Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2109 Fifty thousand years of hard labor for all saints, and all living beings and gods in on

"Very good! Hegemony's confidence, Dou's majesty!" Meng Tianhai praised: "I will seize this Yunmengzhou first!"

The surging river of blood jumped up like a dragon, and was pulled out of this rootless world, and was swallowed up by Meng Tianhai!

The river of blood, which has spanned 54,000 years of calamity and was regarded as the human race's defense line, has become nothing. It makes this sea of ​​evil feel "bald".

But the Jade Belt Sea soon diverted, and the turbid waves from the outer periphery naturally invaded inward.

And Meng Tianhai raised his eyes to look, and his eyes were filled with infinite power, causing the boundless turbid waves to stir up a storm, then retreat a hundred miles in a flash, and the turbidity turned into clear water!

He used his own power to expand the pure water hundreds of miles away, making the Jade Belt Sea even more "waisty".

Such power is simply unimaginable.

He is worthy of being a man who has fought against the legacy of all saints alone for fifty-four thousand years.

He had previously awakened the mighty power of the ages and punched all the masters, already demonstrating the top level of transcendence.

That's not his limit.

Up to this moment, the 54,000-year blood river has been used as the Tao body!

The gorgeous dream boat was held in the palm of his hand. It was small and delicate, like a child's toy.

Meng Tianhai had no more words, but his attitude was very obvious - he was looking forward to how the Chu State would beat him to death after he walked out of the world of mortals.

Song Boti, who was standing on the golden bridge, had lost his sense of Yun Mengzhou. In the invisible battle in the river of blood, she was defeated in all aspects.

But she didn't say anything. She just looked at Meng Tianhai as if she were looking at a dead person.

"Wu Bing is gone." Meng Tianhai looked at the Legalist master in the field again: "Should you let go of the Chizhou Ding yourself, or should I take it back with my own hands?"

Wu Bing said nothing, just raised his remaining left arm——

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

The pure white Fawu Ermen chain, like a snow python swimming in the sky, slowly swam down from the upper part of the Chizhou Cauldron, then suddenly jumped, shrunk sharply, and finally swam into Wu Bingji's big sleeve.

The red light filled the sea of ​​evil in an instant!

The Chizhou Cauldron suddenly became free, spinning around in the air, emitting a bright light, and continued to expand, with the momentum of being freed and raging to the sky and the earth.

But a palm covered it and shaped it into a small tripod.

The small crimson cauldron and the small boat with a cloudy air were now resting in Meng Tianhai's palm.

"Wu Bing has never compromised. You were willing to return Chizhou to me simply because you knew I was going to die." Meng Tianhai smiled: "Yes, the hard times I endured in the past have become my retribution again. After peeling off the sacred realm of lotus flowers, I have spent 50,000 years chasing life, and the blood river is depleting. This process is irreversible - if I cannot transcend, I will definitely die."

He talked about life and death, but it seemed that it had nothing to do with him.

He looked down at the two treasures in his palms and smiled inexplicably: "The treasure of the cave is formed by the heaven and the earth. Why is it called Chizhou and you are called Yunmeng? Why are you born and raised, but you have to be branded as a human being?" Remember? Why do you say it belongs to me and it belongs to you?"

The horizontal palm is like a land, with two holes in the sky above it.

This palm once separated life and death, this palm once controlled the torrent.

The five fingers seem to have been tilted upside down, and the palms are held together. The red cauldron and Yunzhou were pinched gently, and all the marks on them were gone. From then on, he was no longer controlled by anyone, including him, Meng Tianhai.

Then he threw them out with a smile: "Go for it!"

The brilliance of Chizhou Cauldron and Yunmengzhou only flickered once, and then completely left everyone's sight, disappearing into the depths of the disaster water, and no one knows where they went in this boundless sea of ​​evil.

Everyone was silent, unable to understand what Meng Tianhai meant.

He originally thought that Meng Tianhai had seized the Yunmengzhou and the Chizhou Cauldron to prepare for his subsequent transcendence or exile, but he threw them away without caring at all!

Dou Zhao was even more indignant - if you don't care, then why did you take away my Da Chu's Yun Mengzhou? If you don’t want it yourself, you won’t want others to have it?

Meng Tianhai said in a long voice: "Both of these things have no owners. From now on, when they roam the Nie Sea, they belong to whoever they encounter. Those who are destined to get them will get them!"

"This is meaningless." Song Boti said quietly: "Let's not talk about the ownership of the Chizhou Cauldron. Yunmengzhou belongs to the Chu State. This is an irreplaceable fact. No matter who gets it, he must return it in the end."

Meng Tianhai smiled: "There may be exceptions."

Song Boti said: "There are no exceptions. I am here at this moment, fully representing the Chu Dynasty."

But Meng Tianhai just shook his head: "Time is such a terrible weapon. At first, I was not willing to submit to Nan, but now I think... you are the only one in the world."

He raised his palms to stop Song Boti's words: "You don't have to explain anything to me. I know that your family has been in the South for three thousand years. I understand time better than you do, and I have also seen the older Chu Dynasty - the original Xiong Yizhen When he shouted 'Wei Nan is not a minister', I was in trouble, and I was also embarrassed for him."

Xiong Yizhen is the great ancestor of Chu, a legendary hero etched in the history of China. In the era of war and chaos, he alone held high the flag of the southern border.

At this time, people suddenly remembered that the man with the blood river as his Taoist body was a person who had truly lived and experienced a long history.

The Immortal Palace Era, the Yizhen Era...the entire Dao Li New Year 3923, all happened before his eyes!

Meng Tianhai showed his sleeves and said: "I have seen the rise and fall of the forces behind you, including your past honors. I know you better than you think. Although you are here to plot against me today, I actually know you." You have no grudges or hatred. We are all part of the game, and before we achieve transcendence, who will be free? All previous attacks on me can be wiped out!"

"You are so free and easy!" Si Yu'an held up the Kunwu Sword and said slowly, "How can I cancel it?"

Meng Tianhai glanced at him and said calmly: "In my life, I have killed countless people, devoured countless people, and done all kinds of evil things. It has nothing to do with the saints, it is all my own choice. You are Guan Changqing's disciple, hate I should, it’s your ability to kill me! But if you can’t do it, blame yourself for being too weak!”

He didn't go to kill Si Yu'an.

He doesn't care about Si Yu'an's hatred!

Everything he does is for himself, he can do anything, and he doesn't mind anyone coming to him for revenge - no matter what the reason.

You can kill and you can be killed. Isn't that the nature of this world?

The shackles of virtue and the shackles of law are a burden to the strong!

He just lifted his boots and walked higher.

Stepping on the steps of nothingness, every step falls into place. The regular nodes that cannot be caught by the naked eye surrender under his boots. He went higher and higher, as if he was going to the infinite heights of this rootless world, looking for the dome of the Niehai that did not exist.

No one stopped him.

Even Si Yu'an didn't draw his sword at this moment.

Meng Tianhai, who has been freed from the disaster at this moment, is indeed invincible - his only enemy is life span. He should have died long ago, but he has worked hard to get rid of the Lotus Holy World. Those greedy years will naturally pursue him.

He must die if he doesn't achieve detachment, but without the Lotus Holy Realm and no chance to open up the big world, why should he be detached?

Meng Tianhai himself didn't seem to feel that he was unqualified.

He climbed up the steps and asked softly: "Do you know what kind of transcendental path this is?"

There is only the sound of waves in Niehai.

Everyone was silent.

Meng Tianhai continued to walk, and he narrated very naturally: "At the invitation of Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun, I went deep into the sea to attack Gaodu, and cut off half of the dragon's horn. Through this, I saw Gaodu's path to transcendence. A pupil can see for ten thousand years. He became successful because he lifted up the sea people, and he also failed because he held up the sea people.

"I was present as Peng Chongjian in the battle to seal off the Mysterious Realm. I saw Fanhai, who had climbed to the top three times and had three bodies of Taoism, broken by cause and effect and destroyed by old hatred. Three bodies of Taoism and two races Convergence, detachment for a lifetime, and in the end the mirror is in vain!

"I saw Xuanyuan Shuo, who was alone in the sea and fishing for dragons in the end of the world, coming close to transcendence twice. After all, his heart was focused on the human race, and his success failed.

"Taixu Alliance, you have all experienced it with your own eyes! Xu Yuan founded metaphysics and established the illusion of Taixu. He showed his knowledge with one hand and the torrent of humanity with the other. It seems to be majestic, but in fact it is fragile. His metaphysics needs to be spread by his disciples, and his illusion of Taixu , needs the approval of the great powers and the participation of the world. He seems to have many choices, but every path needs support from others! You have all seen the final result.

"There are so many kinds of things, too numerous to mention. This is just the story after the new beginning of Dao Li. Looking back at history, everyone who places their hope on others is like this.

"It is foolish to place hope on him!

“This is even more true on the path of transcendence.

“The strong are doomed to be alone.

"The strong must walk alone!"

Meng Tianhai became more and more anxious as he spoke, and walked faster and faster, one step covering tens of thousands of feet.

It has stayed for 54,000 years. After cleansing the Tao body, completely getting rid of the remaining influence of the Lotus Holy Realm, and confirming that one has gained true unfettered freedom...

He took the final step.

“My path is different from all of theirs.

“My greatness only comes from myself!

"I can't become a god in the age of myths, and I can't become an immortal in the age of immortals. Because all immortals are useless and cowardly! I become me! Past, present, future, eternal and unique, eternal transcendence!"

Boom boom boom!

The high dome of the Nie Sea actually tore apart tens of thousands of miles of blood-red thunder and lightning, killing countless monsters with just a flash of light.

Jiang Wang and the others could feel this world-destroying power even if they were in Xuehai.

Chen Pu looked up at the sky and said in a solemn tone: "He actually wants to prove this road to transcendence by force!"

"The so-called absolute peak refers to the limit of this world. The so-called transcendence must be above the absolute peak. Not only does the power have to exceed the limits of this world, but it must also transcend time, space, cause and effect, and everything." Song Boti said: "There is no essential leap. , it is impossible to succeed by relying solely on brute force.”

"This is true for everyone, but Meng Tianhai has the opportunity to be an exception." Wu Bing already said in a cold voice: "With fifty-four thousand years of blood river as the Tao body, he has swallowed countless geniuses for tens of thousands of years, and has seen everything A hero in the world. His accumulation is unparalleled in the world."

"I'm afraid this is the path he has long thought of, and there is no way to go in the chess game of the saints. Fifty thousand years of hard work for the saints, and all the gods and Buddhas in one moment. Integrating thousands of things into one, he wants to use pure power, Fill the gap of detachment." Ruan Yuan sighed: "Sure enough, is there any mediocre way to detachment in this world?"

It is said that disasters are boundless and the sky and sea are infinite, but at this moment, it seems to be cramped.

Meng Tianhai's power is beyond the reach of anyone!

Under the terrifying bloody lightning, turbulence arose in time and space. Knock everything out of chaos.

And Meng Tianhai has been rising all the way, without any obstacles. His Taoist body, wearing the blood-red robe of the sect leader, shattered the turbulence of time and space, and knocked away the world-destroying thunder and light.

Huge shadows of gods and Buddhas filled the sky once again appeared around him. Although the faces of those gods and Buddhas were blurred, their temperaments were clearly visible.

Peng Chongjian, the best in moving mountains, Huo Shiji, the master of martial arts, Chang Qing, the best swordsman in the world, Fu Lanting, the best in water control... There are also the founding founder of the Blood River Sect who is great even in death, and the second-generation leader of the Blood River Sect who has contributed throughout his life. .

Hundreds of kinds, all become one.

"I, Meng Tianhai, cannot be the dog of all saints, even if the dog is praised as a virtuous and ancestor. I will never be the immortal will of the Lotus Holy Realm - yes, life is limited and the price of freedom is high. For this moment, I have to pay Everything. Everyone! Let’s see if I can achieve eternal transcendence by spending fifty thousand years fighting for a moment of freedom!”

He took one last look down.

Looking at Ruan Yuan, Wu Bingji, Chen Pu, Si Yuan, and Song Boti, but not just looking at them.

Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao, Zhong Xuanzun in the Xuehai, and everyone in the True Source Fire Realm were all in his sight.

There are all ants below him, and he looks at everyone equally.

He even looked at his 'old rivals' over the years, the three villains of the Niehai Sea who were in the deepest part of the disaster.

Finally, he said this - "Fellow Taoists, whether you hate me, hate me, are my enemy, or are enemies with me. Thank you for coming to witness my journey!"

He raised his head and said in a very calm voice: "Although I don't need an audience."

The sea of ​​evil trembles!

The boundless waves are roaring!

Those who can touch the rules can feel the avoidance of the rules.

The origin of this rootless world, escape for him!

At this moment, Jiang Wang couldn't help but think - the three evil men of the Nie Sea who are hidden in the depths of the Nie Sea and cannot be escaped except by Nie Jie... Will they also be nervous? Although the Sea of ​​Nie is boundless, would it be too crowded to accommodate another detachment?

Meng Tianhai's Taoist body had become extremely huge at this time, about 30,000 feet high. A wrinkle on the blood-colored Taoist robe was a deep groove.

The huge shadows of gods and Buddhas all over the sky also dwarfed in comparison.

At this moment, it is so clearly seen that although there are gods and Buddhas in the sky, he is the only "honor"; throughout the 50,000 years of history, he is the only "truth".

This world can no longer fully bear his power. Surrounding his Tao body are countless fine cracks, like dense black threads fluttering!

Split the world into velvet!

"Aren't we going to stop him?" Dou Zhao couldn't help but ask, "Are we going to let him transcend?"

Song Boti glanced at him lightly: "In such a small scene, you don't need to take action."

What's next?

The stronger one in all directions? A stronger cave treasure?

The methods left behind by the saints?

Or even...the Dharmakaya of the Emperor of the Six Kingdoms comes in person?

Jiang Wang's mind was racing with thoughts. He had witnessed more than one story of shock and transcendence, and he knew that things would definitely change. It is impossible for all parties in the world to allow Meng Tianhai to transcend. The power that these Yan Dao True Lords in the Nie Sea can use is definitely not limited to what they are now.

The only thing he didn't know was what would stop this.

At this moment, he heard Ji Li's uncontrollable exclamation.

He also looked up and saw——

The door that has been hovering over the Sea of ​​Nie for eternity, surrounded by the river of blood and the Sea of ​​Jade Belt, always in a trance in the light and shadow, moved.

The back-up that all true kings rely on turns out to be the Gate of Mortal World!

It was a very ordinary-looking wooden door with an upside-down word "福" on it. It looked like a door in an ordinary people's home. It seemed that if you pushed it open, you could see the harmonious and beautiful scenery. One family.

But of course it can't be ordinary.

It stood above Meng Tianhai with an almost unquestionable correctness.

Meng Tianhai, who was rising, laughed loudly for a moment: "The three evil spirits of the sea of ​​evil are also afraid of me and resist me. You are also resisting me and trying to stop me! Am I a human or a ghost? Am I a god or a Buddha?

“Everything born is useless, but today you also know that I am who I am!

"I have passed through many eras, saying goodbye to people and moving on. I do not belong to any era, and they do not deserve me. Each era has its deepest secrets, which I cannot see. Come! Let me welcome you! Let me see what you have planted in the gate of mortal world!"

"It's over." Ruan Yuan's voice sounded like a bell, and he covered Xue Haizhong's sight with a flick of his sleeves.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Wang's eyes were like immortals, Dou Zhao's eyes were shining with golden light, and Zhong Xuan Zun's eyes were like stars. Their sights penetrated the fog and looked up "ignorantly".

They saw that above Meng Tianhai's tens of thousands of meters of Taoism, the light and shadow on the gate of mortal world changed rapidly, as if the pages of the vast history were turning at this moment.

The long years passed quickly, and the final moment was frozen. The inscription on the door reads——

"Fu Ren Town House."

Jiang Wang was shocked! He has seen this line before!

There was such a voice from somewhere, gentle and kind, but with a kind of majesty that could not be disobeyed——

"You are both lucky and unlucky. You chose me...Ji Furen!"

[Thanks to book friend Hometown Poetry Sanbai for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 634th alliance for the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend bbdy for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 635th alliance for the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to the leader, he has left all his troubles behind in the mortal world and became the leader of the Silver League in this book. He is the 27th Silver League leader in the Sky Patrol! 】

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