Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2100 Blood Rose

The huge mountain of Evil Brahma Heaven casts a reflection that covers the entire Jade Belt Sea.

The starlight in the sky was also blocked to the point where none could be seen.

It has the majesty of a mountain and the power of a myth.

Nieli is like its believer, Niehai becomes its support.

The mountains correspond to the sea, and the heaven and earth harmonize.

At this moment, in this rootless world, it is both a rule-breaker and a rule-controller.

This means that within the scope of Nie Hai, it is almost unrivaled.

‘Peng Chongjian’s’ fist was still in front of him, still clashing with Si Yuan’s sword. But this world is different now. The fist peak is connected to the mountain peak, and his fist is also the evil Brahma!

The kendo world blocked in front of his fist was crushed to the limit at this moment, like a translucent chicken. Like chicken eggs, they were broken in front of the mountain.

Just like a high mountain crushing a small egg, there is no suspense in the ending.

But there is a slight deviation in the process...the chicken that was transformed into the world of swordsmanship was crushed before the mountain came over, not after.

Is the strongest part of an egg its shell?

It is the vigorous and brilliant new life that emerges after the eggshell is broken from the inside out!

This chicken that was crushed to the limit ushered in a new life before the destruction of external forces came.

In front of that infinitely vigorous life, the towering first mountain in the sea of ​​evil could not be lowered for a moment.

And then... click.

A not loud, but extremely clear cracking sound spread heavily on the mountain.

There are cracks in the Evil Brahma Mountains that stretch for tens of thousands of miles!

Si Yu'an used the destruction of the world of swordsmanship to create a new sword - just one sword.

The connection between this mountain range and the Niehai Sea has been severed.

The myth of Evil Brahma was destroyed first!

The mountain then cracked.

It was only at this moment that Jiang Wang's Qianyang red eyes captured——

It was a cold lightning that traveled across the mountain. It was as thin as a strand of silver hair, but it traveled tens of thousands of miles across the mountain in an instant, and landed on the body of 'Peng Chongjian' who was wearing the blood robe of the sect leader.

Click, click, click.

The Tao body that has completely reached the extraordinary peak is like a fragile porcelain, instantly covered with cracks.

'Peng Chongjian' only had time to say: "You——"

It has been broken into pieces.

"A strong man who came out of the age of mythology?" Si Yu'an hung the grass sword at his waist and said softly: "It has been out of date for too long."

The entire modern era has been turned upside down, and the age of mythology is just the dust of history!

Those living gods who have transcended are now very few. Meng Tianhai, who has not jumped out of the top in the Mythical Age, is still putting on the old airs of the Mythological Age?

Si Yuan showed his unparalleled killing power and had already killed Yan Dao twice, but the battle was still not over.

For a person who did not become a god in the age of mythology, Shinto power would certainly not be his strongest means.

At this time, Ruan Yuan, Wu Bingji, and Chen Pu all turned.

Wu Bingji's Fawu Ermen chain was tightly wrapped around the Chizhou Cauldron, and he kept climbing. At this moment, the cauldron was bound like a cocoon - just to make Meng Tianhai feel that he could perform for a while, in order to force him out of Chizhou, To imprison Chizhou, he only took strong action in the beginning.

This is a process of looking at the trump cards, and then suppressing them one by one, peeling off the cocoons.

It can be said that up to now, Meng Tianhai's every step has been calculated.

The chain embodying the majesty of Legalism bound the cave-heaven treasure. ‘Guan Changqing’ and ‘Peng Chongjian’ were defeated one after another, and the myth of the Evil Brahma Mountains was also shattered.

Several great masters looked at the Blood River at the same time - the birthplace of many Taoist techniques of the Blood River Sect and the representative of the human race's spirit of water control. For 50,000 years, the surging Blood River has been regarded as the first line of defense against disasters!

A majestic man about nine feet tall, wearing a bloody robe, was walking out of the blood river.

He is such an upright man, striding across the river of blood like a king patrolling his territory.

His face was square and broad, his pupils as deep as lightning.

It was Meng Tianhai's true appearance that had not appeared for 50,000 years.

This moment corresponds to history and truly finds the person lost in the long river of time.

Recall your true name, reveal your true face, and summon your true body!

He is the real him at this moment. Now he has to show his true power.

When manifesting the body of 'Peng Chongjian', Meng Tianhai kept rushing here, trying to cross the Yudai River. His goal has never been to pass through the gate of the world of mortals and return to the present world - it is the river of blood!

Si Yu'an slashed open the Evil Brahma Mountains with one sword, shattering the 'Peng Chongjian', but he had already returned to the blood river silently.

According to rumors, this surging river of blood is the ancestor of the Blood River Sect whose name has been lost, and was transformed by his blood essence. Because of this blood river, the Blood River Sect came into being. For 54,000 years, generations of Blood River Sect monks have watered it with their blood, and generations of human warriors have protected it with their lives, so that the Blood River has expanded to the size it is today.

Its importance is undoubted and its significance needs no elaboration.

Just talking about this moment.

Meng Tianhai walked out of the blood river, his terrifying aura not diminishing but rising. Already at the top, it can be even more majestic. And the surging river of blood surges with him!

The pinnacle can be said to be the end of the extraordinary road, the highest level in this world.

This mountain is already the highest in the world, already "level with the sky".

There is no weak person regardless of race who can reach this level. They are all unique geniuses who come from among hundreds of millions of people.

But as Dou Zhao said, strength and weakness are relative concepts.

The same people standing on the top of the mountain are relatively tall, short, fat, thin, rich, poor, beautiful and ugly.

Meng Tianhai was already at the top of the mountain in the age of mythology, and after experiencing fifty-four thousand years of dormancy, he could naturally see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance. The waves of the blood river lifted him high, and there was nothing left of him in the disaster.

"When?" he asked Si Yu'an.

He shook his head mockingly: "How long have you lived before you dare to talk about time? How many eras have you experienced? What do you believe as truth? You think that what you experience is progress. What you see is Is that correct? The national system is so vigorous right now, but it might disappear like smoke in the blink of an eye."

His eyes swept over Wu Bingji, Ruan Yuan, Si Yu'an, and Chen Pu one by one: "I understand you people very well! I used to be the same way. I went through thorns all the way, finally reached the top, and felt The limit of this world. Although the heaven and earth are vast, they cannot be stretched to their full extent!"

"You think you are the protagonist of the times, and sooner or later you will be able to transcend all this. You think you are the tide-maker on the river of destiny, and you are alone in the middle of the river. Little do you know that once the torrent of history rushes through, everything you have will be crushed along with your knowledge!

"Human beings are all like this. They take everything in the past for granted, everything now is changing in an era, and everything in the future is absurd.

"As everyone knows, you are no different from those people in the past! When you are eliminated along with the times, what you make is the same cry that once sounded in the past!

"You are not special. What you are grasping now is actually very fragile! You don't understand at all what I am pursuing. You cannot understand at all what kind of great power can cross the long river of destiny, run through the years, and become eternity!"

The sword light crisscrossing the Jade Belt Sea was once again obscured by shadows.

The cracks in the Evil Brahma Mountains have been closed, hanging high above the Jade Belt Sea.

On the other side of the Jade Belt Sea, densely packed monsters emerged from the turbulent currents. There are many Dongzhen level among them, and there are even three Yandao level!

So many ignorant and evil thoughts emerged together, but they were quiet. None of them roared madly. Instead, they approached silently and firmly like a well-trained strong army. It was obvious that they were all controlled by Meng Tianhai. .

At this moment, everyone is within the waters of the Jade Belt Sea, including thousands of monks from the True Source Fire Realm, as well as four great masters... They are surrounded instead!

"Hahaha." Ruan Yuan, who rarely spoke after his appearance and was almost ignored by others, laughed out loud at this time.

He looks young and handsome, very fresh, and his voice is quite boyish.

Since he couldn't hold it in any longer, he said openly: "If you say you are outdated, you are outdated. Old man, what is there that you can't admit?"

The corners of the Star Map Taoist robe fluttered, rolling away the shadows hanging from the Evil Brahma Mountains. Lord Jianzheng of Daqi Qintian Prison said disdainfully: "You have swallowed up generations of people, but the blood of generations has been swallowed up." Mr. He Zhen, you never go out if you can, for fear of being stained by karma and being exposed. You call it 'one who is burdened with heavy responsibilities and dare not move lightly'. You have lived for so many years and have been hiding in disasters. One day Isn’t it a waste of time? What are you immersed in studying? Thinking about the avenue that you can’t figure out in fifty thousand years?”

"It's just a pig that has reached its peak in 50,000 years!"

"Return a mouthful of the River of Destiny! Times have changed long ago!"

He spread his fingers, looked at Meng Tianhai from a distance, and said disdainfully: "The river of destiny is also a battlefield that you can touch?"

With just one click, the mighty river of blood can see the stars!

The starlight in the sky is covered by the Evil Brahma Mountains and cannot shine through at all. This is Meng Tianhai's method to fight against the great master of star divination.

But the reflection of the galaxy has long been flowing in the blood river.

Responding to Ruan Yuan's call, he surfaced.

The endless starlight covered the huge river of blood. The dots of starlight actually formed an extremely complex and infinitely great star map, like a giant net, binding the blood river like a dragon and python!

This is truly a unique method!

Just like Meng Tianhai devoured Guan Changqing's soul and was able to cut with a sword at the level of Yan Dao, but in the eyes of a top swordsman like Si Yu'an, his swordsmanship was riddled with holes. Meng Tianhai had to make Ruan Yuan laugh when he talked about the long history of destiny in front of Ruan Yuan.

From the beginning to the end, the supervisor of Da Qi Qin Tian Jian did not take any action. He was just like a spectator, admiring Meng Tianhai's various performances. However, he had already completed the layout of the Blood River silently and sealed it off at this moment!

Not only did he want to restrain this river of blood, he also wanted to cut off Meng Tianhai's source of power. He wants to separate Meng Tianhai from the fate of Blood River in the long river of destiny, so as to truly obliterate him so that he can no longer borrow the power of Blood River to resurrect!

At this moment, Meng Tianhai stood on the star map.

The river of blood was flowing right under the soles of his boots. There seemed to be no distance between him and the Blood River, but they had been firmly separated and separated forever.

But now Meng Tianhai is Meng Tianhai.

It is not the borrowed official Changqing or Peng Chongjian.

He just lowered his head and glanced at the star map at his feet, then raised his head again, and said very calmly: "The development of the hexagram path is indeed changing with each passing day. Fate divination has been exhausted, blood divination has reached its end, and star divination is prosperous. I really haven't studied too much. After all, It’s hard to hide the traces of fate in front of you fortune-tellers. In order to avoid being exposed in advance, I can only touch upon it. You’re right, when it comes to understanding the river of fate, I’m not as good as you—”

He smiled: "But my fate, Meng Tianhai, is still in the long river of destiny?"

As soon as these words came out, there seemed to be a torrential wave that echoed in the void!

Meng Tianhai casually grabbed the great star map, and then tore it off, as if he was tearing off a coat! The river of blood is surging, and the stars are gone!

Ruan Yuan frowned in a real sense for the first time, because he discovered that Meng Tianhai was really not in the river of destiny! What he captured before was just a reflection.

If Meng Tianhai's fate had not been grasped, it would naturally have never been truly cut off.

Like Yu Beidou, being in the Dongzhen realm can lead people to escape from the long river of fate for a short time, which is already a miracle. The real person's computing power is the first, which may be the cornerstone of creating such a miracle. But even Yu Beidou, even if he later briefly became the True Lord in the Mysterious Realm, could not truly escape the long river of destiny.

No one in the world can truly escape from the long river of fate, unless they transcend.

But Meng Tianhai clearly hasn’t transcended yet!

He accomplished an unprecedented feat!

How did he do it?

Ruan Yuan...can't figure it out!

"Of course there will be some accidents. These are small waves in the long river of destiny, aren't they? This is life -" Meng Tianhai smiled calmly. He held all the stars in his hands and formed a ball. Gorgeous rose.

Then he held the flower between his two fingers and flicked it gracefully——

The rose has left its bow like an arrow.

It flies high in the sky, breaking through the darkness, and with the stars trailing behind it, it is incredibly beautiful.

In the next moment, blood spattered, and the dreamy stars were dyed red. And on the rose branches, three people suddenly appeared!

Military uniforms with a red background and gold edges, white clothes like snow, and hunting green shirts!

Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun, and Jiang Wang were in different places, doing different things, but at the same time, they were pierced by the branches of the starry rose, pierced in one place, and flew high into the sky!

The three youngest real people in the world, who can almost be said to be the three most powerful young geniuses in the world, were artificially strung together without any reaction at all, and their backs were arched like shrimps at the same time!

Like a skewer.

And neither Wu Bingji, Ruan Yuan, Si Yu'an, or Chen Pu had time to stop them. Especially Chen Pu also planted a tree in the True Source Fire Realm, but the tree didn't even react!

One moment, Zhong Xuanzun was still trying to uncover the truth, and Jiang Wang was still studying the sword skills of Pavilion Master Si. The next moment, their hearts were pierced, and their bodies were being carried away by the rose. They were unable to react in time with their magical powers. for rapid dispersion.

In particular, Dou Zhao, who was the first one to be penetrated, was still haggard, with mud on his sleeves, and even holding a handful of rice seedlings in each hand, with a very rare look of confusion on his face. In my thirty years of life, I have never been so shocked.

They reacted almost at the same time.

Jiang Wang pulled out Sauvignon Blanc, Dou Zhao held Tian Xiao, and Zhong Xuanzun raised the Sun, Moon and Star Three-wheeled Cutting Blade - and dropped it the next moment!

The sword immortal's state dispersed into flowing light, Dou Zhan's golden body became dim and unclear, and the sun, moon and star wheels were all broken.

Even Zhongxuan Zun was too late to replace his injuries with the Star Wheel, because his extraordinary power had been defeated before he could summon the Star Wheel!

The three peerless geniuses couldn't resist at all, and were already hung on the flower branches like smoked bacon.

Just like this, a flower flows towards the river of blood.

The river of blood surged like a gaping mouth.

Only the true king can defeat the true king, and all the dust is under the path of evolution!

The only one who can save people at this moment is the True Lord, but in front of the four True Lords of Yan Dao, Wu Bingji, Ruan Yuan, Si Yuan, and Chen Pu, there are four True Lords who are blocking them forcefully——

Peng Chongjian, Guan Changqing, Huo Shiji, Meng Tianhai!

The Blood River provides Meng Tianhai with nearly unlimited power.

One body has four qualities, and the true king is unparalleled!

"You have been planning for me for so long, don't you even have this expectation?" Meng Tianhai stopped Chen Pu with a half-smile on his face: "You don't understand what kind of power I am pursuing. Climbing to the top of the mountain is just a dream. To begin with, how arrogant are you! Knowing that it is me, Meng Tianhai, you still dare to come here rashly. Little do you know that there is a gap between Yan Dao, and the gap is huge...far beyond your imagination!"

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