Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2248 Feng Qiwu, Nan Dousheng

"Brothers, hold on, behind you are the fellow countrymen, and this is the fertile land of our country - don't let wild beasts swallow up the fertile fields, don't let evil water eat the people!"

Zhou Sixun, the commander-in-chief of the Qiantang Navy of the State of Yue, personally led the army and fought hard before the torrent!

The navy's ships lined up in a line to block the torrent. The lights of various formations complement each other into a brilliance.

In addition to the necessary formation masters on the warship, the rest of the naval officers jumped into the water, formed a military formation with their bodies, and intercepted the flood.

Zhou Sixun himself even raised his golden body, walked against the flood, and smashed the flood peak with punch after punch.

In this world where extraordinary power is enough to move mountains and reclaim seas, simple floods are actually not a problem. Especially in a place like Qiantang River that has been operated for a long time, the vast waves have long been tamed. The formation formed by water has been regulating the waves for thousands of years. In the long years, Qiantang River has only two things, "irrigation" and "landscape".

Folk proverb says - "All floods are caused by big monsters, and landslides are caused by spirits."

It means that once these so-called "natural disasters" cause harm, they are mostly caused by extraordinary forces.

For example, where is the ground that swallows people in Maplewood City? Where was the fire that burned down the Ge family in Fuji City?

The moment Qiantang burst its embankment, the [number of towns] of the Yue Navy on the Qiantang River were also destroyed! After thousands of years of operation, the navy of Yue State collapsed in the river tide and became part of the torrent, which is why it was so difficult to contain.

Zhou Sixun still doesn’t know where the problem lies. At this critical moment, we can only save people first and trace the source later, in order to minimize the casualties of the people.

Qiantang River is the belief in the hearts of many Yue people.

It is the mother of Yue people and has nurtured countless talents for thousands of years. Once it rolls over, it becomes a natural disaster.

The moment when the Qiantang embankment was washed away was also the moment when Ge Fei, who was far away in governing the country, felt his guard collapse.

But if the heart is broken, how can it be better than just reforming?

And not just the crying people?

Wen Jingxiu, the emperor of the Yue Kingdom, stood on the top of the imperial city and looked into the distance.

The emperor looked up and saw that the power of Liguo was like a rainbow!

His heart was broken!

Pain, regret, shame and hatred!

Only now did he know what he had missed.

Gao Zheng set up a trap during his lifetime and filled his eyes when he died, making people think that Ge Fei was the key to Huang Weizhen's return. He used this fictitious information to cover up his true intention of "sweeping the courtyard and waiting for Feng Qiwu".

But in fact, this fictional information is not completely wrong.

In the process of Huang Weizhen's return, Ge Fei played a role, and this role was almost irrelevant - his role was to "unveil".

As a curtain hook, it unveils the most romantic legend in the Southern Region in the past nine hundred years and launches the performance of this great drama.

He, a monster who emerged from the realm of mountains and seas, became a real real person in this world, and truly understood the "truth" of the nine categories of Phoenix.

There is no one more suitable than him.

However, anyone can do such a thing as "unveiling". Ge Fei is the most suitable, but he is not absolutely necessary. Whether he is alive or dead, awake or mad, it has no effect.

This big drama should have started in the country of Yue. In this way, the country of Yue can be regarded as a land of phoenixes, so it is naturally virtuous.

Even if Huang Weizhen did not choose the Yue Kingdom as his ideal place in the end, the virtue of the nine phoenixes would be enough to completely transform the Yue Kingdom. As the saying goes, "Nine phoenixes are of the same kind, and their virtues are not violated."

The New Deal is about changing the tendons and washing the marrow, while Fengze is about being reborn.

Only in such a new Yue country will there be endless possibilities and will it truly have hope.

This is the guarantee Gao Zheng left for Yue. The highest goal is Feng Qiwu, and the lowest goal is Fenghuang Deze.

But because Wen Jingxiu didn't care about Ge Fei's life or death.

Ge Fei fled overnight and did not stay in Yue.

Gao Zheng tried his best to teach Ge Fei for so long, and always kept Ge Fei at Yinxiang Peak. He even organized his ideals and paved the way for him to become a legend of the human race. He asked him to hold high the banner of reforming the Yue Kingdom's New Deal and asked him to The country of Yue is regarded as the future...

They were all ruined by Wen Jingxiu's suspicion.

Wen Jingxiu could never completely trust Ge Fei, and of course Ge Fei himself was not trustworthy.

But Gao Zheng could truly regard Ge Fei as his apprentice and give him unreserved instruction, but Wen Jingxiu could not truly regard this mountain and sea monster as his junior disciple.

When Ge Fei was confused and foolish, he could still retain some warmth and comb his hair and wash his face. When Ge Fei's cruel nature returns and the mountain and sea monster's will returns to his body, Wen Jingxiu, the emperor of Yue, can only treat this monster as a pawn!

His suspicion and uncertainty about the monsters in the mountains and seas destined him to use Ge Fei as a sword and not care about Ge Fei's life or death.

But beasts like Ge Fei have an unusual sense of danger.

As soon as he sensed something was wrong, he immediately ran away.

In this way, Phoenix Deze falls by the wayside.

Wen Jingxiu can only stand here today and watch the country!

He knew that Ge Fei was not the key to Huang Weizhen's return, but he didn't know that it would make sense for Ge Fei to stay in Yue.

He is too smart and yet too unsmart.

He also worked hard and sacrificed everything to win more for the country of Yue... but he messed up the situation of Gao Zheng, and all the calculations came to nothing.

The mountain, officially known as "Yunlai" and popularly known as "Yinxiang", seems to carry a destiny-like curse. Gao Zheng has been walking in darkness all his life, falling into desperate situations. Gao Zheng's disciples also felt similar despair.

The despair of the original Ge Fei was that he could not bear the heavy responsibility of the family and could not see the possibility of reviving the ancient art of controlling insects. All his struggles were annihilated in the mountains and seas.

The despair of Gefei, occupied by mountain and sea monsters, is that no matter how hard you try, you can't change the outcome, you can't escape from the cage, and you can no longer distinguish between true and false.

As a senior brother, Wen Jingxiu's despair is that no matter how much effort he puts in, he cannot break through the limitations of his abilities. You are obviously willing to sacrifice everything, but the more you do, the more mistakes you make!

"Today the Qiantang embankment bursts, or the mountains and rivers are alerted!"

Wen Jingxiu walked from the Dayue Palace to Qiantang in one step. With his dragon robe raised high, he took action to intercept the tide with the dignity of the emperor. But he felt everything was collapsing in the Qiantang River, and felt the decline of Yue's national power. I couldn't help but feel sad: "It was me who harmed the country!"

Over there, Jia Kuai Bian Liang had mobilized a large formation to protect the country and led his troops to suppress the troubles in all directions, but he stopped on the spot. He can see——

Above the torrent, there are even more torrents.

The long river of history is rushing on the tide of Qiantang!

Following the waves of history is no longer unfamiliar to Jiang Wang.

Once in the world of Shenxiao, he also hid in the red mirror, looking back on the past, and saw the great demon He Huating, the ancestor of the demon clan.

I also saw the mantra stone tablet, touched the truth of history, and realized that "there is no one in the world."

He knew the weight of history and the weight of the truth, so he stepped on such waves and chased Ren Qiuli who went to heaven and earth.

A fleeting moment, an eternity has passed.

Under the waves of time, the noisy voice of people rushed towards us.

Jiang Wang glanced at it and knew that this was "Kuiji", the capital of the Yue Kingdom.

The Kuaiji at this time was no longer much different from the Kuaiji in 3928 of the Dao calendar.

What year is it today?

Ren Qiuli disappeared after escaping into this era.

Jiang Wang had no intention of scheming with Master Tianji. He just raised his eyebrows and a nine-hundred-foot-tall fairy dragon statue rose up from the sky.

Floating out of the dust, it makes people unforgettable.

Spreading his palms out of thin air, he just said: "Now I am going to kill people, no innocent people are involved, just wait and see - where is the secret!"

Previously, Ren Qiuli acted wantonly at the Qiantang River in the year 2531 of the Dao calendar, completely ignoring the Yue Kingdom's own security system, because she had the ability to sweep the history of the Yue Kingdom.

Jiang Wang now actually has such power.

After seeing both Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng, looking at the history of the Yue Kingdom, no one can compete with him.

As an "Imagination Horse", this statue is transformed from the Immortal Realm of Seeing and Hearing. It possesses the abilities of both the Ear Immortal and the Eye Immortal. All thoughts arise from a single thought, and it hangs high in Kuaiji to watch at ease!

From this moment on, in all corners of the Yue Kingdom, everything heard by the ears, everything seen by the eyes, all sights and sounds are controlled by this deity.

He is the immortal dragon in the world, the master of seeing and hearing!

As long as Ren Qiuli appeared in this era, it would be impossible to completely erase his traces. As long as Ren Qiuli's traces are seen and heard by anyone at this moment, Ren Qiuli cannot escape.

In Jiang Wang's soul sea, the Immortal Mind Galaxy is also twinkling. He does not leave everything to the Immortal Dragon Dharma. He mainly observes this era and helps analyze some information.

He heard this sound——

"Who is this person, so arrogant?"

"Go and invite the Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister Gao is still in the Fallen Immortal Forest and has not come back!"

An era when high government was still in power?

Jiang Wang saw this picture——

The kings and ministers of Yue State are having urgent discussions in the palace! A group of people were rushing around like ants in a hurry. Some people said that the fairy dragon might be a monster, some suggested sending a message to Shushan, and some said they might as well wait and see what happens... In short, there was a lot of noise.

The emperor sat on the dragon throne and had no idea for a long time. The Yuejun at this time is not Wen Jingxiu.

At this time, Wen Jingxiu was still a fat boy. In his own bedroom, holding a wooden sword, he practiced there with a tiger head and a tiger head, without wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Jiang Wang got angry when he thought of the three words "Wen Jingxiu", and jumped into the palace with his fairy thoughts, which disturbed his thoughts, causing the little fat man to get up unsteadily and fall down.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wen Jingxiu didn't say a word, patted her butt and got up to continue practicing. At a young age, I have a ruthless spirit in my bones.

In what year did Wen Jingxiu become emperor?

He shouldn't be young, he took over the position after his brother died. He and his brother are still a generation apart in age. The one sitting on the dragon throne now should be his grandfather?

Traveling through history, other information seems to be relatively easy to obtain. Only in this era itself, it seems that people will not be exposed directly to others. It is always inevitable to communicate with people and leave traces so that we can accurately grasp it.

Perhaps because the specific time is the "most critical" in history.

At this moment, the Immortal Dragon Faxiang suddenly turned his eyes from the sky. His eyes, as bright as the stars, reflected the entire Yue Kingdom. Under the pressure of being pushed to the limit, Ren Qiuli finally revealed his behavior.

But in more than one place.

A total of forty-nine celestial shadows, bringing up starlight like streamers, appeared in various parts of the country, fleeing in different directions. It is difficult to distinguish true from false, false and true.

Jiang Wang suddenly withdrew his mind and glanced into the distance——


The demonic ape form, which was also nine hundred feet tall, tore open the sky and descended here. He clenched his fist like a mountain and pounded it down hard.

Ripples appeared in the void, and nameless fire emerged from the ripples.

The namelessness suddenly becomes famous, and the flames are divided into three colors and dye all directions. Every shadow of the secret is ignited! The blazing and brilliant flames only follow the path of heaven, never contaminating anything else, and not harming anything or anyone in the country.

It is to seek truth through samadhi!

Which one is true and which one is false can be known by burning it.

After all, Ren Qiuli was also the top real person in the world, but he had no intention of fighting Jiang Wang head-on from the beginning to the end. At this moment, forty-nine phantoms were running around in all directions, dragging the Samadhi True Fire and running away like crazy.

Jiang Wang stood alone in a deserted alley, holding the sword in his hand, his tall and straight body tense and strong, like a fully drawn bow. Just waiting for the moment when the truth comes out will be like thunder that shatters the troubled world.

At this moment, he could see as far as the horizon, and the entire Yue Kingdom was in his heart. From here to the forty-nine points, each point has a one-hit kill line.

He has been chasing for too long and lost too much time. He is sure that he and Ren Qiu will be separated from life and death as long as they face each other for a moment!

But at this moment, from his high perspective, he saw Ren Qiuli's shadow running away crazily with flames, forming a long string of Yue characters on the mountains and rivers of the Yue Kingdom——

【3729 years of Dao calendar】.

You can't see the pattern when you're chasing it, but you can see it clearly when you jump out of the chessboard.

Jiang Wang's eyes narrowed.

This year in history…

The famous prime minister of the Yue Kingdom promoted the alliance of the Fallen Immortal and thus established the reputation of the Yue Kingdom as the number one prime minister throughout the ages!

Ren Qiuli did not flee here in a panic. This was a historical node she deliberately chose!

Why is she describing time at this moment?

Just the next moment. The words "Daoli 3729" gradually disappeared. It was as if there was an invisible hammer smashing them into pieces one by one.

Those broken shadows of time, seemingly slowly but urgently, reorganized into four big characters, which were reflected on the mountains and rivers of Yue Kingdom.

This time it is the word Tao, the word is——

Alliance of Fallen Immortals!

The Immortal Dragon Dharma Appearance is very knowledgeable, and at the moment when these four words appeared, he saw a long mountain forest.

This is a miraculous picture.

The outermost area is filled with death, soldiers are soaring into the sky, and there are beacons everywhere.

Everything in the innermost circle is withering and solemn, and there are ghosts and shadows, and it is very dangerous at the sight!

The most dangerous place in the world, the Fallen Immortal Forest, is reflected in this long scroll.

Jiang Wang traveled south and north, fighting in all realms. It can be said that he has seen all kinds of dangers. But among all the Jedi in this world, I have never been to the Fallen Immortal Forest.

At this moment, when I looked at the painting from behind the scroll, I felt that the evil intention almost jumped out of the frame.

I saw many names appearing one after another on the long scroll——

They are Chu State, Nandou Hall, Mugu Academy, Yue State, Li State, Xia State, Blood River Sect, and Jiange!

All the forces in the southern region signed and stamped it.

This is the alliance forged by the high-level political alliance.

It happened to be completed at this moment!

He was actually borrowed by Ren Qiuli!

A long history, full of waves. Some of the names above have slowly lost their influence in the Fallen Immortal Forest. There are also some names that are lost to time forever.

Many turbulent pasts and bloody battles were eliminated in just one moment.

Forty-nine phantoms of Ren Qiuli turned around at the same time, formed sword-shaped seals at the same time, and uttered a prophecy: "Heaven will never leave the year, and the Tao will never miss it. If I don't get the year, my life will be cut off!"

This is also a sentence in the "Shounan Longevity Sutra". This is the South Douji Longevity Seal!

At this special historical node of the 3729th year of the Dao calendar, with the help of the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array" and the power of the "Covenant of the Fallen Immortal", the 7749 Seal broke through time! A seal travels through time and space, producing a huge echo over the years.

There is a faint echo from the year 2531 of the Taoist Calendar - "Sitting in the south will lead to longevity, kneeling in the north will lead to death. The destiny is to give life, and the fish and dragon are destined to die."

The echoes echo each other like waves chasing each other endlessly.

Further south in the country of Yue, where the Meteor Fairy Forest is located, a faint cry echoed back - "Antarctic Immortality!"

The river is roaring, the river is mighty.

The historical covenant, whose body was enshrined in the Imperial Ancestral Temple of Yue State and whose virtual image spread across the mountains and rivers of Yue State, suddenly appeared.

All the shadows of Ren Qiuli who were forming seals, as well as Jiang Wang who was paying attention to this appointment, were all involved and disappeared.

Ren Qiuli laid the groundwork in the Meteor Immortal Forest in Daoli 3928 in order to use this moment to pull Jiang Wang out of the confines of the Yue Kingdom through the historic "Meeting Immortal Alliance". The long history of the Yue Kingdom jumped into the long history of the Fallen Immortal Forest, causing it to be lost forever.

This is the final reckoning.

If you are impatient, you can wait for a few days and then read again after finishing the paper. Only a few days left.

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