Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2169: Makes people feel like they are in a mess (please vote for me)

True demon, one.

Real devil, 2.

Evil Shura, zero.

Jiang Wang wrote these few words on a green slip to record his journey of killing the eighteen aliens.

This slip is not ordinary. It was a gift from Zhong Xuanyin, a member of Taixu Cabinet.

It can record history, and the characters show the Spring and Autumn Period.

As long as Jiang Wang is willing, every battle he has fought in the process of killing the eighteen aliens can be recorded in the green slips. This ensures that his contribution to humanity will never be disputed.

Of course, the only things that are included in the text at this time are the last moments of each alien Dongzhen dying in battle. Mr. Jiang is not willing to put on a big show for those who might find fault.

The night in the grassland is very cold and windy. When the heavy felt curtain was opened, they entered the tent.

The person who walked in was Yu Wenduo, with his pigtails swinging out in neat arcs. He was wrapped in the dust of servants. He looked at Jiang Wang who was carving words: "Hey! This slip is not simple!"

Jiang Wang smiled conceitedly: "You know the goods."

Yuwen Duo placed two jars of wine on the ground and sat down opposite Jiang Wang: "What kind of treasure is this? Can you introduce it to me?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "Do you know History Jane?"

The treasure history of Diligent Academy!

It was made by the founder of Qinku Academy, and was refined from Danshan Chishuitian, which ranked ninth in the Xiaodongtian. It is also ranked high among the Dongtian's treasures.

Although Yu Wenduo has never seen it, how can he not hear it?

Looking at the slip, his eyes shone brightly. He raised his hand, wanting to touch it but not daring to touch it. His voice was trembling with excitement: "Of course I know! Could this be..."

"It has nothing to do with the historical records." Jiang Wang said.

"Hey!" Yu Wenduo leaned back: "I thought you robbed Qinku Academy! I was shocked."

"This gadget is made from a historical slip. It was a gift from Zhong Xuanyin." Jiang Wang rolled up the slip and said in a casual tone: "Come on, what do you want from me?"

The more casual he is, the more intimate he is.

Yu Wenduo was very happy, grinned widely, and brought two jars of wine: "Nothing happened. I just haven't seen Brother Jiang for a long time. I came to you for a few sips. Don't worry, I won't delay your business. After drinking this After two altars, I’ll leave!”

Everyone can understand the importance of being the first genius of the human race. Especially after the battle in Tianjing City, Jiang Wang's influence has reached a new peak, which is seen by the whole world.

For such a person, Yu Wenduo would never talk about trivial matters. He wants to earn a lot of favors, but he is reluctant to waste any favors.

He does not deny that he has a utilitarian heart. He is a strong supporter of the family of the Great Mu Princess Helian Yunyun, and is the daughter-in-law of the Mu Kingdom's Prince Consort Zhao Rucheng - what's wrong with Brother Jiang, who wants to flatter everyone?

If you have the ability to invite Brother Jiang to drink, then go ahead and invite him!

Jiang Wang put away the green slip and said with a smile: "How can we have wine but no meat?"

"I've prepared it a long time ago. The lamb is roasting outside!" Yuwenduo laughed and stood up: "I'll get it!"

The thick curtain opened again, and he dashed boldly into the night.

But before the door curtain dropped, a small cloud crane nimbly folded into the tent. It fell affectionately on Jiang Wang's shoulder, and was pinched by him, turning it into a piece of letter paper.

Naturally, Jiang Wang would not neglect this letter, so he opened it and read it.

The content of the letter is quite simple, just a few lines——

"I took the liberty of writing this letter. I don't know if it's a bit intrusive or if it will delay Mr. Jiang Ge's business."

"There's nothing else to do in writing this letter. It's just that autumn is here and stupid gray is losing hair recently. I want to ask you how to deal with it."

"You don't need to keep the letter after you see it."

"——Ye Qingyu."

Yu Wenduo directly brought the lamb and the grill without giving the fire-headed soldier a chance to show off. Can anyone else serve Brother Jiang?

He decided to show off himself. Various condiment bottles were hung on his belt, and he strode excitedly.

"My ancestor said in the letter that you are so powerful in the demon world! You killed those real demons so much that they didn't even dare to show their faces! Brother Jiang, tell me - Brother Jiang?"

Yu Wenduo held up the grill and the roasted lamb and walked around the tent several times, but he didn't even look at Brother Jiang!

Where are people?

Yu Wenduo was surprised for a moment.

Is it really a demon attack camp?

Or Brother Jiang goes to attack the real demon’s camp?

Or maybe the ancestor was too arrogant when he was in the demon world and annoyed the good-tempered Brother Jiang?

In total, the current strongest member of the Yuwen family, Yuwen Guo, who is on duty in Suiming City, is the younger brother of Yuwen Duo's great-great-grandfather. Yuwen Guo himself had no descendants, otherwise the family head would not be able to turn to Yuwen Duo's grandfather's branch.

For Yuwen Lai, who he is close to within the family is really not a matter of blood. No matter how close we are, we are still several generations apart. A person's talents, abilities, temperament, and temperament are more important.

This time Yuwen wrote a letter back to his family and specifically mentioned Yuwenduo and asked him how he was doing with his studies. Wasn't it just because Yuwenduo had a relationship with Jiang Wang?

Normally, the ancestor could only see Yu Wenlie and the others.

Yuwen Lie's father and Yuwen Duo's uncle, Yu Wensu, is the contemporary head of the Yuwen family. Yu Wenlie himself was one of the "Three Horses of the Qionglu" and was extremely talented.

He, Yuwen Duo, has nothing to compare with.

Of course, he has a very good relationship with his cousin Yu Wenlie, and he even introduced his cousin to Brother Jiang before. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to be more valued within the family and have more resources...

Not to mention Yuwen Duo's random thoughts.

Jiang Wang couldn't control his mood.

From the grassland to the Yun Kingdom, there are thousands of mountains and rivers across the country, and Jiang Wang usually has to fly for two or three days no matter what. If you encounter trouble with some levels, you don’t have time to count.

This time, I went to full speed and flew freely. I drove all night and reached my destination before dawn!

If this month's Taixu Wujian hadn't been used up, why fly so fast overnight?

Many powerful people were alarmed along the way, and they were all wondering if Jiang Geyu was going to do something big again, and they were all on tenterhooks. It wasn't until the green rainbow stopped over the Yun Kingdom that I felt relieved.

When Jiang Wangfei hugged Xuefeng and flew into the Lingxiao Secret Realm, the Lingxiao Pavilion disciples were doing morning exercises - Jiang already had the Lingxiao Pavilion's token on his body, and there was no obstacle to entering and exiting the Lingxiao Secret Realm.

In the huge Lingxiao Square, Ye Qingyu, as the senior sister and young master of the Lingxiao Pavilion and a powerful person in the sect, is leading everyone to do morning lessons. What he practiced was Lingxiao's Thirty-Six Heaven-shaking Hands, and what he did was the Twenty-Four Hexagram Chaiyun Step. As graceful as willows in the world, as bright as the moon in the sky.

As a new generation of outstanding disciples and Ye Qingyu's direct follower, Jiang Anan followed closely behind him and practiced every move in a methodical manner. Intentionally learn the immortal posture.

There are also Jiang Anan’s annoying senior brother Mo Liang, square-faced senior brother Xie Ruixuan, senior sister Wang Yuerou and Wang Yueyi...

All in all, all the familiar faces stared blankly at Master Jiang falling from the sky.

But it was not Ye Qingyu or Jiang Anan who spoke first.

"You, you, you, why are you in such a hurry?" Ye Lingxiao, who was supposed to be lying in the room and sleeping in, rushed out with a piece of letter paper, furious: "Early in the morning, my friend wrote to me asking if I was gone!"


Zhu Hui, who was sleeping in the corner of the square while maintaining his small body, jumped over happily, wrapped around Jiang Wang's calf, and purred affectionately.

Jiang Wang picked up Ju Hui, looked at Ye Qingyu, and replied to Ye Lingxiao's words: "I heard that Ju Hui is losing a lot of hair, I'll come back and take a look."

Stupid Hui could now understand human speech, and his innocent dog eyes were filled with tears. He curled up happily in his master's arms, purring and rubbing against his clothes.

Ye Lingxiao wanted to use his old fists to hammer this guy out of the mountain gate, but he wanted to say loudly: How many strands did he lose just now?

But how come he never said or heard the young excuse?

He was also... young.

"What are you all doing here!" He waved his hand and drove away the disciples: "Go and do what you have to do!"

There are not many true disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion, but there are about twenty of them doing morning classes here. One moment their necks were long and their ears were erect, and the next moment they were like birds and beasts.

"Lord Pavilion Master..." There were also stubborn people among the disciples. Mo Liang whispered aggrievedly: "Now is the time for us to do morning exercises? What we should do is morning exercises."

"You stay." Ye Lingxiao pointed at him: "I don't see you working hard at ordinary times, but now you come out to do it! Since you love to practice so much, I will personally guide you to practice today and practice for a whole day."

Mo Liang had a grimace on his face and was frozen in place.

Ye Lingxiao shouted again: "An'an!"

"Hey!" Jiang Anan responded sweetly and ran to Pavilion Master Ye. When passing by his brother, he made a knowing face.

"Come on, let's find a place and go together to give guidance to your senior brother Mo Liang." Ye Lingxiao greeted.

Jiang Anan nodded fiercely: "I think there are still many things he doesn't understand!"

They did not take away Ju Hui because Jiang Wang came here overnight because Ju Hui lost his hair.

The huge Lingxiao Square was suddenly empty of people.

Only Ye Qingyu stood there, like a delicate narcissus blooming in the morning mist.

Only Jiang Wang, who had traveled thousands of miles and arrived all night, still looked like the young man he was before.

"Hair loss is really a serious problem." Jiang Wang hugged Ju Hui, hesitantly, and said seriously: "I will take care of it."

Silly Hui wanted to bark a few times, but said it was not serious, saying that he didn't shed much at all. The most hair loss was when Mr. An An liked to pluck the dog's hair. At that time, it was really plucking and jumping...

But there was an inexplicable atmosphere that made it shut up. It seems that as soon as you open your mouth, something terrible will happen...

"Actually, it's not too serious." Ye Qingyu said: "When puppies lose their hair, it will grow back again. It is very good, and it will grow back on its own..."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Wang said.

Ye Qingyu looked at him.

While on the road, Jiang Wang had deliberately cleaned himself up, but the fatigue between his brows could not be hidden. He rivals the Six Realms in Tianjing, he keeps running around in the demon world, he sleeps in the wilderness... and this apology at this moment is so gentle.

It turned out to be very useless and my nose was sore.

"Why are you apologizing?" Ye Qingyu held his eyes open and said, "You have worked very hard."

Her eyes are so beautiful, as if a clear stream is winding and the moon is shining in the mountains and forests. It is so quiet, so quiet, and at this moment, there is a ripple of rain.

From then on, I had something to worry about.

"You shouldn't have to bear my hard work." Jiang Wang said.

Ye Qingyu shook his head gently: "You didn't let me bear anything, you always carried it yourself. You are the one who went to the depths of the clouds alone and shattered the wind, rain and thunder."

Jiang Wang looked at her: "Isn't your unhappiness, your care, and your worry a kind of bearing?"

Ye Qingyu lowered his eyes slightly and said with a twinkling light: "I didn't do anything."

"You have done everything you can." Jiang Wang's voice was very slow: "And I didn't give everything for you. I always have a lot of things in my heart, I always have a lot of things to do, I always I'm being chased by time, I don't know why, I can't stop - I'm sorry."

Silly Hui didn't quite understand this strange conversation, but suddenly felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, even if it was just an innocent puppy. It twisted slightly, and seeing that its owner didn't hug him too tightly and had no intention of holding back, he jumped out of the hug and ran away on tiptoe.

"You have traveled a long way." Ye Qingyu said.

"I should have come earlier." Jiang Wang said.

"Isn't it strange?" Ye Qingyu looked at him and said, "I am a person who gets angry over trivial things and can be petty."

"I know this is not an insignificant matter." Jiang Wang shook his head slowly and seriously.

He looked at Ye Qingyu: "When I left the demon world, I wanted to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Gate in Chu State so that I could come to you first and explain something to you - but I didn't know how to explain it. I wrote you a letter , but when I recalled it accidentally during these days in the demon world, I felt that the words in the letter were very fragile and very unlike me. They were full of self-righteousness, all taken for granted, and not a single word was true."

He didn't move forward, but his eyes were getting closer: "I have to admit to you, admit this thing that I dare not admit to you - at the moment I went to Tianjing City, I had only one thought in my mind, that decision Overwhelming."

"I think you will have a good life, Qingyu, your father loves you very much, you live in a beautiful world, and your life is sunny and sunny.

"I think An An has grown up and she can take care of herself, and you will help take care of her.

"I think my apprentice is very sensible, he can try to be a man, he can face the wind and rain.

“I think about the elders I know who have always taken care of me and don’t need me to take care of them.

"I thought about my friends, who all have their own abilities and don't need to worry about me - only my master, that annoying old monk. He was so annoying that after he was beaten to death , no one can stand up for him. There is only Jingli who has been imprisoned, and me who never refused to recognize him as his master."

Jiang Wang paused before he could finish his sentence: "Qingyu, I am the only one who can do this. This is the reason why I am desperate."

"Actually, you thought of me, An An, and your apprentices, friends, and elders. You didn't risk everything. You still cared about so many people before you risked everything—"

Ye Qingyu looked at him: "But what about you? I blame you for never thinking about yourself."

Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month.

This chapter is 4K, adding 2/2 to Xia Weiyu of the Silver League!

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