Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2202 Sincere congratulations to the world

The long war has changed many things.

The human race is constantly making progress, and the Shura tribe is not resting on its laurels.

The environment in Yuyuan has been turned upside down. Today's Shura is no longer the "remnant of ancient times" who hides in the depths of Yuyuan and rushes out to take revenge after having enough children.

They established the Shura Kingdom, enriched the Shura civilization, learned from the human military system, and reproduced various tactics... They innovated and evolved through the pain of generations, so that they did not disappear hastily into the long river of history, and the same human race encountered in history Like those challenges, it has become a "mustard disease" that is brushed aside.

Just as the supremely powerful "Ancient Mother" in the depths of Yu Yuan declared - the Shura Clan wants to make human beings suffer the consequences of their own evil and fulfill their oaths; they want all generations of the human race to bear the guilt for the breach of trust in ancient times; If it is a disease, it will become an "incurable disease" of the human race.

As the overlord who has dominated the heavens for several consecutive eras, not everyone is qualified to stand opposite the human race and be a natural opponent.

The price the Shura clan paid for this was not just blood and tears.

The evil Shura named "Wugudu" can recognize the snow-armored and silver-gunned Zhaonan at a glance, and of course he will not miss the information about Jiang Wang.

After all, the first genius of the human race who has established great martial arts in both the demon world and the mythical world, the first thing he did when he came to Yuyuan was to draw his sword against the Shura King Huang Yeyu.

I thought that these contemporary famous generals, who were superior to others in the army, would perform well on the frontal battlefield, command thousands of troops, and compete with famous Shura generals on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, he still chose a small team safari that reflected his personal strength.

I never expected that I would run into...

Only by continuously reproducing can it last for generations, can it be called a "ethnic group".

Although Shura is the so-called "remnant species", they are also a brand new race.

Compared with those powerful races in the demon world, childbirth is not difficult for the Shura tribe, and because of the special nature of the race, they usually have twins, or even triplets or quadruplets.

But from every birth, only one child will be left.

The young of this race have to compete for the right to live from the moment they are born.

In ancient times, hundreds of tribes perished due to the shameful betrayal of the human race and the dragon race. Shura, who was reborn from the calamity, must know how to fight from birth.

The difficult situation the Shura tribe was in did not allow any weak children to survive.

They will eat their own brothers and sisters to gain the power of their brothers and sisters, so that they can be accepted by the adult tribe and start their life of endless battles.

It can be said that the Shura clan is simply born to fight.

Ugudu, in particular, stands out.

But the huge gap between him and Jiang Wang made him look like a deaf, blind, or even fool.

Jiang Wang used the extraordinary application of the subconscious sea to suppress the evil vigilance of Wu Gudu, and allowed the evil Shura, who could see the truth of the world, to act as a ignorant guide.

Of course, part of this application comes from Yi Shengfeng's killing method. But even if Yi Shengfeng is reincarnated, his whim blossoms, and he truly reaches the realm of a real person, in this aspect, I don't think there will be a better performance.

Along the way, Jiang Wang used his enemies as his teachers and surpassed them all.

It is said that the Shura clan was born for fighting, but it is a pity that Jiang Wang came here to kill Zhen.

Coupled with the murderous Ji Zhaonan, the two Dharma statues surrounded each other, and the heaven and earth united, the battle that took place in the nameless valley was a one-sided massacre.

It's nothing more than the cold light startling the rainbow, and the lightning turning the flying dragon.

What a battle.

It starts in an instant, and the wind and clouds disperse.

Ji Zhaonan flicked his spear and drew the last evil Shura towards Jiang Wang: "I'll give you your head!"

Jiang Wang also replied in his subconscious mind: "How can this be so embarrassing——"

But the hand was faster than the voice, and with a flick of the sword, the fourth evil Shura head was freshly baked.

On the green slip, it was written naturally: Evil Shura, Si.

Ji Zhaonan wiped the tip of his gun with snow in his hands and said casually: "Compared to Tianjing City back then, you are much stronger."

Jiang Wang sheathed his sword: "If today is like yesterday, wouldn't I have wasted my time?"

Ji Zhaonan raised the corner of his mouth: "How much is left?"

Jiang Wang threw the green slip to him directly: "Here."

"There are still five true demons, four true demons, and two asuras left... Tsk!" Ji Zhaonan smiled and returned the green slip: "Although today's Jiang Wang in Yuyuan is no longer as good as yesterday's Jiang Wang in the demon world. But the efficiency is poor. So many, it seems that the evil Shura is more impulsive and easier to kill."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "The main reason is that the bait is easy to use. Brother Gan's performance is really superb, without any flaws. If I were Wu Gudu, I wouldn't be able to help but kill him."

Gan Chang'an from Taniguchi was roasting animal meat, and he didn't know which evil Shura's mount he had dismantled. He is a pampered and well-off family man, and his craftsmanship is quite good. The roasted food is sizzling and oily, and the aroma is fragrant.

Hearing this, he rolled his eyes: "I took such a big risk, and you didn't even ask me to stab you twice."

These ten days of getting along have actually made them more familiar with each other. There is a lot less restraint in the words.

Jiang Wang shouted: "What you said is unreasonable. Didn't I ask you to poke it? You can't poke it yourself!"

Gan Changan was shocked: "You cut off the head before I even pulled out the knife. You want me to stab the body?"

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you." Jiang Wang came over and naturally parted one of the beast's legs: "Next time, you can use the knife faster."

"What do you mean you don't blame me! Why do you sound like you're forgiving me -" Gan Changan was retorting fiercely when his voice suddenly stopped.

He and Jiang Wangji looked at Ji Zhaonan at the same time in tacit understanding.

Because just now, they got a piece of news at the same time. It wasn't just them, all Taixu Walkers got the news.

Taixu Taoist Gao Miao's indifferent voice was conveyed to every Taixu practitioner.

The content is only one sentence——

"Taixu Cabinet Member Li Yizhengdao! Sincere congratulations to the world!"

The cheerful atmosphere in the valley was swept away.

It's not that they have any objections to Li Yi and are not happy to see Li Yi reach the top. But Ji Zhaonan, who was traveling with them, had the courage to fight to the death and prepared three shots to see Li Yi.

This is truly an unexpected change.

It's like in a difficult war, you judge the opportunity, make bold decisions, and lead an army to sneak attack on the rear. After traveling all the way over mountains and ridges, making surprise attacks for thousands of miles, we finally reached our target location - the path on the map disappeared, replaced by an insurmountable abyss.

It turned out that there were no fighter planes from the beginning to the end.

Eight years of preparation was just a fantasy.

How would Ji Zhaonan feel?

"You heard it wrong. Haha." Gan Changan said: "Logically speaking, we cannot receive the news from Taixu Illusion Realm."

Jiang Wang silently gnawed on the animal's leg.

"You heard it right." Ji Zhaonan wiped off the snow on the gun: "There is a Taixu corner tower in the Great Wall, and the cabinet member Jiang next to you has a Taixu magatama on his body. It's not too far here. And it's the kind of thing that attracts all Taixu turrets. The news announced by the Voidwalker..."

He laughed: "You will hear wrongly. How come Jiang Wang and I heard wrongly?"

"Yeah, I still have to be laughed at for my cultivation." Gan Changan shrugged and continued to grill.

Ji Zhaonan looked at Jiang Wang: "What are you writing?"

Jiang Wang held the roasted leg in one hand and a pen in the other, spreading a piece of letter paper in the air: "Oh, let me ask what happened. Why did Li Yi suddenly say something? There was no news in advance."

Ji Zhaonan was very curious about where Jiang Wang wanted to get information from. The watchman didn't have any information about this in advance: "Who to ask?"

"Ask Li Yi." Jiang Wang said matter-of-factly.

Ji Zhaonan raised his eyebrows: "Are you familiar with each other?"

"We are both members of the Taixu Cabinet. We meet each other without looking up... Okay, we are indeed not familiar with each other. If we are not familiar with each other, why can't we ask? We are all colleagues - why are you here together?"

Before Jiang Wang could finish writing, Gan Changan and Ji Zhaonan crowded over. Three heads were placed side by side on the letter paper.

"Look at how you wrote the letter." Ji Zhaonan said.

"Maybe I can help you polish it up." Gan Changan said.

Jiang Wang was unconvinced: "Gan Chang'an, are you swearing? I've also read a book, and I can't let go of the book! Do I need you to polish it when writing a letter?"

Gan Changan was able to bend and stretch: "What I mean is - I want to appreciate Mr. Jiang Ge's calligraphy!"

"Calligraphy is a university subject, and my sister's handwriting is very beautiful..." Jiang Wang gave him a look that said, "I guess you know how to read." Then he picked up his pen and wrote "Haha" with his hand.

At the same time, he explained: "I'm afraid you don't understand. Let me explain it to you - I will write 'haha' first to adjust the atmosphere and avoid embarrassment. Then I will go straight to the topic and ask him how he got it. He doesn't like to talk nonsense. ."

The last letter was--

"Haha, Councilor Li Yi, why did you suddenly become a Taoist?"

Jiang Wang shook his head and deliberately used his thin literary style to impress them: "As for the title, I choose the title 'Li Yicai Member'. It maintains respect and is not too unfamiliar. For the final modal particle, I choose 'Ah', this Words are as heavy as they are light..."

Ji Zhaonan's face was expressionless.

Gan Changan held his breath.

Fortunately, Li Yiting gave him face and replied quickly——

"It's time to practice."

There is a long piece of paper, and the four words on the letter are concise, clear and clearly visible.

Gan Changan made a sound and walked away from Ji Zhaonan.

Everyone came here specially, of course not to see Li Yi say that he had ‘reached the point of practicing’. But I want to know the opportunity for Li Yi to become enlightened, his story.

Now that I am being dismissed by these four words, I feel like I am being taken advantage of by specially coming to stare at someone's manifestation.

But Jiang Wang also knew that it was unrealistic to ask Li Yi to write more words.

He thought for a while, then wrote another letter to Zhong Xuanyin.

After all, historians are reliable and well-informed, and they quickly gave the answer——

"Chou Long crossed the battlefield, and Li Yi joined the battle. The demon lion An Xuan flooded the Tianhe River with great force, and Li Yi climbed to the top and annihilated the Tianhe River with one sword."

The description of the story is very short, and the twists and turns are beyond the words.

Gan Changan stirred the charcoal fire and said with sadness: "I just said that Choulong Crossing is not peaceful, but luckily it can go quickly!"

He glanced at Jiang Wang and said, "Of course Yu Yuan is not very peaceful either."

"That's what happened." Jiang Wang reassured Ji Zhaonan: "Brother Ji, please be more open-minded. This is very common. Look, your junior brother Wang Yiwu has lost to me for so many years, he doesn't Didn’t you pick it back too?”

"You and Wang Yiwu can say this yourself. It's impossible for me to send a message - what can't I think about?" Ji Zhaonan said in a nonchalant tone: "That's right, there's no need to die!"

He looked at Jiang Wang and said, "You should be more open-minded. We are also members of the Taixu Cabinet, and I have said that you know the truth, and you can tell the difference just by sitting together. You have to correct your mentality."

"What can't I think about?" Jiang Wang said with a 'hehe' smile: "It's just a matter of priority."

The two of them said something to each other, raised their guns and pressed their swords, and then walked out.

"Hey - where are you going?" Gan Changan was still sprinkling spices, but when he looked up, both of them had come out of the valley: "I haven't eaten the barbecue yet!"

He quickly put away the grill and followed him: "We just finished a killing, why don't you take a break? You guys are in a hurry when you're done -"

He stopped suddenly to avoid hitting Ji Zhaonan's back armor.

Ji Zhaonan and Jiang Wang both turned around and looked at him expressionlessly.

"I'm in a hurry! I must catch up with Li Yi!" Gan Changan immediately raised his right fist high, shouted a slogan, and passed between the two people: "None of you can stop me. From now on, I will not sleep. Practice hard. I won’t give up until I reach the top!”

The Taixu Conference on December 9, 3927 in the Dao calendar was held as scheduled.

This is the fifth official meeting of Taixu Pavilion since its establishment.

Zhong Xuanyin is always the first to arrive. He wants to "record history."

Ji Gui is usually the second one to arrive. He has a strong sense of time and is always two quarters of an hour early. He is never late and hates others being late.

During the two quarters of an hour in advance, he spent a quarter of an hour sorting out information related to the meeting, and spent the remaining quarter of an hour telling himself - don't be angry.

Normally, these two are the first to arrive early in Taixu Pavilion. They are the old guard.

Among the others, Jiang Wang, Qin Zhizhen, and Cang Meng, these three are stuck in the sect, and they always come against the clock. Never be late, and never expect them to arrive early.

Douzhao, Chongxuanzun, and Huangsali are Suixing sects. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later, it just depends on my mood, but I will always be there before the meeting starts.

There is also Li Yi, who is unique and belongs to the absenteeism faction.

Today is no different from usual, the development of Taixu Illusion is in full swing.

Ju Gui walked into the Taixu Conference Hall with leisurely steps, sat down in his seat, and subconsciously scanned the empty seats...

Sweeping back suddenly——

Li Yi was actually sitting there, sitting very well! He was the first among the young cabinet members to arrive!

Ju Gui couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

It seems that Li Yi also has Taixu Pavilion in his heart, but he was busy attacking the top and couldn't be distracted. No, when you are promoted to Yan Dao, you will come to work as soon as possible!

The dramatist, who was always serious, couldn't help but want to say something, but seeing Li Yi sitting there with blank eyes, he really didn't know what to say.

Wait a minute, it will be lively when Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao arrive.

Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin exchanged a look, sat down silently, and began to look through the meeting materials.

Not long after, Huang Sheli, the representative of the casual group, walked in. She lowered her eyes slightly and was not in a good mood. When he saw Li Yi, he was also very surprised: "Ah! Rare guest!"

Li Yi didn't seem to understand that there was a bit of teasing in the word 'rare guest', and he nodded slightly.

Huang Sheli crossed his legs and leaned on the back of the chair.

After a while, Cang Meng also came in. He said nothing and sat down silently.

Huang Sheli subconsciously raised his eyes to see that the member of the Jiang cabinet who always arrived on time was nowhere to be seen.

Even Ju Gui was a little surprised and turned to look at Zhong Xuanyin: "What happened to Mr. Jiang?"

Zhong Xuanyin shook his head: "I've already written to ask, but you haven't gotten back to me yet."

"Where are Chongxuanzun and Douzhao?" Ju Gui asked again.

Zhong Xuanyin looked helpless: "Don't always ask me, I don't know everything."

Ji Gui was silent for a moment, not caring about anyone: "The time has come, the fifth Taixu meeting has officially begun. First, let's summarize the work results of the last Taixu meeting - we successfully achieved... completed... Constructed… that’s pretty much it.”

He looked around: "Let's start a new agenda. Do any cabinet members have any proposals?"

Li Yi continued to short.

Cang Meng remained silent.

Huang Relic's legs stopped shaking and he was thoughtful.

The drama department decided to give the "rare guest" a chance to express himself: "Minister Li Yi, you have become a new leader and have a broad vision. Do you have any proposals?"

Li Yi came back to his senses from the emptiness, glanced at the old man strangely, and said succinctly: "No."

Ju Gui was angry for a moment: "The meeting adjourned without any proposal."

Li nodded. After thinking for a moment, he added: "Yes."

"The meeting is dismissed!" Ju Gui stood up and left.

Li Yi disappeared almost at the same time, but because he was so fast, he seemed to be walking in front of the theater.

Zhong Xuanyin simply made a note, picked up the letter and left.

This meeting was too hasty.

Cang Meng had an unexpected feeling that he didn't fully respond to. After thinking about it, he asked Huang Sheli: "I just asked around before the meeting. Is there anyone I haven't asked yet?"

Huang Sheli stretched out: "Really? Isn't Li Yi here?"

"Oh! That's right!" Cang Ming suddenly realized that now the numbers were matched!

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