Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2184: First cut off the emperor’s title, then cut off the longevity

Ren Qiuli knew that she couldn't beat Zhuge Yixian - even if Zhuge Yixian needed to focus on the bigger picture, it was just a random move on her side, while she dominated the entire Tianji chessboard.

But this chess game is played all over the world, settled in the Bing Ruins, and deadlocked at the gate of the Fallen Immortal Forest, and vitality exists in the confusion of everything.

Furthermore, Lu Shuanghe cut off God's will with his extremely cold sword. So that slim chance can be grasped by them.

Although there are many dangers in the Fallen Immortal Forest and no one can guarantee safety, there are also no clues left. At this stage, it is the best hiding place for the real person of Nandou Hall.

Wu Ling unfortunately died among them. An Guogong went to search for him personally, but could not find any trace.

"Meteor Immortal Forest?" Dou Zhao held the Tianxiao Sword in his hand, his golden body still intact, and looked into the distance - in that direction, there was an entrance to the Meteor Immortal Forest guarded by Chu State. If he remembered correctly, Wu Ling walked into the Meteorite Forest through this entrance and never returned.

Star God Jianglou said in a calm voice: "Although Changsheng Lord is not a real dragon and cannot be called an emperor, he is still a cunning loach. It is not easy to kill him."

Dou Zhao said: "But now he is a turtle in a urn."

"Beidou Lord dies, Nandou Lord lives. Nandou Palace's only chance of survival is here in Lu Shuanghe. Obviously he has given up -" Star God Jianglou looked at Douzhao with a reminder: "The life and death of him and Ren Qiuli, It doesn’t matter right now.”

If Lord Changsheng was easy to kill, he wouldn't have just been reduced to an imperial title back then. The current Emperor of Chu is not a soft-hearted monarch.

No one in the world is better at seizing life than Nan Doudian, because this is where their orthodoxy lies.

This hall is also an ancient sect in the world that has been inherited from modern times, and has a history that is not inferior to Mugu Academy. Although it is not as prominent as several famous schools, it can still be regarded as a long-lasting glory.

This time the Overlord Chu destroyed Nandou, and the world was shocked.

In fact, it was not the emperor of Chu who raised his army in anger on a whim.

"First cut off the emperor's title, then cut off the longevity." This was Chu Ting's strategy against the Antarctic immortal emperor. Now we are just resolutely implementing it.

Although Nandou Hall was trapped in a cage today, like a flying fish in a net, and all theoretical possibilities were cut off, it still managed to get a glimmer of hope, which fell on Lu Shuanghe.

Zhuge Yi took action personally in order to wipe out the last glimmer of hope.

If Lu Shuanghe hadn't shouldered such responsibility, if it hadn't been for this relationship, how could the only great witch in the Chu Kingdom for thousands of years have taken action against Ren Qiuli? Do you really think he is idle?

Now, although Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli fled into the Meteor Immortal Forest, they also voluntarily gave up the slim chance of survival in the South Dou Palace. The Star God descended on Lou, which can be regarded as achieving their goal. Therefore, he said that the lives and deaths of Master Qisha and Master Tianji are no longer important.

In Dou Zhao's daydream, Lu Shuanghe's sword that crushed Zhong Liyan evolved repeatedly. His eyes were still staring into the distance, and he only said: "He can even give up the only chance of survival in South Doudian. What does he want?"

"Didn't he already give the answer?" Star God Jianglou asked.

Lu Shuanghe's sword attack was not so much asking for favors from Zhongli Zhaojia, but rather giving an explanation to Zhuge Yi first.

Lu Shuanghe's answer was his sword.

"Chao Wen Dao" was his answer.

No matter what the only chance of life in Nandou Hall is, Lu Shuanghe must at least achieve Yan Dao before he can grasp it - but he obviously has no intention of climbing to Yan Dao now. He still has to wait for Jiang Wang to reach the ultimate level of Dongzhen. Find him.

And he clearly showed this determination to the people of Chu——

He gave up the South Dou Hall and took the initiative to enter the dangerous Meteor Immortal Forest. Is it necessary for the Chu State to pursue him aggressively?

Star God Jianglou's response was also very obvious. He believed that Lu Shuanghe's life and death were indeed no longer important.

But no matter what Star God Jianglou thinks, or how Chu State decides, as far as Lu Shuanghe’s choice is concerned... this is simply not a choice that a normal person can make!

"Nandou Seven Kills", "Nandou Lu Shuanghe", "Nandou Six True Truths", these are names that have been mentioned again and again in the past and present. In the future when Lu Shuanghe is still alive, it will be difficult to forget - he Lu Shuanghe and Nandou Palace , it’s such a flesh-and-blood relationship.

He was born in Nandou, grew up in Nandou, and grew up in Nandou.

The mark of Nandou Hall will always flow in his blood and can never be erased.

Anything he does for Nandou Palace is a matter of course.

And he chose to do nothing.

He, Lu Shuanghe, is now the well-deserved leader in killing power among real people in the world. How much more progress can he make if he takes a few more steps to the limit of this realm?

If it was just for seeking the truth, this kind of waiting would make sense in normal times. Which one of Huang Fu and Lou Yue is not waiting?

But now is the life and death opportunity of Nandou Palace. The sect that gave birth to him, raised him and nurtured him to become a talented person urgently needs him to take that step in advance to fight for the slim possibility. Everyone in Nandou Palace was looking forward to the changes he created. Even Zhuge Yixian, the great wizard of Chu State, thought he would take action and was distracted from planning.

But he still has to wait for the ancient and modern limit he pursues!

Lu Shuanghe's choice cannot be explained from any perspective other than seeking truth from reason, human feelings, or the pursuit of truth.

Even from the perspective of "seeking the Tao", this choice can be called "inhuman".

But Dou Zhao should be understandable. Because Douzhao is a truly strong man and can understand the determination of strong men, even if he does not agree with it. This is the reason why Star God Jianglou asked back.

"No, what I can't understand is - why does Lu Shuanghe think that only Jiang Wang can help him deduce the unprecedented limit of the Cave Realm?" Dou Zhao grinned and bared his teeth: "How low-key I am, They have all appeared in front of him, but they haven’t even entered his eyes yet!”

Star God Jianglou was silent for a while.

The Chu State wanted to destroy Nandou Hall, Lu Shuanghe gave up Nandou Hall, and Lu Shuanghe walked into the Meteor Immortal Forest - what Dou Zhao was thinking about was, why is the only Taoist enemy in his eyes Jiang Wang?

This idea of ​​​​protruding strange peaks was obviously something he had not expected.

Dou Zhao had already picked up the knife and left.

"Where to go?" Star God Jianglou asked with a slightly slower response.

That's because Zhuge Yi in the distance was stunned for a moment. He has lived for many years and has done everything in the world, but he increasingly understands today's young people.

Dou Zhao casually cut open the rift in space with a knife: "Of course, go to the Meteorite Forest, find them - and kill them!"

Still going!

Why don't you listen? !

The current Douzhao is obviously not Lu Shuanghe's opponent, and it is impossible to compare with Ren Qiuli. No matter how you deduce it, you can't see the possibility that he can kill Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli alone, or in a place like the Fallen Immortal Forest, where unpredictable things happen and the secrets are confusing!

Going to the Meteor Immortal Forest, whether to kill the enemy or seek death, is really doubtful.

Do you really think that his reputation as the number one in killing power and calculation power is just a false claim, and only he, Douzhao, can face life and death?

Star God Jiang Lou knew that Dou Zhao was stubborn and rarely listened to advice, so he had no choice but to use a big killer weapon: "How should I explain to your great-grandmother?"

"You don't need to explain to anyone -" Dou Zhao's unruly figure did not look back: "Me too!"

The space rift was closed, and he disappeared from here.

He was so understated, as if he was not going on a life-or-death adventure, but heading towards a paradise that made him happy like a child going to school.

Jianglou hung in the air, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Lord Star God!"

A faint shout on the ground made Jianglou look back.

This kid from Zhongli's family is really tenacious. After lying on the ground for such a while, he actually regained his breath and tried to get up on his own.

Jianglou released a ray of star power and lifted him up to prevent him from repeatedly injuring his muscles and bones.

"Lord Star God." Zhong Liyan hung in the air, took a breath, and grasped the Nanyue Sword: "I have an unkind request——"

"Don't worry." Jianglou helped him tend to his injuries: "I will take you home."

"No... no." Zhong Liyan said, "Can you cure me now?"

What a merciless invitation!

Although witch doctors are not divided into different families, Zhuge Yixian can be said to be the best in medicine in Chu State. But how can a real person in this world, or a real martial artist with a particularly strong body, be so easy to treat? Even if he were to be sent back to Chu State for treatment, it would consume a lot of resources and the time would certainly not be short.

If he wanted to cure it at the Bingxu site, Zhuge Yi would have to spend a lot of money first.

"Are you in a hurry?" Jianglou asked.

"Dou Zhao is, after all, the most talented person in the Chu Kingdom after me. I, the Great Chu Tianjiao, ventured deep into the Meteor Immortal Forest. I really can't sit back and watch. I'm so worried!" Zhong Liyan said through gritted teeth, "Please recover from my injuries." Let me help him with my sword!"

Jianglou was silent for a while: "Are you serious?"

Zhong Liyan said resolutely: "If you don't agree, I will never leave! My sense of responsibility, my patriotism, and my concern for the people will not allow me to leave now! A big Chu man, I would rather die than retreat!"

Jianglou looked at him: "Okay, close your eyes."

"Thank you so much, great wizard! When I reach the top of my martial arts, I will definitely repay you!" Zhong Liyan was overjoyed and closed his eyes obediently.

Jianglou pressed his hand smoothly, causing him to faint completely, then he carried him and flew out of Bingxu.

After staying briefly in Chu State for a few days, Jiang Wang was ready to leave before Duke Huai returned from his business trip.

Although the battle between Chu and Nan was vigorous and attracting the attention of the world, it did not bother him at all - even though he was not yet 30 years old, he had already witnessed too many ups and downs.

The joy of elders, the future of friends, and Guangshu's happiness are all things worthy of more concern. Even Chu Yuzhi, who was not a friend, wanted to see the path of such a civilian hero.

The master of the State of Chu is famous, and the outcome of Nandou Hall has been decided early. There is really nothing to "appreciate" this so-called drama without any twists and turns. He neither applauded nor regretted the demise of Nandou Palace.

The long river of history rolls forward. No matter how glorious the past is, after falling, it is just a wave after all.

Zuo Guangshu came to see him off: "Don't you want to see what happens to Lu Shuanghe? I heard that he has a great promise with you."

Jiang Wang's tone was casual: "There's nothing interesting to see."

Zuo Guangshu said: "Grandpa told me earlier... If you are willing, he can find a way to arrange for you to execute Lu Shuanghe. This can be regarded as cutting off the entanglement of fate, which may be beneficial to you."

"Thank you, old man, for me. I appreciate it!" Jiang Wang smiled: "Lu Shuanghe, who has lost the power to resist, means nothing to me."

"Don't you care about him?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

The avenue was vast, and Jiang looked at it and headed west: "If he can survive this Nandou crisis and is still waiting for me at Dongzhenjue, I will go there and fight as promised."

"What if he dies like this?" Zuo Guangshu said: "According to the latest information I got, the great witches have already taken action, so there should be no possibility for him to escape."

"I'm not disappointed either." Jiang Wang walked lightly: "Is the real person the most lethal in the world? I am very willing to try his sword. But he is not my regret, nor is he my enemy."

"Then who is your Taoist enemy?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

"I don't know. I haven't met him before, I haven't seen him now, and maybe he won't in the future either?" Jiang Wang said with a smile, "The benevolent are invincible!"

Emperor Xia Xiang said, "The road travels alone, because it cuts off those who travel with it." Many roads have no room for the second person when they reach the end. In a sense, all those in the world who aspire to be the emperor of Liuhe are enemies of each other.

And there are still some people who need to remove the "obstacles" to enlightenment.

When Jiang Mengxiong shattered his sword into a fist, he swept the three flying sword peaks into the dust of history. Xiang Fengqi, who is truly invincible, has to challenge Jiang Mengxiong with a sword if he wants to start a new world of flying swords after the end of the era. Jiang Mengxiong was his enemy, and he completely buried that era with a pair of iron fists.

Along the way, Jiang Wang has encountered many enemies, and his enemies are gradually declining, but there are indeed none who can be called enemies.

Judging from the intertwined life trajectories, Yi Shengfeng actually has the potential to become a lifelong enemy, but unfortunately, he has already cut him off in the Minxi Corridor. The moonlight that night was as cold as water, and also like the Fengxi River in childhood. After a handful of it, it was all broken into pieces.

Later, Lu Shuanghe was connected with the Seven Kills fate pattern, making him inherit Yi Shengfeng's fate, raising him as a Taoist enemy and waiting for him to grow up.

But he didn't view Lu Shuanghe that way. That's a very strong opponent, but that's about it. There were such opponents in the past, there are now, and there will be in the future.

He and Lu Shuanghe were on different paths and had no regrets. Whether he defeats this person or not, it will not affect his progress.

Today, at the end of the road, he indeed does not see an "enemy". He has an invincible mentality and an invincible attitude!

In this relaxed smile, Zuo Guangshu saw a truly strong heart. "Ah, yeah." He said with admiration, "Brother, you are so courageous! When you become enlightened, I will congratulate you!"

Jiang Wang laughed and patted his forehead: "It's too early to say anything, it's a joke!"

"Brother is leaving for Yuyuan. Please take care of yourself and don't--" Zuo Guangshu cupped his hands and said his farewell words, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Wang asked concerned.

Zuo Guangshu put down his hand and smiled lightly: "That grandson of Zhongshan Weisun finally got tough."

Except when facing the yellow relic, Zhongshan Weisun is really not a tough person. But this time when he came to the Southern Region, he was indeed a "grandson".

Huang relic beat him in anger, Jiang Wang left indifferently, and it was difficult for the people of Chu to respect his various gestures. And he is paranoid, as if he can achieve his goals through paranoia.

Zuo Guangshu was not the only one dissatisfied with him?

More than Zhongshan Yanwen was disappointed with him?

After going all over the military camp to no avail, asking for an audience with a single general, and trying to stop Xiang Bei to no avail...

He turned around and went to Wei State.

This time he did not ask anyone to see him, and no one in Wei could help him.

He just found the best room in the best inn in Wei, had a good meal, burned incense, bathed, and slept for three days.

Three days later, with his crown and hair tied up, he flew to Mount Duer again.

This time he came directly to Qu Shunhua's camp.

As the commander-in-chief of a single army in the battle against Nandou Hall, Qu Shunhua's military camp was particularly strict, and he especially did not care about the face of the noble son of the Zhongshan family.

"If you dare to approach again, you will be regarded as a traitor invading the camp, and you can kill him!" The soldier on duty directly unsheathed his sword without any ambiguity.

This time the Chu State sent troops to Du'e Peak, with Wu Zhaochang, the Duke of Anguo, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and the Evil Face Army, one of the Sixth Division of Chu, as the main force, to crush the mountains and crush the houses. There are also left and right generals, Qu Shunhua and Xiang Bei, each leading an army.

The Qu family also has a powerful force of six divisions, which is called "Hu Zheng". Although Xiang Jiasi's army was not included in the Sixth Division, and was almost exhausted in the Battle of the River Valley, it was rebuilt after the war, but it was also a rare and powerful force.

To conquer a Nandou Palace, there is no need to mobilize a powerful army in the world.

Although the generals on the left and right were of extraordinary origin, the soldiers they led were only county soldiers. Its main function is not to conquer the fortress, but to quickly establish order in the Six Stars of the South Dou after breaking through the Nandou Secret Realm, and take over everything in the Nandou Palace including the common people.

But in Qu Shunhua's main camp, these personal guards are all fierce warriors!

They used the most powerful formations, wore the best armor, and were proficient in Chu's most advanced military formations. Every Tiger Soldier is selected from thousands of people before he can join the army.

Therefore, even when facing Zhongshan Weisun, he would draw his sword as soon as he said it, with murderous intent filling the sky.

The sword here was unsheathed, and in an instant it was clanging continuously, the soldiers merged into one, and the killing sounds overlapped!

The general is famous and can be punished in the world!

Zhongshan Weisun's face was calm, showing no anger at being slighted. He still saluted the little guard meticulously: "Please tell me, your lord, Zhongshan Weisun came from the north. He desires the arrival of the No. 1 God in the world, so he has come to meet you." Proof! Please take the time to meet her and give me some advice!"

His gestures were so polite and his words so powerful.

No one would deny Zhongshan Weisun's talent, but he is still in the realm of gods, and what he wants to challenge is Qu Shunhua, who flips his palms and closes the sky!

Even Mr. Jiang Ge, who was recognized as the most talented person in the human race, once said personally that he did not want to face Hetian who was in the same realm.

Where did Zhongshan Weisun get the courage?

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

It was Qu Shunhua who said that no one was allowed to speak to Zhongshan Weisun. It was only these days that Zhongshan Weisun frequently encountered obstacles outside the Chu army's camp. With a bag full of money, he could not find a way to send money.

At such a moment, the entire Chu army camp, intentionally or unintentionally, turned their attention.

Not long after, a member of the bodyguard lifted the curtain and came out with a cold voice: "My general said - she is out on an expedition to the south, and she was appointed by the emperor! You, Weisun from Zhongshan, traveled thousands of miles to come to the Dachu military camp to challenge me. , what do you want? Does Jing Guo want to be Chu Feng?"

"No such intention!" This was a very dangerous statement. Zhongshan Weisun immediately responded loudly: "Please tell me, General Qu, that I am traveling without orders and seals, and I am alone. I only represent myself, not involved in official matters, just for my private name." !”

"Then go and have a rest first." Qu Shunhua's voice sounded in the tent: "Your private name is not worth mentioning! Maybe someone will care, but that is not me. After I have defeated Nandou, I will see how I feel. I’ll give you a defeat when I have time!”

"Weisun sincerely knows that military affairs are of great concern. However, the battle within the territory of God is nothing more than a flip of the palm of the general's hand. How much time can it take to play in front of the camp?" Weisun of Zhongshan said earnestly: "I just ask that before the war, Please stretch your limbs for General Qu!"

He is older than Qu Shunhua.

He had been to the Yellow River Tournament in 3919 and was one of the top four in the outer building field - more qualified than Qu Shunhua.

But what he said was really humility.

Several chuckles sounded in the tent.

The guards raised the curtain, and Qu Shunhua stepped out of the tent.

While in the army, she wore a gorgeous armor, and she had a majestic air in her steps.

Likewise, Zuo Guangshu's nobility is divine and natural, while Qu Shunhua's nobility is the style of a king!

She looked at Zhongshan Weisun standing in the cold wind, her eyes scrutinizing: "Call me arrogant, but you speak modestly. Call me humble, but you dare to pick on me!"

Zhongshan Weisun held up his hands outside the shadow of the camp: "I have traveled thousands of miles to see the sky. General, I will make my wish come true!"

"Why should I agree to you?" Qu Shunhua said coldly: "Do you think that people in this world are easy to talk to? I am not a generous person!"

"Of course I won't let the general attack in vain - I will give you a big prize!" Zhongshan Weisun said directly: "This battle will be based on three thousand yuan stones, and the general will give it as soon as he nods. There will be a lottery for this battle, and the lottery will include two earth-level Taoist techniques. Part, one of my Zhongshan Weisun’s original exercises, a bottle of Soul Jade Spiritual Liquid, three Nine-Dragon Yuan Dan, a Yaoguang Jade Hairpin, half a piece of Cold Dragon Incense..."

Qu Shunhua said "ha": "These things of yours are still in order."

"Make General Qu laugh!" Zhongshan Weisun said: "Because this is all the things that I can take out and have a certain value, and it is all my wealth. Nothing is expensive, only this sincerity, I only wish General, I have mercy on you!"

Qu Shunhua asked quietly: "Since you have made such a big win, how should I respond?"

"If I lose, everything will be over. Such a great gift should be given to me. If I win by chance, I don't need anything -" Zhongshan Weisun cupped his hands and said: "I just ask the general to help me protect one person!"

"These things are more than enough to atone for the sins of a Shenlin monk. They are also very sincere when used to redeem the true disciples of Nandou Hall-" Qu Shunhua looked at him arrogantly: "But why should I agree to you? Although your lottery prize Heavy, how much can it catch my eye?"

"I sincerely know that Dachu is extravagant and Qu's family is rich." Zhongshan Weisun said with great seriousness: "I just reached the end of my road and don't know where to go. I just ran into obstacles everywhere, and I was left alone. I just used all my wealth to make a bet. I I bet on your invincible self-confidence. If you bet again, I can beat you!"

Qu Shunhua's eyes changed slightly: "You look like a human being now. Why didn't you do human things earlier?"

Zhongshan Weisun said: "So I am not worthy of being his friend. Now the sea of ​​suffering is surging, awakening the tide - I hope I will not always be so stupid!"

"You are very good at gambling." Qu Shunhua said noncommittally: "But such a heavy bet means that to truly reflect the outcome, it can't just be a discussion -"

"Even if I die, I will have no regrets!" Zhongshan Weisun immediately said: "I am willing to stand by my words!"

This chapter costs 6k, of which 2k is added by the Silver League "YangerSun"! (4\\4)

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