Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2140 Pear Blossom Song (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

What was sung on the stage was a new pear blossom song, with new lyrics written by Mr. Haitang, who was famous in Yingcheng Fengyuechang.

Of course, there is a semi-open secret in Chu Shi's family - Mr. Haitang's true identity is Qu Yan of the Duke of Yu. He was Qu Jinkui's fifth son and Qu Shunhua's brother-in-law.

He was dismissed from his post for writing erotic words in court. Since then, he has been idle at home and spending his days traveling leisurely.

As long as he doesn't use his real name to be a monster, the Duke of Yu's government won't care about him.

Ren Qiuli listened quietly for a while, and then asked in a sad voice: "Is this battle inevitable?"

Lu Shuanghe's face was expressionless: "What did you calculate?"

"I can't count this battle!" Ren Qiuli looked at the enchanting figure of Chu Nu on the stage: "It's just Changsheng Lord, maybe I hope you can spread the path as soon as possible."

Lu Shuanghe only said: "The Changsheng Lord has the path of the Changsheng Lord, doesn't the Seven Kills have the path of the Seven Kills?"

Ren Qiuli said again: "I know you don't want to be the number one waiting for you. This is the persistence in your heart and the reason why you have not pursued the Tao for so many years. You are ruthless and only follow the Tao. This is the only thing you can't let go of. But wait. Being the first, doesn't it mean that you are not the first? At least for this period of time, the era belongs to you."

"This is not something you would say." Lu Shuanghe frowned slightly: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Ren Qiuli said: "The status of Taixu Cabinet members is more important than imagined. In other words, these Taixu Cabinet members have done better than imagined. No matter what the original intention is, whether they are used to running business, or they really have the world in mind. , they really achieved the word 'De Ze'."

"First there is the method of Star Road, then there is Taixu Xuanzhang, and there are also Zajia's mental methods, all of which come from Taixu Pavilion. The world benefits from it, and the number of beneficiaries is unknown, and everyone recites his name..."

"Xiao Shu, who has been dead for several years and was not remembered by many people during his lifetime, is now worshiped by almost ten thousand families in Dan Land. He is called the last glory of Dan Kingdom by many people."

"Few people remember Yan Renxian, the ancestor of the true king of the Dan Kingdom who was once known as the 'Red Emperor' and also known as our 'Eternal Life Lord'. The last emperor of the Dan Kingdom can only find records in history books. The last one The country is remembered only by Xiao Shu, a person who has not yet become a god - don't you understand the influence of the Taixu Illusion Realm?"

Lu Shuanghe said: "The Star Road method is indeed impressive. This is especially true for people with mediocre qualifications."

"You know this is not the point." Ren Qiuli said: "You have never cared much about these, but do you know what people call those nine people now?"

Lu Shuanghe turned his head quietly, waiting for the answer with his eyes.

Ren Qiuli said: "Respected as 'Pavilion Elder'!"

"It's not like this for one family, it's not like this for one place, it's like this for all areas." Ren Qiuli rarely spoke in such a surprised tone: "Except for Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin, this group of people are generally under forty years old, but they are respected by the world. Because Jiang Wang is 'old'! Especially Jiang Wang is only twenty-six years old. In more than twenty days, he will be twenty-seven!"

She asked, "Do you know what this means?"

"It means that his moral prestige is so high that no one in the world can match him. If he dies in a duel with me, I will be despised by the world -" Lu Shuanghe said lightly: "So what?"

Ren Qiuli said slightly cautiously: "The Changsheng Lord may want you to consider the reputation of Nandou Palace."

Lu Shuanghe said indifferently: "Then tell him, if you think that I, Lu Shuanghe, have harmed Nandou's reputation, Nandou Palace can remove my name."

It was impossible for Ren Qiuli to respond to the master of Nandou Palace with these words, but he knew that Lu Shuanghe's heart was as strong as iron and could not be shaken. He sighed softly: "Then, can this battle wait until the end of Jiang Wang's term?"

Lu Shuanghe said: "When will this battle begin? I have given him the choice. It makes no sense if you ask me."

Ren Qiuli was thinking about the impact of this battle on Nandou Palace at first, but now he was thinking about Lu Shuanghe's safety: "You should go find him as soon as possible. Jiang Wang is not someone to be taken lightly. As a member of Taixu Cabinet, he has There are so many things he can build on, and his growth rate is amazing.”

Lu Shuanghe shook his head: "I have to wait for him to come to me. Only then will he be most confident and truly prepared. Only then will this battle have meaning. I am not here to kill people, let alone kill a famous person. The person named Jiang Wang, I am just seeking the truth."

"What if he never comes?" Ren Qiuli asked, "Are you going to wait like this all your life? If you have this time, you might as well accept another disciple... and maybe train him."

"I have obtained his promise." Lu Shuanghe said in a calm voice, "He will not fail to come."

Jiang Wang's promise... not even Ren Qiuli could question it.

But she said: "What if Jiang Wang waited until Yan Dao to come to you? It's not impossible for you to entangle yourself with the Seven Kills destiny. How many strong people can he leverage now? As long as he wants to find a way, he can always turn up."

"That means that he, the youngest Dongzhen monk in history, does not have the confidence to fight me to the death at the Dongzhen level." Lu Shuanghe said quietly: "I can safely develop the Tao."

Ren Qiuli was silent for a moment and then said: "It seems that you are really optimistic about him."

It is no longer ordinary for a figure like Lu Shuanghe to be able to eliminate his "ego" because of Jiang Wang's avoidance of fighting. Rather, he was certain that Jiang Wang would one day have the power to kill him at the Dongzhen level.

At first, she thought that this was a battle that was inevitable, a sword-sharpening process that Lu Shuanghe had set for himself.

At this moment, it was known that Lu Shuanghe was also waiting for this battle with the determination to die. Waiting for another person to walk to the top of this cave, then one of them will surely fall.

Perhaps this mood, this will to "hear the way" is the reason why Lu Shuanghe possesses the ultimate killing power.

"It's not that I'm optimistic about him, it's just that he happened to walk in front of me." Lu Shuanghe said: "If I want to create an unprecedented killing power of Dongzhen and surpass Xiang Fengqi, there must be such an opponent ahead of me. Without me, Just create it yourself... Now it seems that there is no better choice than Jiang Wang, I believe this is destiny."

Gua masters are always particularly sensitive to the word fate.

Ren Qiuli thought about it again and again, and finally skipped the topic: "What do you think of the current Emperor of Chu?"

Lu Shuanghe said: "With one hand, he reconciles the aristocratic families and stabilizes the country. With the other hand, he controls the military power, centralizes the imperial power, controls the Fallen Immortal Forest, and reduces the title of Emperor of Immortality. He has been constantly forging ahead since he came to the throne. He is also a contemporary hero and deserves to be a saint king." In the name of this—if we hadn’t lost the River Valley War.”

He spoke of Jiang Wang in exactly the same tone as he spoke of Emperor Chu. Although he regards the former as his enemy, the latter is the source of pressure that Nan Doudian has had to face for so many years.

Ren Qiuli said: "Master Siming said a while ago that although South Dou Palace has a long history, we have to look at Emperor Chu's face now."

Siming Zhenren Fu Zhaofan is the leader of the Six Zhens of Nandou and the most trusted person by Lord Changsheng. When the Changsheng Lord traveled far away, he was basically in charge of all matters of the South Dou Hall.

Lu Shuanghe's face was expressionless: "The Qin State built the Yuyuan Great Wall again, and Taizu Ying Yunian achieved transcendence again. The Emperor of Chu here probably doesn't sit still anymore. Our Changsheng Lord, hide away After so many years away from home, you only came back in recent years, and you seem to be restless?"

The River Valley War is really a battle of national destiny. The victorious Qin State is prosperous, and the defeated Chu State is in conflict.

From the end of the war in Daoli 3917 to the current Daoli 3927, during the entire ten years in between, the Chu State had almost no major actions and was only licking its wounds. Emperor Chu's energy is all about regulating the country... It's really time to take action.

"You don't respect the palace master enough." Ren Qiuli said.

Lu Shuanghe shook his head: "What he needs is not my respect, but for me to expand my path as soon as possible."

Ren Qiuli said nothing. After realizing Lu Shuanghe's true understanding, she didn't want Lu Shuanghe to continue waiting for that battle.

Lu Shuanghe's eyes returned to the stage: "Then let them think of a way to help Jiang Wang increase his strength as soon as possible. This way we don't have to wait any longer."

Through Du'e Peak, the entrance to the present world, you can enter the Nandou Secret Realm.

The space here is boundless, with the void as the curtain, the universe as the background, and six huge stars hanging in the air.

These six stars are named Ling Star, Yin Star, Good Star, Fortune Star, Seal Star, and General Star. Except for the General Star where Qisha Zhenren lives, each has its own people to multiply.

At this time, above the Lingxing, in the Siming Hall. Long Boji, the contemporary true successor of Siming Palace, was kneeling on the futon and asked softly: "Master, do you think this time... Uncle Qi Sha can you listen?"

Fu Zhaofan, the master of Siming, was sitting cross-legged in front of him, leaving only his back, and said in a long voice: "If Master Tianji can't convince him, no one in the world can convince him."

Long Boji said: "You mean that Uncle Tianji's words still have weight with Uncle Qisha."

Fu Zhaofan said: "I mean, no one in the world can change Lu Shuanghe's decision."

"Then why-"

"Why do you still want Ren Qiuli to make this trip?"

"The disciple is puzzled."

Fu Zhaofan said calmly: "He should know how the sect tolerates him. Even if his heart is ruthless, he cannot escape the cause and effect."

Long Boji lowered his head: "Disciple has learned."

Fu Zhaofan said: "When Yi Shengfeng was still here, you couldn't handle the relationship with him well."

Long Boji explained: "I have tried my best to show kindness to him, but this person is cold and ruthless, and we really cannot be friends."

"You don't have to be friends with everyone. Not everyone can be friends. Different people have different positions, and different people have different distances." Fu Zhaofan said slowly: "Just like these six stars hanging here , they don’t have to be connected, but together they form the South Dou Hall.”

Long Boji thought for a while: "Disciple probably understands."

Fu Zhaofan added: "You have a good relationship with that Zhongshan Weisun?"

In the illusion of Taixu, Long Boji had a name that no one could think of - [Shangguan].

During a viewing in Hongmeng Space, he unexpectedly met two other friends. One is named [Zhao Tiezhu], the other is named [Jia Fugui], and the person they are watching together is named [Dugu Wudi].

They "met each other by fate" and "made friends with sincerity", and got to know each other under a false name.

Dugu Wudi is a magical passerby who almost never appears in Hongmeng space again, let alone talk about it.

Shangguan, Zhao Tiezhu, and Jia Fugui, who were spectators, had a similar affinity. The more they chatted, the more they became more and more attracted to each other, and later they often stayed together. It is also a notorious combination in Hongmeng Space.

But relatively speaking, Long Boji, as the [Shangguan], has a deeper relationship with Zhao Tiezhu. After all, they have exchanged their real identities, have met in reality, and even sat together at the Dragon Palace Banquet!

Jia Fugui refused to exchange identities from beginning to end and was very mysterious. Just friends in an illusionary world.

"Disciple and Zhongshan Weisun can be considered friends." Long Boji replied carefully to the master's words.

Fu Zhaofan didn't say anything, he just said: "Go. No matter what you want to do, you have to remember that the most important word in the world is 'property'."

Long Boji bowed respectfully and left the Siming Palace.

It wasn't until he walked out of Siming Hall and flew to the area where mortals lived that he suddenly remembered - today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and there was no feeling of New Year in the entire Nandou Hall.

When I was a child, I looked forward to the first day of the Lunar New Year the most. I could wear new clothes, eat a lot of delicious food, and play happily with many friends... From the moment I entered the mountain gate, this day was just an ordinary day.

Maybe after ten, twenty, or thirty years, you will gradually get used to it.

He shook his head, adjusted his clothes a little, and went to the ceremony hall - there were guests coming to the door today, and he, the true successor of the Siming Palace, was destined to be in charge of everything in the South Dou Palace in the future, so he had to go and greet them in person.

Because those who come represent the three-point fragrance building.

If it were the Sanfenxiang Tower in the past, he would naturally not have to care. He would even say bluntly that people in the Sanfenxiang Tower were not qualified to visit.

But these days are different.

Sansan Xianglou, which was openly separated from the Chu State, had officially declared itself to be an independent extraordinary force at the Dragon Palace Banquet four years ago.

It was only under the strong suppression of the Chu State that the power of Sanfenxiang Tower that had been hidden under the water for many years became gradually known.

Only then did people discover that this Golden Cave, which has the most sub-buildings in the world and is almost equivalent to the word Fengyue, is not only a gentle village, but also has the force to protect this wealth and gentleness.

There are seven fragrances in the building and eleven fragrances in the heart. All of them are masters.

There are also two great Fengxiang masters, who claim to be the incense devotees for the building owner. They fight against the outside thieves, show their strong fighting power, and take action to protect the development of Sanfenxiang Building.

These two real people are a man and a woman, one is Faro and the other is Zhimi.

Once upon a time, her reputation spread to the ears of heroes all over the world, and she was said to be the most beautiful in the world. However, the owner of Sansanxiang Tower, who had never seen the dragon before its end, even showed up in front of the Jianfeng Mountain in Xia Di to meet with the royal family of the Chu State, the True King. Xiong Dingfu, the "Fu Wang", fought against each other and the whole world was shattered. In the end, Ruan Yuan and Si Xuan Digong came forward to stop them and persuade them to leave.

The name of the owner of Sanfenxianglou has since become known to more people - Rakshasa Mingyuejing.

This is a very rare name, both the first and last names are rare.

Historically, there have been people with the surname of Demon, many with the surname of Sea, and very few with the surname of Monster. She seems to be the only one with such a great reputation as a Rakshasa from the Yuyuan Shura clan.

Of course, Rakshasa Ming Yuejing cannot come to South Dou Hall, and if he does come, he can only be received by Lord Changsheng.

What Long Boji wants to see today is the being with the most fragrant heart, named "Meiyue".

Happy National Day everyone!

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Because of the extra update yesterday, today's chapter was only completed at 11:30... My poor coding speed has made everyone feel wronged.

Don’t ask for votes in vain.

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