Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2111: Removed from the world

On May 14, 3922 in the Dao calendar, Jiang Wang fled back to Wu'an City and brought back the news of the opening of the Shenxiao world.

War is inevitable.

Yu Zhen held up the sky, Chai Yin paved the road, and Yuan Xi accomplished all kinds of things, finally opening up the blockade for the demon clan and creating infinite possibilities.

This war is by no means just a war between humans and monsters.

From ancient times to the present, the human race has been dominant in the world for several great epochs, and the heavens and worlds have also been prostrate for several great epochs. The order seems to be stable, but who will always be content with it?

In the past, the Demon Clan's Heavenly Kingdom conquered all realms, and the human race rose up. Hundreds of tribes fought together, and finally shattered the Heavenly Clan and changed the world.

Now the host and guest have changed positions, and the human race has become the one being challenged.

This war will never be easy.

It is completely foreseeable - this will be the craziest counterattack that the human race has faced in several major eras.

Bu Lian's last seal only gave the human race thirty-three years of preparation time to avoid rushing to meet the challenge and causing imbalance in all directions.

But during these thirty-three years, all the heavens and all realms were also heavily armed. Gao Jie wanted to seal off the Mysterious Realm for thirty-three years before he died, just to echo Shenxiao. Thirty-three years later, the Hai Clan will inevitably be destroyed.

Faced with such a situation, how could the human race not be prepared?

In fact, since Jiang Wangshenxiao returned, the entire atmosphere of the world has been different.

In the past year or so, the human race has been making big moves. From the wilderness to the lost world, from Yuyuan to the misfortune. From the Taixu Alliance to the Lotus Holy Realm.

The top leaders of the human race have reached a consensus that before the war begins, all hidden dangers must be eliminated, and the human race must be in its most powerful position to face the challenges of all heavens and worlds and win the war of the sky.

And the strength of the human race can be seen in this - under the premise of starting a multilateral war and purging all four sides, the entire world is still peaceful with rivers and seas flowing, singing and dancing. People's normal lives have not been affected at all.

Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, continue practicing what should be practiced, and even held a Dragon Palace banquet where the geniuses gathered - although the limelight was overshadowed by the Zhenzhen Battle.

Standing in front of the Lotus Holy Realm today, listening to Dean Chen Pu mention the preparations for the battle against Shenxiao, Jiang Wangfang could vaguely see the force that was leading the direction of the human race - the situation was tight but not chaotic, every move was made calmly, and everything was under control .

As a human being, he truly felt the strength of the human race. Today's world is an unprecedented and prosperous world.

"Ji Li." Chen Pu said, "Go back and pack your things and get ready to move."

"Ah?" Ji Li hasn't come back to his senses yet: "Where to move?"

Chen Pu turned over his palm and pressed it lightly, the sea of ​​learning rippled, the words surged, and the beautiful articles were spread out under the gate of the world of mortals.

The Jade Belt Sea, which briefly became the center of the disaster circle, became the Jade Belt again. It's just that I used to be surrounded by the river of blood, but now I'm surrounded by the sea of ​​learning.

Of course, it is much thinner than before. Although the pure water is vast, it is also stretched very narrowly. Even if only a part of the sea of ​​learning is reflected, it is far wider than the river of blood. The same belt has huge differences on different waists. But as time goes by, I believe that this jade belt sea will soon be fuller than before.

Because from now on, the ocean of learning will replace the river of blood.

The Dusk and Drum Academy will also be moved to this place at the foot of Shushan. The morning bells and dusk drums will alert the world.

There is also the Lotus Holy Realm, which continuously cleanses and cures disasters.

Looking at the vast sea of ​​​​learning, the waves of culture, looking at the huge floating land-like lotus world in the center of the sea of ​​​​learning, and the gate of the world of mortals suspended above the lotus...

Ji Li was confused for a moment: "Our academy will be opened in Huoshui from now on? Do we want to study in such a dangerous place?"

Snow Tanhua meowed.

There are no small fish to blame for this disaster.

Chen Pu said: "The clear waves on the jade belt can cleanse the heart. The turbid currents of the evil sea can cleanse the mind. What's wrong with this place? From now on, the sound of books will be accompanied by the sound of the tide. Water management is a lesson, and doing merit is an article!"

Of course, there are still some things that are inconvenient to say publicly.

Mugu Academy is located at the foot of Shushan all year round. It is regarded as the direct descendant of Confucianism, and its disciples often call it "the most orthodox Confucianism". But as the dean, what he saw was that the academy was becoming increasingly stale and complacent under the influence of those old scholars.

Being with the Book Mountain, it is the closest to the Holy Land, but it is no longer the number one academy, leaving Diligent Academy to catch up.

He has long had the idea of ​​​​relocating.

This time there was a change in the sea of ​​evil, and all parties agreed upon it, so he just went along with the situation and asked Mugu Academy to stand up and take responsibility.

Chongxuan sighed, stroking his palms: "From now on, if you want to learn to go boating in the sea, you have to ask Niehai evil view to witness it together. This is the knowledge of the world, and it can be called a valuable article!"

"That's right!" Chen Puru met a close friend and said happily: "I am a generation of scholars who can use both books and swords to govern both the mind and the world - the next time we go boating in the sea of ​​​​learning, the champion will also come to play, let these children see Linzi. Fenghua!"

He poured out a bowl of water and said, "Dou Zhenren and Jiang Zhenren, these two geniuses, don't miss them when the time comes."

Chongxuan Zun smiled gracefully: "I was about to ask for advice from various academies on their articles."

Dou Zhao was calm: "I'm looking forward to everyone's performance."

Jiang Wang said calmly: "I will definitely come when I have time."

He didn't think too much about things he didn't have time for.

At this moment, he just thought... Meng Tianhai has failed to transcend, Mugu Academy will be moved here, how will the huge Blood River Sect be dealt with?

From the elder protector down, there are tens of thousands of members of the Blood River Sect. Where will these people go?

Although Meng Tianhai did evil in disguise, he weaved lies for eternity. But for fifty-four thousand years, Blood River Sect monks have succeeded one after another. How can people say that the ideals of Blood River Sect are false?

The blood is real, the sacrifice is real, the sincerity is real, but the ten thousand years of honor are no longer real.

How could the world of lotus seeds come to nothing?

Wu Bing already looked over at this moment: "Open your true source of fire."

Jiang Wang casually took back the fire world - this takeback made a big difference!

During this disaster, the True Source Fire Realm had received all kinds of nourishment, and Chen Pu had planted pine trees to provide shade. Just now when the Lotus Holy Realm was achieved, it was also learning the sea! If the real person increases his lifespan, the real person will also increase his lifespan.

It’s hard to calculate the benefits of this, and how many years of hard work have been saved.

He didn't comb it out for the time being, but looked at Zhu Weiwo: "How do you feel, senior brother?"

Zhu Weiwo shook his head: "It's okay."

Thousands of monks from the True Source Fire Realm are now scattered in the sea of ​​learning.

Wu Bing already said: "Disciples of the Blood River Sect come out."

Disasters are a place of contention and cannot replace daily practice. Most of the disciples of the Blood River Sect are in the mountain gate. Inside the Kuhai Cliff, there is a magic circle involving space, which is extremely vast.

This time the disaster occurred, most of the Blood River Sect disciples did not realize what happened.

Among the monks protected by the True Source Fire Realm, there are not many monks belonging to the Blood River Sect, only about three hundred.

They walked out of the crowd under the order of the great master of Legalism and looked at each other in confusion.

Outsiders would sigh that the Blood River Sect has come to nothing forever. They, the "authorities" of the Blood River Sect, have already collapsed several times under Meng Tianhai's repeated changes of face. At this moment, everyone was as depressed as death and nervous.

Wu Bing said directly: "If you don't teach, you will punish those who call them cruel, so I will say a few words briefly. Meng Tianhai is the Blood River, you have already seen it. For fifty-four thousand years, he has been the leader of the Blood River Sect. The Taoist techniques you practice all originate from the Blood River - I might as well say it bluntly, Sanxing Palace does not trust any of you."

The disciples of the Blood River Sect cried out in panic: "What can we and others know by speaking so softly? We don't know anything about Meng Tianhai's plan!"

"Grand Master, it's clear! That Meng Tianhai's ambition, ambition, and all kinds of schemes are of no use to weaklings like us? We are also victims. We can lie all our lives, so how can we be suspicious?!"

He even knelt down directly and said: "I swear to God, I never knew that the sect leader was like this, and I never participated in Meng Tianhai's plan. If you say even half a lie, I will die badly!"

Complaints, fears, grievances, pleadings, to name a few.

Wu Bing had been listening to their speeches quietly, expressionless the whole time, and finally said: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Meng Tianhai is a scholar of heaven and man, and has integrated hundreds of schools of thought, which is unfathomable. He swallowed countless people, Not all of them may be geniuses. He has incarnated thousands of times, but not all of them may have perished. We cannot indulge the risk of Meng Tianhai escaping, so you——"

He lowered his eyes, making sure that everyone could feel his will: "Everyone will be taken back to Tianxing Cliff for strict verification. You are not a special case. Your fellow sects outside have been imprisoned first. I have to tell you. Yes, even if no problem is found, you will not be released within thirty-two years. This is the final result, and there is no room for appeal."

"Why?! Meng Tianhai swallowed people, but I didn't swallow people!"

"I don't accept it!"

"It's unfair, Master Wu!"

In the midst of the noise, Wu Bing just flicked his sleeves.

More than three hundred people were gone, and the noise was silenced. He was as cold as a stone.

"Master." Ning Shuangrong looked at Si Yu'an at this moment: "Is there no exception for anyone? Including You Qiongying? I understand her character..."

You Qiongying is the daughter of You Jingzhong, the elder of the Blood River Sect, and also a close friend of Ning Shuangrong.

"In the entire Blood River Sect, there are only two exceptions - You Jingzhong and Zhang Jian." Wu Bing said expressionlessly: "They will be executed directly."

Meng Tianhai created such a big situation in the disaster and lasted for such a long time. It is impossible for the top brass of the Blood River Sect to be completely ignorant, especially people like You Jingzhong and Zhang Jian.

Ning Shuangrong remained silent for a moment. She really couldn't imagine You Qiongying's mood - the sect was expelled from the sect overnight, her father was killed, and she, along with all the disciples of the sect, lost thirty-two years of freedom. For young monks, this is a very precious thirty-two years of rapid growth.

But the most painful thing is - as a good friend, she believes that You Qiongying did nothing, but she is not sure that there is nothing wrong with You Qiongying.

As Wu Bing has said, this matter has nothing to do with the Blood River Sect members themselves.

Who can confirm that none of these people are possessed by Meng Tianhai?

The reason why Song Boti and Ruan Yuan were eager to hunt for treasures was only one aspect of the value of the treasures themselves. They also need to ensure that there is no backhand behind Meng Tianhai's hands hidden in these two cave-heaven treasures.

Maybe Meng Tianhai did nothing, maybe he completely disappeared, but no one can take this risk.

"Grand Master. Although we want to imprison them, the reason has nothing to do with them. Is this the spirit of the law?" Jiang Wang asked: "What the junior is saying is, is there any other way?"

He has no friends in the Blood River Sect, and he is not as sympathetic as Ning Shuangrong, but he cannot be indifferent to it. After all, it was the freedom of tens of thousands of people, and it took thirty-two years after all... It was only twenty-three years since he stumbled all the way here.

He can understand the need to eliminate risks, especially after watching Meng Tianhai's curtain call throughout. But is there a better way?

Wu Bing was already looking at Jiang Wang quietly.

Zhuo Qingru was so nervous that he came out to speak: "Master, actually this disciple also feels..."

"Unless Detachment takes action, no one can ensure that they are not possessed by Meng Tianhai. In the past, there might be a chance to use Detachment, but the world of Shenxiao will be open in thirty-two years, so this matter is impossible." Wu Bing Zai said and continued to look at Jiang Wang: "Do you know what Emperor Jingwen means?"

Emperor Jingwen had a reputation of benevolence and was a monarch who loved his people like a son. Doesn't he think that the freedom of so many people is insignificant?

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I can't think of it."

Wu Bing had taken out a roster that exuded a faint red light: "The roster in my hand is the inheritance book of the Blood River Sect. Everyone who has been a member of the Blood River Sect since its establishment has been named on it."

His face was expressionless and his voice was cold: "What Emperor Jingwen means is that we trace the cause and effect according to the roster, leaving no one behind."

Jiang Wang was silent.

Wu Bing said at the end: "This is not an utopia. We must consider the entire human race after all. The essence of law is fairness, but the essence of human race legislation is for the continuation of the human race. This is why Lieshan Human Emperor placed the utopia in the Mysterious Realm. The reason. An absolute ideal may not necessarily be correct.”

"The war in Shenxiao has not yet begun, and the Sanxing Palace still has some remaining strength, so we will arrest them one by one, interrogate and imprison them. If he is released after thirty-two years, even if Meng Tianhai is not completely dead, it will not affect the overall situation of Shenxiao. If there is no spare energy, Emperor Jingwen’s opinion is the simplest way.”

"Young people, we are not necessarily right. What we do needs to wait for the test of time. You have your own thoughts about what the future will be like, and I hope you are right. But now, let's set the rules first. No need to discuss this matter again."

He rarely said this much, and looked away from Jiang Wang, then glanced at Dou Zhao and Zhong Xuanzun: "Taixu Pavilion will be opened in the near future, and the three of you should be present. I don't expect your iron Law, I want to see your freedom.”

After saying this, he ignored these young people and directly announced: "All the monks who appeared in Huoshui today also need to pass the Sanxing Palace verification and stay at Kuhai Cliff for seven days before leaving. Now - —Queue up to enter the gate of the mortal world, there is someone waiting for you behind the gate."

Jiang Wang finally understood why Dou Zhao, a young master from a three thousand-year-old family, suddenly ran off to the grassland alone and caused trouble without stopping.

It turned out to be to build momentum for joining the cabinet.

There are nine seats in the Taixu Cabinet, and none of the six overlords will be missing.

On the contrary, he is bound to win, but he may not be sure yet.

He was about to say something to Douzhao when he turned around and met Mingming's ugly face.

Xu Ximing was carrying a long sword and looking at him with a sad face.

This time it was Jiang Wang who spoke first: "I don't think I called your name?"

"So I'm not here to help you." Xu Ximing said.

"So, do you want to continue the unfinished discussion?" Jiang Wang held the sword in his hand and was already thinking about it in his subconscious mind, preparing to touch the master.

Xu Ximing shook his head: "It can't be cut. With the birth of Lotus Holy World, I was suppressed a little more."

"That's really a pity." Jiang Wang let go of the hilt of his sword and said in a regretful tone, "I was looking forward to your swordsmanship."

"Expectation is the root of misfortune." Xu Ximing said: "It's like I carry a magic sword on my back, but now I only have sword skills."

Jiang Wang asked: "The first time I saw you when I came to Huoshui, it seemed that you were reminding me at that time that the Blood River Sect's problem - Meng Tianhai had failed. Is this what you expected?"

Xu Ximing asked: "Is the world after Meng Tianhai's failure what you expected?"

"I'm not good enough to visualize the whole world, I'm still watching." Jiang Wang said: "But I hope that Meng Tianhai will fail, and at the same time, I hope that tragedies like Xu Ximing will not happen again."

Xu Ximing said: "If you still have compassion and weak sympathy, you will come to me again."

Jiang Wang only said: "My father once told me that compassion is something that every normal person has. I don't think it means weakness."

Xu Ximing didn't argue with him, he just said: "Next time I see you, I will give you a surprise. Then, goodbye!"

"Junior Brother Jiang?"

Senior Brother Zhu's voice came to my ears.

Jiang Wang looked around and saw that Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun, and Senior Sister Zhuo had all left, leaving only Senior Brother Zhu waiting for him. The sword eyebrows and starry eyes are not covered by dirt. The spent gun hangs upside down in the air.

Zhu Weiwo said: "It's our turn, let's go."

Looking at the Gate of Red Dust above Lotus World, there are not many people left in the queue in front of the gate.

He flew over and silently lined up behind Zhu Weiwo.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that this ancient door looked like a bloody mouth.

When they walked out of this door, the Blood River Sect with a history of 54,000 years no longer existed.

Removed from the world.

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