Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2113 Jin Feng Yu reveals human affairs

In the finals of the Yellow River Meeting in the year 3919, Huang Sheli, who claimed that he was twenty-four but was actually twenty-four, met Jiang Wang, who was nineteen years old. They repeatedly went against the odds but failed to turn the tide of the battle, and finally shook hands. Throw in the towel.

In the semi-finals that year, the 23-year-old Qin Zhizhen, who had the best foundation among all the countries, had a huge advantage in paper strength, holding horizontal and vertical swords, showing the attitude of the emperor of Yama, and was finally defeated by holding the sword of Sauvignon Blanc. Before the Immortal.

Afterwards, there were occasional reviews, and Jiang Wang always said that the key point was to move forward with a sword to win the title, which helped him establish an advantage before the battle. But Qin Zhizhen himself has never found a reason.

Looking at the excitement of the 19th Yellow River Conference finals, looking at the entire history, we can only wait and see.

To be able to shine to such a degree is definitely not the light of one person. It is the combination of geniuses and the shining of stars. It is also the progress of the times and the great struggle that makes this ancient song possible.

Before Li Yi was born and broke the shackles of the underworld, there had never been a person under the age of thirty who discovered the truth in history. Generations of cultivation systems were innovating the past, and Li Yi was the strong voice of the times. , can almost be regarded as a landmark event for the prosperity of humanity.

Jing Guo hid him for three years. At the age of twenty-six, he realized the truth. At the age of twenty-nine, he was urgently summoned to return due to the changes behind the Ten Thousand Demons Sect - a sword that resonated through the past and present, and finally became known to the world.

The yellow relic possesses supreme supernatural powers, and Qin Zhizhen is a monk in Tianfu. He also achieved Dongzhen at the age of thirty, tying the highest record of the ancients. It can be said that he has been pushed to the limit in all aspects. In any era, it can be called top talent.

It is a pity that as early as 3923, Jiang Wang, Chong Xuanzun, and Dou Zhao achieved success one after another, all before the age of thirty. Catching Li Yi's sword cry has already marked a new chapter for the peerless genius. boundaries.

Among them, Jiang Wang broke the record by becoming a real person at the age of twenty-three, and was known as the most real person in history.

They also appear less eye-catching.

But no matter how unspectacular it is, this record is necessary. For Huang Sheli and Qin Zhizhen, attaining truth at the age of thirty is not only a spiritual goal, but also a political task.

The Taixu Alliance has ended long ago, the construction of Taixu Pavilion has been completed long ago, and the Cave Heaven Treasure Phantasm named [Taixu Pavilion] has been cleared out early. Taixu Illusion Realm has been running again for two years!

Why is Taixu Pavilion not open yet?

Without it.

Waiting for the people of Qin and Jing.

A hegemonic country dominates the world. This is the authoritative authority written by Xiong Ming.

It's not that these two hegemonic countries can't find a real person who can withdraw from national affairs, or that they don't have younger geniuses. The Qin State is like Huang Budong, and the Jing State is like Murong Longqi. This has been discovered in the past few years.

But when it comes to age, all of them have achieved success over thirty years old. If they are placed in Taixu Pavilion for others to examine, they will inevitably lose their hegemony and prestige in comparison.

Cang Meng, the living divine envoy of the Mu Kingdom, also achieved Dongzhen at the age of thirty-three, but he was the first Dongzhen person besides Li Yi in their unrestricted field, and the meaning was different. When he became Dongzhen, it was the first month of the third year of the Dao calendar, 3923. At that moment, he was ranked second in the world - the Dragon Palace Banquet had not yet started, let alone the later Jiang Wangzhen.

Take Qin as an example.

Huang Budong participated in the Yellow River Meeting at the age of twenty-nine, and Dongzhen was thirty-four years old, and he looked like sixty.

Gan Chang'an, who participated in the outer building field at that time, is the same age as Jiang Wang. If he can succeed, he will be the first candidate to join the cabinet. Even if he becomes a real person this year, he will still tie Li Yi's record. It's a pity that he failed to achieve it.

We cannot let all parties in the world wait and wait, and let Taixu Pavilion become empty again and again.

If Qin Zhizhen fails to succeed this year and passes the thirty-year-old mark, the Qin State will also push Huang Budong out. It is impossible to wait for the next ten years for the next batch of geniuses.

This kind of pressure to wait for one person in the world is really huge, especially after the Huang Relic was revealed one year ago. Qin Zhizhen was indeed as hard as a rock, and he walked down step by step.

Jiang Wang heard the elegant meaning of Xian and heard about Taixu Pavilion from Qin Zhizhen. He smiled and waved his hands: "There are talented people in every generation, and a new generation is better than the old one! Sister Shunhua is well-deserved for being the number one god, assuming I haven't broken through yet." , I don’t know how to defeat you Hetian.”

"Brother Jiang, don't coax me with these words. I can't do any of the great things you did when you were here!" Qu Shunhua said: "You alone escaped from the demon world. This is a feat that no one can repeat. . How can there be such a divine presence throughout the ages? My first divine visit was within this decade at most. Brother Jiang’s first divine visit lasted throughout ancient and modern times and established history——"

Zuo Guangshu interrupted quickly: "We are all members of our own family, so don't praise us back and forth! Make Chu Yao laugh!"

Chu Yao didn't smile, he was serious and proud: "My master is so amazing!"

Qu Shunhua, however, looked at Zuo Guangshu and said in surprise: "Aren't these what you always tell me? You always say that Brother Jiang is so good that he is invincible in the world - "

"That's it!" Jiang Wang put his hands on his hands and smiled: "Sister Shunhua doesn't know something. In his letters, he always praises you, saying how talented you are and how powerful Hetian is. Even if I am a god, There’s no way to get any benefits—”

Zuo Guangshujun's face turned red, and he interrupted them in embarrassment: "How can it be the same between talking in private and talking in person!"

After all, Qu Shunhua felt sorry for Lang Jun's younger brother, and instead of teasing him with Brother Jiang, he said, "Then let me ask Brother Jiang a question. Brother Jiang, don't try to coax me anymore - the descendant of Gu Feijian has been traveling around the world with swordsmanship in the past few years, and has gained a reputation. It gets louder and louder. As we all know, he and Brother Jiang are close friends. From Brother Jiang’s point of view, who is stronger and who is weaker between me and him? "

"Does that need to be said?" Jiang Wang did not hesitate: "The one I am most optimistic about is you! When Hetian comes out, who can compete with you?"

Qu Shunhua smiled happily, but still said: "Brother Jiang, please be more objective."

Zuo Guangshu took out a picture stone and said sternly: "Say it again, I will record it all and listen to it later!"

Jiang Zhenren walked upright, sat upright, and immediately said seriously: "Objectively speaking, both of you are the best gods in the world, and you both have your own ultimate advantages. If you must decide the winner, just look at his dragon." Just shoot and fight, can you escape and open the sky?"

"I said it but it seems I didn't say it. Be more objective!" Zuo Guangshu emphasized loudly.

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "The distance is wider, and there is a big advantage in moving forward. The distance is closer, and Shunhua is bound to win."

"Okay!" He waved his hand: "Let's talk about business - what are the regulations of Taixu Pavilion?"

Zuo Guangshu couldn't take advantage of Brother Jiang, so he regretfully gave up: "Those who want to join the cabinet must rush to Taixu Mountain Gate on September 9th, the Double Ninth Festival. The specific regulations will not be known until then, but it is no exception. Regardless of that - Brother Jiang must be fine, our Chu State fully supports you!"

Jiang Wang's eyes lit up: "Does Duke Huai want to witness? Yes, Dou Zhao is going to join the cabinet, Song Zhenjun must avoid some suspicion."

Zuo Guangshu said: "To avoid suspicion, my grandfather won't go either -"

Jiang Wang touched his nose, okay! His relationship with the Duke of Huai is also known to the world. The back door cannot be opened.

"It's my grandfather who went to represent Chu State." Qu Shunhua continued with a smile.

The Duke of Yu State, Qu Jinkui!

Of course Jiang Wang knew this true king and paid a special visit to him on the recommendation of Qu Shunhua.

Not only did Duke Yu have a strong status and high cultivation level, but he also had a hobby of cooking. As a chef, he was unparalleled in the world. Jiang Wang has a lot in common with him on one side. Anyway, they are familiar with each other.

The threshold for entering the cabinet is right here——

First, you must have the channels and qualifications to know the news in a timely manner.

Second, you must have the power of cave truth, otherwise you will not be able to enter the Taixu Mountain Gate. The Dongzhen Gate built by Ying Jianghong outside the mountain is still there today.

Third, there must be support.

Chu Yao said in surprise: "Time is so tight, it will be the day after tomorrow!"

If Master is cultivating outside the world and has not returned, wouldn’t he have to miss it?

Qu Shunhua smiled and said: "Because Qin Zhizhen is the true master of yesterday."

Jiang Wang also smiled lightly.

The parties that participated in the Taixu Alliance did not start the selection of Taixu cabinet members on the day when Qin Zhizhen Cave was born. Instead, they chose a seemingly special day like the Double Ninth Festival, which was considered very honorable.

In addition, it will take several days for all the geniuses to withdraw from their own forces.

Three years have passed, and he is determined to win the seat in Taixu Pavilion. No matter how the Taixu Pavilion members are selected, he is sure that he can secure a seat - unless the Taixu Alliance decides on a carrot pit policy. To the extreme, for example, those who join the cabinet are not allowed to have the surname Jiang.

Jiang Zhenren took a sip of the tea made by his apprentice: "To pass on a message, do you need to go there in person, or should we do it together?"

Zuo Guangshu said with a smile: "The main reason I came out this time was to tell Brother Jiang about Taixu Pavilion. Secondly, I also came out to relax with Sister Shunhua."

Ever since this boy was certified as having God's presence and the stay-at-home order was lifted, he and Qu Shunhua have gone on trips every once in a while, which is really enviable.

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "You just came to tell me something by the way!"

He turned to Chu Yao and said: "You can't imitate your uncle in the future——"

When he saw the jade on his apprentice's waist, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Xiao Yao, you are not very sensible, how can you take something as valuable as your uncle's?"

Naturally, he stretched out his right hand and said, "Come here, Master will keep it for you first, and then return it to you when you grow up."

Chu Yao obediently took off the jade from his waist and held it out with both hands, looking at Zuo Guangshu with his slender eyes.

Zuo Guangshu raised his hand and knocked Jiang Wang's palm off: "How valuable is this? Just don't tease him. The child is still young, so he can't help but be scared."

Jiang Wang glanced at Zuo Guangshu and said, "A few years ago you were about the same age as he is now."

Time really flies by.

A few years ago, this boy still had the soft and soft boyish voice, but now his voice is full of nobility, and he has the aura of the young master of Chu. Not to mention his style and appearance.

"Okay!" Zuo Guangshu had a beauty by his side, but he didn't want to accompany his big brother to reminisce about his past. He stood up neatly: "The news has been brought, let's leave first!"

Jiang Wang stood up and said politely: "It's already dinner time. Why don't you have a drink before leaving?"

Zuo Guangshu said: "I won't eat anymore. We still have many places we haven't visited yet!"

Jiang Zhenren glared: "What? You think the food here is not delicious? I have famous chefs from six countries here - of course, they can't compare to Huangliang Terrace, let alone Duke Yu. You don't have to eat it!"

Halfway through his bragging, he remembered that Zuo Guangshu had boiled water here, so he gave up.

The golden wind and jade dew are the scenery of the human world, and a pair of wall figures board the car.

I can only see the cloud tide rolling away.

Jiang Zhenren looked at the clouds in the distance and said with emotion: "The lovers finally get married, and the horses and chariots travel around the mountains and rivers. How wonderful!"

Chu Yao's eyes sparkled next to him and he strongly agreed: "Rich people are so nice!"

On September 8, 3926 in the Dao calendar, Hou Zhongxuanzun, the champion of the Qi Dynasty, publicly announced that in order to pursue his personal path, he would break away from the Qi State, retire his title and resign from the army, and he would be free from then on.

On the same day, Douzhao announced his separation from the Chu State, Huang Sheli announced his separation from the Jing State, Cang Meng announced his separation from the Mu State, and Qin Zhizhen announced his separation from the Qin State.

Jingshitai also announced on behalf of Li Yi that Master Taiyu had officially left Daluo Mountain and Jingguo.

Overnight, there were many free-spirited people in the world who had no family, no sect, no affiliation.

It was Double Ninth Festival, September 9th, 3926 in the Dao calendar.

Jiang Zhenren, wearing a green shirt and holding a sword, came to Taixu Mountain Gate alone.

Thousands of miles of clouds and mist, as small as your feet.

Endless quicksand, a sword passed by.

Although the atmosphere in Bianhuang is tense, as long as Master Jiang doesn't go out to find the demon, he will basically not have any trouble.

He had heard about Taixu for many years, and this was the first time he came to Taixu Mountain Gate.

Unfortunately, the imprint of the Taixu Sect basically no longer exists here.

Even the many magic formations near the mountain gate are all diverse and have no style at all, like an exhibition from various countries.

In just three years, the once popular metaphysics has not been discussed by many people. The illusion of Taixu has become more abundant and spread more widely, but people rarely mention Xuyuanzhi anymore.

Of course, everyone knows that there is a great existence in Taixu Illusion, named [Taixu Taoist].

He is absolutely fair, absolutely just, aloof, watching everything in the illusory world.

Of course, people also know some virtual spirits, and even each virtual spirit has its own name and emotions, as well as its own story and past. But no one will discuss the difference between Xu Zeming and Xu Zefu, and no one will care whether Xu Jingxuan is pedantic or not.

They are servers for Taixu Walkers, explorers who coexist with illusions, participants in history... and spectators of the times.

Replacing the entrance of Taixu Mountain Gate is the Dongzhen Gate erected by Nantian Master Ying Jianghong. Hanging high in the sky, overlooking the quicksand, it has a typical Daomen architectural style——

It is a stone archway, tall and textured. Nature is divided into two parts, and the stone patterns are full of mysterious patterns.

There is no one stationed outside the mountain gate, and this gate is enough to isolate everything irrelevant.

Jiang Wang didn't express too much emotion and stepped into the door.

There is also a sky behind the door. The first thing I saw was a huge Bagua platform that looked like a floating land. Everything outside the Bagua stage is hidden in the clouds.

The closer you fly to this platform, the more you can perceive its vastness.

The huge phantom standing around the Bagua Tower, like a high wall, is the projection of the Dharma of the powerful people from all directions - it is just a matter of entering the Taixu Pavilion, but there is no need for everyone to come to the real body.

The attendance list is similar to the last Taixu Alliance meeting but slightly different.

They are--

Jiang Mengxiong of Qi State, Ying Jianghong of Jing State, Fan Sinian of Qin State, Qu Jinkui of Chu State, Gong Xiyan of Jing State, and Tu Hu of Mu State.

Zen Master Zhixie of Xuankong Temple, Zen Master Zhaowu of Xumishan, Bai Gexiao, dean of Qingya Academy, Si Yuan of Jiange, Wu Bingji of Sanxing Palace, and Lu Maoguan of Jucheng.

The huge Bagua platform is naturally divided into many areas. Heaven and earth, wind and fire, mountains, rivers and thunder, everything is there.

The eight directions determine the hexagrams, and the mountains and rivers inside.

Surrounded by the majestic Dharma, it looks like a miniature landscape in a pot.

In fact, humans are just like ants among them.

People are scattered among them, either in mountains, forests or rivers.

Among them, there were not only competitors for Taixu cabinet members, but also spectators from various forces, as well as manpower from various forces who had been stationed at Taixu Mountain Gate a few years ago.

A large number of monks among them will become direct subordinates of Taixu Pavilion in the future and will be dispatched by Taixu Pavilion members.

Jiang Wang found that he seemed to be the last one to arrive - he had traveled all the way from Xingyueyuan and indeed he had not seen anyone else.

I laugh at the eagerness of Douzhaohou and the eagerness of Zhongxuanzun. Each one of them is a little too eager and lacks a bit of the stability that a real person should have!

Fortunately, all the powerful Dharma figures surrounding the Bagua platform still had their eyes closed, and it was obvious that the time had not expired.

Master Jiang couldn't help but slow down his pace and fly down with a low voice, hoping to naturally merge into the crowd and disperse in the hexagram platform.

"Jiang Wang! This way!" The real yellow relic obtained last year stood on the top of a dangerous peak. He was very conspicuous in his yellow robe and waved vigorously: "There is no space next to me!"

Everyone's eyes turned to him.

There is also the Dharma image of Yan Dao that opens his eyes directly!

Jiang Wang had no expression on his face, looked straight away, and calmly walked to the side of the yellow relic.

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