Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2105: Disaster Fist Peak, the highest in the world

Jiang Wang and the others, who had already flown far away, watched all this in silence.

Chongxuan follows the clouds and the breeze is light, watching the battle of Yandao is like admiring the scenery on the journey.

Jiang Wang studied hard. Regardless of whether he could understand or not, he understood what he could understand first and what he couldn't understand first remembered.

Dou Zhao frowned.

Their subconscious ocean has always been connected, just like at the moment when Song Boti raised his knife to build a bridge and had no time to think about anything else, their positions were also very clever. They were hidden as three talents. They could support each other at any time and were not easily caught in one fell swoop. .

At this time, in the subconscious ocean, the roar of Douzhao sounded——

"Why do they always fall for it? If not, let me do it."

Then came Chong Xuanzun's leisurely voice: "Then Meng Tianhai will have to wait for you for decades."

"As long as he dares to wait, I will dare to chop him to death. Is this living old turtle considered a challenge?" Dou Zhao changed the topic: "Of course, it won't be possible until I get you."

Zhong Xuanzun said in a relaxed tone: "Maybe Meng Tianhai doesn't think so? I seem to have always been his main target, unlike some people who just add to his head."

Dou Zhao sneered: "Rose of Destiny was the first to take me away, and Fu Lanting was also the first to kill me. It's clear who is strong and who is weak. Meng Tianhai likes you, but he hasn't met me yet at that time."

Zhongxuan said with a 'tsk': "You are quite proud of being the first one to be skewered by Rose of Destiny without even giving a warning."

Dou Zhao continued to sneer: "Jiang Wang is right next to you, have you realized it?

Jiang Wang was speechless for a while. Did I connect to the subconscious sea just to let you two chat?

Talk about how these masters are not good, and talk about how you are good. If you have the ability to spread the word outside, if you have the ability, shout out!

"Can you please stop talking about such a long time ago in front of a young man in his early twenties?"

After Jiang Wang finished speaking, he cut off the subconscious sea.

After thinking for a while, he connected to the subconscious sea and added: "It's so annoying!"

Disconnect again.

The voices of Chong Xuan Zun and Dou Zhao were lost in the waves of the subconscious sea.

Without the outpouring of curses, Dou Zhao could just use his delusional thoughts to attack Jiang Wang's subconscious. Maintaining some sense, he turned around and said coldly: "Brother Jiang Xian, age is not something worth showing off. There are people who live a long time, such as turtles. There are also people who live a short time, such as mayflies."

"Yes, yes, that's too true." Jiang Wang said casually: "It's not too old, and it's not too young. Thirty is just right. It's a great time, and there's a lot to do!"

Zhong Xuanzun looked over: "Who do you want?"

When Meng Tianhai disappeared and Ruan Yuan exclaimed that he had been deceived, they were still making jokes here, which was not without a sense of crisis.

It is true that some great masters acted too exaggeratedly.

Don’t talk about anything else. Ruan Yuan, as the Superintendent of Qintian Supervisor, sits in the Star Observation Tower and regulates the destiny of the Qi Dynasty. What kind of situation has he not encountered? When have you ever seen him startled?

At this moment, Grandmaster Ruan was still holding the nebula in his palm, using Yantian as a hexagram, and formed a formation of Xuantianhedi... and was urgently calculating Meng Tianhai's position. His movements were very professional and his expression was very focused.

And the blood river surrounding the gate of mortal world was already bubbling, as if boiling!

Dou Zhao couldn't hold back his words, but taking advantage of Pavilion Master Si's mistakes, he glared at Jiang Wang fiercely: "There is a change in the blood river, stay alert!"

Jiang Wang had no choice but to connect to the sea of ​​subconsciousness again.

In the ocean of subconsciousness, Dou Zhao criticized loudly: "Does this still need to be calculated? He can't see the movement? Blood River is about to jump up and hit people! Don't you Qi people have bad eyesight?"

Of course Chong Xuanzun was not convinced: "Is it possible that this is another cover-up? How do you know the truth? How can a grandmaster be as reckless as you when doing things? Besides, didn't your great-grandmother take action?"

Just the next moment——

The river of blood is overwhelming!

In the mighty bloody river, a bloody lotus rose up from the waves. This lotus is so huge that it looks like a bloody floating land. Enough for thousands of troops to gallop on it.

There are countless realms in the lotus pod, and one lotus seed is one life.

The rhizomes of the blood lotus are like huge peaks that support the sky, running through the blood river, supporting the blood continent above, and exploring the evil sea below.

Meng Tianhai stood alone in the center of the bloody floating land, like the source of blood light, also bathed in blood light. Countless lotus seed worlds flickered, and he seemed to be the one being hatched.

Bloody light and shadow intertwined above his head, it was a glorious country.

You can vaguely see the vast expanse of sky and earth, the roaring wind and thunder, and the peaks of the sky.

The great world is becoming a reality.

Meng Tianhai has been performing.

He kept revealing his cards and being picked apart, and those were just his tricks to stall for time.

When his invasion of Lianzi's world reaches its final stage, everything can no longer stop. There is only one way ahead, and there is no choice but to transcend.

He doesn't mind making his performance a little more ugly if it can make his opponent relax a little.

Being able to kill himself for 50,000 years means that he no longer cares about anything other than transcendence!

Morality and reputation are nothing but shackles for the strong to move forward. The respect of others is even more meaningless.

The desperate interception he showed was just to prevent the masters from discovering the flaw in Blood Lotus Buoying.

He left the news of opening up the big world in Huashui.

And let the real Blood Lotus Holy World be formed at the bottom of the Blood River!

This time does not take long, because the most difficult preparation has been completed in the past time.

At this time, he opened his indifferent eyes, no longer performing ugly acts, and looked down at the five top Yan Dao masters: "There is no need to perform anymore, and there is no need to wait anymore. This Blood Lotus Holy World is my last trump card. Now you see Here it is, tell me - how are you going to kill me before it is completely born?"

As these words fell, the sky reappeared filled with phantoms of gods and Buddhas. Gods, Buddha, Taoism and Confucianism all have the ultimate imprints to protect this great world in its birth.

The situation is now clear. Meng Tianhai must use his powerful state of grasping the eternal power to face the challenges of these five peaks of the Evolution Dao head-on.

Si Yu'an glanced at Ruan Yuan at this time and said angrily: "Let me tell you, your acting is too fake! Look how natural Dean Chen is! Look at me again, I'm afraid I can't hold back my laughter, so I won't Speak! It would be better if you had to say something like 'It's impossible to make him get what he wants', and shout 'I've been fooled'! Who can believe this? Now it's okay! He came out on his own, and even if I ask for a sneak attack, it won't work. What do you mean? what to do?"

In fact, Song Boti's performance was even worse. He even went so far as to explain to Dou Zhao in an extravagant way, and it was too obvious that he was trying to hide it!

But this woman was not easy to mess with, so he ignored her.

In response to Si Yu'an's question, Ruan Yuan just smiled nonchalantly: "Pavilion Master Si knows me. I often walk in the long river of destiny. I know that lies are difficult to round out and cause and effect are difficult to circumvent. Therefore, I am not good at acting and cannot deceive God's will." . But since it’s about responsibility, I can only..."

The ink hairpin on his head was so deep, and the star map robe was fluttering high. He casually pulled it off and took off the jade belt of Xinghe, which revealed his waist. He looked like a handsome young man!

Lifting the palm, the nebula dispersed. Among the bright starlight, a huge palace complex suddenly rose up. It appears to be a shadow, but it has specific rules and power.

The Fourteenth Little Cave Heaven Noble Phantasm.

He took Si Xuan Underground Palace with him!

He just held the underground palace in his palm, ran straight towards Meng Tianhai, and said in a long voice: "You have convinced others with your virtue!"

Jiang Wang has known Daqi Qin Tianjian Zheng for so long, and what he has always seen is his extremely calm side, talking about the world with his hands, planning for thousands of years. Have you ever seen such a domineering attitude?

At this moment, Ruan Yuan had Xinghe wrapped around his waist, holding the underground palace in his palm, almost suppressing the momentum of the Blood Lotus Holy World.

"None of you, the younger generation, is real!"

Above the Blood Lotus, under the Blood Lotus Holy Realm, surrounded by the phantoms of gods and Buddhas, the majestic Meng Tianhai raised his fist.

With this fist clenched, wind and cloud gather, heaven and earth unite, and time roars.

Time and space all surrendered to this fist. All gods and Buddhas crown this fist.

This is a fist that has lasted for fifty thousand years. He hit Si Xuan Underground Palace with one punch!


The entire rootless world resounded with such a long echo.

It spans a long journey across time and space, delivering the most extreme shock to people's ears.

What a terrifying fist.

What a terrible confrontation!

Ruan Yuan's figure was raised high, and the Sixuan Underground Palace was actually smashed open!

This is Meng Tianhai, this is the [Eternal Tribulation Fist] that Meng Tianhai created by merging all the pinnacle marks of the past 50,000 years! Every punch suppresses the era and is at the top of the era.

Even Ruan Yuan, who holds the Sixuan Underground Palace in his hand, cannot suppress him.

But his opponent is not only Ruan Yuan!

Just when Ruan Yuan summoned Sixuan Underground Palace and charged into the Blood River.

Si Yuan also spread his fingers and made a gesture of holding a sword——

The Blood River Sect's Cave Heaven Treasure, the Chizhou Cauldron, collided crazily at the same moment, but Senbai's Fawu Second Door Chains always firmly suppressed it. Although there was a shocking sound from the chains, it did not leave any possibility of escape. .

Meng Tianhai won time for the Holy World of Blood Lotus to grow, but it also allowed Wu Bing to repeatedly strengthen the seal on Chizhou Ding.

At this moment, Meng Tianhai was alone. Only one pair of fists can face everything.

The Blood River Sect masters are just different human skins, and the Blood River Sect is just a tool. In the long history, he has always been alone!

At this moment, Si Yu'an no longer carried his thatch casually, and for the first time assumed a serious posture of holding the sword.

He just clasped his five fingers, and there was a dense scream like a strong wind passing through the sky and the earth.

There is still no sword in his hand, and his sharp energy is already roaring into the sea.

If Yan Furuo takes the lead, it will also cause heaven and earth to open up!

This violent scream is a sharp description, and it is also the natural fear of this world.

People see——

From behind the mortal door, in the present world, thousands of miles away, a sword suddenly struck.

This is the phantom of a terrifying giant sword, and the stone peak is in a trance.

Jiang Wang suddenly recognized it. It seemed to be the Heaven and Earth Sword Box on Tianmu Peak.

It turns out that this box is really a sword!

This "Kunwu Sword" was made from the "Tiangai Dixuantian" ranked thirty-fourth among the thirty-six small caves, which is the sword pavilion's mountain-holding treasure.

The sword pavilion has been used to cut down water in ancient times, and the long cylindrical swords often sounded here.

The Heaven and Earth Sword Box is still on Tianmu Peak and has not moved, but its power has been delivered to the master of the sword pavilion.

When Si Yu'an holds a specific sword in his hands, he will redefine the name of "sword". He walks in turbid water, and turbid water is divided into two parts. He flew in the air, and the space was cut open. He chases time, but time also stops flowing!

So in a visual sense, he almost teleported to Meng Tianhai, because everything on the road had been cut open... and his throat was cut with a sword!

The sky and the earth are cut apart to see a thin line.

In front of his throat, Meng Tianhai's fist was still horizontal!

Si Yuan is already so powerful, and holding the Kunwu Sword, he is so murderous.

Meng Tianhai still took over his offensive.

Fist and sword, gold and iron ring.

Naturally, a magnificent and sweet movement was played.

Because this is the embodiment of Tao, the flow of power, and the natural expression of beauty. It is the so-called great sound and sound!

Those who are so mesmerized by listening to it should be able to realize something.

Kun Wu made nine cuts, but Meng Tianhai missed nine.

He used the eternal calamity fist to knock Si Yu'an back.

But there is only a flash of sword light in front of me!

This spatula light was so bright that it occupied everything in Meng Tianhai's perception, making him almost lose his instincts at this moment, and all he had was rotten sorrow!

This is the sword that Song Boti hides in his sleeve. It is the pinnacle of killing power among the seven fighting styles. It can kill the five degenerates of gods and humans with one sword!

Before formally facing the sword, Meng Tianhai's Taoist body seemed to begin to decay.

"A person born to be the pinnacle of eternity, there is no one like me in eternity!"

Meng Tianhai's pupils turned to blood, and his fists stood out in the world of sword light!

No one is like him for fifty thousand years.

Everything solidified.

There seemed to be no contact between his fist and Song Boti's knife. Because until now, no one has seen Song Boti's blade.

But the huge shadows of gods and Buddhas in the sky suddenly disappeared, as if they were completely wiped away by a rag. Nothing will be left from now on.

And Meng Tianhai continued to punch!

He hit the golden bridge with one punch!


The golden bridge on the other side that illuminated the entire disaster was almost flattened.

Song Bodhi also flew back.

Meng Tianhai raised his fist again and was about to catch up, but he saw Chen Pu!

Chen Pu quoted a vast amount of knowledge, followed the ancient articles, and showed the world's civilization. There are also densely packed words containing Taoist meanings, which have covered the river of blood and climbed up the blood lotus at some point.

Jingwen, Qiwen, Chuwen...

Divine writing, ghost writing...

Modern characters, medieval characters, ancient characters...

A great article!

A word covers a drop of water, and a sea of ​​knowledge pours into a river of blood!

But Chen Pu just calmly said to Meng Tianhai: "To answer your first question - you are waiting for the fruit to mature, and we are waiting for you to mature."

"Come on!" Meng Tianhai not only didn't get angry, but laughed loudly: "I, Meng Tianhai, have swallowed countless people and I have realized it a long time ago. The law of the jungle is the law of nature. If anyone has the strength, he can take everything from me! You can't even kill me. Why don't you complain and take away my achievements! Come on, come on! Come with me!"

He laughed and punched it!

Fisting a river of blood, causing eternal calamity, and all the writings of Xuehai flow backwards!

"This is ridiculous!" At this critical moment, Si Yu'an struck with another sword: "Return to all the saints what belongs to the saints. This has never been your fruit!"

"No need to discuss it!" Meng Tianhai smashed his sword with his fist: "I recognize all the bad reputations, and I have done all the evil things! You have a reputation as a teacher, and you have great righteousness, it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! I will die without complaint, I have no regrets!"

Fifty thousand years of secrecy was torn apart, and Meng Tianhai was now naked, crazy and evil.

"But do you have the consciousness to be beaten to death by me?!"

His fists spilled out, causing an eternity of calamity!

Not only did he confront Kun Wu, but he also used the sword's light to blow away the Sixuan Underground Palace and smash open the boundless sea of ​​learning!

"The Holy Realm of Blood Lotus is about to be achieved, are you just going to stop here! Call more people! Get the Noble Phantasm again! Call all the strong men behind you to stop me! Come and witness me!"

Disasters rise from Fist Peak, the highest in the world.

He is between the sky and the sea, wild and evil, fighting against the world with his fists: "After the new beginning of the Taoist calendar, we will transcend the common covenant and no longer take action. But under the transcendence... I will be invincible!"

Currently, I have saved more than 2,000 words, and I can add another 4,000 words tomorrow night.

It’s the last two days, so hurry up and vote for your monthly vote, don’t waste it.

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