Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2219 How much life can be fulfilled

Life has many moments to endure.

There is a knife on the head of the word "tolerance", which is the pain in the heart.

Since ancient times, forbearance is sad!

But how satisfying can life be?

Someone as strong as Jiang Wang would be scolded by Emperor Qi for being greedy if he said he wanted to have a successful life.

It took the world's first genius almost six years to return to Maplewood City.

In the vast sea of ​​​​people, who can make a difference?

Bai Yuxia can be regarded as a person of great intelligence, but when asked about his talent and wisdom, he is not very good at it. In terms of wisdom, he is not as good as Chong Xuan Sheng in being able to conquer thousands of miles. In terms of practice, he cannot surpass his peers like Jiang Wang.

At that time, his father died, the Bai family had no owner, and the Ge family was eyeing him.

Na Ge Fei was a genius who made rapid progress and could hold up against Zhang Linchuan. He was also a disciple of Hidden Prime Minister Gao Zheng. He served as the censor of Youdu and had the support of the king and was praised by both the government and the public.

At that time, he had not yet come to the throne. If he wanted to stand up against Ge Fei and be the king's vanguard to balance the situation, he was not considered qualified.

In such a situation that he had no solution for, he could only leave in silence, resigning his mother and abandoning his country.

He couldn't even leave his family.

He could fully imagine what kind of embarrassing situation the Bai family would be in after he left.

But if he doesn't leave and the Bai family still has a certain threat, the Bai family may not still be able to exist.

Today he was walking on the long mountain path of Yinxiang Peak, and he remembered that when he was very young, his father had brought him here - Yinxiang Gaozheng, who was praised as the backbone of the Yue Kingdom, relaxed and wanted to accept a disciple, and the entire Yue Kingdom Which family with school-age children wouldn’t be excited?

If the age threshold were relaxed, even Gong Zhiliang would be willing to become a disciple of this teacher!

But by the time his father was ready to tie up Xiu, prepare gifts to impress Gao Zheng, and bring him over, it was already a step too late. Ge Fei had already been received by Gao Zheng at the door.

Gao Zheng only accepted one disciple.

Later, Bai Yuxia would sometimes wonder, if he had been one step ahead at that time, would everything have been different?

With Gao Zheng's influence in the Yue Kingdom, the identity of "Hidden Phase Disciple" has the final say in many cases.

The gap between him and Ge Fei widened after Ge Fei came back from the mountain and sea realm. Before that, he was not even half a point behind Ge Fei.

He also wanted to know what Ge Fei had experienced in the mountains and seas.

But now there may be no answer to any of this.

How can it be that Gao Zheng's silent endurance is the solitary peak that few people visit?

Bai Yuxia finally saw the nameless academy, where Gao Zheng retreated to self-imprisonment and studied behind closed doors.

Many years of civilization in the Yue Kingdom have flowed in this academy. How many years did it take for a high-ranking official to emerge and win an unprecedented reputation in the history of Yue?

And he also said he would die.

Bai Yuxia stopped in front of the courtyard gate. In front of her was the ajar door.

He knew that the crazy Ge Fei was locked in the middle of the courtyard, and the Yue Congress would acquiesce in allowing him to do anything.

He knew that Zhang Linchuan broke into the tribe and killed his father because of Ge Fei's deliberate laissez-faire.

He was once filled with hatred, stagnating in his chest, which could not be eliminated by time, but he just stood quietly in front of the door with rusty copper nails.

The noble son, who was born with a flawless beauty, followed Jiang Wangdong around in the past few years, went to the Mystery Realm, fought in the Demon Realm, and managed a restaurant in Xingyueyuan. Over the past few years, a lot of his nobility has been lost. There is more of a smell of fireworks, and a hint of peace after the wind and rain.

There was a drizzle of hair in the sky, and the moist air flowed in the mountain wind.

Bai Yuxia looked at this lonely door quietly without making any move for a long time, letting the drizzle wet her shoulders.

Just across the door, under the knotted tree in the courtyard, Le Fei, with neatly combed hair, sat quietly on the tree, grinning at the corner of his mouth and drooling, and his hazy eyes were facing him. Close the courtyard door.

Inside and outside the courtyard, there are different late springs, but they are all under the thin spring rain.

Looking at each other through the door, neither of them can see each other, but they both know that each other exists.

The confusion in Ge Fei's eyes slowly dissipated, turning into chaos, and from the chaos, a ray of fierce light slowly emitted.

The decaying grass weighs down and the desolate rocks are covered with moss. On this solitary peak and high cliff, one can only recall the former residence of Hidden Phase in vain. There is a spring scene of killing life in the withered breeze.

At this moment, the space rippled, and a tall figure in a green shirt holding a sword suddenly appeared outside the courtyard gate, standing next to Bai Yuxia.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Wang, who received the news as soon as he left the demon world and rushed over with Taixu Wuduan, looked at Bai Yuxia and said, "Why did you suddenly return to Yue Kingdom?"

"Someone wants me to come back and take a look." Bai Yuxia said, reaching out and pushing open the courtyard door.

With a dull creaking sound, the door slowly opened.

In front of the huge tree, Le Fei, who was still well-dressed, was lying on the broad tree body, breathing evenly, and was already fast asleep. The drizzle hit my face and I didn't feel cold.

Coming to Yinxiang Peak again, Jiang Wang felt quite emotional.

In the past, he stood up for Bai Yuxia and came here to seek political advice. As expected, Gaozheng banned the voices of the government and the public, and did not allow certain people to use means to force Bai Yuxia to return to the country.

At that time, he watched Gao Zheng play a game of chess and left without leaving any comments.

Now that we are here again, things have changed and people have changed.

Who could have imagined that Gao Zheng, who was vaguely the number one real person in the Southern Territory and enjoyed the highest reputation in Vietnam, would die so suddenly?

The official news is that Sanfenxiang Tower colluded with Nandou Palace to cause trouble to the Chu State. Chu State publicly destroyed Nandou, and in the process, Yue State also provided support to strangle the remaining forces in the southern region of Sanfenxianglou. The owner of Sanfenxiang Tower, Luosha Mingyuejing, killed Gao Zheng with his own hands as a sign of revenge for Sanfenxiang Tower.

In the eyes of many people, this is Sanfenxianglou’s response to Chu State. It was a gift personally given by Raksha Mingyue Jing in order to win the tacit understanding of letting things go by the way of Chu. Nandou Hall was destroyed at the last word, and even if Sansanxiang Tower was spread all over the world, there was no way it could fight against the Chu State. Of course, only Rakshasa Mingyuejing knows what the truth is.

I heard that a great scholar came down from Shushan and was looking for Rakshasa Ming Yuejing all over the world to find an answer to Gao Zheng's death, but there has been no result until now.

It’s a small yard with nothing noteworthy about the layout. In spring, the leaves of the tree are as bright as emeralds.

Bai Yuxia walked straight forward and stopped in front of Ge Fei.

From Jiang Wang's perspective, these two people are really opposites.

Bai Yuxia stood and Ge Fei lay against her.

Bai Yuxia is awake and Ge Fei is asleep.

Bai Yuxia's clothes are exquisite and decent, while Ge Fei can only be said to be barely wearing clothes.

Bai Yuxia is handsome, and Ge Fei also has facial features - and the facial features are ugly whether they are separated or put together.

But the breeze and drizzle are like spring, and they are treated the same way.

Bai Yuxia kicked Le Fei's calf with her boot: "Get up."

"He can't hear it." Jiang Wang said: "At the beginning, Master Gao told me that his consciousness was torn into two parts, one part was trapped in the fog of ignorance, and the other part sank to the bottom of the Five Prefectures."

Bai Yuxia kicked again, this time with more force. Ge Fei said "hmm" and opened his eyes.

"Didn't you hear this?" Bai Yuxia said.

Jiang Wang shrugged: "I'm talking about clear consciousness."

Ge Fei's hazy eyes opened and he grinned stupidly.

"Hey." Bai Yuxia asked, "Are you conscious?"

Ge Fei looked at him blankly, grinned wider, and said with a silly smile: "Hehehehe... Abba, Abba, Abba."


The comet's tail suddenly came out of its sheath and rubbed against Leatherfly's neck until it was nailed into the body of the tree.

Ge Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he felt the sharpness and murderous intent. He suddenly shrank his head, curled back in fear, and made a clattering sound on the chain that locked his body.

"Stand up! Get your sword!" Bai Yuxia shouted in a low voice.

Ge Fei was so shocked that he backed away repeatedly, screaming, his eyes were cloudy, and his saliva was flying everywhere.

Seeing his pitiful and disgusting look, Bai Yuxia's eyes were filled with coldness.

"I want to kill him." Bai Yuxia said, "When Zhang Linchuan killed my father, he was the one who allowed it to happen and just sat back and watched!"

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

He will stand here to show that he supports all Bai Yuxia's decisions.

Bai Yuxia closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath, opened them again, and said with a smile: "But facing a fool, I can't draw my sword."

He is the genius who shows the pride of the Yue people on the river viewing platform. He is the Bai Yuxia who gives up the recommendation and wants to win the main competition in a dignified way.

Many years have passed and many things have changed, but many things have remained the same.

Ge Fei, already disheveled and covered in mud, shrank far behind the tree, almost close to the steps. The huge rusty chain was stretched to its limit, like the tail of this poor monster.

His cloudy eyes were full of tears of fear, and he kept screaming.

This body has no clear mind at all, and of course there is no dignity or pride, only the remaining survival instinct.

Bai Yuxia stretched out her hand to retract the comet's tail, put it back into its sheath, then turned around: "Let's go!"

Jiang Wang walked out of the yard with him and closed the door with a casual move.

The wind is blowing and the rain is falling in the mountains.

The two of them were walking down the mountain side by side.

"The Ge family has a very ancient history. The art of controlling insects has been passed down from generation to generation. It is the most glorious family in the Yue Kingdom. I, the Bai family, are far from it. But after my father took over as the head of the family, the gap between the two families was only Quickly shrinking." Bai Yuxia said: "My father is not the best in practice, but he is very capable in management. The reason why Langya City is more famous than Yuedu can be said to be entirely due to his management."

"But the fundamental reason for the Ge's being pursued is the decline of the Ge's themselves. The ancient art of controlling insects cannot keep up with the times. They are eager to break through the bottleneck and have been seeking 'Fei' for many years. However, they have not been able to achieve it, but have suffered heavy losses. In the Tao The head of the Ge family who died in 3795 was the only real person in the Ge family at that time and the pillar of the country. Since then, the Ge family has never had a real person."

The sound of boots on the stone steps gradually became quieter, and Bai Yuxia looked down the mountain: "Ge Fei was going to succeed soon and once again support the Ge family's family."

Jiang Wangdao: "In fact, it was much slower than I expected - since he was able to withstand Zhang Linchuan without dying, he should not be far from Dongzhen."

If he had known that Ge Fei and Zhang Linchuan were equally killed, he would have made a more radical judgment. But Zhang Linchuan was dead, and the unified caliber of the Yue State was that Ge Fei blocked Zhang Linchuan's moves with all his strength, and Zhang Linchuan, who did not dare to make a fuss, escaped.

Bai Yuxia continued: "But it hasn't worked out until now, so much so that there was an accident in the Meteor Fairy Forest."

Wu Ling's body was gone, and Ge Fei returned madly. It is sad that a group that once toured the world of mountains and seas has withdrawn in this way and left the gamble of life.

"Maybe he doesn't seek Xiaozhen." Jiang Wang analyzed: "He has a longer-term outlook for the future. Or maybe Gao Zhenren has more arrangements for him - or maybe it's to defend against Chu?"

"Being selfish in state affairs, using foreign thieves to kill people, and thus suppressing the big families of the same country. The Ge family is hopeless, and the same is true for the court that condones the Ge family." Bai Yuxia shook her head, and said sadly: "But I have known each other since childhood. Ge Fei is not this kind of person. Maybe he hid it too well before."

Smart people are always confident people. But a smart person like Bai Yuxia would rather suspect that his previous understanding of Ge Fei was wrong than doubt Ge Fei's authenticity.

Because Ge Fei was a disciple of Gao Zheng.

If Ge Fei has a problem, he will never be able to hide it from Gao Zheng.

In the hearts of Yue people, Gao Zheng exists like truth. Even Bai Yuxia, it is difficult to escape from it.

Jiang Wangdao: "Or maybe people will change too."

Bai Yuxia breathed a sigh of relief: "I have never asked you what Ge Fei experienced in the mountains and seas. Do you know?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "At that time, he and Wu Ling entered the game together. I eliminated Wu Ling and let him run away. Later, he was probably killed by the monsters in the mountain and sea realm, and his body was destroyed by the chaos in the mountain and sea realm. The sustenance was broken by our joint efforts."

Bai Yuxia said: "Since then, he has made rapid progress, which made me despair and didn't know how to catch up."

It was precisely because of despair in the face of Ge Fei's terrifying progress and being defeated by the unknown Qiang Qiang that Bai Yuxia, who had followed the rules and worked hard since childhood, suddenly indulged himself, left without saying goodbye, and followed Qiang Qiang to swim swordsmanship. The world.

Jiang Wangdao: "Maybe it was the failure in the mountain and sea realm that made him realize something, break and then stand up. Xiang Bei of Chu State is also very different after the mountain and sea realm. I think his cave is right in front of him."

Bai Yuxia said quietly: "I have broken it many times. When can I stand it?"

Jiang Wang patted his shoulder: "Actually, among the people in the restaurant, I like you the most."

"I hope I can find out the truth at any time -" Bai Yuxia sighed: "Don't create anxiety."

"Fast does not necessarily mean good. Everyone's 'truth' is different. Yuxia, you have to be patient." Jiang Wang comforted: "Just like me, you see - although I am still less than thirty years old. , but I am already a strong person among the real people in the world."

Bai Yuxia pressed the throbbing veins on her forehead and asked, "Would you like to go to my house for dinner?"

"Go! Why don't you go?"

"Then let's go and talk about something else first."

"Then let's talk about my experiences in the demon world. Those real demons will hide when they see me. They will either hide deep in the army, or hide next to the sky demons, or they will not show their heads, and there will be no chance to attack them. We can only try our luck in the wilderness again... You should really learn from me. The goal of killing the eighteen aliens is still far from being accomplished. Do you think I am discouraged? The most important thing in life is to persevere!"

Bai Yuxia's face was expressionless: "If you really have nothing to talk about, you don't have to talk."

The two walked on the mountain road for a while, and Jiang Wang touched Bai Yuxia with his elbow: "Hey, shopkeeper Bai, give me some money."

"My salary is also very meager. It's not like you haven't read the account books -" Bai Yuxia looked at him warily: "What are you doing with the money?"

Jiang Wang said matter-of-factly: "Buy some gifts for aunt! You don't think I'm such a rude person, do you? Forget it, I don't know how to choose gifts. I don't know what aunt likes. You go buy it first and give it to me after you buy it." I."

Jiang Wang and Bai Yuxia have been gone for a long time.

Ge Fei, who was chained up in the courtyard, was still crawling on the ground stupidly. Sometimes he was crying, and sometimes he was yelling meaninglessly.

Until a certain moment, Gong Zhiliang came here in casual clothes.

He was holding a food box in his hand, with a gentle expression on his face, and slowly squatted in front of the tree. While placing the dishes, he said: "Xiao Fei, it's time to eat."

Le Fei, who was crawling on the ground like a dog, slowly raised his hazy eyes.

He suddenly jumped up and easily broke down Gong Zhiliang's defense. He pressed him to the ground with lightning speed and made a loud "bang" sound. He strangled his neck and said, "Why do you want to do this?" He lured him back?!"

Thanks to the book friend "Knowing the sky is easy but defying the sky is difficult" for rewarding the character alliance of "Zhuweiwo" and officially becoming the alliance leader of this book! It’s for the 733rd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "Magnetic Pole Turn and Turn" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 734th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "People Under the Parasol Tree" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 735th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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