Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2228 The last plan (please ask for monthly votes at the end of the month)

Ge Fei, who had been imprisoned at Yinxiang Peak for several years, stupidly and stupidly allowed others to laugh at him, and then suddenly rebelled and beat the martial arts master Zhong Liyan to the point of death, would never have imagined that his dear senior brother Wen would behave like this with the Chu people. say.

If you know how to speak - just kill him.

Did we agree to inherit the teacher's legacy and fight for this country together?

Although the mountain and sea monsters are inherently inhumane, you, my senior fellow apprentice, are a little too inhuman.

It's a pity that at this moment, he was on the other side of the bronze mirror, still restraining himself seriously, giving himself a "human" reason and etiquette, and heard nothing.

When Xingji heard all this, he couldn't help but sneered: "Emperor of Yue, do you think you can get away with it by saying 'you don't know'?"

Wen Jingxiu looked at him calmly: "Star God? Great Witch? What should I call you?"

Xing Ji said: "You can do whatever you want."

"I shoulder the responsibility of the people and the country, how dare I be willful! The Yue Kingdom respects Chu, and I respect the hero, so I call you the 'Great Witch'." Wen Jingxiu brushed the corner of his robe and sat in a solemn posture: "Zhuge Great witch, I don’t know what’s going on with Ge Fei, and what does I have to do with it?”

He shook his head: "You want to talk about the battle at Yunlai Peak, I am also very confused as to why the envoys of Chu State did not show up at the Ancestral Temple Ceremony, but they ran around wildly in the territory of Yue State, and even fought at Yunlai Peak. Does he have the national laws of Yue in his eyes? Or does Chu have no national character in Yue? This matter should really be discussed by the people of the world!"

The emperor of Yue State raised his eyebrows and said, "The emperor of Jing State has always been willing to uphold justice, and the emperor of Qin State is also eager for justice and justice. If I write a book and ask each other, I don't know what their opinions are."

"Lord of the Yue Kingdom!" These words seemed to anger the Star Witch, and the black-armored Star God said in a deep voice: "It should be noted that this is the Southern Territory. If the Great Chu wants to destroy your country, it will only take a small army. That scene No matter how long Guo Qin’s hand is, he can’t reach it.”

"Okay! Overlord Chu will first destroy Nandou, then destroy Yue, unify the entire southern region, devour the powerful Qin in the west, and attack the central territory in the north. We can conquer the world in just a few days!" Wen Jingxiu clapped his hands and praised: "The Yue Kingdom has a small and weak army. , it’s hard to be Chu Feng. It’s not difficult for me to hang myself from a tree with a crooked neck earlier. But before that, I have a problem - Chu is a big country, and the Chu army is the king’s army. Now the king’s army is attacking me. I don’t know. What is the name of the teacher?"

Xing Ji's eyes were dim in the cold helmet: "The Ge family is a famous family in Yue, and Ge Fei is the noble son of the Ge family. This person is secretive, but he has such a method. Once he returns, he can suppress the martial arts master. In the past, Anguo My grandson Wu Ling went on an adventure to the Fallen Fairy Forest, but fell into it... Do you still want to get rid of the relationship and leave you all alone?"

Zhuge Yixian's will struck a chord with the national character of Yue: "My emperor is so kind that he allows you, a small country, to sleep soundly beside the bed. For thousands of years, he has let it go again and again. However, you have hidden troubles and often plot against you. Heart! The leader of the Yue Kingdom is a well-educated person, but I want to ask, after looking through the history books, can the country survive?"

"If it's as the great witch said, why not destroy the country!" Wen Jingxiu shook his head: "But if it's not what the great witch wants, and you rely on the power of a big country and threaten to use weapons at every turn, can you be called 'righteous'?"

Xingji laughed angrily: "Hahahaha, the leader of the Yue Kingdom wants to say that Wu Ling's death has nothing to do with Ge Fei. He is innocent, but your Yue Kingdom is clean?"

"No! Wu Ling is the pride of Chu, and An Guogong is the hero of the southern region. I admire the former and admire the latter, and I still feel sad about this matter." Wen Jingxiu did not deny Ge Fei's suspicion, but went further and said : "There are many doubts about Wu Ling's death! Ge Fei's soul can return after being torn apart and trapped in the Jedi. This is simply incredible. I can't figure it out! Based on my understanding of Ge Fei, although he has amazing talents , and it is absolutely impossible for him to have such strength as he does now, to be able to overpower Zhong Liyan and pursue Douzhao and Jiang Wang. If there were geniuses like this in the Yue Kingdom, how could they lie dormant to this day and let you attack? Your question is also my question . That’s why I just said that I don’t know who stole it.”

He was even more proactive than Xing Ji: "I will send a message to Duke An, asking him to capture Ge Fei and bring him back to the Chu State for further investigation. Whether he is tortured and interrogated, or his soul is searched directly, I will not bother you. Your country only needs Give the world an upright explanation. If Wu Ling's death was really my order, why can't I take responsibility for the country? I am willing to use my body to wipe out the hatred of the great country with my own blood, rather than my own people!"

He was so steadfast in his oath that he twisted his neck and shouted outside the palace: "Come on! Activate the channel, prepare a book for me, and send it to the Duke Anguo's Mansion of Great Chu!"

"Slow down!" Xing Ji raised his hand to stop him.

The starlight in the eyes of this black-armored star god seemed to explode at this moment, turning into a wildly rotating galaxy, with every star point flickering desperately.

Thousands of miles away, in Zhanghua Taichung of the Chu State, Zhuge Yixian, the "Chief God's Chief Wizard" who was sitting here, was upset at this moment.

He forcibly stopped thinking about many things, briefly gathered more energy, and focused on the current matter - using so much mental and calculation power on a mere Yue country will inevitably lead to careless planning in other directions. This is Very uneconomical choice. Moreover, Chu Ting has made a decision, and the ministers responsible for Yue affairs have already responded. But out of wariness of high politics, Zhuge Yixian still made such a choice.

Rumble, rumble!

Thunder suddenly exploded in the sky above Yinxiang Peak. The muffled thunder seemed to roll up from the distant sky, roaring thousands of miles away. The three thousand Vietnamese armor gathered together were as silent as stone statues, standing ready to go. Zhong Liyan, who was lying down, and Ge Fei, who was standing, also waited in silence.

In the palace of Dai Viet, Xing Ji also captured the aura——

Zhuge Yi first knew what the truth was that Gao Zheng used his life to cover up!

Wen Jingxiu never said it, but there was one point in the information that Fengdu clearly remembered - it was only after Ge Fei returned from the Mountain and Sea Realm that he showed far greater talent than before.

This Ge Fei concealed himself very well, trying his best to match the original person in terms of personality, conversation, and behavior, and tried to show a step-by-step process in talent.

But the clues collected in Fengdu can all be connected today. Zhuge Yixian could definitely confirm that Ge Fei started to widen the gap with Bai Yuxia in all aspects after the end of the mountain and sea realm.

Then the most important truth emerges——

The current Ge Fei is not Ge Fei. His body has been invaded by mountain and sea monsters, and his existence is related to Huang Weizhen's return plan!

Huang Weizhen is an extremely special existence in the history of Chu State.

He is a descendant of a declining aristocratic family. He came out of the predicament of being almost dismissed from the elite class. He constantly refreshed people's understanding, soared into the sky, and became proud of the world. He is a peerless talent that makes people unable to think of competition at all.

Of course, he still had to be considered a member of a noble family and a model of a famous family. The noble surname Huang is now listed in the genealogy of the Da Chu family, only under the four major Xiangguo families, and the same name as Zhongli, Xiang, etc. - although no other Huang family members survive. Huang Weizhen died, and Huang Jinmo walked away.

Huang Weizhen was not only powerful, but his contribution to the Chu State was also unparalleled throughout the ages. It was the Yanfa Pavilion he created that promoted the art of Chu State to the world. Many of the techniques he created are still required courses for the geniuses of the Chu Kingdom. And the mountains and seas he left behind after his death also continued to train and improve the genius of Chu over a long period of time.

When Huang Weizhen was alive, he was unparalleled in the world. Even after his death, Huang Weizhen was still famous throughout the ages.

His legend is immortal and his mark on the world is indelible.

And for a being like Zhuge Yixian, he knew deeply that Huang Weizhen would eventually return.

Due to some overt or covert reasons, and with the help of thoughtful people, the news has spread. Everyone who should know already knows, and more people will know until the whole world knows it.

This is not a prophecy, this is the reality of the continuous evolution of the mountains and seas for thousands of years. It is a declaration made by mountain and sea legends such as the Nine Categories of Phoenix.

But no one knows when and in what specific way Huang Weizhen, the most romantic person in the past three thousand years of Chu, will return.

There is no existence in this world that can benefit everyone at the same time.

Some people love it, some people hate it.

Some people want to welcome him, and of course some people want to stop him. Those who want to welcome him may not all love him, and those who want to block him may not all hate him.

However, even the path for Huang Weizhen's return cannot be determined. No matter whether she welcomes or blocks her, it will inevitably fall into the void and become a delusion.

Gao Zheng is indeed Gao Zheng.

Gao Zheng seemed to have found the answer.

He locked up the crazy Ge Fei with him for several years. He protected Ge Fei from harm, and he hid Ge Fei from outsiders.

Until the day he died on the Qiantang River Embankment, he never said a word about it.

Because he knew that monsters from the mountains and seas lived in Ge Fei's body. Because he saw the way Huang Weizhen returned. He used this to make plans.

In Zhuge Yixian's long life, there were not many things that he could not see through. Huang Weizhen's death that year was one of them. Huang Wei really came back, and he was also a part of the latter.

The mountain and sea monsters have actually left the mountain and sea realm long ago and come to the human world, their fantasies have come true. Huang Weizhen's handiwork is really unpredictable!


Zhuge Yixian now had to face this "but".

The mountain and sea monster, which was related to Huang Weizhen's return plan, took the body of Ge Fei and the identity of the genius of the Yue Kingdom, and killed the grandson of Anguo Gong of the Wu family of the great Chu Xiangguo family.

It goes without saying that Huang Weizhen was great, and Anguo Gongfu could not just be regarded as a prominent family.

In the long years, the four great aristocratic families and the Chu State have long been prosperous and devastated. Zuo, Qu, Dou, Wu, plus a royal surname named Xiong, have been married to each other for thousands of years.

The relationship between a famous family like the Wu family and the State of Chu is bone to bone and tendons to tendons.

Ge Fei killed Wu Ling.

It was the possibility of Huang Weizhen's transcendence that killed the heir to Duke Anguo's mansion!

This is not a contradiction that can be ignored.

The contemporary An Guogong is a person with a clear style and is never willing to give his opponents a chance. According to Wu Zhaochang's original intention, when Wu Ling died and he walked to Yinxiang Peak, he wanted to kill Ge Fei and Gao Zheng together, without even bothering to guess their thoughts.

It's just that he had the hope that Wu Ling might not be dead, and he also endured it for the sake of the country, not giving the world an excuse to criticize him - if there was to be an attack on the country of Yue in the future, he would definitely be the one to lead the army.

The crusade against Nan Doudian was just a rehearsal. It was Emperor Chu's choice to let him vent his hatred a little.

Now it is almost certain that it was Wu Ling who was killed by Ge Fei. How could Wu Zhaochang tolerate it? But allowing him to forcefully kill Ge Fei would affect Huang Weizhen's return.

Duke An Guo must have resented Ge Fei, and he hated him to the core. Didn't he have resentment towards the mountain and sea monsters that invaded Ge Fei, and towards Huang Weizhen, who created the mountain and sea monsters?

To put it bluntly, even if An Guogong had the overall situation in mind, he would not kill Ge Fei, endure the pain of losing his grandson, and even publicly stated that he would never hold any grudge against Huang Weizhen.

Can Huang Weizhen believe this "never hold a grudge"?

Anyone alone, when you kill someone else's grandson, can you believe that person's statement that "he doesn't blame you"?

Just like when Jiang Wang and Zhuang Gaoxian were asked to shake hands and make peace, pay tribute to each other, and work together in the future, would they dare to believe each other?

Even if Huang Weizhen is extremely powerful and transcends the world, he doesn't have to care. After he transcends and does not interfere in the present world, should he think about his daughter Huang Jinmo? Could he, for his daughter, not care about the hostility that might come from Duke Anguo's government?

There will always be a thorn named "Wu Ling" between Huang Weizhen and Anguo Gongfu.

This also means that the rift between Huang Weizhen and the Chu State must exist and is inevitable. This will be directly related to the national destiny of the Chu State!

This is Gao Zheng's legacy, an unsolvable conspiracy.

Zhuge Yixian understood very well that Gao Zheng must have guided Ge Fei's death of Wu Ling, but Gao Zheng must have left no trace.

Even if Ge Fei were arrested now, and his soul strength could be ignored and his memories completely stripped away, there would still be no problem with Gao Zheng.

In the end, you will definitely find that the so-called 'guidance' is all Ge Fei's own assumptions.

Ge Fei's killing of Wu Ling must have come from Ge Fei's own thinking.

Putting this matter clearly in the sun, the Yue Kingdom has been the victim from the beginning to the end - their genius entered the mountains and seas, and was snatched away by the monsters of the mountains and seas. Who can say that this is the conspiracy of the Yue Kingdom? ?

The mountain and sea realm belongs to the Chu people, and the mountain and sea monsters were created by the Chu people. Wu Ling, who was killed by the mountain and sea monsters, is also the direct grandson of the Duke of Chu. There was just one talented person in the Yue Kingdom who was forcibly betrayed.

Zhuge Yixian had every reason to believe that Ge Fei might just be Gao Zheng's decoy. There might be something special about him when he entered the mountain and sea realm, which was originally arranged to attract Huang Weizhen to enter that realm. But again, there is absolutely no evidence for this.

The most important thing is that Gao Zheng is dead!

The only person in the world who could possibly stand up to untie this knot has died on the Qiantang River Embankment!

Gao Zheng's death filled the last eye and made this unsolvable game of chess possible.

Zhuge Yi first sighed deeply in his heart.

Zhong Liyan accidentally broke Ge Fei's hiding place, but also put this unsolvable problem on the table.

What Chu needs to think about now is not "what to do with Ge Fei", but how to deal with Huang Weizhen's return.

To welcome or to prevent?

"Slow?" Wen Jingxiu looked at the majestic black star god in front of him and dusted his robe sleeves slowly: "What does the Great Witch mean? It's hard for me to understand. Doesn't the misunderstanding between me and An Guogong need to be explained? ?”

"Gao Zheng! Gao Zheng!"

There will be one at 8pm.

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