Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2245 Willow branches turn into new green, how long will the old pillow of the long embankmen

The vase has intricate lacquer patterns, as if depicting the ultimate principles of the universe. Xuan Xun's graceful figure is the interpretation of beauty.

There are a few thin willow sticks inserted in the bottle, which are very bright, full of water vapor, and full of green color.

This battle took place at the bottom of the Qiantang River, separated from all external gaze, and Yue Taizong Wenzhong was at a clear disadvantage. At this time, it had been a year since he abdicated. Although his political platform was continued, his great power could not be restored. His official power had dissipated a lot, and he was seeking to consolidate his power...

To put it simply, this year's Yue Taizong's individual combat power was not at its peak.

It is true that he has the vision of a top real person, but his opponent has the vision of a great wizard of the Chu Kingdom!

The reason why this battle was silent was that both sides of the war deliberately controlled the noise.

Xuan Zhen was unwilling to publicly kill Taizong of Yue, who had great reputation, and Wen Zhong was unwilling to let his people see Taizong, who seemed to be a wise and powerful man, being killed by Chu people as easily as killing a dog!

This was supposed to be a lost story, covered in the dust of time.

But the moment Ren Qiuli appeared, Xuan Zhen looked away.

Ren Qiuli is a time traveler who has drowned in the long river of time. Her mind sinks along with her sight, sinking in Xuan Zhen's eyes, in the endless information galaxy.

All the complicated information came in at once, breaking the strings of her thinking one by one, and almost exploding her mind!

In the year 3927 of the Daoist calendar, the soldiers of the Chu State surrounded E Peak and the ancient Nandou Hall was in danger of being destroyed.

At that time, Ren Qiuli pushed his calculation power to the limit, and with the help of the complexity of Bingxu and the sharpness of Lu Shuanghe, he successfully escaped Zhuge Yixian's calculation and hid in the Meteor Fairy Forest.

This is almost the glorious achievement of Master Tianji in his life!

Because she was facing the divinations of Zhuge Yixian, the star witch of the Chu Kingdom, even if she only had a brief thought, it would be like a mountain and a tsunami, enough to overturn the world.

And she escaped.

But did she really escape?

At this moment in the history of the Yue Kingdom, on this day in the year 2531 of the Dao Calendar, looking into these mighty eyes of the galaxy seems to be the first time we meet——

In terms of chronological order, the story of Dao Li 2531 certainly happened before Dao Li 3927.

This is how the space-time paradox happened. She met the Star God "Jiang Lou" first in terms of events, but she met the Star God "Xuan Zhen" first in terms of time.

Which one is the "cause" and which one is the "effect"?

Ren Qiuli has a splitting headache!

This earth-shaking change only stemmed from one look at each other.

When she saw those stars-like eyes, the hurricane suddenly stopped and the thunder suddenly disappeared.

Everything she had accumulated over the years of practicing Taoism, and all the weapons she had decorated for herself, were stripped away in an instant. She felt like she was in the wilderness, back to the moment when she was alone, hugging her knees and waiting to die.

All her efforts are worth mentioning. Under the absolute suppression of computing power, it is like destiny to remove her armor!

At this time, the woman who was about to freeze to death in the wilderness opened her eyes, and seemed to see a strand of white hair in a trance.

Chao Wen said...

Chao Wen Dao!

Ren Qiuli woke up suddenly, like a drowning person pulling out of the water at the moment of death, gasping for air.

But she can no longer feel the power she gained during this period of history in Yue Kingdom!

Star God Xuan Zhen took out the wicker stick from the vase, flicked it gently, and the water droplets splashed everywhere, refracting the sky light like rainbow light, and said: "All external forces are not one's own, and the coming and going of karma is in vain!"

This seemed to be a fateful prophecy. Although Ren Qiuli did not drown in the information galaxy and floated with his own calculation power and belief, he was stripped of his external power.

She had no time to consider this moment, no space to examine herself, because her vision had been cut open by a sword at this moment. Jiang Wang, who had cut through the gap in time and space just a moment ago, took a step forward, and was preparing to escape into the long river of history, was already coming to kill with his sword at this moment!

What a real person who jumps repeatedly and has the best face-changing ability in the world!

Ren Qiuli didn't care much and leaned back directly. This leap reflects the sense of power between life and death, as if the scales are hitting the rocks or the fish is leaping over the dragon's gate——

There was a gap in time and space, just like a dragon gate opening. She jumped and passed through the gap. Escaped in the year 2531 of the Dao calendar and escaped into the long river of history.

Of course Jiang Wang refused to let go, following closely behind him like a shadow, and also jumped in between.

The light lasts for a thousand years, chasing each other like in a dream.

The offensive and defensive momentum is easy!

At the moment when he jumped into the long river of history, Jiang Wang couldn't help but look back.

In this flash of light, he saw Yue Taizong Wenzhong, whose Taoist body was on the verge of collapse, rising up. In the ripples of time and space, he pierced the heart of Star God Xuan Xun with a hand knife!

Wen Zhong's angry shout was heard in his ears: "Even if Zhuge Yi is here in person, you shouldn't be distracted in a life-and-death battle with me! How arrogant you are!"

The vase flew high, and the pure water spilled onto the Qiantang.

The Tao body of Star God Xuan Xun collapsed like this.

The willow branch will turn into new green, and the old pillow of the long embankment will be restored!

The space-time gap has been closed.

What is blocked is the fact that has already happened and cannot be changed.

The Yue Kingdom in the year 2531 of the Dao calendar went with the waves.

The waves in Jiang Wang's heart could not calm down for a long time.

Historically, it was Zhuge Yi who first came to do this in person when Star God Xuan Zhen blocked Wen Zhong's way.

The reason why Wenzhong was able to destroy such Star God Xuan Xun was because Star God Xuan Xun was distracted and struck Ren Qiuli from Dao Li 3928.

History has created a spiral loop here!

When he was in the Neifu Realm, he was led by Yu Beidou to jump out of the river of destiny.

But he never really understood fate.

He has finished reading the massive "History's Swordsman Cuts the Sea", and he has experienced many major events that will surely be engraved in history.

But he doesn't feel that he has a deep understanding of history.

History is the gathering of destiny, and history is also the tributary of destiny.

He is in it.

Reading history books a thousand times is not as good as experiencing it once.

The shock that this scene and this moment brought to him will stay in his heart forever.

But it was a shock, and his movements were not delayed at all. Walking on the waves of history is like chasing water and clouds.

How fast he was when he ran away before, how anxious he was now when he was pursuing him.

Ren Qiuli can also use astrology to calculate his landing point in the long history and capture his traces. If he loses sight of Ren Qiuli, he will have no choice but to darken his eyes, and for more than a thousand years, he will randomly use his sword to hit whatever he wants.

"Master Tianji!" During this extremely fast pursuit, Jiang Wang's voice echoed in history: "If you don't stop, I will turn around and go back to Taixu Pavilion. From now on, I will not care about worldly affairs. When Dongzhen is invincible, I will go find Lu Shuanghe." Got it!"

The long river of history has no echo.

Of course Ren Qiuli knew that Jiang Wang would not turn around. Today, only one of her and Jiang Wang can get out of this history.

She already had pessimistic expectations, but she still had to make a last-ditch effort.

In the Ancestral Temple of Yue Kingdom.

Wen Jingxiu had been kneeling in front of the tall statue for a long time.

The monarch is speechless, but the years are silent.

It is difficult for an emperor to receive a negative evaluation while he is alive. Only at the moment of his death can the conclusion be drawn.

At a certain moment, the atmosphere in the ancestral temple seemed to "sink" and became very solemn. The green smoke of the incense began to fade, and the tall statue glowed, seeming very far away for a moment.

Wen Jingxiu finally got what he was waiting for. He raised his head and shouted piously: "Wen Jingxiu, the unworthy descendant of future generations, pays homage to Taizong. I would like to serve as the emperor, inherit the wishes of my ancestors, and welcome Taizong back!"

Of course he knew that Ren Qiuli created the "Time and Space Mirroring River Tianji Formation" and wanted to use this formation to mirror the history of the Yue Kingdom and complete the strangulation of Jiang Wang.

It was the existence of this formation that convinced him that Ren Qiuli could really kill Jiang Wang.

Of course he knew who Ren Qiuli borrowed the Yue Emperor's Seal to suppress. Looking at the entire history of the Yue Kingdom, there are only a few people who can pose a threat to Jiang Wang.

Yue Taizong will definitely appear in the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array", and he lent the Yue Emperor's Seal to meet Taizong!

Both Prime Minister Gao and Taizong can make waves in the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Formation".

He is also a real person in this world, he is also a contemporary Yuejun, he holds the highest authority in this mountain and river, he owns [Jinghu Lake].

He also has his layout.

For example, at this moment, he intercepted the historical projection of Yue Taizong and wanted to inherit his wishes and welcome Taizong's resurrection!

As the emperor of the Yue Kingdom, he was a direct descendant of Taizong. He sat on the same throne as Taizong. He and Taizong had the same level of cultivation. Throughout his life, he paid tribute to Taizong during festivals and birthdays. He never relaxed, and the blood sacrifice was connected... So the moment Taizong's will appeared, it became feasible for him to inherit Taizong.

The time and space formation in this spiritual temple has been prepared for a long time. It is also linked to the national defense formation, based on Jinghu Lake, and uses the geographical advantage to make a small borrowing from Ren Qiuli's formation. He also spent all the money in the national treasury to prepare the best formation materials - he started preparing all this from the day he got on the line with Ren Qiuli.

He knows that he does not have top-notch intelligence and cannot play against truly wise men. He trusts truly wise people. Therefore, in the first half of his life, he obeyed Gao Zhengyan and relied on the world to support him. So in the game of Fuji City, he also let go of the chessboard and let Ren Qiuli do whatever he wanted.

But he has unreserved trust in Gao Zheng, and only uses each other to Ren Qiuli. He gave the chessboard to Ren Qiuli in order to borrow Ren Qiuli's ability and the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array" to establish contact with Yue Taizong in history.

His real purpose is to let Yue Taizong return to play chess!

Gao Xiang said - "A wise ruler does not let everything happen, but a wise ruler leaves everything to be virtuous."

He took it to heart.

He is not only willing to delegate power, but also "let everything be done to the best of his ability". He also gave up everything about himself, including this body, to meet the true Mingjun!

His determination is not small, and his efforts are not small.

But the long river of time and space has no echo.

The majestic statue of Taizong stopped at that moment of brilliance, and no more changes occurred.

Is Taizong unwilling? Still can't finish?

Was it because the rituals were insufficient, the sacrifice was wrong, or was Ren Qiuli aware of it and secretly stopping it?

After all, resurrecting the ancestors from history is something beyond imagination. No matter how much you prepare, you may not be able to succeed.

Wen Jingxiu said sadly: "I was born to be a king, but I can't rule the country. Losing power is a regret for all the people. Losing the country is an eternal regret. I am incompetent and cannot take over the great events of the world!"

"I don't care about this body, I don't care about this life, and it is reflected in the distance for thousands of years. I only hope that the great Vietnam will be prosperous! I only hope that the royal family with the surname Wen will have unfailing glory and blood."

He suddenly bowed down and hit the ground with his forehead, making a sound like an old monk ringing a bell. His throat sounded like an old crow swallowing blood: "Taizong, please come back!"

The ancestral hall was silent.

You don't have to work hard to be recognized, and you don't have to wait to get results.

Wen Jingxiu was never an innocent person. When he sat on the throne of the Yue Kingdom, the first thing Gao Zheng taught him was to "recognize reality."

Recognize your own limitations and recognize the limitations of the country.

Realize that there is nothing you can do, realize that all your efforts will be in vain, and then think of ways to do something.

Time passed resolutely.

Didn't bring any more brilliance.

The tragic, generous and perseverance in Wen Jingxiu's eyes gradually turned into sadness, despair and pain.

His plan failed.

But the pain he felt was not due to the failure of his plan. But because he cannot stand up high after failure, he has no solution to the problem!

He is a monarch who sits high on the throne but does not know how to get out of a desperate situation. He is a leader who is lost and does not know where he can take the country.

But he must bear it.

There was no one behind him.

After a long period of silence, he decided to crush all emotions and continue towards a future beyond his control.

When the cold wind hits the bronze bells of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, when the incense heads in the furnace begin to fly to ashes. He raised his shoulders that were weighed down by the heavy burden, held the Emperor's Sword at his waist, and was about to stand up.

At this time, he heard a voice, a voice that seemed to come from the depths of his blood, echoing at the end of his soul——

"This palm of mine was created by me back then. I took the Qiantang Jiao Qi, plundered the dragon's spirit from the East China Sea, and combined the power of the Great Viet Kingdom..."

The sincere voice of Taizong of Yue!

Wen Jingxiu kept standing up with his sword in hand and remained motionless. He held his breath and listened intently. He heard that Taizong was driven by Ren Qiuli to fight Jiang Wang. He could hear that this was Taizong's show of goodwill to Jiang Wang, and that it was Taizong seeking the freedom of death amidst various restrictions!

But why should he hear this?

Is it to express dissatisfaction with him, a descendant of future generations?

No. Of course Taizong was dissatisfied with the stupidity of later generations. But there is no point in expressing dissatisfaction when the deal is already done. A person like Taizong would not do meaningless things.

Even Wen Jingxiu doesn't purely vent his emotions.

The legend named Wen Zhong must have some message to convey.

And only he could accept it at this moment.

Looking up at the statue's unreal face, Wen Jingxiu suddenly understood something. He turned his palm over on the spot and formed the [Jiangshan Dragon Seal]. His fingers were spread wide, pointing towards the face of Taizong's statue, as if he wanted to lift it up.

Covering your face with your palms shows no respect for the wise.

But when the palm was halfway up, it turned over the mountains and rivers again, turning the seal into fingers, like thunder suddenly emerging from the clouds, pointing out "Thousands of Miles Shocking God".

This finger is between the eyebrows of Taizong's statue!

The bloodline corresponds, the position corresponds, the environment corresponds, the seals correspond, the fingering corresponds... It's like a ticket that spans time and space, matching all the secret marks.

History echoes in the blood!

The road of the past generations was blue and blue, and the Wen family started in the grass, and trickled down to Qiantang.

Wen Jingxiu felt an almost trembling tremor from the depths of his soul.

Everything in the world was silent, except for Taizong Wenzhong's last voice, a bloody praise - "Good swordsmanship!"

He knew that Taizong's historical projection was also dead.

The shadowy glow of the Taizong statue in front of him suddenly merged into one place, turned into a yellow scroll, and fell down.

Wen Jingxiu seemed to see Taizong's figure falling back into the long river of history, and the yellow scroll fell into his hands.

Probably it has been stored in the shadow of history for too long and is very cold.

He felt sad for a moment, but couldn't make a sound.

I have all kinds of emotions that I can’t express to others!

He endured his grief, steadied his hands, and slowly opened the yellow scroll...

Suddenly put it away again!

He saw this country as a last resort.

This is the legacy left by the monarch who died in the year 2531 of the Dao calendar.

Two outstanding figures who stood at the beginning and end of the history of the Yue Kingdom, one died at the bottom of the Qiantang River and the other died on the banks of the Qiantang River. The death processes were both sudden, but the ending of their deaths was not sudden.

They all fought for this country until the last moment, even to the death. They also all left something behind.

The waves of the river hit the embankment, and the breeze of the river blows the willow trees.

Rolling Qiantang, how many heroes will be buried!

[Thanks to the book friend "What's the matter with me" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 749th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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