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Chapter 2102 Eternal Success Yesterday (add more monthly tickets)

The real gentleman of the new Blood River, looks handsome and handsome, wearing a Confucian shirt in ink and wash, embroidered with grass and flowers. With a folding fan in hand, it is indescribably cosy and romantic.

He walked out of the Blood River in a graceful manner, not caring about people's gazes, and only said: "Stay and make a fuss with me!"

The spiritual light above the head is soaring into the sky, weaving into a beautiful brocade. Spread five fingers, and press from a distance——

His strength straddled the battlefield where the real monarchs were fighting, showing a pure and white literary spirit, and suddenly turned into a big hand with clear texture, and rushed towards Xu Ximing.

The palm is like the sky, overwhelming the heavens.

Xu Ximing, who was holding a six-foot long sword, now only has the power of Dongzhen level, and of course there is no possibility of resistance.

But there was no expression on his face, he didn't even look at Meng Tianhai at all, just looked at Jiang Wang, and said calmly: "If you figure it out, just call me by my name."

Then it disappeared without warning.

That big literary hand was originally majestic and mighty, with the potential to pick up the stars and the moon. In an instant, the rigidity turned into gentleness, and very gently grabbed the rose of fate. Instead of chasing Xu Ximing, he went straight to the blood river and turned around.

During this process, the man in the ink painting Confucian shirt smiled slightly at Chen Pu who was looking at him: "I am Fu Lanting, the fifth suzerain of the Blood River Sect. Thanks to the love of the people in the world, I am called "" The first person to control water'!"

Fu Lanting, the fifth suzerain of the Blood River Sect, was not a disciple of the Blood River Sect at first. He is one of the representative examples of "letting the virtuous" in the history of the Blood River Sect.

Born in Longmen Academy, he is well-known in literature, and he was once a romantic figure.

Abandoning Longmen and throwing himself into the Blood River once caused an uproar.

But after taking over as the suzerain of Blood River, he has repeatedly stopped troubles and quelled disasters. With his outstanding performance, he has proved his choice to the world—of course, it is known now that it was all Meng Tianhai's performance.

"Fu Lanting..." Chen Pu gave a light 'tsk', and looked at Meng Tianhai in front of him: "Over the past 54,000 years, how many wonderful dramas have you contributed in different human skins! Long night, is he also admiring his loneliness?"

"Is it wonderful?" Meng Tianhai smiled lightly: "It's ridiculous, but there are actually many dangerous times."

The two of them were clearly fighting against each other, competing for the outcome in the cruelest and most dangerous way for the true king, but their words were extremely relaxed, as if they were chatting with old friends.

Chen Pu said: "For example?"

"For example, when Si Yuan visited Huoshui in the east, he almost discovered my problem." But Huo Shiji, who was confronting Si Yu'an, said, "At that time, Xia Guo had a great say in Huoshui. It was difficult for me to hide the investigation. Fortunately, his main goal at that time was to establish hegemony. I proposed the disaster plan and left a hole card for the decisive battle between him and Jiang Shu, so he didn't go into it. Now that I think about it, if it was Si who won Yuan, I'm afraid I will be exposed thirty years in advance!"

The reason why Meng Tianhai revealed his real name was because Huo Shiji performed a big drama of getting away with death, which aroused the suspicion of Chen Pu and others.

Huo Shiji chose to feign death to escape because Qi Guo took advantage of him and drove him at will, seeing that he could no longer keep his secret.

The reason why Huo Shiji was caught by Qi State was because of his disaster plan with Emperor Xia Xiang, Si Yuan.

And the reason why he proposed the disaster water plan was because Emperor Xia Xiang, Si Yuan, was the first to discover something was wrong with the Blood River Sect!

Everything today is traceable. In the dark, it seems to be destined.

Between Great Xia's ambition and the Blood River Sect's abnormality, Emperor Xia Xiang chose to put the latter aside for the time being.

Back then, although he was aware of the abnormality of the Blood River Sect, he must have never imagined that there was such a huge problem behind this abnormality. A hero of a generation, naturally has the self-confidence to show it slowly.

It was even more impossible for him to think that he would suffer a complete defeat in the upcoming war against the country, die and the country would be destroyed, and his hegemony would be emptied. This shelving will be indefinite.

"Jiang Shu is a good man, he won me thirty-five years of precious time." Fu Lanting looked at the three real people strung on the rose of fate, and he was full of praise: "He also cultivated two such excellent ingredients for me !"

At this time, Ruan Yu's eyes were fixed, but he had stopped the waves of the river of fate, so he freed his hand, pulled out the ink hairpin, and swiped away——

Between Fu Lanting and Destiny Rose, a vast galaxy was drawn. That Wen Qi walked away with a flower in his hands, extremely fast, but he was traveling in the galaxy, and he couldn't reach the other side no matter what.

Without saying a word, Guan Changqing rushed forward with his sword.

Ruan Yu's face was calm, he held the ink hairpin like a dagger, calmly resisted the sword's edge, and said: "If you want to, why not go east to Linzi and thank my emperor face to face?"

"I will!" Huo Shiji swept the Taoist waterfall, bombarding it endlessly, and took the time to respond: "When I am free, I will definitely go east, thanks to Jiang Shu for his friendship!"

Fu Lanting waved his big sleeves, formed a literary spirit like a white dragon, and went to the Xinghe River to scoop flowers.

But just after Wenlong entered the river, the Milky Way began to ripple, and it became several times wider for a while.

Ruan Yu's galaxy is drawn casually, but it has a lot to say! Among them, it is not just the vastness of star power, but the river of destiny that is truly connected. All external forces will affect everything in the galaxy, just like the ripples of the river of fate.

If you can't really grasp the law, the more you want to get closer, the more you can only push away.

Fu Lanting glanced at it quietly, and then gave a long laugh: "You Ruan Yi swims with your body, and I swim with your body too!"

Simply step forward and directly step into the galaxy.

Chen Pu noticed this scene, and couldn't help sighing: "The Hualong Wenqi of Longmen Academy is the most talented. Even though Fu Lanting has been swallowed by you for so many years, his writing spirit can still be seen. He is unconstrained and eclectic...Meng Tianhai, How many arrogances of heaven have you ruined, there may not be any one who can achieve transcendence!"

Meng Tianhai said indifferently: "Heroes in the world can't be achieved with their own talents. They are swallowed by me, which can only show that they have no luck for detachment. Throughout the ages, there are countless peaks, and the proof of detachment is eternal. Do you really think that everyone is qualified?" ?”

The sacrificial fire of the great ceremony burned quietly, and the flesh and blood of their palms facing each other had been burned away, leaving almost only bones. Even the bones are melting now.

This is where the real body is, the body of Yan Dao!

But both of them turned a blind eye.

Chen Pu said in a deep voice: "50,000 years ago, the disaster water was turbulent. The ancestor of the Blood River Sect lived alone in the disaster water for 103 days, and died of exhaustion. At that time, did you reach a deal with the Innocent Heaven?"

The three evils of Niehai are called the Bodhi Evil Patriarch, the Hunyuan Evil Immortal, and the Innocence Heaven and Man. These three culprits are the strongest in Huoshui, and they are on the top of the mountain. If there is a catastrophe, there will be no escape.

Meng Tianhai was very interested: "Why is it an innocent heaven and man?"

"Why do you need to ask knowingly?" Chen Pu said: "So far, among the three evils in the sea of ​​evil, only innocent heavenly beings have shown the patience to set up long-term plans. Besides, you have swallowed Fu Lanting."

"You know the three villains of Nie Hai very well, but you guessed wrong." Meng Tianhai shook his head, his tone regretful: "I said that although you found my name, you didn't really know me."

He asked: "Why do you think that I want to trade with them?"

"I am a human, a human being." He said firmly: "I am always fighting against them, and I will only swallow them! I, Meng Tianhai, may lose my personal morality in order to seek the way, but I will not lose Great festival for the human race! For the past 54,000 years, no matter what capacity I have been standing at the front desk, I have been dealing with disasters. Is everything I have done not recorded in history? Don’t you see it?"

"Isn't it a big festival for the human race? Swallow the pride of the heavens to enrich yourself, and cut off the future of the human race to fill your broken ship. You say this is a big festival and not a loss?" Chen Pu looked at Fu Lanting who was trekking in the galaxy: "Just say that Fu Lanting , if he has not been swallowed by you, with his talent and creativity, he may be someone who can promote the progress of the times. And if you swallow him, what good will it do for the human race?"

"If I am detached, it will be of great benefit to the human race!" Meng Tianhai said, laughing again: "Besides, what kind of good person do you think Fu Lanting is?"

In the galaxy, Fu Lanting also turned around and smiled at Chen Pu: "Scholar friend, thank you for your recognition of me! I do have some creativity, I think I am a genius!

"My Taoism that is passed down in the world is mediocre works that cannot reflect my true creation. Do you know what my treasure is?"

He walked casually in the galaxy, with a relaxed tone: "As Huo Shiji said, I created the bone-destroying secret technique in the Blood River Sect... I really created this secret technique!

"Even if my credit is not as good as Kaidao's, it is far better than those great masters who deceive the world, right? Kaimai Pill can change the cultivation talent of the human race. My secret method can make talented people more talented and make Tianjiao more talented." Reaching the pinnacle is the law of the Daxing Human Race!

"It's a pity that most people in the world are stupid, wearing hypocritical ceremonial robes, adhering to some useless rules, but not thinking about making progress! Although I have this great law, I don't want to spread it to the world.

"The worst thing is that just when Huoshui performed this method, he was discovered by the True Monarch Blood River at that time. Unlike those high-sounding hypocrites, he didn't care about what I did, and even called me a 'heavenly wizard' , and sent me an invitation, saying that he would pass on my mantle! I also took advantage of the opportunity to leave Longmen Academy and joined the Blood River Sect.

"I have feelings for the academy. I thought that when I swallowed Master Blood River, I would be able to gain true freedom, and I did find a way to kill him—unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I met a man-eating ancestors!"

Back then, the battle of wits and courage between Fu Lanting and the fourth generation Blood River True Lord was a wonderful chapter in history. It's a pity that Fu Lanting didn't find the real opponent from the beginning to the end. He didn't know that Meng Tianhai had been waiting for him in the blood river. Otherwise, with his talent and scheming, he would definitely be able to achieve his own notoriety.

All through the ages, the suzerain of the Blood River Sect had to fit into the Blood River at the last step, so as to gain the so-called great power passed down from generation to generation by the Blood River Sect, and control the source of all Taoism of the Blood River Sect.

When they walk into the blood river, they become the accumulation of the blood river.

The Blood River Sect didn't need the secret method of stealing people's bones, because Meng Tianhai directly swallowed everyone with the blood river, so he could already occupy the talent.

But it didn't affect him, Huo Shiji used this secret method and Fu Lanting's name to take the blame, and used it to explain all the remaining problems in history - if Meng Tianhai's real name had not been found, he could have justified himself.

Hearing Fu Lanting's words, Chen Pu didn't have any disappointed expression on his face, he just said: "I once discussed ancient times with Yao Fu, and he said that in the history of Longmen Academy, there are a few people who are particularly regrettable. Among them is Fu Lanting name. Now it’s all right, he doesn’t have to be sorry.”

"You don't have to use your moral standards to judge the past. The times are different, the morals are different, and your pursuits are also different." Meng Tianhai criticized in a tone of someone who has experienced it: "An Neng made such rash remarks!"

In the Milky Way, Fu Lanting has already waded through the waves, grasped the rules, and approached the Rose of Destiny.

He had a smile on his face: "Fu Lanting is not a good person, neither is Meng Tianhai. But is a good person worth pursuing?"

"Anyone can be a good person, anyone can treat you well, and anyone can be evaluated as a 'good person'. There is nothing but weakness, nothing but non-competition, and nothing but patience. The word 'good' is too cheap!

"What can be done without any effort deserves no praise.

"What should we pursue? It is a milestone on the road of practice, it is a strength that is unique among hundreds of millions, it is detachment, it is eternity, and it is beyond the limit!

"Being swallowed by Meng Tianhai, I am happy. In essence, we are the same kind of people. We don't care about everything in the world, we only care about whether we are strong or not!"

He put the folding fan in his waist and reached out to pick the flowers: "Although you have great malice towards Meng Tianhai and us, you can't understand our greatness. But I must thank you!"

"Thank you for helping me make up my mind to officially take this step forward.

"Thank you for serving me a meal too!

"The aptitudes of these three people are rare in ancient and modern times, and now the three are combined into one, and it is hard to find even if you travel through time!

"Junior Ruan Yu, didn't you ask Meng Tianhai what he has been researching for the past 50,000 years? You might as well open your eyes wide to read the answer - after this mouthful, I will let you witness that this is the only way to escape from ancient times!"

Fu Lanting opened his big hand, as if grasping the world, the rose of destiny became extremely small in his vision.

The bodies of real people hanging on the Rose of Destiny are also lifeless.

There was a huge hole in his palm, and in the hole was a roaring torrent of blood to meet the flowers.

But at the moment when the palm was close to the rose of fate——

On the blood-stained flower branch, Chong Xuanzun opened his eyes!

He seemed to have used all the energy he had saved to open his eyes this time.

So his eyes are so bright.

His brows are like the green hills of Shenxiu and bright, and his black pupils are like the chess pieces of life and death.

As soon as this glance fell, seven bright stars rose up from the spot, blocking in front of Fu Lanting's big hand!

Before the two could make contact with each other, the seven stars were pushed away by the terrifying aura-it turned around in place, like a bucket handle hanging on Sinan.

The shadow cast by the Evil Brahma Mountains in the sky was shattered by the light of the stars!

There are also seven stars in the high sky.

The seven stars of misfortune correspond to the Big Dipper in the sky!

The handle of the bucket points to the north, so it is winter all over the world.

The stars of the Big Dipper are entangled together, wrapped in the infinite chilling breath of God's will, falling instantly!

But it didn't fall on Jiang Wang, who was shaking Beidou, but on the body of Dou Zhao, who was wide-eyed with anger.

And Dou Zhao grabbed Tian Xiao!

At this moment, the starlight and golden light shone together, killing intent and fighting intent ignited together.

Tianxiao sideways, the sword light counterattacks, and the first knife cuts himself first.

The first cut, cut off the powerlessness and weakness in the past!

Dou Zhao's golden body is dazzling, and Dou Zhao's aura rises wildly.

He swung the knife horizontally, and the light of the knife opened in two directions, and it landed on Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun at the same time.

The second knife, cut off the shackles and confinement of the Taoist body!

With the same knife, he cut it for the third time while thinking about it. This time, the blade is brighter than ever before, he is like the scorching sun, you can't look directly at it——

"Thirty years of my life so far, I will kill you fifty-four thousand years old!"

The first killing technique since the present world, one of the seven fighting styles...

The eighth form, forever becomes yesterday!

It’s the last few days of this month, just pay the monthly pass if you have one, don’t waste it~



The 4k of this chapter is added for the leader "No Regrets" and the leader "Lonely Seeing Snow".

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