Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2161 The Tiger is Unwritten

This is a claustrophobic time and space.

It does not exist anywhere in this world, and it can exist anywhere in this world.

It is a bubble of time and space, a palace of fantasy, and a place that really exists.

People pursue it and get close to it, but they cannot truly possess it.

Just like the scorching sun on the horizon, it is just a projection in the infinite distance. The more intense it becomes, the more illusory it becomes.

There are mountains here, and the mountains are ten thousand feet high.

The stone steps are winding and the ladder is steep and steep.

Someone is coming to heaven.

This man was wearing a clean robe and an ordinary hat. Tianfeng pressed the loose robe close to his body, making him look a bit rugged and thin.

But his steps were steady, and he always looked down at the road - except for the initial glance at the extreme height at the foot of the mountain, he never looked up again during the entire climb.

He has an almost clumsy certainty.

It seems that as long as you keep your head down and walk forward, you can reach the end of the world.

There will be disturbances from the wind, there will be packs of wild dogs barking, there will always be people blocking the way, there will be sparrows with tongue-tied tongues, black hearts... These things that everyone knows, do not seem to be in his mind.

He lowered his head and took every step he took.

"This is a country that the world cannot tolerate."

"It is destroyed at any time and reborn at any time."

There was a voice on the mountainside. This voice was alienated, as if it were outside the world, wandering around but unable to settle down.

"Time is very detailed here, and both aging and death have meaning."

“People have been climbing the mountains for thousands of years, but many people have never returned.”

"You have completed all the tests and come here. Now I can call you 'fellow Taoist'!"

The sound came from a pair of plump black lips, and thin smoke was exhaled along with the sound.

A white jade pipe was held in the corner of his lips, and the sparks in the pot flickered.

Her beautiful facial features were somewhat haloed because of this, and the feeling of disgust became even stronger.

"But I still want to ask you-"

She leaned lazily on the cliff on the mountainside, folded her arms in front of her, holding a pipe in one hand, her white fingers like hollow jade sculptures: "Why did you join the Equality Nation?"

The man wearing a hat slowly raised his head, his face shrouded in a shadow, which made it impossible to see his appearance clearly. But his eyes were like stars embedded in the night.

"None of your business?" he asked.

The smoking woman did not feel dissatisfied and said slowly: "I would like to introduce myself to you - the protector of the country of equality, the best in good times, Zhao Zi."

"Are you Zhao Zi?" the man wearing a bamboo hat asked.

There was a careless question in Zhao Zi's beautiful eyes: "Do you recognize me?"

"I've heard of it," said the man wearing a bamboo hat.

"Huh~" Zhao Zi took a puff of cigarette and said emotionlessly: "What you heard must not be good words."

"I heard that you like shaving people's heads very much." The man wearing a hat was rolling up his sleeves as he spoke: "It just so happens that I hate bald heads the most."

By the time he finished speaking, his sleeves had already been rolled up.

His steps moved forward.

His fist landed on the cliff, and Zhao Zi, who was originally standing in front of the cliff, was already flying in the air. The green smoke behind him almost gathered into clouds.


At this time, there was a dull and long roar, moving in the mountain, like the mournful cry of the mountains.

"You hate bald heads, so go kill them! The Two Holy Lands of Buddhism, East and West, and a nunnery are not enough for you to kill?" Zhao Zi did not feel any fear, but his tone was careless, with a little good humor and amusement: "What are you doing to me?"

The man wearing a bamboo hat pulled out his fist from the cliff. It was a clean and delicate fist, as if made of jade. After the fist left the cliff, only a faint hole was left, where the skylight was flowing.

The mountain was penetrated.

"The Holy Duke asked me which position I want after joining the Ping Dynasty. I have thought about it now -" He looked at Zhao Zi and said, "I will be Zhao Zi."

Zhao Zi also looked into his eyes and confirmed: "Every name in the Equality Kingdom will be replaced only after Ren's death."

The man in the hat said: "We don't have to be an exception."

Zhao Zi took out the jade pipe and slowly exhaled the smoke from his mouth. A wisp of murderous aura flew up to Liu Mei along with the smoke: "Try it."

The man wearing a bamboo hat jumped high without saying a word.

Just this one leap made the space tremble!

At this moment, an old voice rang out, resounding in the darkness - "Internal fighting is prohibited in the Equality Country."

The invisible force fell down, smoothing the waves in the space, pushing the two real people back to the mountain road, and erasing their murderous aura.

The voice said: "We come together because of our common ideals and are determined to change the world. There is such a long way to go! No one should die in another's selfish heart."

Zhao Zi put the white jade pipe in his mouth again, dispelled his fighting posture, and said in a polite tone: "I stopped by to see the newcomer, and I never expected the newcomer to be so ferocious."

The man in the hat said: "I hate the tone of her voice."

"Do you hate me smoking a pipe?" Zhao Zi asked.

"It could also be because of this reason." The man wearing a hat said.

"Our ideals are too difficult to tolerate your personal dislike." The old voice said: "Newcomer, if you insist on doing this, I can only reject you on behalf of the Equality Country."

"Since we are a country of equals, why is her name in front?" The man wearing a bamboo hat said: "I also want to be the first in good times."

"There is always someone who comes first," the old voice replied.

The man wearing a bamboo hat asked again: "If the country of equality emphasizes first come, first served, then why are Zhao Zi, Qian Chou, Sun Yin, and Li Mao at the front all real people, and those behind are all gods. The four of them are real people." Is yours the first one to come?"

Zhao Zi blew out a smoke ring helplessly: "You have a lot of problems."

"Shut up." The man in the hat looked at her seriously: "I didn't ask you."

The old voice said: "Of course the earliest ranking is also related to strength. But the ranking doesn't mean anything. The name is just a code name."

"I'm better than her, why can't I replace her?" the man in the hat asked.

"Hey!" Zhao Zi was slightly dissatisfied: "We haven't finished the fight yet! Are you drawing your own conclusions?"

The old voice said: "We, the people of the equal country, can only die for our ideals. We must not die from fighting for power or internal struggles. Zhao Zi is my fellow Taoist, not my subordinate. I can't replace her, except for death She cannot be replaced for any reason other than - I say this, can you understand?"

"Holy Duke, you should have said it earlier." The man wearing a hat said.

The old voice said: "In the letter to you, there are several names you can choose from. Didn't you read it carefully?"

"I hate reading letters," said the man in the hat.

"Ah!" Zhao Zi said with surprise, "You are really incredibly willful."

The man wearing a bamboo hat pointed at Zhao Zi rudely: "Actually, this woman can also choose those names. I will be Zhao Zi - okay! What other names can I choose?"

He felt the rejection of him by this time and space, and had to let go of his obsession with Zhao Zi.

The old voice said: "Wang Wei has just died in the battle, and several candidates have not yet competed to determine the winner. As well as those who died in the Jiaowu Mountain operation-"

"Just Wang Wei." The man wearing a bamboo hat said.

"Don't look at anything else?" the old voice asked.

The man wearing a bamboo hat said: "I like this name."

"Your likes and dislikes are very direct." Shenggong's voice fell from the ethereal height, without any emotion or anger.

The new 'Wang Wei' stood there: "Just as I began to hate this world, so I came to the country of equality."

"Hmm... world-weary kid." Zhao Zi held a jade pipe in his mouth and raised his beautiful eyes: "I also have a bad impression of this world. We are indeed Taoist friends."

Wang Wei didn't even look at her: "It doesn't affect my dislike of you."

"Very good! Of course you have to hate me if you are tired of the world. You and I are both part of this world!" Zhao Zi showed no anger, and Shi Shiran walked down the mountain: "The king has not become a real person, but Zhou Chen, Wu Si, and Zheng Wu are going to I can’t sit still!”

Of the twelve guardians of the Ping Dynasty, only the first four are real people. Now a fifth real person has appeared, but his name is Wang Wei, who is ranked eighth. It is indeed difficult for someone who is ranked before Wang Wei and whose strength is only Shenlin to feel at ease.

Wang Wei stood on the mountain road, motionless, and let the woman pass by.

But I saw the sky was so far away, the smoke was swirling, and then it dissipated in the clouds.

At this time, the mountain road is empty, except for the king who is not independent.

You can't see the height above, and you can't see where you came from below.

"There is a question that I am personally curious about. You don't have to answer it-" Shenggong's voice said: "Why do you say you hate bald heads the most? I mean... you seem to be the same."

"Isn't it true that in our country of equality, 'people who share the same goals need not be acquainted'?" Wang Wei asked.

"So I said, it's just my personal curiosity." Sheng Gong said.

The mountain wind was strong, causing the robes to swell and the ropes to flutter.

Wang Wei reached out and held the hat: "My bald head is different. My master said that it is very clean."

It is rare for the demon world to have such a clean sky, especially on the front line of the so-called "Five Evils Basin", above the battlefield - now the dust is gone and there are no clouds in the sky. All the evil spirits and evil atmosphere were swept away.

Of course, this was what happened after Jianxia swept through.

"Jiang Qingyang!"

Xiuyuan, who was in charge of Jimo, the majestic city of Qi Kingdom's demon world, finally couldn't hold back anymore. He threw the military newspaper on the desk, stepped out of the commander's tent, and rushed into the sky: "Are you here again!?"

The name "Jiang Qingyang" is already very distant, and the old days of Qi State can still be evoked occasionally.

The sword clouds all over the sky were rolled up in one place, and together with the famous sword in the world, it was sheathed by a slender hand. With a roll of sword light, a green shirt and a collar appeared. Jiang Wang held the sword in one hand and turned around gracefully in the sky. He did have some enthusiasm for his old friend: "Shuai Xiu, I'm here to help you again!"

Xiu Yuan has his hair pierced by armor, a sword hanging from his long body, and his whole person is gentle and sharp. He is a man with excellent temperament. But facing Jiang Wang, he was not too aggressive, and Si Wen also wanted to throw it away at this moment.

He waved: "Come here and talk!"

Jiang Wang glanced regretfully at the retreating demon army, and flew to the city in confusion: "What's wrong, don't you want to rush into the formation today? I would like to climb first! If we can break through the broken city opposite for the first time, we can Break the second time.”

"I can run a second time." Xiu Yuan said angrily: "You may not be able to escape yet!"

"It doesn't matter, I've asked about it. The old lion has been busy teaching the little lion these days, saying that he can take the class of King Tianhai... He definitely doesn't have time to pay attention here!" Jiang Wang said seriously: "Besides, let's Isn't there also Lord Shouzhen of Suiming Town here? Anyone can stop him!"

Xiu Yuan looked at him steadily for a while.

If you hadn't killed Shanwen, the king of heaven and sea, would the lion ancestor himself go crazy as soon as he heard your name?

Returning to Suiming Town to protect the true Lord...Qin Changsheng even complained. The number of times he had been on duty in the past two months was as much as in the past ten years. Even the true king can't bear to fight every day!

After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces and the highest military officer of Qi State in the demon world. Xiuyuan controlled his emotions well and did not answer Jiang Wang's words. He only asked: "How long will you stay in the demon world?"

"It doesn't depend on me." Jiang Wang said proudly: "Shuai Shuai also knows that I made a promise in Tianjing City to kill six true demons, six true demons, and six evil Shura for the sake of the overall situation. I just killed one!"

"Do you really think the devil is just a cabbage, lining up for you to chop it home?" Xiu Yuan frowned: "That's about it!"

"That can't be done!" Jiang Wang said in a serious tone: "When it comes to killing the six true demons, one must be killed. How can Jiang break his promise to the world?"

Xiu Yuan sighed and said quietly: "What do you think this handsome man thinks of you?"

"Shuai Xiu treats me very well!" Jiang Wang changed the subject again: "Otherwise, how could you say that the first thing I did when I came to the demon world was to help you?"

"I thank you!" Xiuyuan dragged him to the commander's house and began to roar: "I have been sitting on the bench in Linzi for a long time. In the year 3921 of the Dao calendar, I waited for the opportunity to take the prisoner's electricity with me. The army came to the Demon Realm to garrison, but in the first year, I met you and fell into Frostwind Valley. My camp was not stable, so I almost went back to sit on the bench.

"It has been a full six years since then. I have the responsibility to defend the territory and take the overall situation into consideration, so it is difficult for me to make great achievements. In these six years, I have been steady and steady, grasped the environment, diligently organized troops, mobilized the situation, and constantly deceived the opponent. Finally, in two A month ago, I created an opportunity to kill the city in one fell swoop and achieve great success - you came with just one flying sword! You killed the real demon, you destroyed the city, and when Shi Anxuan came, I only regretted that I had lost two Legs!"

He made a rare gaffe: "Jiang Qingyang, Jiang Qingyang, how have I offended you? When you were disobedient in the Mysterious Realm, the first memorial to speak for you was written by me!"

"Why did Xiu Shuai say that?" Jiang Wang's eyes were hurt: "When I came to the demon world this time, I didn't care about anyone. I just wanted to come to you. I am willing to do my best for you and repay the old friendship!"

Xiuyuan waved his hand: "If you remember my benefits, don't repay kindness with enmity - go to Jingguo's jurisdiction!"

He sighed faintly: "Nowadays, there are sky demons coming to sweep up at every turn, and it is not a matter that can be solved by military tactics. I am under great pressure for defense!"

"Okay, okay, forceful melons are not sweet. Since Xiu Shuai said so, Jiang will not force others to do anything!" Jiang Wang pondered for a moment: "Well, Xiu Shuai, you step up an offensive and coax a lone true demon to come out. I Just kill him and leave, and never bother him again, what do you think?"


"You don't want to listen to me, right?" Xiu Yuan drew his sword out of its sheath: "Get out! Get out of here!"

"Xiu Shuai, why is this necessary? Business is not about benevolence and righteousness, benevolence and righteousness are not about friendship - well, you have to be like this, right? If you are so gentle and polite, let's break up!"

Jiang Wang, who was wearing a green shirt, was already far away, facing the wind, looking a little lonely.

It has been more than two months since I came to the demon world.

For the current Jiang Zhenren, killing six true demons is not something that he has no chance to do - provided that the true demons give him a chance.

In fact, except for the first day when he broke into the demon world, he rushed to the battlefield led by Xiu Yuan and killed the enemy general among thousands of troops. Since then, I have never encountered a lone true demon again.

Anyone who is "true" is a genius. Without the life-or-death situation in the Tianjie Arena, who would give you a chance to kill him?

It's not that in the entire demon world, no real demon has the confidence to stand up to Jiang Wangfang. It's just that the real demons that haunt the front lines of the battlefield between the two tribes are mostly commanders of large armies. There is no reason why they have military power but they have to fight to the death with Jiang Wang alone.

For more than two months, Jiang Zhenren has been wandering around on the front lines of the Civilization Basin. Those famous real demons have either locked up the big city or formed a formation to defend it...or else "a cloud-piercing arrow, the sky demon will come" ".

If it weren't for the guarding Zhenjun of Suiming City watching, several Jiang Wang would also be broken.

Jiang Wang could also comfort himself by saying that the real demons in the Heavenly Prison world were frightened and ran away when they saw Mr. Jiang, but this could not make him kill one more real demon.

He would rather the real monsters looked down upon him and wanted to crush him to death. Just like Quan Yingyang back then, people from heaven to earth were chasing him.

Nowadays, I can’t even touch a single hair of the demon, and I have an unparalleled sharpness, but I can’t find any place to cut the thief!

You can't sneak into the demon clan's hinterland, right?

The real demons there are not that vigilant...

Jiang Wang calmed down and locked his mind back. Such outrageous thoughts can pop up. At that moment, I really started to think about the feasibility!

"Master, where are you going now?" Among the ruins, Baiyun boy asked quietly, his face covered with ash.

Since that day, he hasn't washed his face or said a word, hoping that the Immortal Master will find his conscience and quickly help him rebuild his home.

It's a pity that the master never came again.

At this moment when the master is running into walls one after another and has no way to fight, he has to seize the opportunity to make a statement. So that the master can know that there is still a Baiyun boy in the world, and there once was a Yunding Fairy Palace.

"It's a pity that Xiuyuan is cautious, Du Yao is timid, Han Que retreats, and the first generation clan member Helian Yuyi only knows how to lock the city gate. They are all unable to fight! Let's go to Wu'an City and have a look." Jiang Wanghun didn't care who was asking the question. He thought about it and said, "I'll give Que Mengchen another chance!"

(I can’t write my remarks, so I’ll borrow some space.)

[Thanks to book friend "Wen Yuhuaijin" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 693rd Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "I am the overall situation" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 694th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Ya Mi" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 695th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Shenhuang Hongyi" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 696th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thank you book friend "Now and That Moment" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 671st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Feng Yingqwe" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 678th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Heart Rebellion and Heart Empty" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 680th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Shui Feng Shui Se" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 681st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Boundary Breaker" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 682nd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Winter Song and Snow Dies" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 683rd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Don't be so good" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 684th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Gu Xiaoxiao" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 685th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Huan Zhen Guan Resident Beggar A" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 686th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Dreams and Delusions" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 687th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Luo Jinsheng" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 688th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Zuo Guangling" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 689th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Sanwuhan" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 690th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Gaze from the Nouveau riche" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 691st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Rude Fire Master" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 692nd Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

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