Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2167: Wake up and swallow the sea, get drunk and push the gate of heaven

Even if there are various reasons, why should we not show off our bravery, why should we consider the overall situation of the battlefield... If we don’t dare to fight, we just don’t dare to fight. Whatever we say is a sign of weakness, and the more we talk, the more embarrassing we will be, so the demon army simply remains silent.

This time was meant to be a long-term war with controlled intensity. We couldn't just call in the top true demons just because of Jiang Wang's provocation - Shenxiao was about to come, and the combat power of the heavenly demons at that time was more important. The cultivation of the top true demons is the overall situation.

As for the faces of Qi Xianglin and the three of them... After all these years, they are not sure of killing Jiang Wang alone. They can only accept being pointed at and scolded.

With Qifeng Xunxun, Jiang Wang quickly flew away from Choulongdu and flew quickly over the Civilization Basin.

I recall running around in the demon world, being chased by Quan Yingyang in the world of Shenxiao, and holding on to the Fountain of Youth and the Zhiwen Bell.

Finally, I realized that killing six true monsters in a row was something that could only happen if I wanted to do it. If I was eager, the monster clan would probably take advantage of it.

So Jiang Wang chose to leave temporarily.

He also had no intention of getting into battle and killing any real demon - last time, Xiu Yuan had already grasped the battlefield advantage, and he suddenly came to seize the opportunity. Now there are so many pairs of eyes watching, and there are still demons pressing down on the formation. If he rushes into the enemy's position, it is difficult to get out.

Suiming City is located in the very center of the Civilization Basin. It is the origin of the fire of human civilization in the world of Hell.

This great city built by the human emperors of the Middle Ages was itself built around the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. It was the medieval human emperor who personally led an army into the demon world and endured the demon clan's crazy counterattack without retreating even a step.

There was fighting on the outside, and the city was being built on the inside. In this unquenchable bloody fire, [Suiming] was built brick by brick!

Since Suiming and beyond, every inch of land developed has been poured with blood, which is why it is so solid. For many years, the flames of war have not been extinguished and civilization has been burning forever, lighting up the current civilization basin.

The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is at the very center of Suiming City.

It is a huge ball of surging chaotic light hanging high on the solemn altar, swallowing green thunder, purple lightning, red fire and ash, and sometimes manifesting into an ancient majestic stone gate.

That portal gives people such a grand feeling that even the entire world of Hell cannot be more vast than it.

But Qin Changsheng, who was sitting in front of the door like a stone statue, could not be ignored.

There is a knife across the knee and a bamboo hat covering the forehead. He is not a relative of the emperor, nor does he have a famous teacher. Because he has been frail and sick since he was a child, his parents have the most simple expectations for him, hoping that he will live a long and healthy life.

He only practices swordsmanship and specializes in one swordsmanship. But the Qin Empire, which was also adept at martial arts, was blazing its own path.

Jiang Wang glanced at Qin Changsheng and saw that Qin Changsheng was too lazy to raise his eyes. Just pretending not to see it, he turned around and walked away.

Qin Changsheng's voice sounded from behind: "Not polite!"

Jiang Wang walked faster: "I have something urgent and I am in a hurry. I will definitely visit Qin Zhenjun next time!"

Qin Changsheng sneered twice: "When the first genius of the human race came to the demon world, he walked through the main entrance of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. Under the gaze of everyone in the world, he walked in majestically. Why did he have to go through the secondary gate when leaving? You can’t be afraid of the Jingguo people, right?”

Jiang Wang didn't look back: "I'm greedy for novelty!"

All the powerful powers in the world have opened auxiliary gates on the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. This is the power they gained during the reign of Emperor Jing Qin.

It was a high altar not far away. Each of the five gates representing Qin, Chu, Qi, Jing, and Mu was an illusory light and shadow hanging above it. If you concentrate, you can see the portal.

Jiang Wang took a look at the particularly gorgeous Chu Kingdom's portal, then turned and walked into the Mu Kingdom's Ten Thousand Demons Gate with its divine patterns.

Although I haven't seen Yu Wenguo, it doesn't affect my visit.

Before coming to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, Jiang Zhenren went to see Helian Yuyi and asked for a warrant - this real person from the Da Mu clan and representing the Mu Kingdom in the demon world, although he repeatedly refused to help Jiang Wang seduce the real demon, But he was very active in sending Jiang Wang into the grassland.

The entrance inspection was silent, unnoticeable, and ended quickly.

Tu Hu, who was wearing a divine crown robe and had deep eyes, was standing not far from the door, with his hands in front of him and a smile on his face. We meet each other as soon as we step out the door.

This is a solemn hall, with many mysterious divine scripts hanging on the walls.

Jiang Wang looked back in confusion, but restrained himself from asking questions.

"Why, it's weird?" Tu Hu said with a smile: "The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is opened in Minhe Temple, didn't you know?"

Jiang Wang didn't know whether the person in front of him was Tu Hu, a human being, or a god, so he just sighed sincerely: "The priest has multiple responsibilities. It's really hard work and meritorious service!"

Tu Hu smiled and said: "Maybe you are saying that I am nosy."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Wangzuo looked shocked: "You are the second most respected person on the grassland. I wish you would mind my business!"

Tu Hu didn't ask who was number one, and didn't give the boy a chance to flatter him from a distance. He just looked at him and said, "No further talk. Why did Master Jiang come to the grassland?"

Jiang Wang said enthusiastically: "I'm here to help the grassland border defense and fight for the billions of people in the Damu Empire!"

"Well said!" Tu Hu applauded, stroking his hands and looking at him kindly: "For the sake of the billions of people in the Damu Empire, you should go back first. Our campaign to clear up the border areas has been suspended, and we will not fight in the near future."

"That's it..." Of course Jiang Wang wouldn't turn around and walked out: "It doesn't matter if we don't fight. I'll go take a look and patrol for myself. I'm willing to serve as a guard for the human race and check for gaps in the line of life and death."

Tu Hu trapped him casually and shook his head: "I'm talking about you, it's hard to get out of Tianjing City, and it's hard to come back from the demon world. If you don't go to see your relatives and friends first, and talk about missing each other, you have to go to the wilderness to do it. What? Is it really a fate of hard work?"

With the support of all parties in Tianjing City and the Taixu Alliance as proof, Jiang Wang was able to have a relatively fair opportunity to kill Jingtian Liuzhen. He couldn't let that support fall to the ground.

So after killing Banxia, ​​his first words were "Open the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons for me."

He wants everyone to know that this is the right decision and he can afford this support.

He never thinks that fairness is a gift from God. He is sure of his own strength and hard work, and is grateful for all the real support.

He wandered around the Demon Realm, looking for opportunities everywhere, annoying the True Lord who was on duty in Suiming City, and giving several military commanders of overlords in the Demon Realm a headache when they saw him... Why?

Isn't it just to live up to the fairness of facing Jing Guo?

There are no weaklings or fools in Dongzhen. He is a high-ranking official wherever he is placed. He is the backbone of the clan. Everyone knows how difficult it is to kill. The goals of the Six True Demons, Six True Demons and Six Evil Shura cannot be achieved overnight - but at least he is doing his best. Do this with all your strength and live up to his declaration.

Jiang Wang didn't say this.

He looked at the high priest of the Mu Kingdom, and his voice suddenly rose: "I just came to the grassland to visit relatives and friends, and kill some real demons by the way. I have my family in the grassland, my brother Zhao Rucheng, and my sister-in-law Helian Yunyun ——I and Emperor Mu are in-laws!"


There was a cold snort from outside, and Zhao Rucheng opened the door and came in: "Stop talking such nonsense. You went to Tianjing City for a duel, but you didn't even say a word to me!"

Jiang Wang glanced at his face, then jumped behind him lightly, landing on the increasingly gorgeous prairie noblewoman.

"Yunyun!" He greeted enthusiastically, with a bright smile on his face: "Long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

Helian Yunyun pressed his temples with a smile on his face: "Brother Jiang is the number one genius of the human race, please don't try to coax me!"

Zhao Rucheng chased Jiang Wang and asked, "I'm married, am I not your brother?"

Jiang Wang's ears seemed to be able to hear only one side. He completely ignored Zhao Rucheng and said to Helian Yun affectionately: "This is the recognition from the first genius of the human race. There is no woman more beautiful than you on the grassland!"

Helian Yunyun smiled from ear to ear: "If you insist on saying that...will I believe it?"

Zhao Rucheng walked close to Jiang Wang: "Jiang Laosan, what do you mean by pretending to be deaf and mute——"

Helian Yunyun pulled him aside and staggered: "What do you mean, Zhao Rucheng? I'm talking to Brother Jiang, what are you always doing!"

Zhao Rucheng opened his hurt peach blossom eyes wide and dangled there in a daze. You, Helian, didn't have this attitude before getting married...

Helian Yunyun looked at Jiang Wang with a bright smile: "Brother Jiang, you have worked hard in the demon world. I have prepared good wine and the freshly slaughtered spiritual beasts to take care of you!"

"Yeah. This girl is so kind!" Jiang Wang sighed and said regretfully: "What a pity, I may not be able to drink this glass of wine because I don't have the luck."

"What happened?" Helian Yunyun asked with concern: "Did you get hurt somewhere in the demon world and feel uncomfortable?"

"'s hard to say. You know, your brother Jiang doesn't like to speak ill of people behind their backs. Forget it, my brothers and sisters should go back first and don't worry about my affairs-" Jiang Wang said, very entangled. , glanced at Tu Hu in embarrassment.

Helian Yunyun also looked at Tu Hu and asked with a smile: "High Priest?"

Tu Hu shook his head and laughed, waving his hand: "Let's go, let's go."

Helian Yunyun was very polite and turned sideways to lead the way: "Brother Jiang, please go first."

Jiang Wang also stretched out his hand and said, "Sister, let's go together. Let's reminisce about the past while walking."

The two of them walked out of the hall while being polite to each other.

Jiang Wang patted Zhao Rucheng on the shoulder and left a message with a heartfelt message——

"You have to work hard, Xiao Wu."

Zhao Rucheng raised his hand and slapped him, trying to open the third brother's hand, but it was in vain... He couldn't help but miss his teeth, he really had to work hard! Already working very hard, we have to work harder!

There are three points of wine, and I feel a little tipsy.

Jiang Wang picked up his sword and left Yiyang Palace.

He would not really indulge in his comfort and meet up with Xiao Wu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, just to see what his married life was like.

Even if Helian Yunyun had not prepared a banquet in advance to take care of his siblings' mood, he would not have eaten this meal.

Life has its own vastness, and the long journey of wind and frost has not stopped.

"Why don't you drink?" Not far from the palace, there was a man standing, wearing a thick long cloak and robe, covering himself airtight.

This person has probably been standing here for a long time, but he only exists when he speaks. In other words, it was just a mark and a beacon before, but now he is a real strong man.

A member of the Taixu Cabinet, Cang Ming is also a member of the Taixu Cabinet.

Jiang Wang kept walking: "Three glasses of water and wine are enough to comfort you for a lifetime."

Cang Meng smiled: "I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to be so drunk."

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "My drinking capacity is not on the table."

"Where is that?" Cang Meng asked.

"Wake up and swallow the sea, get drunk and push the gate of heaven!" Jiang Wang stood up and walked through the night sky.

Cang Meng asked: "Jun Hailiang, how do you get drunk?"

Jiang Wang's figure had disappeared, but his clear and clear voice remained, permeating the long night: "How can a person drink alcohol like a sword drinking blood? The truth of killing foreigners is the age of a real person in this world - today's full of golden bottles, all the Changfeng!”

"Speaking of a man!" Cang Meng had a rare strong emotion: "I will go with you!"

Then he also pulled out the air and chased after him.

The two real people, one behind the other, shuttled through the night, across the grassland, and soon flew to the line between life and death.

Out of respect for this line of life and death drawn by the human race with blood, Jiang Wang lowered his figure. He casually recruited a member of the Mu Kingdom cavalry and said, "Although your superiors must have informed you, I still want to inform you again to avoid any mistakes. Jiang Wang immediately crossed the line of life and death to kill the demon. There must be something unusual in the wilderness. Please come with me." The Huang garrison should prepare in advance and don’t be caught off guard.”

The cavalryman responded fiercely, lit the torch, held the flame high, and rode away excitedly. God Cangtu, the first genius of the living human race, give me a great responsibility!

Cang Meng fell next to Jiang Wang, stepping on the edge of the last green field, looking calmly at the yellow sand ahead.

Jiang Wang looked into the distance and estimated the demonic energy based on his past experience. He said, "You came too timely this time. To be honest, why are you following me?"

"I'm afraid they'll go crazy." Cang Meng said concisely.

Indeed, the war in the borderlands has lasted for too many years, and the demons are by no means weak. If it hurts the demon, it's hard to say what will happen. There is a real person who is very influential in Mu Country next to him. It will be much more convenient to coordinate the military power of Mu Country. Moreover, they are both members of Taixu Cabinet, so their communication is very smooth.

Jiang Wang nodded and was about to set off. He couldn't help but ask again: "Why are you starting to wear gloves now?"

At this moment, Cang Meng was taking his hands out of his robe and slowly putting on his gloves - they were a pair of long white leather gloves. The leather was very delicate and exuded a sacred aura. There is also an extremely complex tiny divine mark on the wrist. Can't understand the meaning.

It's rare to see Cang Meng be so formal.

"I'm afraid you'll go crazy." Cang Meng said.

Jiang Wang had nothing to say. Then he crossed the line of life and death in one step and flew low into the sky, flying quickly! His speed was so fast that the sound was exploding, but the sound of the explosion was all contained within him.

There was no thunder but lightning on the ground. The cyan electric light penetrates from the clear line between life and death to infinity.

Cang Meng hadn't even finished putting on his gloves, and all that was left in front of him was the rising dust, and he couldn't help but feel the divine patterns appear and then disappear in a flash.

In the illusory realm of Taixu, Hongmeng space, pedestrians are flying like a shuttle.

Although the transactions between Taixu Walkers are not open, the communication between Taixu Walkers is no different from reality. Many people are too lazy to go out, but only a few friends, thousands of miles away, can get together in one thought.

Zhao Tiezhu walked struttingly on the street with a very arrogant attitude. Although his true identity was discovered by Huang Sheli, before the friendship that cost a lot of money, the emotional Huang chose to expose it gently. Even after becoming a cabinet member, he took the initiative to help cover up.

How considerate this is!

Therefore, although Zhao Tiezhu's money bag was deflated, his courage became stronger. He has a backer in this illusory realm! Still one of the nine pavilions!

But after going back and forth a few times today and scolding several groups of people, he still felt uncomfortable, as if something was missing.

It wasn't until he bought a ticket for the fight and watched half of the boring fight, shouting curses but getting no response during the process, that he realized that something was missing——

What about the people who spit like stars with him?

There has been no news from Jia Fugui for a long time. He left a letter half a year ago, saying that he was going to a mysterious place to study and there would be a surprise when he came out. He has not appeared since.

And Shangguan... There has been no news from Shangguan for almost a month.

Although people with their status are sometimes busy with important matters, it is common for them to not have time to come to Taixuan Realm for three to five months.

But the three swordsmen of Hongmeng only have the most handsome sword left, which is a bit lonely.

Returning to the Taixu Space where all he had was a futon and a bamboo table, and it was difficult to turn around. Zhao Tiezhu, who was used to living in the Huawu Building, couldn't help but curse again, thinking about when the Taixu Illusionary Realm would be able to spend Yuan Stone, he must be ruthless. Expand the space drastically.

He grabbed a paper crane, laid it flat on the desk, and picked up a pen. The whole set of actions was in line with aristocratic etiquette. Even the most picky etiquette officials could not fault it.

His grandfather asked him to study since he was a child, saying that a gentleman is like a jade. He also strictly demands himself to sit upright even if no one is around. Smiling warmly, he began to write a letter——

"Shangguan, you son of a bitch! Where are you buried and you don't know where to tell me? I burn paper and I don't know which direction to turn!"

On the first day of November, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!

I was too embarrassed to ask for votes at the end of last month because I didn't write any additional updates because of my poor condition. I stayed up late yesterday and saved some, plus what I saved today, I will definitely have it at eight o'clock tomorrow night!

So please vote.

Dear book friends, give me a guaranteed monthly pass!


[Thank you to the book friend "Memories without Regrets" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 703rd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Wangzai Milk Candy" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 704th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! Thanks to "Wangzai Milk Candy" for joining the two alliances! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Qian|Nian" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 705th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Hey Sleepy" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 706th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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