Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2205 The ambition of being alone

Ying Wu, who is forty-three years old, has been the crown prince for ten years.

This position was not given to him by anyone.

By the time he was twenty, it was already known that no one was better suited to that position.

By the time he was thirty-three years old, the whole country was in high demand.

He entered the East Palace naturally, as if spring had replaced winter.

It took him thirty-three years to become the prince, and ten years to reconcile all parties.

Now that his position is unshakable, he can wait for the time to come, wait for the current Qin Emperor to pave the way for him, and wait for supreme achievements.

But he refused to do so.

He is inviting Jiang Wang, Ji Zhaonan, Gan Changan, and the ambitious Prince Qin——

He doesn't want to wait for success.

Defeating Chu in the river valley and conquering Shura in the Great Wall were the achievements of the Qin Emperor.

And he, Ying Wu, wanted to establish himself as the crown prince of Qin.

So this time, when the two clans were at odds and the Great Wall was locked, he went out of the fortress alone and walked through dangerous terrain.

He keeps saying that his father is no worse than him in everything, but his actual actions are to prove that he is better than his father in every sense!

The Prince of Qin today is better than the Prince of Qin in the past. The Emperor of Qin in the future should also be better than the Emperor of Qin today.

There was a long silence in the cave.

This is not an easy decision.

This is true for everyone.

Ying Wu's ambition is not concealed at all. How dangerous will what he wants to do?

Jiang Wang was still thinking that it was not convenient for Gan Changan to speak, so Ji Zhaonan spoke first.

"Achievements?" He asked: "We hunted evil Shura in Yuyuan, doesn't it count as merit? We have cut off four heads of evil Shura. There are countless people such as Yi Shura and Zhan Shura. Ten thousand troops It's hard to achieve anything like this when we meet each other. No one in the world can say that we are just sitting in a corner, waiting for our achievements to come to our doorstep."

Ying Wu was born with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he looked like a bold young man.

The firelight reflected his figure, covering half of the cave wall, and there was an unspeakable sense of oppression.

"The heads of four evil Shuras are of course considered merit! You performed bravely in Yuyuan, and of course no one can find fault with you."

Ying Wu said in a deep voice: "But you, the geniuses of this world, go out hunting in a group. Is your goal just limited to this? Is it just that you can't find faults? Who are you, Ji Zhaonan? For someone like you Unparalleled general, can a few evil Shuras satisfy your appetite?"

He looked at Gan Chang'an: "You have the talent of Chang'an when you were eight years old. Now you are almost twenty-eight, are you still satisfied with 'Chang'an'?"

He looked at Jiang Wang again: "You brought back the news about the world of Shenxiao in the Demon Realm, you participated in Fu Hai's death in the Mysterious Realm, and you witnessed Meng Tianhai's execution in Huoshui - Mr. Jiang, you are a figure who can already be remembered in history. , can these little fights really excite you right now?"

The people of Qin worked hard to build the Yuyuan Great Wall today.

After the victory in the river valley, the Qin people did not show off as victors. Instead, they were extremely low-key in diplomacy, assuming a posture of "victory but injury" and slowly digesting the fruits of victory behind closed doors.

Not only is it paralyzing all the countries in the world, but it is also paralyzing Yu Yuan Shura and looking forward to the entire Xinye Continent.

The Wuguan projection located in Yuyuan has not advanced or retreated for many years. Under the offensive of the Shura tribe, it has firmly defended the entrance to the world.

Xu Wang's visit to Yuyuan was just a seemingly ordinary change of defense. In the past years, he had been to Yuyuan many times, but he did not show any more aggressiveness than other generals. Wang Xixu, who had no official status, rushed to Yu Yuan quietly without being alerted.

It was during this usual defense change process that Xu Wang suddenly took action!

He forcibly killed the Shura King Ayeji, drove away the defeated army, broke up the Shura formation, and penetrated the Shura battle line. They even made a full-scale attack posture, forcing the Shura clan to quickly shrink their defense line.

Taking advantage of the Shura people's opportunity to shrink their defense line, they urgently built the city and built the three great passes of "Jiayu", "Hulao" and "Shanhai". Together with the existing real projection of Wuguan, they formed the original skeleton of the Yuyuan Great Wall. .

During the process of building the city, he also led troops to sweep all the way. While sweeping the Shura defense line, he penetrated Yu Yuan and went around the Snow Country. This is not only to open up the Yuyuan channel between Qin and Xue, but also to essentially complete the division of Yuyuan, and to promote the detachment of Qin Taizu.

Only then did Qin Li cooperate, and this dividing line was established, and the Yuyuan Great Wall rose from the ground.

After the Shura clan reacted, Xu Wang personally pressed on the army, regardless of sacrifice, and fought against the powerful Shura army many times. The mountains were blasted to the ground, the old forests were beaten into deep valleys, and the army's battle losses were shocking. The pension lists in the Chinese military tent are piled up like mountains.

When the Yuyuan Great Wall was successfully built, Xu Wang immediately reduced the defense line and switched from offense to defense. He would rather cry for his comrades at the top of the city than allow the soldiers to leave the city for revenge. We will never be reluctant to fight, but only seek to maximize the value of the Yuyuan Great Wall.

This series of offensive transitions can be described as smooth and dazzling, and every step is critical. He is worthy of being a world-famous general who defeated Xiang Longxiang head-on and won the war in the river valley.

Qin was so well prepared at Yu Yuan.

Even without the participation of Li State, the Yuyuan Great Wall could be built successfully. After Li State joined, Qin State became more calm.

The result of this "calmness" is that the radical faction led by the Qin Prince Ying Wu wants to achieve greater victory before the Shenxiao War begins.

Neither the head of King Shura nor the Great Wall of Yuyuan, which is a great monument in the world, can satisfy him.

This ambition is so big that it can swallow the sun and the moon!

The fire danced in the cave, and Ying Wu's eyes, like those of an angry tiger and a lion, magnified his ambition in the flames. Ying Wu's question fell on everyone's ears.

Ji Zhaonan shook his head: "I don't have much appetite, so I can't say I'm satisfied."

Ying Wu looked at him: "I know that you, Ji Zhaonan, are good at fighting for life and death, and you are extremely murderous. Only Li Yi, who is in the Dongzhen Realm, can satisfy your appetite. It's a pity that he has achieved enlightenment in one step, and you have to wait and see.

"But your plan for Zhaonan, will you stop here?

"The distance between you and Li Yi is farther, but also closer. After reaching the pinnacle of the world, it is even harder to make progress. He has to expand outward at the limit. Every step is extremely difficult, but you still have the possibility of rapid growth. , but it gave me more time to catch up.

"General Ji, Dongzhen is certainly a nice scenery, but will you be satisfied with the status quo? Whether you challenge Li Yi or not is not important, what is important is how you challenge the future. What I want to bring you is not only unprecedented achievements, There is also an opportunity for you to break through yourself!”

Ji Zhaonan no longer wanted to investigate why even Ying Wu knew that he wanted to challenge Li Yi. It seemed like everyone knew it. His silent gesture showed that he had been moved by Ying Wu's words.

Ying Wu looked at Gan Changan.

Gan Changan considered it carefully and said: "There are so many ups and downs in this life, who can get the word 'safe'? I am very satisfied if I can live in peace. I don't have to be better than the eight-year-old me, what do you think?"

Ying Wu said nothing.

Gan Changan instead smiled apologetically: "Your Highness, I am still just a god. My great-great-grandfather is really waiting for me to go back for tea."

To his own people, Ying Wu was not so polite and waved his hand: "When we take action, you are responsible for keeping watch."

Gan Bubing was certainly a highly respected man, a veteran general in the army, and a veteran of the Qin Dynasty. But after all, he is a minister of the royal family surnamed Ying.

Facing Ying Wu, the Qin prince who was almost certain to come, Gan Changan had no use moving anyone and could only sigh in his heart.

He couldn't help but think...Which side is more dangerous outside the Great Wall, Choulongdu or Yuyuan?

There is Jiang Wang in both places, and Jiang Wang can offset it. So who can cause more trouble, Li Yi or Ying Wu? Who is more dangerous?

Gan Changan paid attention to Ying Wu with his peripheral vision, and Ying Wu looked at Jiang Wang.

The temporarily formed Chang'an team is waiting for the final decision.

Jiang Wang didn't speak immediately.

What Ying Wu said was big, but one thing was right - the death of several evil Shura did not make him feel too excited.

He has been in a state of rapid growth, and he is still pursuing better practice.

He would rather encounter an evil Shura like Zong Yan and be unable to fight for a long time, or escape after being defeated. He can learn more and gain more from it.

Surrounded by two and four, Wu Gudu and the others started fighting, which was really not passionate enough. The battle without any suspense was just to complete the task. It was difficult to enjoy the fun of fighting and it could not make him stronger.

Ying Wu is really a hero with great personality and charm. He has done enough homework and knows how to prescribe the right medicine. Such a person, even if he was not born into an emperor's family. He will also be able to start from the grass and gather people to accomplish something.

But this kind of person is also extremely dangerous.

Throughout the ages, which hero has reached the top with power, but his feet are not littered with bones?

Ying Wu said again: "Member Jiang, the first person I look for when I leave the fortress secretly is you. Because you were the first to draw a sword against Huang Yeyu that day, and I believe in your courage. Chong Xuanzun and Qin Zhi Zhen is also a member of the Taixu Cabinet, and even more so, an unparalleled talent, but Gu still feels that only with the support of Cabinet Member Jiang can this adventure have a chance of success."

Jiang Wang couldn't remain silent after it was so clear that he was stepping on two and supporting one.

He said slowly: "I still don't know what His Highness's plan is. To fight for a hopeful thing is called courage, to fight for an impossible delusion is to seek death. I am still very young, and I don't want to die. "

Ying Wu grinned: "I want to kill Huang Yeyu."

A simple sentence, the words are like thunder. The cave was dead silent for a moment, and even the flames were still.

Jiang Wang was used to big scenes, so he just said 'oh': "Is Marquis Zhen coming? Shall we be the bait?"

Ying Wu smiled: "Jiang Gemin is very used to being a bait?"

Gan Changan said quietly: "I have been making bait these days..."

The solemn atmosphere finally dissipated a bit.

But Ying Wu continued: "A large part of the reason why Shura King A Yeji died was due to carelessness. He was used to the intensity of wars in the past, and he believed that he was standing on the top of the extraordinary. He did not expect that the Qin army would be so sudden. They launched a war and underestimated Zhenhou's strength. After Aye and his death, these Shura kings were all extremely vigilant. Zhenhou and the others wanted to kill Juedong, but there was no way they could succeed."

Ji Zhaonan held his gun across his knees: "So what do you mean by killing Emperor Yeyu?"

Ying Wu said: "Now that the ten Shura Lords are besieging the city, as long as Zhenhou leaves the city, the Shura army will surely be in full force. Once Zhenhou's whereabouts are not grasped, Shura will definitely be alert. So this time, Zhenhou and the others will not only not take action, but will also display it on the Great Wall. The sense of existence allows Shura to know that the six supreme beings of the human race are all on the Great Wall. This tells them to relax their vigilance outside the Great Wall——"

"Wait a minute." Gan Changan interrupted in shock: "In other words, Zhenhou knew that you were venturing out of the Great Wall and that you wanted to kill Huang Yeyu?"

"Of course." Ying Wu said calmly: "This matter still requires the cooperation of Marquis Zhen. How could Gu hide it from him? Do you think Gu walked out of the Great Wall this time because he was crazy or because he was enjoying the scenery?"

If Xu Wang knew, Emperor Qin must also know...

Gan Changan couldn't help but said: "Would the emperor of Qin actually allow his prince to take such a risk?"

"Wherever the officers and soldiers of Great Qin can come, the prince of Great Qin can also come. The risks that the officers and soldiers of Great Qin can take, the prince of Great Qin can also take. We share the same robe with you!"

Ying Wu said proudly: "When the emperor is in charge of the country, he must not act lightly. When the prince succeeds the country, he must show the courage to succeed the country. Gu's ambition is not the emperor of Qin, but the emperor of Liuhe. If Gu dies here today, it will only mean that Gu If you don't have the qualifications, you can't live up to such ambitions. Since you don't have the ability to be the emperor of Liuhe, there is no need to sit on the throne and waste the efforts of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty - and there is no need to live."

The words of the Crown Prince of Qin were very resounding.

The voice of Gan Chang'an, a nobleman of the Qin Dynasty, was faint: "If I die here, no one will drink tea with my great-great-grandfather..."

Ying Wu glanced at him: "I didn't know you loved drinking tea so much before, but it seems I will remember it in the future."

Gan Changan said passionately: "But even if my great-grandfather is sitting alone with a cup of wine and no one to drink with, I still have to accompany His Highness!"

Jiang Wang ignored the conversation between the Qin people and said, "I want to hear the complete plan before deciding whether to participate."

"It should be so." Ying Wu said: "I will speak frankly. At a suitable time, Huang Yeyu will know the news that the Prince of Qin has walked out of the Great Wall, and I will kill Zong Yan - no, defeat him. He will be seriously injured and escape. We were in danger and I couldn't pursue them, so I had to turn back."

The Crown Prince of Great Qin was so confident that he regarded the evil Shura Zongyan, who had chased the champion team into the sky and into the earth, as a prey that he could kill and rub at will.

He narrated clearly: "The Shura clan will know that the purpose of the Qin Crown Prince's personal visit to the Great Wall this time is to kill Zong Yan, establish martial arts, and establish prestige."

"They will definitely want to kill me, but no evil Shura can do this. So Huang Yeyu, who rules this area, should naturally shoulder the responsibility.

"Of course Zhenhou and the others will try to rescue me at this time, and they will not hesitate to mobilize the army and send troops out of the city gate.

"How could the Shura clan watch the Da Qin Prince escape? The remaining nine Shura kings will definitely resist on the front line and block my escape route. In the process, they are even willing to bear a lot of losses. , so that Zhenhou and the others cannot move forward. Let me look at the Great Wall and sigh in vain."

Ying Wu smiled: "So at this time, in this vast world, there are only us and Huang Yeyu. This time is the best time for us to kill Huang Yeyu."

"It's a good plan, and the timing is indeed right." Jiang Wang said expressionlessly, "Then there's only one question left - how do you plan to kill him?"

"It's not me." Ying Wu said: "I said 'us'. You and I will kill Huang Yeyu together."

Jiang Wang almost wanted to applaud the Qin Prince.

He drew his sword against Huang Yeyu inside the Great Wall, just because he was within the human race's sphere of influence, with the Great Wall blocking him and the True Lord plundering the formation, so he could try his skills.

Ying Wu really wanted to kill Huang Yeyu, how dare he think of it!

But he suddenly thought of the "encounter" in Huanzhen Temple that year.

"Prince of Western Qin" and "Li Yi of the World" have known each other for a long time.

Ying Wu has long been the number one true in the Western Region, and he became true much earlier than Li Yi.

Thirty-seven-year-old Li Yi has now attained enlightenment. What about the 43-year-old Ying Wu?

Jiang Wang roughly knew where Ying Wu's confidence lay. He felt that the sky was vast and there were many heroes in the world, which really made him feel ambitious: "Your Highness, are you ready to reach the top this time?"

Ying Wu smiled freely: "Jiang Gemin has a sharp eye!"

As expected, he was ready to spread the word. Only by taking that step to the top, and becoming a true king, can a real person turn back from the dead and change from a prey to a hunter.

But can Ying Wu, who has just entered Juepin, kill another Juepin?

This is not just a fight for victory, but a matter of life and death. They were on the territory of the Shura tribe, with the Nine Lords blocking the road in front of them, and the entire Xinye Continent and the endless depths of Yuyuan behind them.

If Huang Yeyu cannot be killed and is instead entangled, everyone will be trapped here.

Jiang Wang muttered: "By joining forces and His Highness reaching the top, we do have a chance to defeat Huang Yeyu, but it may not be easy to kill him."

Ying Wu said calmly: "I still have [Ba Qiao] with me."

In the past, Emperor Taizu of Qin, in order to commemorate the achievements of his hegemony, refined Haoshengxuan Shangtian, which ranked thirteenth among the thirty-six small caves, into a treasure named [Baqiao]!

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