Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2186 Suzaku Yanwen

Qu Shunhua's body is surrounded by divine light, and he is under the stars and moon. The endless night sky seemed to be her long cloak, and countless looking eyes crowned her.

Zhongshan Weisun is a dark person in the shadow of the military tent.

The most talented young general in the Jing Kingdom is generally recognized as Murong Longqie, the adopted son of General Chimawei. The young prodigy with the most talent for cultivation in the Jing Kingdom is obvious to all to be Huang Relic.

At the meeting of the Yellow River in 3919, in Wailouchang, where the most talented people came to the world, people still remember Yan Deyi, who "had the reputation of being the best".

What kind of person is this person named "Zhongshan Weisun"?

He is a genius, but not great enough. He is a strong person, but not up to the limit.

He is a person who is always short of breath, but doesn’t know where the difference is.

Tonight he looked up to Qu Shunhua.

He was one of those who looked up.

He is a living being at the foot of the mountain, and now he is going to the top of the mountain.

Wearing rich clothes, wearing beautiful jade, wearing a straight hat, and behaving with dignity, he is gentle and elegant. He is Sun Yat-sen of Zhongshan.

He speaks dirty words, curses heaven and earth, and is hated by people and ghosts. He is Zhao Tiezhu.

He is a mountain climber, and he also wants to be the god at the top of the mountain.

In his eyes, a little fire was born.

Like a bean of candlelight, lighting up the endless night.

It jumped out of the ground slightly, and in an instant it surged and blazed like a red flaming bird.

It's like the sun leaps out of the continuous mountain shadows and turns the long night into day!

The red bird rises to the sky and soars into the sky.

And in the boundless night, behind the huge red flame bird, a figure in fire-patterned black armor suddenly jumped out.

Magical power, Nanming Lihuo!

Zhongshan secrets, practice soldiers and slay demon armor!

The armor leaves condensed by endless soldiers and demons stacked up to form a ferocity that Zhongshan Weisun had not shown in front of others for a long time. He stepped on the red bird and flew across the vast night sky, and then jumped up, like a wolf shooting at the moon, like a cold dysprosium leaving a string.

So fast that the distance is almost empty, and the meaning of time decays.

He jumped up high, and his fist swallowed up light and shadow at this moment, gathering everything that could be seen in people's field of vision into the steel-like fist——

Boom boom boom!

The mountain shadows shook, and the earth thundered.

This fist changes the shape of mountains and rivers, changes the world and the world, and is extremely powerful and willful. It is the ultimate fist of Zhongshan Weisun!

His armored figure looked like a god or a demon, but the Suzaku that was trampled down by him only sank slightly and immediately shot back into the sky. Its flame wings spread out over the sea of ​​fire, and its flame tail flew into a rainbow!

The sky was stained with red.

At least at this moment, people can hardly see Qu Shunhua. The ultimate burning of Zhongshan Weisun is full of colors on this night.

But in the next moment, people's vision is returned.

Contrary to imagination, this extremely gorgeous scene about Zhongshan Weisun did not disappear in an instant, but was solidified and fixed in the air!

It seemed like an eternity.

It became a beautiful painting.

Use the night sky as the canvas, use the Nanming Lihuo as the starting point, and dye it with the paint of soldiers.

And all the muffled thunderous sounds and the trembling between heaven and earth were all still.

They are not erased, but stopped at the moment when they erupt——

At the end of this grand picture, there are Qu Shunhua's open fingers and his hand.

The ultimate magical power, closing the sky!

In front of Qu Shunhua, space can be more fragile than glass, or it can be stronger than anything in the world. Without the permission of her will, the void would not exist, and the distance would not reach the end of the world!

The five fingers she spread out represent the most authoritative definition of "space".

She had no intention of holding back.

Da Chu destroyed Nandou, giving Nandou Hall enough time to save itself, and giving time to all the forces in the world to intervene, just to show the power of the overlord of the Southern Territory.

She, Qu Shunhua, is one of the most powerful people in Chu State!

An Neng and Zhongshan Weisun fought against Baihe, and won with difficulty?

She not only wanted to win, but she wanted to win decisively and win undisputedly.

The Suzaku danced, Zhongshan Weisun shook his fist, and then... nothing happened. Everything about Zhongshan Weisun was solidified in this space.

He should have had a very exciting duel, in which he climbed to the top and sublimated himself.

But Qu Shunhua didn't give him a chance, and his shot was the winner.

The collision of the two forces made the space clearly different from its surroundings. The solidified space is like a huge crystal, and the fighting posture of Zhongshan Weisun is displayed in it.

At the bottom is a crimson-flamed red bird spreading its wings and about to fly, and at the top is the Weisun of Mount Zhongshan surrounded by soldiers.

nice view!

Among the boiling, flaming waves of soldiers, you can see the shiny black armor leaves.

Under the helmet with the curved horns of the Bull Demon, there are the cold eyes of Zhongshan Weisun.

Everything about him was frozen, and there was still fire in his eyes——

Of course he wasn't willing to just stay still.

Thunder rumbled in his bones.

The night sky was lit up again, and it was the stars that lit up the galaxy.

Stars lit up one after another, and they shined due south. Countless stars connect the starlight together. They release their brilliance in the ancient star dome, intertwining into the shape of a red bird!

The Suzaku Starfield in the ancient star dome echoed the call of Zhongshan Weisun!

Since the sages explored the Four Spirits Star Territory, each passing on his own way and anchoring the ancient world, countless practitioners have erected the Starlight Sacred Tower in the Four Spirits Star Territory throughout the ages.

As the ancient star field with the deepest "tie" to the present world, the response it can give to the present world is far superior to others!

In this completely frozen state, Zhongshan Weisun gave up the possibility of working from the outside in. He knew very well that the power of remote control was not enough to shake Qu Shunhua. He chose to break through from the inside out, risking his life to seek truth, and forcefully hit the limit!

Suzaku, who was frozen in the air like a sculpture, had a spiritual light in his eyes at this moment. That was a steady stream of terrifying star power, summoned from the ancient star firmament. It was the material that Zhongshan Weisun had prepared for himself to climb the ranks.

His black armor was cracked like a rock, and beneath it was redness surging like magma, with strands of red flames fluttering like ribbons - he was shaking the space with his pure power.

Tonight, Zhongshan Weisun's will is heavier than the mountains and as strong as steel.

Qu Shunhua, on the other hand, only looked down indifferently - "Are you trying to forcefully prove the truth in front of me?"

Back then, in front of Jiang Wang, Chen Shuan had to bear the pressure of life and death brought by Taixu cabinet members to forcefully prove the truth of the cave.

Jiang Wang allowed him to break through.

It was because Jiang Wang wanted to give Master Dongtian a favor, and Jiang Wang had the confidence to kill him with one sword after Chen Suan Dongzhen.

Today's Zhongshan Weisun is not as good as Chen Suan in accumulation and preparation, and rushing to attack Dongzhen is a narrow escape.

This courage is certainly commendable.

But today, what reason does Qu Shunhua have to give Zhongshan Weisun a chance?

I didn't know him before, and I won't meet him again.

Since Zhongshan Weisun doesn't really want to compete for the first place in the God's Realm, and he doesn't intend to compete honestly at the God's Realm level, but wants to find the power of the upper realm... then, there is no need to continue.

Qu Shunhua was hanging in the high dome, with his right hand spreading his five fingers, and pressing down far away - in the huge space below, there was Zhongshan Weisun who wanted to use the cave to defeat the gods. This is all the efforts this person showed in this battle tonight.

Her fingers clasped together.

That's it.


This huge, square, crystal-like space was also shattered like a crystal!

Everything in this space also collapsed, disintegrated, and shattered into flying particles.

Including the Suzaku manifested by Nanming Lihuo, including the armor for practicing soldiers and slaying demons, including the one under the armor...


From a distant place, a distant, dull roar echoed.

And above the bright moon, there was also a green rainbow!

People were shocked to see——

From the far north to here, everything confused by the energy of time and space has penetrated a clear human-shaped hole.

And in the middle of the shattering space, an old man wearing ferocious demonic armor appeared. He grasped the shattered armor of Zhongshan Weisun, and also grasped the shattered space.

Almost at the same time, the stars and the moon dimmed, and an extremely suppressed sword fell from the moon.

This sword is not brilliant, but it seems to bring about the sinking of the whole world.

One sword can suppress the sky!


The old man wearing ferocious demon armor blocked the sword with his palm, and pushed Jiang Wang back, who was struck by the sword. "Don't be alarmed, little friend, I'm not hostile!"

Come, Zhongshan Yanwenye!

The armor-clad Zhongshan Yanwen is completely different from his usual image of the little old man.

At this time, he was extremely domineering and majestic, and his movements had the power to tear the world apart.

But what really shocked Jiang Wang was that the power he embodied was beyond Dongzhen!

Jiang Wang raised his sword and stood in front of Qu Shunhua. He was about to speak——

A mountain-like fist poked out from the void and punched Zhongshan Yanwen.

"Dong An Guo! Listen to me!"

Zhongshan Yanwen was explaining, pushing and unloading, and facing each other with his palms, but he was still blasted out of this space, blasted towards the distant mountains, and blasted into the mountain!

The evil-faced army is full of evil-faced soldiers, and Wu Zhaochang, the commander-in-chief, is no exception. He wears a ferocious bronze ghost face and wears the Duke's battle armor.

With one punch, Zhongshan Yanwen was blasted to the distant mountains, and then he stepped out of the void and said coldly: "If you lose, the younger one will come to the older one, there will be no end - can't you afford to die?!"

"An Guogong, calm down!" Zhongshan Yanwen flew back with Zhongshan Weisun in his arms, and said with a smile: "I am the only grandson who cannot afford to die. Please show me some kindness and be tolerant!"

Wu Zhaochang raised his armor-covered hand and pointed at the Zhongshan Weisun he was holding: "This kid has been harassing outside the military camp for days. I didn't say anything. I'm giving you face. This kid came to the military camp to challenge the left general of the crusade. I, commander. I laughed it off and gave you face; now that we have agreed to fight a life and death fight, you are here to intervene! What do you mean? I asked my handsome left general to put down his army to play with you and have fun? How much face do you, Zhongshan Yanwen, have? , do you want me to give you something again and again?"

"Mr. An Guo, I'm so sorry!" Zhongshan Yanwen lowered his head neatly: "I'm really sorry, this old man is also——"

Zhongshan Weisun, who was being carried by him, struggled violently. He was extremely ashamed and shouted angrily with a red face: "Grandpa, you don't have to apologize! A man from the Zhongshan family can afford to lose. I am willing to die——"


Zhongshan Yanwen directly punched him to the ground! "Zhongshan Weisun, you owe me this life now, you have no right to die!"

Zhongshan Weisun lay on the ground, curled up, covering his blood-red eyes with his hands, tears gushing out from between his fingers: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! For me! For me..."

In order to save Zhongshan Weisun, and to be able to speak in the Chu Kingdom, Zhongshan Yanwen stepped into Yandao in advance!

A top-notch real person like Zhongshan Yanwen cannot take it for granted. He wanted to look at the road above the peak.

Now, he has not yet reached consummation and has not yet reached the limit of his ideal, so he has taken this step ahead of schedule. This also means that in the competition with Huang Fu, Lou Yue, Hu Yan Jingxuan and others, he took the initiative to withdraw from the competition.

This world-famous general who set a monument of eight thousand miles to the extreme frontier for real people is destined to miss transcendence!

That's why Zhongshan Weisun was so sad.

He took a chance on friendship and went against the interests of Yingyang Mansion. He thought that his grandfather didn't care about him and had even given up on him, but the fact was that Zhongshan Yanwen gave up the possibility of becoming stronger for him.

How could he not regret it?

"I'm not dead yet, it's not your turn to cry in mourning!" Zhongshan Yanwen scolded: "Get up and stand up!"

Zhongshan Weisun was traumatized physically and mentally and was in so much pain that he couldn't help himself, but he still instinctively stood up by holding on to the ground.

Zhongshan Yanwen looked back at Wu Zhaochang with a smile on his face: "Dong An Guo, you made a lot of mistakes. It was my lax discipline that made this kid so rebellious. But after all, he is my only grandson, so I can't call him He died just like that——"

If he doesn't come today, Zhongshan Weisun will undoubtedly die. Today he did not follow the rules, and Wu Zhaochang would not even give him a chance to speak... Since he has done this today, he will let Zhongshan Weisun know how the Zhongshan family should behave.

He looked at Qu Shunhua again: "Little General Qu, Weisun lost this battle. His little life should have been left to your disposal, but the little old man is too selfish and has to ask for a favor from you - he If you lose your winnings, I will triple it to make up for the time you wasted, what do you think?"

As the general of Yingyangwei, Zhongshan Yanwen held the position of Prince Bi in the Jing Kingdom, which was governed by a military court. He has long been a well-known strong man in the world, and today he has come north with the attitude of reaching the top of the extraordinary, and he can be humble to Duke An, and be kind to Qu Shunhua...

Who can't be moved?

Qu Shunhua originally just wanted to vent his anger on Brother Jiang, so he planned to kill Zhongshan Weisun when he saw that he was trying to prove the truth of the cave. Now that he has met Zhongshan Yanwen like this, he can't get angry anymore.

"There is no discord between Chu and Jing. We are strangers to Zhongshan Weisun and I, so we have no grudges." Qu Shunhua said quietly: "Your reputation is well known all over the world. Since you have opened your mouth, let this war end here. "

"Then thank you, General Qu, for your understanding!" Zhongshan Yanwen smiled and thanked him, then looked at Jiang Wang aside, sighed, and said with cupped hands: "Minister Jiang, my grandson is really incompetent. I will express my gratitude to you on his behalf. Apologize--"

Jiang Wang turned sideways and refused to accept the courtesy: "What did the old general say? Everything in this world just has its own fate and choices. How can you be involved in the affairs between juniors? I My respect for you will not change at all."

"Hey! Hey..." Zhongshan Yanwen lowered his head and glanced at the kid on the ground. He wished he could kick him again, but he also knew that if he hit him again, he would really be beaten to death.

He did not take Zhongshan Weisun away immediately, but looked at Wu Zhaochang again: "Mr. An Guo, my family is unfortunate, and there is really nothing we can do about it. Can I be so shameless as to ask for another favor?"

Wu Zhaochang didn't get angry, but looked at him with some confusion: "Is it worth it?"

does it worth?

The world-famous Zhongshan Yanwen wants to achieve this.

does it worth?

General Yingyang Wei did not put the interests of Yingyang Mansion first.

Young people like Zhongshan Weisun can be forgiven for being impulsive and passionate. Why did such a political creature and military master as Zhongshan Yanwen come from?

"Alas!" Zhongshan Yanwen let out a long sigh and then said: "A person like Long Boji will have no impact on your country if you let him live. But he carries the teachings of Weisun, and he is Weisun's friend. If To say whether it is worth it, it is definitely not worth it. What kind of thing is he, and he deserves to be paid by me, Zhongshan Yanwen? But whether it is worth it or not, we are all here. The little old man also does the things that are not worth it in life. More than one."

He held up his hands to Wu Zhaochang and said seriously: "I, Zhongshan Yanwen, owe you a favor to the Chu State for this matter."

"Grandpa!" Zhongshan Weisun on the ground looked up in astonishment. The favor Zhongshan Yanwen gave so solemnly was too heavy! "I--"

"Shut up!" Zhongshan Yanwen stared at him fiercely: "I will help you do what you asked me for on your knees now. You have no right to stop now, let alone regret. I want you to remember clearly that this It's the choice you make. I want you to understand from now on what every decision you make as an adult man really means!"

Thanks to book friend "There is an Owl at Home" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 713th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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