has been preparing for the duel after Jiang Wang Dongzhen - if all his killing methods are unsuccessful before Jiang Wang Dongzhen, then he will accept the duel at the Dongzhen level.

That duel should have been more than ten years later, or even decades later. Even if Jiang Wang can match Li Yi, there should still be three years!

He has such a clear plan for the future, he is imminent in his great ambition, the complete subjugation of the Qingjiang Shui Clan, the construction of the National Defense Array, the sorting out of the domestic military and political forces, the third war against the Yong Kingdom... He has every step of the way. Well planned, each step prepared for a long time.

Yujingshan, Jingguo, Yizhendao, and Mohism, he circles around in all directions, quietly grabbing the accumulation of growth.

Along the way, he's always been a winner.

But why, Jiang Wang is coming now?

When everything has not yet been fully formed, and all plans have only gone half way! ?

He was indeed caught off guard.

This is indeed impossible to imagine in advance!

Jiang Wang held his sword, surrounded by phantoms of the Three Realms.

He has allocated his strength to the extreme, and he will not easily activate the state of being in the Three Realms until the critical moment in this pursuit.

But in the face of a real person like Zhuang Gaoxian, if you don't use your body to become the Three Realms, you don't have the qualifications to confront it head-on.

This journey was exhausted, and he was already reluctant to kill him at this point.

But there was nothing in his eyes.

He just said: "When the Bone Saintess killed your grandma in the previous generation, your grandfather endured it; Feeling like I'm more important. I'm not like you, and I can't stand it."


Zhuang Gaoxian didn't care about his arrangement of his grandfather at all. Zhuang Gaoxian wanted to ask what was different.

But Jiang Wang said again: "That day at the bottom of the Qingjiang River, I knew you were here! You may also know that I have been there! But there are still many things you don't know!"

Zhuang Gaoxian's eyes changed. He let go of the opposite, and strode forward as expected, fighting with Jiang Wang: "For example?"

Jiang Wang felt Zhuang Gaoxian's anger, the enemy's attack made him focus, and the enemy's anger made him happy!

His voice came out from between his teeth: "If you know that your grandfather has actually been alive for so many years, he watched your father die and you were bullied, do you know if you can bear it?"

He fought back with his sword, facing Zhuang Gaoxian with attack and attack!

"If you knew that the opportunity to kill Dong A was found by your grandfather. He wanted to lure me into a demon and arouse my killing intent, so that Du Ruhui would have no successors and could not tell the truth. I wonder if you can bear it?"

"If you knew, Zhuang Chengqian's last remnant soul was beheaded by me! He died at the bottom of the Qingjiang River, before you arrived! I don't know if you can bear it?!"

is true? is fake?

Zhuang Gaoxian is such a smart and suspicious person, of course he can find the answer from the history of Zhuang Kingdom.


His Majesty the Emperor of Zhuang Kingdom stood up suddenly, and the killing intent that could not be suppressed for a while was very loud. Finally he started to hate too!

But Zhao Rucheng forced him with a sword, and the emperor's sword cut the emperor's spirit.

In the state of consonance, the left hand penetrates into the gap so wonderfully, and with a little finger, the fairy finger of the Nine Tribulations Cave!


Zhuang Gaoxian turned the crane short and the mallard long, making Jiang Wang attack himself.

He punched out again with a bang.

There was only a crisp click, which directly shattered Zhao Rucheng's finger bones!

The strength of the short and long of the crane is upside down in the dark.

Jiang Wangzheng was attacking with a sword that does not honor me and is not mine, but suddenly suffered from this change, and the sword turned on himself. But Qingyun flashed, folded dozens of turns, turned around to refer to the sword, raised the Yanfu Sword Prison, caged the sword in it, and dispelled it on the spot!

The seemingly incomprehensible crane short and mallard long has been cracked head-on!

Zhuang Gaoxian has used it too many times today, it is not new!

What he controls is the power of upside down.

At that moment just now, it was nothing more than using Jiang Wang's sword to attack Jiang Wang himself.

But Jiang Wang can handle it by himself!

After catching it, he rushed forward again, using his still sharp and unshakable sword style, to tell Zhuang Gaoxian a fact that couldn't be clearer——

"From this moment on, there is only one way for the crane, short mallard and mallard to take effect on me—let me kill you!"

All moves have traces to follow, and the reversal of life and death is unavoidable.

But at the moment of life and death, will Zhuang Gaoxian have time to turn the crane short and the mallard long, and will he dare to bet against each other? !

Zhuang Gaoxian has the answer.

With a sudden punch, Longguang Shedou was thrown into the air, and he went the other way again, pushing Jiang Wang away. Then he turned around and landed in front of the tablet of life, and pressed his palm on the tablet of life!

When his terrifying power dissipated, he directly crushed Du Ruhui's body into powder, and disappeared when the strong wind blew. And the living monument, which had become bald, seemed to be his scepter.

He held on like this, using this stele to support the mountains and rivers. The terrifying vitality power surrounds him, rejecting all enemies in all directions: "The past, present, and future, my lord of the mountains and rivers!"

"Dazhuang Sheji has been in the land for three hundred years. Taizu overcame thorns and thorns, Rendi painstakingly managed, countless people followed suit, and countless people made great efforts to make it four thousand miles away!"

"Heroic spirits of the past dynasties, unparalleled national scholars, do you still remember?!"

"I call you in the name of Emperor Dazhuang!"

"Protect my country!"

The monument of life under his palm lit up instantly. It was the blood-colored light, sharp and cruel, but fierce and powerful!

Where is it?

At this time, if someone flies to a very high place, they can see that starting from Fenglin City, Sanshan City, Shanyang City, Qinglan City, Jiujiang City...

In many cities where there have been heroic sacrifices and innocent burials, there are such lights lit up, and such a monument of life is erected!

At first glance, it looks like blood lanterns lit one by one on the vast land!

The monument of life under Zhuang Gaoxian's hands is actually his method of burying it!

Not just mourning, not just acting, but also making full use of the fall of Fenglin City!

The old city lord of Fenglin City once cried to the temple to explain—"There are so many people in Fenglin City, have they been sacrificed in vain?"

Zhuang Gaoxian gave the answer today - "The sacrifice is not in vain, there is still room for use after death!"

Yes, he's calling out to the whole nation.

Call out to the people of the present, and even the heroic spirits of the past.

He called on everyone, the living and even the dead, to stand up to safeguard his authority, Zhuang Gaoxian, and continue to contribute to the Zhuang Dynasty. Contribute during lifetime, and contribute after death.

He wants to use these monuments of life and the heroic spirits who have died for Zhuangguo in the past to gather the power of the country again and gather his invincible power!

With remnants of remembrance and remembrance of soul, trickle down into rivers and seas.

Countless lights gathered towards him, and his crown was bathed in divine splendor!

At this moment, all spirits are facing the emperor, and the royal family surnamed Zhuang has managed it for more than three hundred years, and he uses it together today.

Those who died for Zhuangguo in the past dynasties are fighting for Zhuangjun today.

Whether it is Jiang Wang, Zhao Rucheng, Zhu Weiwo, or Wang Changji, Lin Xian, or Bai Yuxia, they are all forbidden to approach at this moment, and they are all forcibly rejected.

This is pure and majestic power. The power of the country is imposed on the emperor, and it is beyond the boundaries of Taoism and supernatural powers. How can it be achieved under Dongzhen?

Even the power of the cursed death that has been raging in his body is dormant at this time, and there is no chance!

In Xin'an City, the capital of Nazhuang Kingdom, Du Yehu rushed into the prime minister's mansion and threw a roll of yellow silk in front of Li Jianqiu: "Quick!"

Li Jianqiu didn't say much, he spread out this volume, and he wrote it in a swift stroke.

Dozens of words from the heart and the heart are the book of rest for the heroic spirit.

Du Yehu gathered his troops together and forcibly pressed down the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and stamped it at the end of the volume, so that it became the book of state!

Li Jianqiu attached it with a seal, and said solemnly: "Go to Song Qingyue and ask him to add the seal of the Lord of Water. Now our name is not right, and if we don't add the seal of Lord of Water, it is not enough to contend, and we cannot appease the heroic spirit."

Du Yehu grabbed the book with his big hands, soared into the sky, and flew to Qingjiang Water Mansion——

But is it too late, and is it possible to compete?

At this time, Zhuang Gaoxian was in high spirits, and the whole world turned against how many families, so what's the problem with rebellious officials and thieves?

I will kill it with all my heart!

He is the Lord of Destiny, he is the Son of Heaven, as long as he sets foot on this land, he should be invincible.

Go against this heart, that is, go against the heart of heaven.

Violating this order is a national traitor.

But at this time...

Tuk tuk tuk!

There was a knock on the door.

"Is anyone there?" a voice asked.

It was a solid, warm voice.

Jiang Wang raised his head in astonishment, and Zhao Rucheng revealed his face in shock!

"Excuse me," said the voice, "I just want to see if... is there anyone alive."

After this polite apology, there was a knock on the door.

Even Emperor Zhuang, who was under the sway of all spirits, bowed his head in astonishment for a moment——

The tablet of life under his palm was slowly pushed open like a door!

The light of the sky and the earth turns, and things change and the stars move.

Everyone present appeared in ruins.

The earth is cracked, the sky is dark, there are ruins everywhere, and densely piled up tombs...

Jiang Wangru was struck by lightning!

Zhao Rucheng looked around in disbelief.

Even Wang Changji, who had always been indifferent and distant, lowered his eyes at this moment.

here it is……

This is the Fenglin city area that has been stripped from the world for many years!

This is the gap between the world and the underworld.


Zhuang Gaoxian is the orthodox emperor of the Zhuang Kingdom, a descendant of the Zhuang royal family that has ruled this land for three hundred years.

He is calling for the present and history of this country, and he is calling for the people and heroic spirits. He called on all the people of Zhuang Kingdom to fight for him!

And the hundreds of thousands of people in Fenglin City... the hundreds of thousands of people who were abandoned and forgotten by him...

He is also a citizen of Zhuang Kingdom.

So they come back.

They sink into the gap between the nether world and the world, return in the pain of eternal sinking, and return to see the emperor!

Can the emperor of Zhuang country face the people of Zhuang country?

Zhuang Gaoxian was shocked to find that the power of the heroic spirits rushing towards him was blocked for a while and could not come back again. It's like a lifetime away!

"Where is this?!" He asked angrily.

Of course he knew the answer, after all, he had once snatched the Bone True Pill, and he had cast a glance. But he was not willing to give this answer, and hoped to get other answers.

Since it is true in the world, sometimes it is false!

Fenglin was separated by a domain, ruining his last chance.


A courtyard door was just pushed open, and a young man with an upright face and simple clothes came out of the courtyard. He carried a hoe on his shoulder, and a volume of books was inserted obliquely at his waist...

Looking at the people in front of him, he was obviously surprised.

But after a moment of surprise, his face was more relieved.

He put down the hoe on his shoulder, and took the courtyard gate with him.

"Brother!" Zhao Rucheng trembled.

Jiang Wang stared at him, trembling lips, speechless.


Ling He said happily: "It's great, you've all grown up."

"I don't know how long has passed? I remembered it at first, but then I forgot..."

He touched his pale face and said with a smile: "I look younger than you all now, right?"

"I'm going to go out today, and I want to see if there are any unburied people in the town on the western outskirts... They should all be buried, but I always feel like I've forgotten something. Recently, my memory is very bad. Well, I Thinking about going out today to have a look.”

He babbled, like gossip.

Usually, when he was in the City Dao Academy, Zhao Rucheng always found him annoying, and when he came to Linghe to "chant scriptures", he would find various reasons to escape.

I can't bear to leave today.

Only at this time did people realize that those tombs covering the field of vision were actually made by who.

Linghe buried the people in this land in this land.

He does it all the time.

It's been five years and two months!

"Hello, is anyone there?"

"Is anyone... still alive?"

For so many many days...he has been repeating this question every day.

No one ever answered him.

He was very happy to see so many people today.

But among these people is Zhuang Gaoxian in a crown suit...he doesn't like it.

"Are you the emperor of our country?" he asked.

I don't know why, the person in front of me is obviously ordinary, and his eyes don't have any extraordinary power, but being looked at by such a person, such eyes, Zhuang Gaoxian is actually nervous.

He felt uneasy when he failed to memorize the books when he was a child and was randomly checked by Master Du: "I..."

"How dare you come to see us?" Ling He asked again.

Zhuang Gaoxian thought of the monument of life, and thought of the inscription of life written by himself, a kind of compassion arose in his heart, and he actually felt a little sad: "At that time..."

"Do you know how many people died in Fenglin City?" Ling He asked again.

Zhuang Gaoxian froze for a moment.

Household registration, of course, is there. How many people are there in Fenglin City? Naturally, it was possible to find out before. But's long gone.

Everyone died.

What's the point of checking this?

He found that his lips were a little dry: "Three...four...hundreds of thousands?"

"It's 478,656 people." Ling He said.

Zhuang Gaoxian couldn't speak anymore.

How else could he answer?

Ling He began to make tricks: "Now we want to collect debts from you."

Zhuang Gaoxian turned around suddenly, his face showing a ferocious expression.


With him as the center, a high white wall suddenly rose. A series of high walls together form an ever-changing and expanding maze!

If he stood up, the stone wall would also rise with him, as if it could extend to the end of the sky.

With a wave of Zhuang Gaoxian's sleeve, he knocked down a large stone wall.

But there is still a stone wall beyond the stone wall, and the field of vision seems endless.

This is not Linghe's power!

This is the entire Fenglin City, these 478,656 people, five years and two months of pain and despair!

Just like Jiang Wang's body into the Three Realms, the creation of the world is true.

This city, abandoned in the cracks of the world, has also evolved its own "truth" in the long process of fighting against pain.

Hate is the only truth.

"This is the stone wall maze of Fenglin City Guard Zhao Lang." Ling He said slowly.

He stood on the highest stone wall, and his figure rose with the stone wall. He looked down at the Emperor Zhuang at the center of the maze, quickly made a seal with his hands, and finally put them together in front of his lips, with the index fingers and middle fingers connected, and the thumbs, ring fingers and little fingers joined together. In the triangular area formed by the middle finger and ring finger, open your mouth and exhale——

The breath instantly turned into a tornado, roaring and pounced on Zhuang Gaoxian!

"This is the breath-blowing tornado, from Wang Changxiang of Fenglin City Taoist Academy and Qinghe County Taoist Academy."

His right hand is raised high, facing the sky.

The palms twirled slightly, while the sky was violently turbulent. The sky wind is like a whip, screaming and falling towards Zhuang Gaoxian!

"This is the Jiutian Gangfeng of Wei Quji, the lord of Fenglin City. He defended the city and died. Before he died, he wanted to ask Dong A and see the king."

Ling He walked quickly on the edge of the endless stone wall, stepping faster and faster, holding a knife in his hand amidst the whistling wind. Narrow and straight, the cold front is like snow.

"The name of the sword is Kuaixue." As he said, he slashed his head with the sword: "This is the sword of Wei Yan, the guard of Fenglin City!"

In this maze of stone walls, he launched an attack on Zhuang Gaoxian alone. The offensive is so violent.

No, how is he alone? !

He represents tens of thousands of people in Fenglin City!

Every cut of his is the roar of 478,656 people.

It's more than a thousand and one thousand, who in the world can bear it?

The emperor of Zhuangguo is the lord of Zhuangguo's people.

If all the people embrace it, they will be emperors.

When all the people are overwhelmed, he is nothing.

Zhuang Guo's national character supported him in the past, but restrained him at this moment.

A king should bear the wishes of all peoples, and also... the grievances of all peoples!

Ling He's killing methods were endless, covering the sky and covering the earth, killing Zhuang Gaoxian to his left and right.

"This is Shen Nanqi..."

"This is Huang Azhan..."

"This is Xiao Tiemian..."

Hundreds of thousands of Taoist killing methods flowed like a waterfall. Those Taoist killing methods may be simple or complex, but in the independent world formed by Fenglin City, they represent the power of this world.

Raise your hand and throw your feet together, as one.

He even pulled out a ruler out of nowhere—


He slapped Zhuang Gaoxian's face fiercely, sending him flying high.

"This is an old gentleman from a private school without a name!"


Everyone is blocked outside the maze of stone walls, this is a long attack. It is the battle between 478,656 people in Fenglin City and Zhuang Gaoxian!

Ten thousand people attack the king, is the king also the king?

When the roaring sound was the only sound left, the stone walls of the labyrinth collapsed one by one.

Zhuang Gaoxian, who was already bruised and swollen, stood up unsteadily.

"Hehehehe..." At this moment, he can no longer feel the power of the country at all, his status as the son of heaven is dissipating, and his cultivation base is also declining. He is a monarch who has been torn from the dragon chair in the true sense!

But he smiled hard: "Those who can't kill me, that's it..."


Ling He punched him in the face: "This is... Ling He's punch!"

But this time, Zhuang Gaoxian just shook slightly. Then he kicked Ling He into the air with his foot in front of his chest!

Ling He's figure flew upside down in the air.

He was light, like a wisp of smoke.

He looks very thin.

People dare not hug him for fear of breaking him up.

At this moment, he lowered his head and looked at Zhao Rucheng: "Xiao Wu, my fist is weak, you won't laugh at me, will you?"

Zhao Rucheng shook his head.

Ling He said: "Xiao Wu, you shaved your hair, it's so short, it's really strange to me... Have you found yourself now?"

Zhao Rucheng looked at him: "I want to find you."

"Stupid again. The second is stubborn, the fourth is greedy, and the fifth is stupid. You..." Ling He shook his head lovingly. Looking at Jiang Wang again: "A few years ago, I seemed to sense you. Third, I'm not sure if you have been here."

"I've been here before." Jiang Wang said, "That time I went to kill Dong A."

Ling He nodded, and pointed to the position of his heart.

His body is becoming more and more illusory, but his heart is becoming more and more clear, colorful and blurred.

He said: "This records the remnants of everyone in Fenglin City. I buried them and recorded them. I am the evidence that they lived."

"You want to kill the king today, you are doing the right thing."

"Do not be afraid."

"If anyone in the world doubts you."

"Answer him with my heart."

That's it.

There is only a heart that is constantly changing in color, flying towards Jiang Wang.

Another volume of scriptures fell into the hands of the silent Wang Changji.

How can there be any myth of immortality?

The kind of legends that are true to the ground, and even step-by-step, will not happen to the mediocre Ling He.

The entire Fenglin city was destroyed.

The death energy of the nether world corrodes everything.

When Fenglin City fell, he was just an ordinary Taoist disciple who hadn't opened his veins for a long time.

Until now, it was just a stubborn thought.

It is the resentment of the entire Fenglin City.

It was an old dream, shattered before Jiang Wang's eyes.

At this time, a hand suddenly reached out, reaching for the heart.

Zhuang Gaoxian's hand!

With a ferocious face, he wanted to erase the last remnant of Fenglin City.


Sauvignon Blanc lay in front of him, and Jiang Wang threw himself on him with a sword in hand!

Within a square inch, the sword light is like a waterfall, determining the difference between life and death!

"Go to hell!" Zhuang Gaoxian's hair on his temples was disheveled, turning the crane short and long!

But I have been pushed away, and the illusion of magical powers has dissipated.

He tried hard to steady himself.

But he is too weak!

First fought against the real person Han Xu, then repelled the gods of the Yong Kingdom, and then resisted the killers of Hell and Nowhere, and then encountered the Changhe siege, was killed all the way from the Changhe back to the Zhuang Kingdom, and was backlashed by the power of the country... In the labyrinth of the stone wall, imprisoned by the national grid, he endured the impact of the resentment of the 470,000 people in the entire Fenglin City!


He was blasted to the ground by a sword, and landed in the ruins of Fenglin City. Beside him is a flag and flag lying on its back, with only half a word, which vaguely reads "Moon-watching".

He forcibly mobilized his remaining strength, turned over and jumped up, but was blasted down by a sword.

He lay on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, stretched out his blood-stained palm, and struggled to crawl forward among the broken walls.

"Jingguo! Jingtian six friends!"

"You promised me. Now is the moment of the agreement, why don't you make a move?!"

Jiang Wang chased after him, grabbed his long hair with his left hand, held him down, let go of the hilt with his right hand, and when the sword body fell, he clasped his five fingers together and grabbed the front end of the sword body!

Sauvignon Blanc was so sharp that it easily cut his finger.

But he didn't realize it, he held the sword like a dagger, and it stabbed Zhuang Gaoxian's back bloody like this!

Zhuang Gaoxian still doesn't give up, and keeps moving forward.

"Yujing Mountain!"

The golden pages and jade pages are gone, and he hasn't contacted Yujingshan yet.

"I am Zhenren Zhengyin, Emperor Zhengshuo."

"You watch me die."

"You watched me die!"

"Yizhen!" he roared again!

But it is absolutely impossible for Yizhendao to make a move at this time. Even in such a desperate time, he clearly knows the answer.

So unwilling.

I am so unwilling!

I also tried my best to get to where I am today...

He turned over suddenly!

Jiang Wang held his face down and smashed him to the ground again!

Pressing forward to the side, he held Sauvignon Blanc in the posture of holding a dagger, and stabbed him randomly for a while!

His blood and Zhuang Gaoxian's blood pooled together, and it was impossible to tell whose blood it was.

Puff puff!

Bleeding spit out one after another, and the bright red was stained with bright red.

"Ho ho ho..."

Zhuang Gaoxian breathed hard.

Puff puff!

Jiang Wang stabbed frantically.

Zhuang Gaoxian choked on the blood foam and coughed violently.

He suddenly stood up!

Pressed again!

"Jiang Aiqing! I want to tell you a secret! A shocking secret!"

With a weird and crazy smile on his face, he spat out blood and said, "One true Taoist——"

Puff puff!

Jiang Wang didn't listen to what he was saying at all.

His voice was also inaudible mixed with blood foam.

Jiang Wang completely forgot the moves, did not remember magical powers, and did not know how to use the sword. Just mechanical and frantic stabbing!

Puff puff puff puff! !

The sound of weapons plunging into flesh seemed to never stop.

The sky began to rain blood.

I don't know who is paying homage to.

Jiang Wang was completely unconscious, and kept stabbing, stabbing the emperor's body on the ground to pieces!

"He's dead." Zhao Rucheng rushed over and hugged his waist tightly, not letting him move: "He's dead, he's dead. Third brother!!!"

Jiang Wang let go of the sword in a daze, and let go of the Sauvignon Blanc that he had always relied on like his life.

Zhao Rucheng wrapped his arms around his waist.

And he just knelt on this barren land... This is his hometown that he hasn't returned to for many years.

Blood rained down the long street.

Old friends do not meet each other.

His hands were trembling, and the bloody hands were raised up, trying to cover his face.

But he clenched his fist again and dropped it.

In the rain of blood he roared to the sky——







【End of this volume】

Chapter 1W2, including 8,000 characters, and four changes, are added by the leader "Xiao Huang's Beriberi", the leader "Li Dushan", the leader "Master Tianshi on the top", and the leader "Momomooh"!



Thanks to the book friend "Jiechengjin" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 535th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Luo Jianyin" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 536th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Boiling Meals Under Water" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 537th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "1383635276488069120" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 538th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

thank you all.

Write a testimonial tomorrow.

But I also have the possibility of pigeon to the day after tomorrow.

too tired.

Thank you to everyone for being with us as we got here together.

There will be a period later!

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