Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2181 God is also guilty

"We are in the White Arowana suit today!"

The late autumn in Yingcheng is quite cold.

On the bustling street, Zuo Guangshu wore a dog-skin hat, an ill-fitting cotton and linen jacket, a pair of cuffed torn leather boots, and a rough windshield to cover up his noble appearance. s face.

Jiang Wang next to him was similarly dressed, wearing a bamboo hat, a face scarf, and a black robe, with his hands folded in his sleeves. The world-famous Sauvignon Blanc is hidden in the storage box.

Today he and Zuo Guangshu were strolling on the street. After all, they were both well-known figures. In order to avoid onlookers, they had to cover up a little. Of course Jiang Zhenren could directly influence the knowledge of passers-by, but this is Ying City after all, with strong people like clouds and strict rules. He is too lazy to use magic along the way and accidentally touch anyone's sensitive nerves - of course the Huaiguo Duke's Palace can solve this problem. Troublesome, but not necessary.

Hearing this, he smiled: "You are a white dragon, and I have always been a fish."

Zuo Guangshu chuckled: "Then I am Bai Arowana. Anyway, we are together!"

"I finally understand why Shun Hua is devoted to you." Jiang Wang looked at him sideways: "You really know how to do it!"

"You are wrong again." Zuo Guangshu was very proud: "I learned it all from her."

Jiang Wang said earnestly: "If you play harp, you will get beaten easily."

Yingcheng is a prosperous place in the world, with a mixture of fish and dragons and a huge crowd. The so-called breathing becomes clouds, and the towers become foggy.

The two of them were not aimless. They wandered around until they came to the east of the city. There is a Zhuque Street here. Zuo Guangshu loved to stroll here in the past, but this time his destination is not here.

The southern main road of Zhuque Street has four branches.

The two walked along one of them and turned into an alley. They passed many low bungalows along the way and stepped through the autumn light that swept through the branches of the trees.

The bright yellow talisman tied to the branches is the autumn color of Yingcheng.

This most luxurious city in the world certainly has a less luxurious side, and these low-rise houses are just a corner of it. Of course, this is the imperial capital of Chu after all. At the emperor's feet are low bungalows, which are made of materials and have a relatively unified architectural style.

When the long and narrow alley came to an end, the sight suddenly opened up - there was an open square with a huge camphor tree as the center.

Children jumping back and forth, old men playing chess, women gathering together to wash their clothes and chatting about household matters...

It can be seen that this is a "paradise" for civilians. There is no feasting, drunkenness, or phoenixes soaring in the sky, or piles of white jade. Some are just the simplest laughter and the simplest worries.

In front of the huge camphor tree, there stood an upright man, facing people from all directions alone, giving a lecture.

People kept gathering around, and the heads were densely packed, like ants gathering for food, and there were many circles inside and outside.

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu were not unusual. They chatted away and then slowly walked around and stood on the periphery of the crowd.

"The style of lecturing is most popular in Wei Di." Zuo Guangshu said: "Back then, Wei Xing and Xue Gui opened their own forums and lectured for nine days. More and more fans gathered, so that they blocked the city gate and stopped pedestrians from flowing. . As soon as they left the east gate, and as soon as they left the west gate, they gave lectures along the way and debated the law from a distance, but they could not convince each other. Finally, they walked back along the long river, sat opposite each other on the viewing platform, and faced the whole world in debate. After three consecutive debates, Xue Gui won all three games, so there was 'Xue Gui's new method', and the 'Gui' in his name became the most important word in Legalism, which is the origin of rules."

This story told by Zuo Guangshu is clearly recorded in "Zhengfa Tianheng" written by Gongsun Buhai, the contemporary leader of the Xingren Palace. This book is rigorous and solemn, with mixed narratives and discussions. Every point is based on history and respects the existing historical materials. It is a must-read work to understand the legalist ideological context.

Jiang Wang has also carefully read Xue Gui's immortal work "The Law of Eternity", so of course he is aware of this public case.

He looked at the speaker in the crowd and said casually: "The World-Honored One still has the bell of extensive hearing, so that the world can know his heart. This is also the way to tell the truth."

Over the years, if anyone is said to have been most impressed by Jiang Wang's growth, it would be Zuo Guangshu.

When I first met Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang was only "full of martial virtue" and his knowledge could not be said to be absent, but it was also very sparse. Sometimes he quoted scriptures and said something, but Brother Jiang couldn't understand it at all. So when chatting, he pays great attention and tries not to say anything unfamiliar, but sometimes what he thinks is "common sense", Brother Yu Jiang is also "knowledge".

My mother often said, "This is a shame," and often sent books to Brother Jiang in his name.

But as time went by, Brother Jiang became better at cultivation, became more knowledgeable, and read more. Nowadays, I can quote from many sources, from Legalism to Buddhism, from Xue Gui to Guangwen.

Zuo Guangshu sighed in his heart and said: "The city where Xue Gui and Wei Xing gave lectures has been prosperous and abandoned, and it is now the capital of King Wei [Liheng]. Wei is also a place of outstanding people, but Weiguo But it is a 'small country', a vassal of the central government."

"What do you want to express?" Jiang Wang smiled half-heartedly.

"It can be seen that the argument is unsuccessful." Zuo Guangshu said.

"If we discuss but do not do it, nothing will happen." Jiang Wang said: "If we discuss but do it, everything will fall into place."

The camphor tree never withers in autumn and stays green all year round.

Zuo Guangshu looked up at the huge cloud-like crown and said softly: "This big camphor tree has a history of more than a thousand years."

Jiang Wang said nothing.

The man standing in front of the thousand-year-old camphor tree was none other than Chu Yuzhi.

Wearing military uniforms, military boots, and a straight sword, without any accessories, he was incompatible with the extremely beautiful Chu country.

He was talking about his ideas, calling on the common people to fight for their rights and fight against the nobles. We must unite as one, build bridges for the common people, and pave roads to the sky so that everyone can stride forward.

He said "rich but not benevolent", "noble but not famous", and how fair the world should be.

His speech was not impassioned, but eloquent. Like him, he has a down-to-earth style.

Among the onlookers, one person asked aloud: "Brother Xiaoyu, do you hate the powerful?"

From the title "Brother Xiao Yu", we can also see that these people are very close to Chu Yuzhi.

This young man with the surname Guo walks among the streets all year round. Although he is extraordinary and has returned to the mortal world, no one thinks that he is out of place and should not be here.

He looked at the passerby who asked the question and said seriously: "Uncle, gathering people to work together is the right to gain power, and people who are prominent and meritorious are valued. These are inevitable. What reason do I have to hate? I don't hate the powerful, just like me I will not hate a camphor tree."

"But you keep talking about powerful people, powerful people." The uncle from the passerby said: "I heard some people say that you only know how to be jealous, and you are the kind of person who only hates the rich."

"I know people who are as blank as a sheet of paper. I know people who have been well protected since childhood and have pure minds. I know brave nobles. I know proud men of aristocratic families who are willing to die for their honor." Chu Yuzhi showed no signs of annoyance at all. : "But I also know some other people who are full of fat brains, bloated and vicious. They were born with everything, so they don't know how to cherish it. They are extremely incompetent, but they seize high positions with dignity. They have no ethics, but they can control the wind and rain..."

"What I hate is those who hold power for selfish purposes, who are noble but have no responsibility."

He said clearly: "What I hate are those who enjoy the best resources of the country but cannot make the greatest contribution to the country, or even refuse to make contributions."

"But those resources were earned by their fathers, so let them waste them however they want. What's wrong with that?" the passerby said, "just like when my father left me a few ingots of silver. No one can care about me." How to spend it!"

Someone immediately started shouting: "Liu Si, how many coins did your father leave for you?! You're so secretive!"

"Go, go, go!" Liu Laosi scolded: "This is a metaphor! Do you understand the metaphor?"

"How they waste money in private is their own business, and no one can really care about it." Chu Yuzhi said: "But if they form a clique, give and receive privately, and become prominent, they will follow the same path as the powerful. How about setting up barriers and letting only your own people go?"

Liu Laosi scratched his head: "Let me think about it, they form a clique, give and receive privately, and they don't take the money in your pocket, what do they have to do with you and me?"

Chu Yuzhi asked: "Uncle, what do you do?"

Liu Laosi looked down at his load full of tofu. He didn't want to speak for a moment, but he still said, "I sell tofu."

Chu Yuzhi asked again: "How long do you work every day?"

Liu Laosi, a tofu seller, said: "I get up before the rooster crows every day and do all the work before dawn. The soy milk in the morning is very popular, and the filtered bean dregs are reserved for cooking in the evening. When the soy milk is sold out, I sell tofu. Carrying a load, I walked around the streets and alleys. Sometimes I would come here to rest my feet and eat a bowl of noodles at noon. Sometimes I would not rest and would bring my own noodles. I would go home when the goods were sold out, and I would go home after dark. ——Forget it, you guys go ahead and talk, I should go sell tofu!"

He picked up the burden and left.

"Uncle, wait! Let me ask you another question!" Chu Yuzhi said: "How much money do you earn every day?"

"You don't earn much, but you can still make ends meet." Liu Laosi grinned his chapped mouth and said cheerfully.

"Do you know why you don't earn much?" Chu Yuzhi asked.

"I just sell tofu, how much can I earn?" Liu Laosi scratched his head: "Isn't this what selling tofu does?"

Chu Yuzhi looked at him: "Is it because you don't work hard enough?"

Liu Laosi thought for a while and said seriously: "I'm not a lazy man. I work every day, all year round."

"Let me tell you why." Chu Yuzhi said: "Your money is exchanged for labor, and other people's money is earned by yourself. They say that this ball of mud is money, and this ball of mud becomes money, but you Money must be beaten into tofu before it can be counted. If the two kinds of money are mixed together, your value will be diluted. That's why you have to work so hard!"

Chu Yuzhi looked into his eyes: "Uncle, do you still think this has nothing to do with you?"

Liu Laosi didn't speak for a while.

"If you join the army, your honor will be forged with punches, kicks, knives and guns. Others' honors are bought with money, or even exchanged for just one sentence - others spend other people's money, and others take other people's money. What does this nonsense have to do with you?"

Chu Yuzhi stood in front of the big camphor tree and twitched his lips: "Your efforts have become meaningless! Your honor has also been filled with water! Your blood and sweat have become ridiculous! Doesn't it matter?"

Having said this, he rolled up his sleeves: "I think it has something to do with it. At least it has something to do with me. I have experienced this personally, and many members of my Tongyi Club have also experienced this. We don't want others to experience this. "

The crowd was silent for a moment.

The world needs fairness, but sometimes fairness cannot be obtained. And many people have become accustomed to it and don't think it's wrong.

"Let's go." Jiang Wang turned around.

"Don't watch it?" Zuo Guangshu followed up and asked.

"Already seen it." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Guangshu didn't know which word he heard.

Already see the "Tao"?

"Did you see it?" a voice asked from afar.

There was a very brief rain of blood in Yanyun Mountain, but the soil was also stained with a dark red color.

"I did see it, but -" the Chu soldier who jumped to the bottom of the pit replied with a bit of hesitation in his tone.

"But what?" The distant voice quickly approached.

Flying quickly along with the sound were three soldiers flying across the sky in a formation. They were scattered around the pit cautiously. One of them stood on the edge of the pit and looked down: "What did you see?"

From the armor engraved with divine patterns, it can be seen that they are all divine sinners.

The first-class elite among the Chu Empire's army.

Even if they are just patrolling in a small group, they still show excellent military qualities.

This is the pit cut out by Dou Zhao with a single stroke of his sword. Faro, the master of Fengxiang in Sanfenxiang Tower, is lying silently at the bottom of the pit in the posture of a corpse.

Next to the corpse was the half-crouching Sergeant Divine Sin. He carefully observed the real corpse: "This corpse seems to have lost a lot of blood."

"Isn't this nonsense?!" Sergeant Divine Sin, who was standing at the edge of the pit, said angrily: "I thought you discovered something extraordinary! After being chased by Lord Dou for so many days, even if the blood is not drained, it is considered his blood. exuberant."

"That's true," said the divine sinner responsible for examining the corpse.

The Divine Sin Sergeant standing at the edge of the pit waved his hand: "Check whether the body has been touched by anyone. If there is, there will be an extra line. If not, leave."

The personal token Douzhao threw on the corpse was the famous Divine Sin Order - "Gods are also guilty".

In particular, there are rune messages uniquely designed by the holder of the order. Once someone approaches and there is no corresponding rune response, an alarm will be issued immediately, triggering the [Zhanghua Channel] laid by the Chu State in the southern region, leaving a fatal information.

Therefore, it also has a very vivid name within the Divine Sin Army, called "Bear Trap".

The Divine Sin Sergeant at the bottom of the pit carefully inspected it for a while, repeatedly confirming that there were no abnormal signs, and then carefully put away the token that Dou Zhao had thrown on the body.

Then he took out the body bag and put Farrow’s body in it——


A majestic figure suddenly appeared above the pit. He glanced coldly at the bottom of the pit and immediately cursed: "His grandma is too late again!"

The four divine sinners outside the pit remained silent.

Then I heard him scolding me, saying, "Young son of the Dou family, you are stealing from my true enemy and will make me angry!" and "Young children are not good people."

Until he finished cursing and flew away.

The Divine Sin Sergeant at the bottom of the pit said: "It's too late. Master Dou has been hunting for how many days!"

The divine sinner in charge of the guard agreed: "Yes, I'm so embarrassed to say it!"

The Divine Sin Sergeant standing on the edge of the pit was more stable after all: "Shh, keep your voice down."

"Who are you talking about being petty?" Suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the short-bearded eagle-eyed Zhong Liyan flew back again, angrily: "How dare you do the following and talk about me? You will be punished by standing! Stand still!"

Soon, four divine sinners stood in a row at the bottom of the pit.

"You Divine Sin Army are so rude, it's all Dou Zhao who has ruined the atmosphere! I confiscated this body, and let Dou Zhao come to me for it later."

Zhong Liyan picked up the body bag and walked away.

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