Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2056

The three horses in the Qionglu, who are famous in the grassland, were born in the Yuwen family, the Jin family, and the Wanyan family respectively.

These surnames are the most powerful tribes on the grassland. Generations of true blood, noble and extraordinary, extremely influential on the grassland, can be said to be second only to the existence of the Helian royal family.

Although Na Liang was born without a father and mother and was raised by wolves, he also became a "God's Favored One" by virtue of his personal efforts and talents. The prestige on the grassland is almost on par with that of the living god envoy Cang Ming. Now he is holding an important position in the King's Tent Cavalry, and is very trusted by the Great Shepherd Empress.

The current strength and status of these four Tianjiao are already very important, and their future influence is even more immeasurable.

It is impossible for the Great Shepherd royal family who have ambitions for the world to ignore these few people.

Helian Yunyun is ambitious and has never concealed her determination to fight for the dragon.

Then she should never miss this battle that wiped out the most talented cultivators of God's Realm in Mu Country. Especially when Helian Zhaotu decided to enter the arena to watch the battle!

In this way, Zhao Rucheng has at least one chance to meet and communicate with him again.

If Helian Zhaotu had come to watch the battle, Helian Yunyun would not have come. That's actually better, it shows that she still cares about Zhao Rucheng very much in her heart, and because of that awkward mood, she would rather lose points in the competition with Helian Zhaotu.

Although Huang Sheli was not there, the person in charge of Canglang Arena still recognized Jiang Wang.

Heroes of the human race who are famous all over the world are willing to put the battle to explore the limit of the gods here, and no arena will refuse. Canglang Arena arranged the highest-standard arena in the shortest time, and invited "Northern Rose" Bian Qiang to preside over the battle.

Of course, there is another important point - Canglang Arena is the Wanyan family's property.

The owner of this arena is the leader of the prairie cavalry "Wutulu", the real person in the world Wanyan Xionglue. Huang Sheli's family only holds a part of the shares here, and Wanyandu is the young owner here.

Jiang Wang's choice to fight here is to let Wanyandu control the public opinion before and after the war. They can say whatever they like, and they can say that they lost or won, and it really "doesn't hurt their face".

All he wanted was a hearty battle and a chance for Zhao Rucheng to curry favor with Helian Yunyun.

He thought that both he and Zhao Rucheng needed to take care of it.


This is an important moment.

He could already hear the sound of Bian Qiang warming up the field.

The voice is calling the fighters to enter.

Zhao Rucheng felt that it was also calling him.

This is also his turn, and he also wants to charge.

Zhao Rucheng, who was dressed in a splendid attire and attended the event, plucked his hair again in front of the water mirror. Tell yourself in your heart that this is a very important moment.

It was never his style to dress so colorfully. He has always dressed capriciously, during the years in the frontier, he dared to wear a broken sack on his body. This time, he took Jiang Sange to help him choose carefully and match them carefully. Even the jade ornaments on the waist are exquisite!

Maybe he realized it late, but he did realize now——Helian Yunyun is very important.

Before coming to the grassland, his mentality was actually frivolous. Fenglin's blood feud has been avenged, and he plays happily with his third brother, Xiao An'an, and sister Qingyu every day.

Although Mu Guo was wanted on his body, he never cared about it.

Because he never thought that Helian Yunyun would really not love him.

Brother Jiang came up with some bad ideas, but he didn't take it seriously, he just regarded it as a fun game. How many years has it been since I haven't played wantonly with my third brother. The grassland is their playground to find that lost time.

Until he actually saw Helian Yunyun, he realized that all this was not fun.

The conflict he thought could be resolved by meeting, but it was at the moment of meeting that he really recognized it.

When his righteousness turned into poor reasoning, when he retreated step by step in the luxurious tent, when he performed injuries in the chilly spring, what he saw was a heart that was broken - once loved him so much, he loved him so much. But the sincerity that is frequently ignored.

That's when I started to panic.

Started to feel overwhelmed.

When people are always loved, they don't know how precious love is. And after losing it, I miss it again and again.

Zhao Rucheng didn't want to keep everything in his memory.

Holding a bouquet of Yiche flowers in his hand, he walked firmly, wanting to hold everything he cherished in his hands.

In grassland words, "Yi Che" means glorious self-murder.

And the bright red Yichehua is said to be dyed red by the blood of soldiers, entrusting the courage of the dead in battle. This flower was first used to pay homage to heroic spirits.

In the classic grassland beast-mask drama "Red Shahu Farewell to White Meihu", there is a scene where after the news of Chishahu's death came, Baimeihu refused to believe it, and every year on the appointed day, he still went to the top of the mountain to look at his lover . Finally one day, she waited until Chi Shahu came back with Yiche flowers in his hands, and they fell in love so consummately.

Because this repertoire is so classic and widely circulated on the grasslands, Yichehua also has a new meaning-representing unswerving love until death.

What should I say when we meet?

How can I prove my sincerity?

Zhao Rucheng repeated the rehearsal in his mind, adjusted his clothes for the last time, firmly pushed the door out, and strode towards the VIP seats. There are more people here today than expected. Not a single ticket was sold, but the VIP seats were almost full.

Qionglu Sanjun's family has a great career, and favors are inevitable.

he thought so.

Although there were a lot of people, but his eyes were as bright as lightning, he was still in the crowd, and he saw Helian Yunyun at a glance - the azure dragon robe next to him.

He staggered and nearly fell down the steps, but fortunately his body skills passed the test, he spun around in the air and stabilized himself. Close your eyes tightly, as if in this way you will not be seen, and walk back unswervingly.

"Zhao Rucheng?"

The voice was vast and boundless, as high and indistinct as in the clouds. Although it was just a soft question, it made the whole audience awe-inspiring, and the world was silent.

The supreme will of the Wanli Grassland is embodied in a specific voice.

Zhao Rucheng quickly stuffed the bouquet of Yiche flowers into his arms, turned around, and bowed deeply to the Great Shepherd Empress who was sitting in the middle of the stand, majestic and invisible: "Minister! Greetings to Your Majesty!"

"Minister?" The Great Shepherd Empress cherished words like gold.

Zhao Rucheng bowed again: "Grassman Zhao Rucheng, meet Your Majesty!"

The voice of the Great Shepherd Empress couldn't hear any emotions, she just said: "I am so terrifying that you are so intimidated that you turn back after seeing it?"

"That's not the case!" Zhao Rucheng said: "Your Majesty hangs like the sun and the moon, and all things are dear. It's just that the grassroots wear the body of a sin, and dare not stain His Majesty's eyes!"

Mu Tianzi's voice said: "Yunyun forgives your innocence, then you are not guilty. What did you want to do when you walked this way just now?"

"...Watch the battle!" Zhao Rucheng gritted his teeth.

"Sit down." Emperor Mu only said this.

Zhao Rucheng looked down at his feet, walked into the spectator seats silently, found a seat in the emptiest area of ​​the seats, and sat down with numb hands and feet... as if on pins and needles!

"Which side do you prefer?" A voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Zhao Rucheng turned his head to look, and what he saw was a calm and regal man.

Helian Zhaotu!

He was sure that when he sat down, there was no one else around! Now Helian Zhaotu is only one position away from him.

In this circle of empty seats, they looked like two clumsy spies meeting.

Thought it was concealed, it was actually conspicuous.

At this moment, Zhao Rucheng couldn't move away, it would be more conspicuous, so he just sat upright and kept his distance as much as possible: "Watching the battle and not talking is a real gentleman!"

Helian Zhaotu glanced at the red petals that could not be completely covered by his shirt: "Today's hairpin and jade dress is quite trendy... have you been to Chu State for further training during this period of time?"

Zhao Rucheng couldn't take his eyes off: "I asked the master to help me set it up. It's normal for His Highness not to understand."

Helian Zhaotu didn't take it seriously, and asked again: "Why don't you sit next to Yunyun?"

Zhao Rucheng didn't want to emphasize how unpopular he was at the moment, he just said: "This battle will definitely be exciting, where is the limit of God's presence, maybe there will be a conclusion today. I just want to concentrate on appreciating, seeking the truth... "

He turned against the guest again: "Why doesn't Your Highness wait by the emperor's side?"

Helian Zhaotu showed a smile on his face: "Little sister is in a bad mood, let Your Majesty sit next to her and talk about yourself. I am a stinking Lu man, so I have to stay away at this time."

Zhao Rucheng adjusted his sitting posture, and said calmly: "Your Highness the princess is not in a good mood?"

Helian Zhaotu let out a 'ha', but did not respond, and looked at the field with great interest: "It's about to start, let's all focus."

Zhao Rucheng pretended to look at him twice: "It's still a while, they just entered the arena. I know my third brother Jiang very well. He must put on a show and take the opportunity to observe his opponents... Your Highness just said that the princess is in a good mood. not good?"

Helian Zhaotu asked in surprise, "Huh? Did I say that?"

Zhao Rucheng had a rare moment of humility: "Your Highness is really busy..."

Helian Zhaotu smiled and waved: "Sit over here, let me explain to you...why don't you move?"

Zhao Rucheng said: "I'm afraid Her Royal Highness may misunderstand."

Helian Zhaotu said: "When you send people to deliver tickets to Gu, why aren't you afraid of such a misunderstanding?"

Zhao Rucheng said: "Your Highness misunderstood, that ticket was given by my third brother Jiang. He has always admired your character."

Helian Zhaotu lightly held his chin: "Since he admires me so much, if I invite him to my house for dinner tonight, I guess he won't be rejected?"

"Then I don't know." Zhao Rucheng said: "My third brother has a weird temperament, sometimes it's sunny and sometimes rainy, Your Highness should ask him later."

Helian Zhaotu said 'Oh': "My little sister has a bad personality, so you can ask yourself later."

Looking at the dragon competition in the world, the competition between the two crown princes of the Damu Empire is a rare round that maintains a healthy competition. It is not only because of the control of the empress Helian Shanhai, but also because of Helian Zhaotu and Helian Yunyun's mother compatriots, who have had a deep relationship since childhood.

But in any case, they are also competing for the big position.

If Zhao Rucheng still dares to flirt with Helian Zhaotu at this moment, then he simply has no idea—in Yu Wenduo's words, this is not a question of right or wrong, but a question of attitude.

Didn't you see that Yu Wenduo was also there? Every time his eyes fell on Zhao Rucheng, he was full of murderous intent, as if seeing a life and death enemy, he had an extremely attitude!

Jiang Wang could never have imagined in advance that the battle he created for Xiao Wu to explore the limits of the gods by the way would attract Emperor Mu to watch the battle.

The reason why the VIP seats are full is that most of them are accompanied by the emperor.

If this is too easy to win, will they not be able to get out of the grassland?

But time will not slow down because of people's mood. Following Bian Qiang's announcement, all the Four Heavenly Talents of Mu Country have appeared on the stage.

Jiang Wang actually knew each of these four people well.

Naliang needless to say. Jin Gonghao once watched the battle between him and Dou Zhao, and Wan Yandu met through Huang Sheli. Yu Wenlie is Yu Wenduo's cousin, and he has also played against each other and drank before...

Now the four of them set foot on the arena and occupy the four corners.

Jiang Wang silently walked to the center of the arena and let them surround him...just waiting for the last sound.

The floating clouds in the sky were cut open, and an eagle with extremely long wings flew high in the sky, chirping loudly. The "Start!" that Bian Qiang shouted was also mixed with this sound.


Wings break, beaks fly, broken feathers fly, and blood spills into the sky.

The eagle that unfortunately passed by was cut into pieces in an instant.

The line of sight fell with its broken corpse at a high speed, and countless translucent sword qi roared up like a storm, sweeping the entire arena.

The climax begins when the fight begins.

The veteran is late, the celebrity is down, the sky is the first line... The sword energy evolves into a sword style, and at the same time launched an indiscriminate attack on the four Tianjiao of the Shepherd Kingdom.

Among the Three Realms of the Spiritual Realm...Yan Fu Sword Prison!

Just as the core of the true source of fire is the supernatural power Samadhi true fire.

The core of Yan Fu Sword Prison is the Supernatural Sword Immortal.

At this moment, Jiang Wang was standing in the center of the arena, his blue shirt was flowing with flames, his back was covered with frost, his eyes were shining with infinite swords, and the boundless sword energy was radiating outwards!

He stood calmly, with a smile on his face, and slightly opened his hands, as if he was embracing the battle that pleased him.

The long sword at the waist was not out of its sheath, but the audience was full of howling swords!

The range of Yan Fu Sword Prison is also the limit of the spiritual domain, with a radius of three thousand zhang, completely covering this arena. His sword energy is almost alive, filling every corner, launching an overwhelming offensive against the four heavenly heroes of the Mu country.

Why is the sword performing ten thousand tricks?

This is where you can make the most of it!

He's not like the one being surrounded, he's like the one surrounding the opponent.

One person, surrounded by four people!

How could the four heavenly heroes of the Mu country be willing to do this?

In an instant, Jin Gonghao was covered in black armor, and he stretched his blood-tasseled long lance with both hands, roaring with vigor outside him, forming the shape of a black dragon, soaring into the sky - but there was a stream of swords rushing like a waterfall, pouring down from the sky Falling, instantly submerged the Qi Jin Black Dragon!

Wanyandu opened his own spiritual domain in an instant, but the collision of all-round spiritual domains made him immediately feel the gap, and his spiritual domain was almost crushed! Had to shrink around the body to protect the square inch free. But also because of this stagnation, he was firmly nailed to the spot by the boundless sword energy, and endured endless bombardment!

Yu Wenlie had fought against Jiang Wang before, so he was even more horrified by this confrontation. He asked himself that he was also diligent in cultivation, and his strength grew rapidly. It's not as good as Jiang Wang... The past and present are very different!

The more frightened my heart was, the more steady my hands became, and the more intense my fighting spirit became.

The fighting spirit burned in his eyes and spread on his face. There were bloody cracks that continued to extend, making him look as if he had been torn apart!

Yuwen's true blood supernatural powers, Xing Tian fights blood!

The body is immortal, and the will is always there.

The more fighting spirit boils, the stronger he becomes.

While his cheeks were covered with bloodstains, he had already drawn the knife.

The scimitar hanging at the waist is decorated with red and sapphires, which is extremely luxurious, and when it is unsheathed in a flash, the blade is dazzling!

His saber strength is extremely condensed, cut through countless sword qi blocks, and soared upwards, really like the rising moon.

In a flash, he was slashed in front of Jiang Wang!

The speed and weight of this knife is beyond imagination. Many people's eyes widened at this moment, almost thinking that they could see the outcome!

But the blade suddenly stopped, like a static painting.

The fierce blade that almost sliced ​​through everything hovered there dumbly——

Hovering in front of Jiang Wang's raised index finger.

(This chapter is 4K.

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