Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2136 The first meeting after the snow (please ask for monthly tickets at the end of the mont

The Snow Land situation has come to an end, and of course it is not as peaceful and gentle as it appeared in the end.

For example, why did the three wandering armies of the Jing Kingdom disperse, and why did the two divisions of the Chu Kingdom push into the river valley only to pay homage to the heroic spirits.

For example, is Yujing Mountain, also in the Western Territory and one of the three branches of Taoism, really ignorant of the whole process? Is Jingguo really willing to see challengers rise?

For example, is the Hanyu coffin that has never been opened empty?

Ning Daoru thanked you and walked around the snow country as the reincarnation of Frost Immortal Lord. In the end, he just used false cultivation to become a real Taoist cultivator in the world.

Everything he did as the Winter Emperor was a witness to history in the end. The real Ning Daoru will be born after the death of the Winter Emperor.

But no one, whether from Qin or Snow, asked, if Ning Daoru's methods were really effective, would Hong Junyan's death have been in vain if he didn't have time to return to his peak?

Even Hong Junyan didn't ask.

Because this is an unnecessary question.

Ying Yunnian already looks at everything with a detached mentality, with a kind of tenderness that pities the green grass and trees, but this does not mean that he is such a soft-hearted person.

Compared with Ying Yunian, his achievements are transcendent.

While Ying Yunian was transcending, the Qin State built the Great Wall alone and suppressed Yu Tunxue... This was the most perfect ending for the Qin people.

Hong Junyan and Fu Huan only managed to achieve another ending when the tide came.

Some undercurrents have dissipated before they arrive, and some waves have calmed down before they spread.

The world is not that bad, but it is not that good either.

Fortunately, the ending is beautiful.

It was like a blizzard falling.

All the wounds are hidden in the whiteness.

"Well, you Jiang Qingyang! Ask yourself, how do I treat you?"

In the Ten Thousand Flowers Palace, it was very noisy.

Huang Sheli invited Jiang Wang to the table under the guise of inviting Jiang Wang to taste Jingguo's fine wine. As soon as Jiang Wang sat down, she jumped up and slapped the table!

Jiang Wang just touched the ivory chopsticks with his right hand and was stunned for a moment: "It's good...what's wrong?"

Huang Sheli rolled up his sleeves: "Then what did you do when you went to the snowy area this time?"

"It's too illusory to promote an illusion." Jiang Wang had already understood, but continued to pretend to be stunned, picked up a piece of elbow meat, put it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Isn't it done well?"

Hong Junyan has returned, and "fighting for the future" has changed from plan to reality. The newly merged Li Kingdom had no reason to reject Taixu Illusion Realm. Even the soldiers and civilians brought by Hong Junyan from the "past" to support the "present" need to accelerate their integration into the new era through the illusion of Taixu.

This epoch-making creation shook Hong Junyan's heart.

The price of growth is always heavy, but the fantasy world can save people from bloodshed and sacrifice in the process of growing up. This is a benefit that cannot be exchanged for anything.

The quota allocated by Taixu Illusion is simply not enough, and Li Guo has to spend money to buy more. Fortunately, Hong Junyan not only stationed troops, but also stationed a lot of various resources, and he was very wealthy.

Compared with other countries, Li Country has opened up to the Taixu Illusion Realm more thoroughly. Even Jishuang City has laid Taixu turrets!

In Hong Junyan’s words, the Li Dynasty was newly established and must embrace the times. As long as it is the right thing, Li Guo will do whatever it takes.

In short, the illusion of Taixu has spread across the snowy land, and the first mission embarked by Jiang Geyu on behalf of Taixu Pavilion was a complete success.

"Okay, okay, you did a good job!" Huang Sheli was furious: "You went to the snowy region and established a big country on the same place. Even Hong Junyan returned!"

Looking at the entire situation in the Snow Region, the Qin State had a great harvest, the Snow State got what it wanted, and the Five Northwest Alliance finally no longer had to support it alone and found a new belonging and dignity. Although the State of Chu could not interfere with anything, it did not suffer any losses. It just mobilized its troops for an outing. If we really want to talk about it, ensuring that the Snow State would not be swallowed up by the State of Qin could be regarded as achieving its strategic goal.

Only the Jing Kingdom did not provoke anyone. One night, beside the bed... there was a giant sleeping soundly!

The Xinxing Li Kingdom, combined with the five northwest kingdoms, also included the snow plains, and its vast territory was no less vast than that of the Jing Kingdom. What's more, the soldiers, civilians and supplies Hong Junyan brought from the past really have the potential to dominate the country.

The Kingdom of Jing is now surrounded by the Kingdom of Mu to the east, the Kingdom of Li to the west and north, and the Central Territory to the south. We have to take a look at Jing Kingdom's face. It can be said that we are trapped in a relatively embarrassing geographical environment.

Not to mention, the Five Northwest Alliance was originally regarded as a meal by Jing State. Only Jing State had been secretly supporting it and could barely maintain the situation. However, it was also slowly simmered and eaten away by ants.

Ten cities today, ten cities tomorrow, eat them all in the morning and evening.

It's good now. We're still waiting for the next bite. As soon as we turn around, it's all Hong Junyan's fault!

If Li country wants to develop, it must go eastward. If Jing State wants to develop, it must move westward.

It can be said that there must be a battle between the two sides.

But because the Shenxiao War is imminent and the overlords are unwilling to attack, this war can only be postponed. This also gives Li Guo room to grow...

The country of Li has both a wise king and wise ministers and fierce generals. It has a good leadership and a source of soldiers. It is almost foreseeable what kind of development it will take in more than twenty years.

Yu Ren is the main force in the Shenxiao battlefield, and Yu Jing is the enemy of future development!

How could this not make Mr. Huang angry?

"Miss Huang, we have to face reality and be reasonable." Jiang Wang put down his chopsticks and said angrily: "Is this something I can interfere with? Can I prevent Hong Junyan from returning, or can I affect Ying Yunnian's detachment? "

Huang Sheli leaned forward and said angrily: "You can't interfere. You should at least give me a letter in advance. Dou Zhao praises you for being smart. You have been in the Snow Country for so long. I don't believe you didn't see any clues beforehand!"

Jiang Wang leaned back: "It's not a matter of being smart or not. I can't keep up with my cultivation, and I can't reach my vision. I was really confused the whole time, and I didn't even know it earlier than you - your Jing army sent It’s out, is this a matter of intelligence?”

"Hey!" Huang Sheli saw that he couldn't be coaxed, so he shouted loudly: "I'm talking about attitude! Your attitude!"

"Mr. Zhong is also here. Why don't you ask him for attitude?"

"What does my relationship have to do with him! What does my relationship have to do with you?"


"Can you say that again!"

When the whole country killed Zhang Linchuan, Huang Relic also made great efforts. Jiang Wang never forgot this favor. Sighing: "Both colleagues and friends."

Huang Sheli came closer and asked: "Then do you think you owe me an attitude?"

"Tell me." Jiang Wang looked into her eyes: "What do you want me to do?"

Huang Sheli smiled, put his hand on his shoulder, and sat down next to him: "This is easy to say. The third Taixu meeting is about to begin. I have a proposal, please vote for me. !”

Jiang Wang said sternly: "Let's discuss the matters at the meeting at the meeting."

"Don't be so serious." Huang Sheli waved his hand: "Don't worry, this is something you will definitely agree with."

"If I agree, it must be because your proposal is very good, not because we are friends." Jiang Wang's tone was still serious: "This is the most important thing."

"Hey! I just want to feel how you feel when you violate your principles for me. You are so rigid." Huang Sheli said dissatisfied: "Where is the promised attitude?"

"Change something else." Jiang Wang said.

Huang Sheli looked at him for a while, then smiled suddenly, picked up his wine glass, and took a slow sip. The plump jade cup reflected the wine's flying clouds.

She handed the cup over: "Then you drank half of my remaining wine."

The yellow relic has a wild beauty, which is particularly highlighted in this half-true and half-cynic smile. The more unbridled you are, the more charming you are.

Jiang Wang did not retreat as usual this time: "There is something I forgot to tell Miss Huang."

"Huh?" Huang Sheli raised his eyebrows: "When you are so nervous, don't say anything that will ruin the scenery."

No matter what the turmoil is, Jiang Wang maintains his own order and seems quite serious at the moment: "I may already have my heart set on something. It's no longer suitable to make such jokes."

"Maybe?" Huang Relic's wild and beautiful eyes looked at him aggressively.

"Even I don't quite understand. I haven't taken it seriously yet, so what's the matter...but I feel...that's about it." Jiang Wang said as he thought: "Well, that's about it."

"It's very easy to like." Huang Sheli said carelessly: "How can I not like ten or eight people? Let's enjoy ourselves in time, act on occasion, don't take it seriously. Life is so short, and there are so many joys, how can we be one person? Let spring bloom with flowers? You don’t understand, let me tell you..."

She looked into Jiang Wang's eyes: "No, are you serious?"

Jiang Wang pressed his hand on his heart, felt it quietly for a while, and smiled for some reason: "It should be true. If it doesn't lie to me."

Huang Sheli looked away with an unbearable expression, but quickly turned back and stared at her eagerly: "Are you planning to get married?"

Jiang Wang thought seriously: "If we really love each other and it lasts for a long time."

Huang Sheli came closer and smiled, showing his white teeth: "It sounds more exciting."

Jiang Wang:......

call out!

Only a trace of Qingyun's mark was left, slowly dissipating on the seat.

"Hey, just run away if you can't say anything. You are the most honest person in history. It's so boring!" Huang Sheli put the wine glass on the table, leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair. While the chair fell backwards, he also raised his legs wearing leather boots and put them on the table.

Just sit hanging on the chair. The two round and powerful legs are like a bridge connecting tables and chairs, with a sense of power that can break the dome.

She hummed a little tune leisurely for a while, took out a stack of jade tablets, and thought about which beauty's name she should turn over. After a while, he finally stopped and looked at the table full of delicious wine and delicacies that had not yet been touched, and gave a rare sigh: "Is it that I am not a lady enough?"


In the Taixu Pavilion, nine seats stand in a circle.

The monthly Taixu meeting was held as scheduled.

Before the meeting even started, a cabinet member named Huang was sighing and sighing.

Cang Ming, who always took time to attend meetings and seldom spoke, sat down in Taixu Pavilion early today. What he was looking forward to was naturally not the third meeting, but the third absence of a certain force.

At this time, I had the time to ask: "Why is Mr. Huang not happy?"

Huang Relic didn't seem to hear it and didn't say a word.

Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin are always the first to arrive, and today is no exception. Just one of them sat like a stone sculpture, and the other held an old bamboo slip in his hand and read it word for word.

Qin Zhizhen, dressed in black, stoic and silent, although his expression is serious and his posture is upright, everyone can see the relaxation in his brows.

Dou Zhao is just the opposite. Although his posture is casual and his expression is playful, his gaze is like a blade. Turning it around carelessly, like the process of sharpening a knife.

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun arrived at the Taixu Pavilion together. They were late and still exchanged a few words with each other. Then they dispersed and went back to their seats. They had just had a discussion by the way, until Review before the meeting starts.

"What did you just ask me?" Huang Relic suddenly asked Cang Meng.

Cang Ming didn't even remember what he had said. He was stunned for a moment and then said, "I said, Cabinet Member Huang doesn't seem very happy?"

Huang Sheli sighed: "Oh... I'm lovelorn!"

Jiang Wang almost couldn't sit still, so he used his hands to support the armrest before he could sit still.

Zhong Xuanyin's eyes rose from behind the bamboo slip, he grabbed the knife and pen, and said calmly: "Which paragraph is Mr. Huang talking about?"

"Ahem!" Jiang Wang repeated his old trick: "Eh? Why did Li Yi——"

Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, little phantoms of light formed into shadows.

Dao bun, sharp temples, sword-shaped eyebrows, an extremely sharp face, but embedded with a pair of innocent, cold, emotionless eyes.

The white Taoist robe on his body has no embellishment, and is extremely simple and authentic.

He just sat down on the remaining empty seat, as if he had never missed an appointment.

Li Yi, here we come!

Li Yi didn't speak, and everyone was speechless.

After a period of silence, Ju Gui said: "Okay, everyone is here. I announce that the third Taixu meeting has officially begun."

He looked around: "Before discussing the matter, let me say one thing first - since the construction of the Taixu Pavilion system has been completed and everyone's work is now easy to do, the Taixu meeting will be changed to once every six months in the future. It will be held due to emergencies. Extraordinary meetings are not included here, do you have any questions?”

In the second Taixu meeting, the subordinates of the palaces surrounding the Taixu cabinet members had already handled all kinds of affairs in an orderly manner. Several cabinet members sat together, but there wasn't much to discuss. That is to say, Jiang Wang came up with the Star Road method to promote it, which gave it weight.

If cabinet members get together, they just sit together and chat every time. For young people who are making rapid progress, it is undoubtedly a huge waste of time.

However, everyone had a tacit understanding and did not adjust the Taixu meeting time at that time. It was obviously to quickly make up for Li Yi's three absences, kick him out of Taixu Pavilion, and replace him with someone more manageable.

However, even though this is the case, there is no need to make it so obvious. If you propose to adjust the meeting time next month or the month after that, it will not have much impact, and it can be justified in terms of face...

But Ju Gui is obviously not a person who cares about anyone's face. It is even said that whoever breaks the rules will lose face.

Everyone was silent for a while, waiting for Li Yi's reaction.

Will this unparalleled genius who was the first to break the record of thirty-year-old Dongzhen, who was the best in the world in the 3919th year of the Dao calendar, and who was relied on by Jing Guo to win or lose, will he draw his sword in anger? Or walk away?

Li Yi just sat there quietly.

It seems that he is also one of the waiting ones.

After a long period of time, perhaps sensing the overt or covert gazes of everyone, he raised his sharp eyes, looked at the theater, and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

This gaze was indeed very sharp, but the provocative meaning was not captured by the drama. It's like, it's just a question.

"Agree or disagree." Jugui said.

Li Yi said "Oh": "I agree."

It’s the end of the month, friends, your monthly votes will be wasted if you don’t vote!

(This chapter is 4K, added for the leader "Neo Jun" and the leader "iloveyouting"!)

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