Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2149 You guys, don’t miss me

Ku Jue Du versus the Six Friends of Jing Tian should be a battle worthy of being recorded in history. After all, one truth versus six truths is rare in the world.

But because the battle took place in Changhe, and it coincided with the Dragon Palace Banquet and the beginning of the Taixu Alliance, Kowloon held the Riyong Town Shanhe Seal to suppress Changhe...

This earth-shattering war started and ended within the long river and never disturbed the world.

No matter how rough the waves are, they eventually calm down into clear waves... making the water shine like a mirror in the sky. A few clouds in the sky illuminated the sky, gathering and then dispersing.

The long river ripples thousands of miles, and almost everyone in the Six Friends of Jingtian is lucky.

The old monk with a yellow face lay on his back on the river. The real person's blood spreads in all directions.

The river breeze blew quietly, and the thick fog formed during the battle was blown away, and the bridge in front could be faintly seen - it was a majestic and ancient gesture. Nothing has changed for thousands of years, but they have changed the river.

The reflection in the water resembled a flowing painting. Jingtian's six friends walked on the water and passed by the yellow-faced old monk.

"Ah, it's not as easy as expected." Cang Shen Lao Dao walked at the front and gave his own evaluation: "Everyone underestimates him."

The serious Licorice expressed his approval: "Bitter consciousness... is very strong."

"Hiss..." Bai Zhu covered his right cheek, took out a bronze mirror, and took pictures while walking there: "It seems that his appearance has been disfigured."

"It's all your fault that you can't keep up with me at all." Chen Pi wrinkled his ugly face: "Otherwise, why would I need so much time?"

"Come on!" Baizhu dismissed it: "Don't think that just because you are ugly, you can talk nonsense. If I hadn't helped you quickly, you would have been beaten to death!"

"You are slandering!" Chen Pi's focus was not on this at all: "Who looks ugly? I am a strange person with a different appearance!"

"Ahem, cough, cough!" Female Crown Fuling put away the handkerchief that was coughing up blood, and sighed softly: "I don't know what's going on over there. I wasted so much time. Isn't it already finished?"

"Zhuang Gaoxian is very capable, so he shouldn't be so helpless..." Banxia walked at the end. Thinking of the battle just now, the firmness in his tone gradually wavered.

He picked up the old monk with a yellow face who was sinking. The old monk's tattered clothes were wet and clinging to the old monk's body, protruding from his skinny bones - it was really a skinny body, and he didn't know where the previous strength came from.

Water drops dripped down, and there was a bit of blood in between, but not much anymore. The blood is almost drained...

Banxia held the broken body of the real person in his hand, took one last look at Changhe, whose blood had been melted away, and followed the steps of the people in front of him.

The murder route was not complicated. No matter how Zhuang Gaoxian moved left and right, his ultimate goal was clear, so although many traces were lost, it was not difficult to track him.

It's just that the time has indeed been delayed for too long, Zhuang Gaoxian has successfully escaped back to Zhuang Country.

What does it mean for an Emperor Zhengshuo to return to his own country?

Every real person present knew this.

"Maybe we are really late." Bai Zhu said with raised eyebrows.

Licorice solemnly said: "Not necessarily. Judging from the traces along the way, Zhuang Gaoxian was not able to escape the pursuit from beginning to end. He could still escape back to Zhuang Country. Maybe this is the cemetery Jiang Wang chose for him."

"You attach too much importance to him. It's beyond imagination to push Zhuang Xiao'er to this point. You still want to-" Chen Pi calmed down his breathing and came back: "I told you not to rush so fast. I'm standing in the way." I'm the one who has taken the most hits in front, so why don't you take care of me?"

Cang Shen looks the oldest, but is the most direct: "You know it in the past."

Fu Ling raised her hand to stop him: "We still have to pay attention to some effects and don't make them too obvious. Let me check the situation first -"

After saying that, his pupils turned and his eyes were in a trance.

Out of the repressive scope of Shanhe Seal in Pengriyong Town, Kowloon, the real person's eyes can see into the world again.

"Zhuang Gaoxian's situation seems not to be good." She murmured.

"What did you see?" Licorice asked.

Among the six truths, Poria Pupil Technique is the strongest. So other people don’t see it themselves.

Fu Ling's tone was very complicated, and she couldn't tell whether it was surprise or suspicion: "They have now fallen into the gap in the world. I can't see clearly, but Zhuang Gaoxian's 'qi'... is rapidly weakening."

"You guys wait here and take a short rest." Ban Xia paused: "I'll go check on the situation first."

Now in Liu Zhenli, he is in the best condition and can best deal with accidents.


Suddenly a skinny hand grabbed his sleeve.

Banxia was not surprised. She just lowered her head and looked at the old monk who used his last remaining strength to catch him, expressing doubts in his eyes.

Ku Jue's breath was already very weak, and he was spitting out blood: "Don't let him...see it!"

Banxia thought for a while: "Okay, if you think it is necessary."

Ku Jue then closed her eyes, but her skinny hand was still tightly grasping Banxia's sleeve, as if this could slow down Banxia's pace a little more.

The translucent flame started from the palm that refused to let go and spread to the entire Tao body.


Blood rained from the sky.

Whose heart did it knock on?

Ku Jue's eyes closed and he could finally rest.

Jiang Wang's eyes were opened, and he had to face the world.

The so-called glimpse of fate is conveyed in the eyes.

The abbot of Xuankong Temple, Master Ku Ming, used unique means to allow him to enter Ku Jue's fate and watch Ku Jue's last moments. I saw the story that was drowned in the long river and should have been sunk in the river of time.

He had never felt pain so close, and far away.

Four years ago, when he walked out of the Life Monument, what was floating in the sky was this rain of blood.

The Taoist priest named Banxia, ​​holding an oil-paper umbrella, walked out of the bloody rain, showing the posture of a real person from Shangguo.

At that time, he still thought, could it be that the sorrow of heaven and earth related to Zhuang Gaoxian fell from the underworld to the outside world?

It turned out that it rained twice that day.

A rain falls in the story, and a rain falls in the memory.

He wants to be famous all over the world, and a true-killing battle is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

The yellow-faced old monk was one against six... no one knew, no one knew.

There is only a lonely rain of blood.

Green smoke was lingering, and the two people sitting opposite each other were a little blurred in the smoke.

The abbot of Xuankong Temple is a Zen of hardship.

The pure depth of Sanbao Mountain is also like a clay statue.

The abbot saw that Jiang Wang's eyes were deep and deep. They did not reflect emotions at this moment, like a bottomless black hole that swallowed up all the light.

He wanted to say something, but remained silent.

"Where's Jingli?" Jiang Wang's voice was a little hoarse.

Kuming said: "After Kujue's accident, Kubing went to the Dragon Palace and brought Jingli back to the mountain gate. After crying for a few days, he started to attack Dongzhen and wanted to take revenge alone. I locked him up and didn't want him. Go and die—do you want to see him?”

"No need. Don't tell him that I have been here." Jiang Wang said slowly: "Let him continue to retreat. He is too naive. Real people are still small in this world."

"Ku Jue has one last letter. I'll give it to you when I really can't keep it secret." Ku Ming said, taking out a thin letter from his arms and putting it on the long desk.

He said earnestly and sincerely: "Not just real people? I was lucky enough to attain the path of evolution and reach the so-called peak, but I always feel insignificant."

Of course Jiang Wang understood.

Jiang Wang also knew very well what a behemoth the Central Great View Empire was.

In the world, no matter the great powers of Qin and Chu, or the great sects of the Eternal Age, who is not under its shadow?

Back when Meng Tianhai was in trouble, Song Boti had said that if Meng Tianhai dared to take Yun Mengzhou by force, he would be beaten to death even if he escaped from the world of mortals.

If Chu State has such confidence, how majestic the Central Jing State, number one in the world, must be!

How Meng Tianhai failed in the end, he could see clearly on the front line of the disaster. Emperor Jingwen, whose name was left on the gate of the world of mortals, was the first person to be transcendent since the beginning of the Taoist calendar.

The power of Jingguo was so strong that it was suffocating and the world was silent.

So he didn't ask a question from beginning to end - why the Xuankong Temple didn't do anything. Or in other words, what should the Hanging Temple do.

Is Xuankong Temple willing to admit this?

So what if you just don’t recognize it?

Kujue has left the Xuankong Temple.

Before Kujue set out, he was already prepared to die.

He was standing in front of the Six Friends of Jingtian as the Kujue of Sanbaoshan, and had nothing to do with Xuankong Temple.

Jiang Wang didn't speak, but silently picked up the letter - the last one left by Ku Jue.

That scrawled handwriting seems so kind now.

And this letter is different from all the previous ones.

The envelope reads: Jingshen personally expresses it.

These four words were written seriously and politely.

But the first sentence on the letter was - Little bastard, are you going to be a fool again?

Jiang Wang could almost see the yellow-faced old monk with his arms akimbo and yelling curses, but after all, it was only "almost".

It is too difficult for real people in this world to deceive themselves.

Apart from these words, there is nothing in front of me.

But can you really say that there is nothing?

He looked down——

"From the first day I met you, I have been persuading you. I have advised this and that. For so many years, you have not listened to a good word! I checked your zodiac sign, and you are not a donkey. Why is the back of your head so full? Are you being rebellious? Do you want to anger me to death and take away my inheritance from Sanbao Mountain?"

"That's all, I've given up on this before! I'm a magnanimous teacher and won't argue with you, a brat like you."

"Let me tell you one last thing. If you listen to me honestly, I can still count you as a prodigal son."

"If you still recognize me, you are not allowed to avenge me. I come happily and go happily. Life and death are free and have nothing to do with anyone."

"If you dare to disobey orders...I will expel you from Sanbao Mountain! You are not my disciple while you are alive, and you cannot worship my grave after death! Since you are not my disciple, what qualifications do you have to avenge me? The teacher has no name, wash your hands. Go to sleep!"

"If you don't follow me in this matter, I will die with my eyes closed. How can Zhu Ziguo be so unfilial?"

"If you are obedient, put on some clothes and take me back to your home. Don't leave me in Xuankong Temple. We have nothing to do with them."

"Take good care of your senior brother Jingli."

"Buddha is exhausted, so I'll stop here."

A thin piece of paper, only a few lines of words. Jiang Wang looked at it for a long time.

He finally folded the letter up neatly, put it back in the envelope, and carefully put the letter away close to his body. Then he said: "According to the last wish of Master Kujue... Do you have any clothes in the temple?"

Ku Ming took out an old small rattan box and placed it gently on the long desk: "He doesn't care much about what he wears. He doesn't have many clothes. He only has these few sets, which Jingli sewed for him. Take them all." "

Jiang Wang put his hand on the rattan box, rubbed it for a while, and said in an incomprehensible tone: "I just remembered today that I have never bought him new clothes."

Ku Ming said slowly: "He often shows off to us the gifts you sent him a few years ago."

Jiang Wang put the rattan box away and bowed to Ku Ming: "Jiang Wang Meng Lang, I have offended you a lot today... I won't disturb all the eminent monks for their spiritual cultivation."

Ku Ming said: "If Ku Jue has a soul in heaven, his greatest hope must be that you and Jing Li are safe and sound."

Jiang Wang nodded lightly, not sure whether he listened or not.

He stood up, left the abbot's quiet room and the Hanging Temple without saying any unnecessary words.

The spring in Xingyueyuan is extremely beautiful, with flowers blooming everywhere and the fragrance filling the clouds.

The atmosphere in Bai Yujing Restaurant was cheerful today, because Boss Jiang brought back many gifts, and everyone had a share. And judging from Shopkeeper Bai's discerning eyes, these gifts are not simple and are of great value.

As the holder and writer of the restaurant's account books, Mr. Bai couldn't help but feel a little worried. He checked the jade belt around his waist again and again, but didn't dare to put it on directly. He asked cautiously: "You suddenly gave me such a gift." Expensive things mean you have to break up and run away, right?"

"You have the most trouble every day!" Jiang Dongjia stretched out his hand: "If you don't want it, just give it back to me."

Bai Yuxia buckled the belt with a snap.

"Hey, is it my turn?" Jiang Anan looked at it for a long time, really unable to wait. Everyone in the restaurant has collected their gifts, and I still want to say a few words one by one - why don't you give me, Jiang An'an's gifts first, and then go chat?

Chu Yao was also watching eagerly, but after all, he did not dare to jump up and urge him like the young master. He just kept walking back and forth in front of the master, hoping to awaken the master-disciple friendship.

"How can I miss you?" Jiang Wang smiled: "Close your eyes, I will give you a surprise."

Jiang Anan closed her beautiful eyes and said happily: "Are you ready?"

Jiang Wang said gently: "Come and see if you like it."

Jiang Anan opened her eyes excitedly and saw... a wall of books.

Big and thick books, like square bricks, formed a wall in front of her!

"How's it going?" Jiang Wang said with a 'you've earned it' expression: "The Tiandu Collector's Edition of "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea"! There is nothing new in the world, and reading history can be wise! I spent a lot of effort to get it , isn’t it a surprise?”

Chu Yao was already wandering around, wandering to the back of the crowd, and was trying to swing out of the door when Bai Yuxia smirked and carried him back.

Jiang Anan reluctantly raised the corners of her mouth: "Ah, what a surprise."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, why do you look so ugly? You are already a big girl, why are you still so restless?" Jiang Wang teased, "Did the Brotherhood only prepare "Swordsman Cutting the Sea" for you? You don't want to either think!"

Jiang Anan was so angry that she came over and hit him, but with a smile on her face: "You are so annoying. Take out my real gift!"

"Here, this is the set of "Universal Prairie Language"!" Jiang Wang took out another pile of books from the storage box, piled them in front of Jiang An'an, and said with a smile: "You still need to make up for your Prairie Language. Last time Your Brother Rucheng said that what you said was not very standard... This is a brand new hardcover edition compiled by the Great Shepherd Empress herself!"

The smile on Jiang Anan's face disappeared, and her mouth slowly became deflated.

"Hey, you're not going to cry, are you? You're fourteen years old!" Jiang Wang was still laughing.

Jiang Anan didn't want to cry, but now the tears really rolled down her face.

"Hey!" Jiang Wang panicked: "I'm kidding! I'm kidding you! This kid! You!"

He immediately held out a beautifully carved and luxuriously decorated sword box: "This is your gift!"

He grabbed Jiang Anan's hand and put it on the sword box: "Knock and see, the material! Touch and see, the carving skills! Beautiful, isn't it? The box is all handmade by famous artists! Open it and take a look, I'm sure you like it!"

Jiang Anan sobbed, but still caught the sword box with both hands.

Jiang Wang continued to introduce it diligently: "This is the sword your brother Lianque made for you. It took three years of refining to make it. I will bring it to you right open it and take a look."

Jiang Anan's long eyelashes trembled, shaking away the last tears, and then opened the sword box——

The room was instantly filled with splendor.

Lying in the box was a snow-colored sheathed long sword. The sword grid looked like a pair of outstretched wings, the sword head looked like a phoenix crown, and the lines of the sheath were very simple, like two crane feathers, elegant and graceful.

Jiang An'an liked it so much that she slowly pulled the sword out of its sheath, and saw a pool of snow-colored shadows, but if you look closely, it was extremely transparent. It was only when I looked at it for the third time that I realized that there were four Tao characters engraved on the sword's spine, which flickered and appeared, as ethereal as a long shadow.

The word says: Shining on the snow and startling the tiger.

"What a beautiful sword!" Lian Yuchan couldn't help but praise from the side.

This sword is indeed too beautiful to be a human creation.

Jiang Anan sheathed her sword, smiled through her tears, and said, "Thank you, brother, and thank you, brother Lianque! I will write a letter later to thank him again!"

Jiang Wang looked at her with a smile: "I was crying just now!"

Jiang An'an hit him again: "It's not you, it's too much, you deliberately made me angry!"

"Our An'an has really grown up." Jiang Wang looked at his sister, sighed inexplicably, and said warmly: "I originally wanted to wait until you are older before handing it to you, but think about it, I An'an is very sensible and must know how to face life.

"Fourteen-year-old Jiang Wang was fighting in the bandits' den with his sword. He just wanted to earn a pulse-opening pill as soon as possible. He still didn't know what it was like to be extraordinary. Fourteen-year-old Jiang An'an had already reached the perfection of Zhou Tian. Heaven and Earth Gate. You are much stronger than I was back then!

"But An'an, my brother hopes you understand - the sword in your hand is a sword that can kill people. It's not just beautiful. You have to understand its weight and don't take drawing the sword too easily."

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