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Chronicle of Zhuang Kingdom (Free Chapter)

Dao calendar three six one three years.

Yongming Emperor Han Zhou was defeated and died, and his hegemony was emptied. The "Three Kings Seized the Throne" broke out in Yongguo, and Han Zhou's younger brother Han Yin defeated his three nephews and successfully ascended to the top. Zhuang Chengqian broke the ground and founded the country. (become de facto monarch)

In the 3638th year of the Dao calendar, Zhuang State joined the Dao vassal state. Zhuang Chengqian was awarded the title of Yujing Mountain, and became the orthodox emperor recognized by the Taoist sect and recognized by the world.

In the year 3701 of the Dao calendar, Gu Yi, the saint of bones, killed Song Wanxi. (On the surface, the harem is competing for favor, but in fact, the Bone Dao feels that Zhuang Chengqian is out of control and deviates from the road of the Bone God Kingdom, and acts as a deterrent. Zhuang Chengqian chooses to forbear.)

In 3733 of the Dao calendar, Zhuang Chengqian united with Song Hengjiang, killed Gu Yi, resisted the God of Bone Bones, wiped out the Tao of Bone Bones, and exterminated himself from the leader. As a result, Song Hengjiang was injured and cut off the road to Dongzhen. Zhuang Chengqian was caught in a life and death crisis. He escaped by feigning death and hid in the candle.

Song Hengjiang said in 3919 that Zhuang Chengqian had been dead for nearly two hundred years. Specifically, one hundred and eighty-six years.

Zhuang Chengqian died suddenly, and he was unprepared for his funeral.

Yu Jingshan intends to change the Yuan Dynasty and intervene in the government. For a time, he supported the National Daoist Council and organized the "Senior Council" in an attempt to govern the country based on Daoism. (Constrained by the relationship between the Taoist school and the Taoist country, in order to avoid the danger of the Daoist country in the world, it is only carried out by political means.)

The struggle lasted for thirty-one years, and the country lost its king.

In the year 3764, with the support of Song Hengjiang, Zhuang Mingqi used the political method of turning spring wind into rain to eliminate disputes and successfully ascended the throne.

Then he recuperated for seventy-nine years.

In 3843 of the Dao calendar, Zhuang Mingqi was killed in the deep palace by the Bone God who had re-accumulated part of his power in this world.

Zhuang Chengqian and Zhuang Mingqi died suddenly one after another, and the country was in turmoil.

Only Zhuang Gaoxian, who was still in his infancy, was left behind.

The State Council revived the issue of "Senior Council". However, Zhuang Mingqi left behind strong political assets, and Du Ruhui inherited the order of the late emperor to support the country.

In 3851 of the Dao calendar, the eight-year-old Zhuang Gaoxian was put on the dragon chair. At this time, the "Seniors' Association" was still exerting influence.

In 3863 of the Dao calendar, Zhuang Gaoxian reached the crown and officially took power.

In the third year, the "Senior Association" was disbanded, but his orthodox position was still not recognized by Yujingshan. This year is the 3866th year of the Daoist calendar.

A full thirty-eight years later. It was only then that he formally accepted the imperial seal of Yujing Mountain, was recognized by the Taoist sect, and became the orthodox emperor in the present world. Dingyuan is "Yongtai", which is the first year of Zhuangli Yongtai. The year is 3904 in the Dao calendar.

It was also in this year that he gained confidence and personally conquered Yong Kingdom. He beheaded the general of the border town of Yongguo, but he was also injured and hid in the deep palace to recuperate. State affairs are all represented by Du Ruhui.

From Yongtai to Dading, Zhuang Gaoxian, as the orthodox emperor recognized by Taoism, has ruled the country for a total of nineteen years. Not only that since the day he took power. From the day I sat on the dragon chair, it has been far more than that.

From the founding of Zhuangguo to the present Dao calendar in 3923, Guozuo lasted for 310 years.

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