Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2255 God

Jiang Wang has known Duke Huai for many years, and he has never seen such a complicated look in the old man's eyes.

My husband is used to seeing wind and rain, and has experienced everything in the world. He is always as calm as an abyss, and sometimes roars like an angry sea.

Only this indescribable look had never appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Wang and others were silent.

Fallen Immortal Forest, Transcendent Existence, All Saints’ Fate Transformation, Huang Weizhen... these terms are all far beyond the reach of young people like them.

The Taixu Cabinet Member, the First God, and Zuo Xiaogongye are all still lacking in level.

Zuo Xiao sighed: "Huang Weizhen is indeed an amazing person."

He added: "Now it can be called 'great'."

Greatness is the highest praise, and greatness is also a level of power.

"Grandpa Zuo has always admired Huang Weizhen! He was like this even before he returned." Qu Shunhua said, "But in my heart, Grandpa Zuo is also a great person!"

Zuo Xiao laughed loudly: "I am very proud of what I heard. You are not allowed to say the same thing to Qu Jinkui."

Jiang Wang glanced at Zuo Guangshu. The boy's grin reached behind his ears.

Qu Shunhua coaxed his elders from the top, took Guangshu from the bottom, swept through the army with thousands of cavalry, and ranked first in cultivation. He was really a good sister-in-law who was excellent in all aspects.

At this time, she said again: "Grandpa Zuo, can you tell me your story in the Fallen Fairy Forest? They always hide this matter and don't explain it in detail. I'm curious."

Zuo Xiao twitched his lips and put down his chopsticks: "It's been so many years, but there's nothing bad to say."

He glanced to the side, Jiang Wang wisely handed over the cup, and Zuo Guangshu came over to pour the wine.

When wine shines on people's faces, they are no longer young.

The old man took a steady look at himself in the wine glass. He almost didn't remember what he looked like when he was young. He picked it up and drank it in one gulp, then said slowly: "My father died in the Meteorite Forest. I have watched Meteorite since I was a child. The Immortal Forest is not pleasing to the eye. At that time, I was arrogant and had the best of both worlds. I realized that there were no heroes in the world and that detachment was a smooth road. I was extremely ambitious and wanted to bring peace to the Immortal Forest in one fell swoop and use it to attack detachment - in the end I failed. , it was Emperor Sejong who went to the forest with his whole country and personally saved me."

This story is very short and can be told in just a few sentences.

But the waves it represents may not even be carried by the Xiangjiang River!

It turns out that Zuo Xiao's path to detachment was based on the Meteor Immortal Forest, and he was finally lost in the Meteor Immortal Forest.

No wonder his eyes were so complicated when he mentioned the story in the Fallen Immortal Forest.

His ambition was buried there, and he was once only one step away from transcendence.

"Grandpa Zuo." Jiang Wang asked seriously, "Why do you think you failed?"

Most people won’t ask this question, and most people don’t need to get an answer.

I still remember the first time Jiang Wang came to Chu State. At that time, it was still full of shadows of another person. Looking back now, it is another round of scorching sun. Zuo Xiao looked at him deeply: "At any time, there is only one reason for failure - you are not strong enough."

"That is the road to the top, the power to break the limits of this world. The word 'holy' is not enough to describe it. No matter how much preparation you make, it is not enough. Everyone who reaches that step will feel that they are ready. . But when you really get to that moment, perhaps defeat is the constant answer. You must imagine to the extreme and transcend everything, only then can you create a glimmer of opportunity and seize it."

Zuo Xiao said slowly: "But if we must find a specific and direct reason. My failure is that the detachment is blocked in the depths of the Fallen Immortal Forest. He is too secretive, beyond feelings. When he takes action, I will We know that there is such a deity in the world. Even Emperor Shizong did not know his name even though he fought against him."

The "Emperor Shizong" he refers to is Xiong Shao, the grandfather of the current Emperor of Chu, whose temple name is "Shizong".

The hegemonic emperor has the power of the whole country, he truly possesses transcendent power and is not weaker than any opponent. Otherwise, it would be impossible to go deep into the Immortal Forest and save Zuo Xiao's life in the hands of another detached figure.

It's just that the detachment of the Meteorite Forest is too mysterious!

There are so many powerful people in the world, and their methods are as numerous as the sea of ​​​​stars, but his name is not even clear?

In the Zuo family, Jiang Wang was always very natural and did not need to hide anything. He thought about it and said: "Speaking of the unclear name, it reminds me of the Changsheng Lord of the South Dou Palace. He also escaped after cutting off his name and is still alive... "

He wondered if the detachment in the Fallen Immortal Forest might be someone like the founder of Nandou Hall. If it wasn't for similar magical powers, how could it be so mysterious?

Zuo Xiao sneered: "The one in South Dou Hall is still far behind! They have nothing to do with each other. The one in the Fallen Immortal Forest is an existence beyond recognition. It's not just a matter of name-dropping."

Beyond cognition, it cannot be observed, imagined, or defined. This is truly an unattainable realm.

The person in the Fallen Immortal Forest is an existence that cannot be accurately recognized even if he is detached.

Even Zuo Xiao, who once attacked transcendence and was at the peak of his life in the Fallen Immortal Forest, and even Chu Shizong Xiong Shao, who had truly grasped the power of transcendence, still didn't know its roots after having real contact with it.

Meng Tianhai's name is hidden in history and can still be found in history by great scholars. Lord Changsheng cut off his name and escaped, taking hundreds of millions of people from the Nandou Stars as hostages, but he could only hide his name for a generation.

This detached figure in the Fallen Immortal Forest has a definite record of his actions, and even such major events as blocking Zuo Xiao and fighting against Chu Shizong, which shocked the world, are still not revealed.

It's really mysterious to the extreme.

From this, we can see the true horror of Huang Wei even more.

As soon as he returned, he awakened these mysterious and transcendent existences, watched their power, locked onto their traces, and even planned to kill them!

On the eve of Shenxiao, all parties are preparing for war.

As the most talented person in the human race today, Jiang Wang is also aware of the many preparations of the human race and has even witnessed many of them with his own eyes.

The Cangwu Sword in the Mysterious Realm pressed against the Saha Dragon Staff, and Yu Yuan and Ying Yunian stared at the Ancient Mother...

Now it seems that Huang Weizhen is in charge of the Meteor Immortal Forest, which is known as "the most ferocious in the world".

But everything else is just a confrontation. Will Huang Weizhen kill Chao Chao as soon as he comes back?

What an unparalleled courage.

The well-informed Master Jiang was shocked, and the two little gods Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua were even more speechless.

It was said that Huang Weizhen was the most romantic person in Chu land in the past three thousand years. As time went by after his death, more and more people questioned this statement. Now it seems that it is more than three thousand years!

At this time, a servant came in and reported: "My lord, Fengdu Yin wants to see you!"

Zuo Xiao raised his eyebrows. The kind attitude he had in front of his family disappeared in an instant, and his whole person became unusually cold and solemn: "Let him in."

Gu Chi floated into the dining hall like a bamboo pole holding up the black official uniform.

When he saw Jiang Wang, he was not surprised. He only bowed and bowed to Duke Huai: "There is one thing that the Duke has specially explained to me... I feel that I should come here in person and report it to the Duke."

Zuo Xiao waved his hand: "In the future, don't report the information from Fengdu to me casually. Fengdu belongs directly to the emperor, and I have no right to interfere. You are the emperor's confidant, so I will just say it bluntly - rectify the government. To establish a clear and upright government, we must start from these small things."

Gu Chi was so moved that he almost shed tears.

As a direct confidant of the Emperor, he knew that good times were coming soon, but he didn't expect them to come so quickly and so well!

Is it possible that Fengdu will get rid of the era of group fathers and truly enter the realm of being inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people?

In fact, sometimes I think about it, Fengdu Yin is not that miserable.

Most of my peers are no better.

Sang Xianshou in the Central Prison had a notorious reputation, but in Jingguo he didn't dare to investigate or interrogate him, and his ancestors were everywhere.

Yan Wen of the Prison Suppression Department was even called "Fan Sinian's evil dog". How could he have any dignity as a spy leader?

This is just great.

Fengdu Yin stood up, and Fengdu Yin was the first to create a dark side culture in the Six Kingdoms!

After thinking about it, he still managed to guard against arrogance and impatience and said, "It's about Lu Shuanghe."

Zuo Xiao glanced at him and said nothing.

Gu Chi turned around and left knowingly: "I won't disturb the father-in-law for dinner. I will take my leave."

"Cough!" Duke Huai's cough sounded from behind him: "It won't happen next time."

Gu Chi quickly turned around and reported smoothly: "The traces of the Seven Killers of Nandou Hall have appeared. He is currently wandering near the entrance of the Fallen Immortal Forest. Several groups of people have seen him."

Zuo Xiao turned around and looked at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang stopped his chopsticks and thought thoughtfully: "He is not wandering, he is waiting for me. As soon as Tianji died, he had already felt my power."

"It's not convenient for me to go to the Fallen Immortal Forest." Zuo Xiao said, "Master Gu, pass the news to An Guogong. The heads of the remnants of Nandou are his responsibility."

"No need." Jiang Wang immediately stopped: "After hearing your shocking and transcendent past, and being shocked to hear about Huang Wei's romantic affairs, I can't help myself in the sword ring box at this moment. Heroes in the world are so glorious that they should not be called yesterday's. Loneliness—Lu Shuanghe and I have a great promise, and it’s time to fulfill it.”

Zuo Xiao looked at him: "Do you remember what I told you last time?"

"Old man, I remember it very clearly, please don't worry." Jiang Wang nodded seriously, stood up and said, "You guys eat more slowly, don't eat up all my favorite frost flower flying fish... I will come back for a second bowl of rice. .”

After saying that, he was about to go out, but suddenly he felt something in his heart. He smiled and said to Zuo Guangshu: "Guangshu, if Dou Zhao comes over later, tell him that I have something to do outside and will be back soon - let him sit and wait for me, and don't go away."


This is really baffling. Zuo Guangshu didn't understand.

Didn't Dou Zhao get trapped in the Abi Ghost Cave? How to "come here"? How did Brother Jiang know that he was coming?

But there was no time to ask anything, Brother Jiang's figure had disappeared, like a fish diving into water, without a trace.

Deep in Zhanghuatai, there is a galaxy of endless information.

The dharma image of Duke Huai of Great Chu stands here in vain. The huge star god Ximu did not speak today, only the branches and leaves were shaking, and he carefully sorted out the message.

Deep in the galaxy, Zhuge Yixian's voice rang out: "Great Chu is lucky to have the Zuo family to protect the country! I would like to thank you on behalf of the hundreds of millions of people in Great Chu!"

Zuo Xiao's Dharma was more solemn and more majestic than the Taoist body. At this moment, he was hanging in the sky, looking down at the torrent of information, and only said: "The hundreds of millions of people in the Chu Kingdom, generals, ministers, princes, all should thank you. Great Chu The accumulated evil started with Taizu. It is deep-rooted and unshakable. You have done too much to push the situation to this point."

"I can only do this... cough cough cough!" A voice from deep in the galaxy coughed for a long time before saying: "The battle in the river valley has exposed the problem. We lost not only the national destiny, but also the national destiny. The choices of the past. The Qin State has been undergoing reforms for many years. It has controlled hundreds of families, replaced the generals, and replaced the banners with ten soldiers. It has rapidly strengthened the national power through cruel competition, and the new nobles in the court have defeated the old ones. That is to say, we raised the flag to turn against the situation, but in the end we failed. Become a more stubborn aristocratic empire than Jingguo. If Shenxiao is defeated, nothing will happen. If Shenxiao wins, foreign troubles will be eliminated... Some people can't hold back their mood of bringing peace to the world. If we don't reform, we will have no chance. ——Cough cough cough!”

Zuo Xiao frowned: "Your body..."

"It doesn't matter." The voice from the depths of the galaxy said: "I should have died two thousand years ago. It was Zhang Huatai who kept hanging on to my life, and the power of the country has always nourished me. When I am old and not dead, and I become a monster due to decay, it is time for me to die. Time to give back.”

Zuo Xiao didn't look up to many people in his life, but he respected Zhuge Yixian very much: "Sir, you have worked hard for four thousand years in Chu. What you give is far better than what you take. This country is lucky to have you."

"The New Deal has cut off too many people's flesh and blood. This is a personal pain, and people will definitely hate it. Not everyone can be as broad-minded as the father-in-law, and it is impossible to expect someone to cut out the flesh without pain. The hatred in the world is so depressed that it collapses. country. Someone has to stand up and let people vent - in the final analysis, we are all Chu people, and we still need to move forward in unity."

Zhuge Yi laughed "hehe" first, and the waves in the information galaxy rolled up, as if waving goodbye: "I can't bear it anymore. It's the last thing to do something."

There is nothing more difficult than the word "endurance" in life.

The Star Witch has been burning his body with fire and boiling his soul with oil for too long.

Zuo Xiao knew that he had already exhausted his energy and energy, and understood that this was the final decision.

He also knew that it was not just Zhuge Yi who had to bear the responsibility first.

The Great Chu was founded on the basis of aristocratic families, and the Great Chu was founded on the basis of aristocratic families. At that time, Xiong Yizhen, the great ancestor of Chu, personally said in Jiaowu Mountain that he wanted to share the world with his brothers. During the last four thousand years, all the families of the Chu Kingdom fought for their country and fought for military glory with their lives. Every bit of glory was stained with blood!

The royal family and aristocratic families have shared the world for nearly four thousand years. Now that the imperial court is attacking aristocratic families, it is like cutting open their livers and gouging out their hearts. Who is willing to restrain their hands? Is Zhuge Yixian alone able to bear the accumulated resentment of the whole country?

Even with Zuo Xiao taking the lead, the four major Xiangguo families took the initiative to innovate themselves. Even if Emperor Chu controls both inside and outside the court and has eliminated all possibilities of interference... he will still feel the personal pain and resentment in his heart.

When the Emperor of Chu changed the government, he did not use crude methods like Wen Jingxiu, nor did he rely on others, turning the change into a gamble. He personally eliminated internal and external troubles, and took the initiative to promote Huang Weizhen's early return during the break of the hegemony... Only after everything was ready, he started this change.

But even so, he still needs to bear the grievances between the government and the opposition.

As the master of the country, he will be tainted by the world.

After the New Deal, today's emperor will definitely abdicate.

It will be time for Prince Xiong Zidu, who has been raised in prison for ten years, to come out.

The new monarch inherits the hope of the world, inherits the virtues of the previous monarchs, and then leaks a little sweetness from the fingers of controlling the situation. Shows the heart of heaven and promotes some officials, then he can control the situation of the court and everything will be renewed. There is the possibility of planning for the post-Shenxiao era.

Xiong Zidu should be on his way soon...

The king of the Ping Dynasty came into contact with the prince in the ghost prison. There must be a cause and effect behind this.

When the emperor went to protect Huang Weizhen in his personal capacity, he showed his determination to clear the country for the prince.

Zuo Xiao was thinking about all kinds of things that he had not stated clearly, and he could really feel Zhuge Yixian's fatigue. Dragging my broken body and carrying the weight of the world, I have not dared to make a mistake for thousands of years.

People are not puppets, so there is no way they can stay at the top!

"There are nine phoenixes in the mountains and seas. The swans have fallen to the Yue Kingdom, the falcons have fallen to the Li Kingdom, the rainbows have flown to the fairy forest, and the mandarins in the sky have carried their daughters. The remaining five phoenixes have all returned to Chu." Duke Huai sighed: "Nine of them are there. Fifth, nine five nine five. The emperor has won the support of Huang Weizhen, and you are indispensable."

"Actually, I haven't done much. I just mended things and sorted out the connections. They were just some things that were part of my job." The voice from the depths of the galaxy said with emotion: "With the determination of the emperor to leave the country, there is no reason why it will be impossible. Taizu He who attaches great importance to love is not like the emperor, but today the emperor is the real emperor."

Zhuge Yi was first an old man of the Chu State in the Xiong Yizhen era, and had experienced dozens of kings of the Chu State. When he arrived at Xiong Ji, he was finally tired and said he "couldn't stand it any longer."

Perhaps this also represents the end of the era of "righteousness".

A king is a king after all, a country is a country after all, and people’s minds are ever-changing after all.

How can there be any country in the world that is held together by the word "righteousness"?

The heroic spirit of "justice enjoying the world" has spread all over the world throughout the ages, and only people like Xiong Yizhen can bear it.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zuo Xiao finally said.

This was the last time Duke Huai of Great Chu and Star Witch of Chu met.

When Zuo Xiao left Zhanghuatai, the new political treaty "Tianchu Holy Dynasty Covenant and People's Book" drafted by Xiong Ji, the emperor of Chu, had been spread throughout the Chu Kingdom through Zhanghua Channel.

In three thousand words, the great deeds of the past sages of the Chu Kingdom are mentioned above, and the difficulties faced by the Chu Kingdom today are described below.

There are only nine words in its core: "Destroy the aristocratic family, cut off the shelter, and kill the hereditary family!"

From then on, the Chu State had no recommendation, no shelter, and no inheritance.

From the military to politics, all officials take the official examination. Chosen from among all the people, he will be the disciple of the Emperor!

The sky wind blows through the alleys, and the people's speech has its own voice.

"Eh - do you know where the five phoenixes from mountains and seas returned to Chu and landed?"

"The red phoenix Qingluan is in the palace, the emerald bird Jiaxuan is in Zhanghua, and the eagle is in Wutong Lane!"

The Shenxiao Phoenix flag of Dachu has a red phoenix embroidered on the flag. The red phoenix and Qingluan in the palace represent nobility.

The divine phoenix and corpse phoenix flying in Zhanghuatai are more conducive to Chu Ting's orders to the gods and ghosts in the world.

The eagle is purple, representing perseverance and unyielding quality.

Near Zhuque Street, there is a Wutong Lane. Prosperity and squalor are just around the corner.

There is a young man named Chu Yuzhi in Wutong Lane. His name means brilliant and bright. He founded a "Tongyi Society". When he walked out of the "Jianwo Building", his ideal was to "equal opportunities."

It was once just out of reach.

But this is what Chu State today seeks and proves.

Mountains and rivers thousands of miles away are sometimes in the palm of your hand.

The beast that "sees a great epidemic in the world" stopped in front of the palm prints that looked like a chasm in the sky.

Fearful and hesitant.

Changes are still happening. It still has a bloody bull's head, which is turning white bit by bit starting from the horns.

When the entire bull's head turns completely white, the real beast is born.

The palm holding it gently gave it away.

The small white fly flew high in the air, flew out of the world in its palm, opened its frightened eyes, and saw——

The endless secluded forest, the resentment and evil spirits soaring into the sky, the ghost figures floating everywhere, the screams that disturb the eardrums from time to time, and the blue light that almost splits the eyeballs along the line of sight.

This is the Fallen Fairy Forest!

The beast is a legendary beast and the incarnation of disaster. Whenever it appears, disaster strikes.

At this moment, it was truly born in the Fallen Immortal Forest, so the disaster was in the forest.

Just a moment ago, the Meteor Immortal Forest was shining brightly for thousands of miles, with golden brilliance shining brightly. The next moment there were disasters and shadows everywhere.

The mysterious and unpredictable King Zhao used leather flies to create a real flying beast and brought disaster to the entire Fallen Fairy Forest. Naturally, it was aimed at the transcendent existence deep in the Fallen Fairy Forest.

He is helping Huang Weizhen!

The transcendent existence deep in the Fallen Immortal Forest is one of the most mysterious and terrifying existences in all eternity. Unobservable, unperceivable, undefinable.

He has taken action several times in history, but has not left any traces, and has always been in a state of "suspected existence" that has been speculated. There is no record of his name in the Transcendence Covenant.

The last time Zuo Xiao showed his scales and half claws was when Zuo Xiao was trying to transcend his realm in the Meteor Immortal Forest, he blocked the way and fought with Chu Shizong.

After that, I tried to look for Him without detachment, but I couldn't find Him.

That is to say, this time Huang Weizhen returned from the fantasy ahead of everyone's expectations. He created the four phoenixes, greatly promoted the four realms of heaven, gods, corpses, and ghosts, shaking the foundation of the Fallen Immortal Forest, and then alerted him and captured his whereabouts.

This is a rare opportunity, and the possibility of Lin Yongzhi's death is almost at one fell swoop.

King Zhao threw the beast here, borrowing the "truth" that came out of the mountain and sea realm, and reversely molding the "fly" that could only exist in the mountain and sea realm, and threw it into the Meteor Immortal Forest.

In that detached battlefield that cannot be observed, this is just a weight added to the scale.


The birth of the ghost phoenix brings great benefits to the ghost world.

Abi Ghost Cave, known as the "source of all ghosts", is naturally restless.

Moreover, the peerless delicacy escapes, and the ghost saint's inheritance disappears in a flash.

Countless evil spirits rushed out, causing a roar like thunder. Ghosts often move silently. To be able to make such a movement shows how chaotic the Abi Ghost Cave is.

This is an unprecedented movement!

Dou Zhao shot through the rainbow and flew out of the cave. After the disaster, I suddenly found a treasure, but I didn't think about rushing home to find my wife, or finding a place to hide and digest the money.

Instead, he followed the traces in his memory and continued to rush through the Meteorite Forest to find Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli.

He fights a hero for a lifetime - well, a hero fights a ghost for a lifetime.

People have always avoided me, but no one dared to say that I avoided people! If you want to cut off the heads of the two remnants of Nandou Hall, you must cut off these two heads. Not even one less one.

It is useless for anyone to come, and no one can stop it.

He couldn't tell what state he was in now. In short, he couldn't be considered a pure "human", but he wasn't completely "ghost" either. On the one hand, the Dao body has recovered part of its vitality, and on the other hand, the soul has been replaced with fighting intent... In short, the current state is somewhere in between.

That’s all.

Not very important.

The reason why he is Douzhao is because he is Douzhao. It has nothing to do with his origin, his species, whether he is a human, a ghost, or a demon Shura.

Regarding the cognition of species, we might as well study it slowly in the future.

He only knows that he is... very strong!

He was so strong that he punched Xuan Zun and kicked Jiang Wang.

The Taoism of Yin Yang True Saint flows in his heart. He only picks up the parts he likes and fills them into his daydreams. After being devoured by thousands of ghosts and refining himself through hundreds of tribulations, he has reached the pinnacle in a sense, and he urgently needs an opponent to test his sword!

With this fighting spirit high, he flew high into the sky and rampaged through the Meteor Immortal Forest, where everyone's expression changed after hearing this.

If you are not afraid of danger, you are just afraid that it is not dangerous enough.

Suddenly, a dark shadow swept over me, like a blanket of night——

A man wearing a black monk's robe seemed to be flying towards him with a series of overlapping shadows, as if the ocean tide was roaring, making people's vision blurry. It was difficult to stay in the field of vision, but I saw the man with a short beard and deep eye sockets glanced at him very coldly!

Dou Zhao was secretly frightened, and he almost cut out the dream sword in his hand, but he held it tightly. Not to be offended for the time being!

But he was still shocked and refused to retreat——

The man in front of him was obviously an extremely strong man. If he really had murderous intentions, he would still be dead if he turned around and ran away. It would be better to face each other head on and die with dignity.

Fortunately, the visitor is not itchy.

Just like that, the two flying figures passed by each other without anyone taking a second glance at the other.

But the fighting spirit boiling in Dou Zhao's heart suddenly faded a lot.

Forget it, let's go home first and fix Tianxiao after all. You can also go home and have a meal.

The Fallen Immortal Forest has been a bit chaotic recently.

It’s not impossible to kill Jiang Wang first!

He does whatever comes to his mind.

Immediately, he turned the dream knife upside down, slashed it vertically, and split open the sea of ​​subconsciousness in the roaring and agitated tide. He collected his soul and jumped into it——

Didn’t you, surnamed Jiang, call me in the past of history? Aren't you in a hurry to see my majestic appearance? I'm here now! Take the knife!

Yin and Yang are separated by just a thought, and Jiang Wang's echo has not yet dispersed in the subconscious sea.

It can be crossed through the ages, but how far is it from thousands of miles?

Dou Zhao jumped out of the sea of ​​subconsciousness, and his daydream was real. He was a fierce and majestic man with a brilliant golden body. He was wearing a gold-rimmed red robe, and there was no hint of gloominess at all.

He was full of fighting spirit, raised his knife and looked around, but all he saw was——

Zuo Guangshu, the "Qu Qu" in front of Zuo Guangshu, and... Duke Huai!

"Master Zuo!" Dou Zhao immediately put away his sword and bowed, the unruly expression on his face turned into a smile: "Is this a family dinner? Excuse me, I have something to do with Jiang Wang, let's go first -"

He sat down involuntarily.

"You're all here, let's have some food first." Zuo Xiao showed rare kindness: "I have informed your great-grandmother that she will come back to beat you as soon as she finishes her business."

What's the business?

Isn't it business enough to pick me up?

Why did my great-grandmother go?

No, where is that bastard Jiang Wang? Were you still here just now? Was he hiding because he was afraid of being beaten so he called his parents?

Ten thousand questions burst into Dou Zhao's heart, but they were all silent in the eyes of Duke Huai.

"Xiao Zhao, you are a man of rules." Zuo Xiao said calmly: "Don't talk when you eat or sleep. You can talk after eating."

Li Mao just passed by Dou Zhao.

He flew over the Abi Ghost Cave as if he was destined to do so.

Abi Ghost Cave is the most dangerous place in the world, where hundreds of millions of evil ghosts gather, bottomless and endless. If Zhenjun unfortunately falls into it, he will hardly survive!

But he is a ghost.

It is an existence that can be concluded here.

Coming to Abi is like returning home.

His hometown is no longer here, his ghost town can be here.

The road of ghost cultivation is rugged and narrow, and it is difficult to achieve good results in all eternity.

The old things in Abi Ghost Cave are all old grievances accumulated over many eras.

In the nearly two thousand years of this world, the only one who has become a heavenly ghost is Li Mao.

It was the late Wen Zhong and the subjugated Wen Jingxiu who helped him achieve this.

From the moment he became enlightened, he had the authority over Abi Ghost Cave. He belongs to this place, and he is the same kind as the ghosts here.

Now, he wants to grasp more.

After the birth of Ghost Phoenix Lianhong and the expansion of the ghost path, Abi Ghost Cave became more dangerous and took on a more important meaning——

And this is exactly why he came here.

There is no more suitable role than him, and no more appropriate identity than him.

He has been away from home for more than a thousand years, and his wandering soul is tied to Qiantang. The Kingdom of Yue has come to an end, but his ideals still exist. He wants to become the king among the ghosts, he wants to dominate this place, he wants to represent the Ping Dynasty and assume the responsibility of managing the Abi Ghost Cave!

Of course, we must also reap the merits of bringing peace to the Fallen Immortal Forest.

For example, the Mohist sage Yue Xiaoxu used the "Qiankun Zhengda Two Realms Huilong Formation" to erect a true projection of Wuguan in Yuyuan, driving a nail in Yuyuan for the human race, and winning merit for the Mohist family. He is still praised today.

If the country of Ping An can manage Abi Ghost Cave today, it will have an inheritance in this world. No longer a ghost in the night, a wandering soul in the world. It is an organization that can stand calmly in the sunshine - even though this land of sunshine is located in the Fallen Fairy Forest.

But this is the merit recognized by this world, the martial arts recognized by the human race.

In today's era, only places like the Fallen Immortal Forest still have room for exploration. If an organization like the Equality Country raises its flag anywhere else, it will inevitably be pulled down.

This also represents the transformation and attempt of the Equality State, from a shadow organization that supports weak countries to resist and subverts the rule of powerful countries, to a sovereign state that declares its ideals and takes on responsibilities. In the long history, it has surfaced for the first time, and like all the forces in the world, it has been scrutinized by the people of the world.

He, Li Mao, will become the first person in the country of equality to stand on the top of the world!

There is great danger in this matter, and he is likely to become the target of public criticism, but it also contains huge opportunities.

If your ambition is thousands of miles long, why be afraid of a long farewell?

If you want to bring peace to the Fallen Immortal Forest, you should start from Abi Ghost Cave.

The matter of managing the Abi Ghost Cave itself also adds to the mysterious and transcendent struggle between Huang Weizhen and the fallen immortal forest.

The country of equality fully supports this transcendent battle and prepares for the war of the gods for the human race!

"I am Li Mao." Li Mao's voice resounded through the ghost cave, like the constitution of heaven——

"Today I am the 'Qiantang Lord' of the heavenly ghost, and I build the city of Tiangong here. With my heart, I embody the heart of the heavens, and I am the Lord of this world! This city is a peaceful corner, where I can cultivate my life. I will hoe the strong and help the weak, rescue the poor, and cleanse the wrongs. . The human race in the world is one family, and there is no superiority among all races! Anyone in the world who aspires to equality, regardless of nationality or clan, can enter our Tiangong City!"

Deep in the ghost cave, there was a series of roars.

It was the ancient heavenly ghosts who were dissatisfied with the provocation of the newcomers.

Li Mao didn't waste any time and jumped directly into the ghost cave!


The subconscious sea roars and flows.

Jiang Wang rebelled against yin and yang, slashed Yuankong with his sword, and walked out of the rift in his daydream.

He came to the Fallen Immortal Forest.

In the Duke of Huai's Mansion, he sensed Douzhao's birth through the echo of the subconscious sea before anyone else. I also received a request from Dou Zhao - this guy begged to come and fight.

Jiang Wang agreed to his first request.

Relying on the remaining connections in the mirrored time and space, and through the connection of yin and yang inheritance, a true channel between the subconscious sea and daydreams is built.

This is also where Dou Zhao's daydream has finally come true. It was also his subconscious ocean that became wider and wider, and the waves were turbulent. It is the last inheritance of Yin Yang True Sage, giving them different feedback. Let him truly understand the undercurrent of the subconscious sea.

In the past, they have not been able to do this.

Dou Zhao's daydreams were sublimated, and his subconscious mind was boosted.

Dou Zhao just arrived and he just left. On the journey of yin and yang, he and Dou Zhao happened to be in the wrong body. So one is here and one is there.

Save yourself the rush!

The subconscious sea connects the daydreams, the yin and yang are changing rapidly, and the dreams are thousands of miles away.

Yu Jiangwang experienced this for the first time in his life.

The moment he arrived at the Meteor Immortal Forest, the sky and the earth suddenly sensed that there was a black and white rainbow, like a swallow returning to the forest, like a shadow falling into the forest.

Jiang Wang raised his sword and was about to cut, but paused. He did not feel any malice, but instead felt kindness. When Dou Zhao was born earlier, he had a premonition that something was approaching. This time he came to the Fallen Immortal Forest for the reason of "receiving the letter".

At this moment, his mind was infinitely far away, and the subconscious sea seemed to be connected to an infinite abyss——

At the bottom of the abyss, there was a sad laugh: "There is no end to the evolution of heaven, but there is no limit to life!"

That was the voice of Yin Yang True Sage Zou Huiming.

What follows is the motto of the Yin Yang family that has been ups and downs for hundreds of thousands of years.

The yin and yang inheritance of the Five Virtues Small World continues today.

He and Douzhao each had one.

Jiang Wang couldn't comprehend the influx of knowledge for a moment. He just felt a kind of sadness.

Why were the sages sad?

He listened carefully to the sad laughter, but the more he listened, the farther away it became. The voice seemed to be telling him something, but it was buried by the boundless abyss.

Looking back at history, it is a fog. Looking at destiny, I can't see the future.

Observe and listen to all things, and there seems to be the tide of destiny.

Fallen Fairy Forest Fallen Fairy Forest!

Is it unlucky for the Sword Immortal to come here?

Jiang Wang looked around, feeling only a kind of peace from the inside out.

Auspiciousness and inauspiciousness are determined by the strong mind.

The moment he left the Qiantang River, he thought he had reached the ultimate realm of Dongzhen that few previous people had visited. After receiving the final inheritance of Yin Yang True Saint, he saw a different scenery in the extreme realm.

Now he wanted to look further into the distance.

He didn't care about the immediate risks.

Finding a person in the Fallen Immortal Forest is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack - provided that this person does not want to be found by you.

Jiang Wang was full of fighting spirit at this moment and didn't want to wait for long. Looking up at the sky, there is a sword rainbow, cutting away evil shadows, cutting purple lightning, breaking through the fog, the sword roars thousands of miles!

Apart from the history reflected in the bottom of the Qiantang River, Jiang Wang had never really been to the Meteor Fairy Forest.

The Meteor Immortal Forest in Mirrored History is very different from the current world. The ever-changing and irregular changes are one of the reasons why the Fallen Immortal Forest has not been explored clearly for so many years.

All in all, this is the first time Jiang Wang has come to the Meteorite Forest in this world and made such a strong announcement!

It should be noted that the Fallen Immortal Forest is dangerous, and even the True Lord may fall.

I don’t know if he came through the path of Yin and Yang, inherited the residual thoughts of the Yin and Yang True Saint, and contaminated some of Douzhao’s dream fragments, affecting his habits. Or maybe... At this moment, he is in an unprecedentedly powerful state, and his edge can no longer be hidden, and must be unleashed.

This sword sound is simply more crazy than Douzhao!

There are dangers everywhere in the Meteor Immortal Forest. This sound of swords and a sword rainbow are like poking a hornet's nest, causing shock in all directions. Countless rustling sounds sounded almost at the same time.

Dark clouds cover the sky, and ghosts surround the place. Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Complaints flow out.

But Jiang Wang only noticed one sound——

That was also a sword cry.

This sound is like the sky descending, like clouds about to rain.

Rumble, rumble!

Shocking lightning tens of thousands of feet tore through the sky of the Meteor Immortal Forest in an instant.

From the crack created by the electric light, fell an extremely cruel sword——

The spine is straight and the handle is flat and has two edges.

It also seems very "fair" when it comes to it.

It seems to be echoing the "Tiangong City" ringing in Abi Ghost Cave at this moment.

Everyone in this world has different ideas, and even the simplest word has countless interpretations. Just like "fairness", whose "fairness" is fair?

Jiang Wang saw and heard thousands of shadows and heard thousands of voices, but he only focused on this "Chao Wen Dao".

Lu Shuanghe has arrived!

When we first met by the Fengxi River, how could we have imagined that we would meet like this?

No nonsense words, no emotion. Both sides made a sound of swords, which was regarded as a greeting to each other. If you encounter Sauvignon Blanc in the morning, you will be at the end of your road.

The cave has reached its ultimate state.

At this point in life, there should be a place to stay!

The sky is limited, and the limit is drawn by the famous sword called "Chaowen Dao". A thunderbolt from the clear sky is the thunder that destroys the world. The cracks in all things are caused by this sword.

That extreme killing power tore apart the space of thousands of miles in an instant.

A sword can level the mountains!

Countless decomposed leaves, countless screaming ghosts, dust flying all over the sky, falling into the void of late autumn.

Lu Shuanghe's Chaowen Road brings a chilling autumn mood to the Meteor Fairy Forest that confuses the four seasons and does not distinguish between day and night.

In all the broken scenes, Jiang Wang stood, holding his sword.

Sauvignon Blanc seemed to have never been unsheathed, and he seemed not to have moved, but all the sharp sword intent had been chopped into pieces before it got close to him.

Lu Shuanghe slashed out the sword that shattered the world.

His sword cuts this brokenness!

The scenery in the Fallen Immortal Forest cannot escape the oppression. At this moment, the old scenery is like withered leaves, each piece falling away.

In the fragmented scene of space that is constantly being broken and restored, Jiang Wang's independent figure holding his sword is like the only unchanging eternity.

The sword intention and the sword intention are cutting each other off.

There were thousands of confrontations in an instant, and he raised his eyes during the millions of confrontations - and saw the man with white hair and shawl. Seeing those eyes was like seeing them for the first time as a child, like waking up from dreams countless times.

These eyes seemed to be permanently emotionless.

"There is no hatred in your sword." Jiang Wang was inexplicable: "I thought you would hate me."

Lu Shuanghe held Chao Wendao back in his hand. Between him and Jiang Wang, there was an abyss into which countless space fragments fell. He said calmly: "We have no grudges or grudges."

The two of them were on opposite sides, as if they were on both sides of a sea of ​​suffering. Jiang Wang said: "Although I don't regret it. But I did kill your apprentice Yi Shengfeng, and I also killed your senior sister Tianji Zhenren Ren Qiuli."

"Swords are made for killing, and there is no essential difference between who you kill." Lu Shuanghe said: "It depends on the strength and weakness."

Jiang Wang's eyes were complicated: "You have your own reasons. You show your reasons every time."

"But you've never heard of it." Lu Shuanghe said.

"You don't care whether I listen or not." Jiang Wang said, "I don't know whether I should be happy or sorry, whether I should praise or sigh."

Lu Shuanghe looked at him: "I took Yi Shengfeng away but didn't save you. Do you hate me?"

Jiang Wangdao: "I hated it once."

Lu Shuanghe said: "Because you were still very weak at that time. Now you know that you have no reason to hate me."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I didn't have the ability to protect myself at that time. You aroused Yi Shengfeng's evil thoughts and put me in danger, and you chose to ignore it. Don't I have any reason to hate you? It's just that you don't think so, because you are a People without emotions.”

Lu Shuanghe's face was expressionless: "You want to say that I am wrong?"

Jiang Wang always thought that he didn't care much about this duel, but he still came to the Meteorite Forest when the situation was so complicated. He also asked himself why.

Now he figured it out.

He was not going to a great meeting, he was going to a childhood appointment.

"The more people I meet and the more things I experience, the less I dare to judge right from wrong as easily as before - I was too impatient." Jiang Wang held the Sauvignon Blanc in his hand and placed it on the In front of him, he gave Lu Shuanghe the greatest respect: "I can only tell you that I, who is different from you, have gone further than you. My sentimental sword is already more powerful than your ruthless sword. Others It’s all your own feelings.”

Lu Shuanghe didn't say any more, and walked towards Jiang Wang in the withered space: "Then let me see where 'further' is and what 'stronger' looks like."

Every time he took a step forward, his sword became sharper.

The killing power, which has reached the limit of Dongzhen, is still gathering and rising.

Heaven and earth are a sheath, and he himself is the sword that represents the ultimate killing power.

Fight all the way from the South Dipper Star, fight from the small world to the big world.

The process of advancement is a process of opening up, as if it is because of his advancement that there is a distinction between heaven and earth——

He cut through all of them, his killing power seemed to be endless!

Jiang Wang looked at him.

It was a childhood dream of looking up at Qing Ming, the vertical sword.

They are the latecomers on the top of Dongzhen, and those who look at the top first.

It wasn't until Lu Shuanghe's killing power reached its peak that he relaxedly grasped the hilt of the sword and gently moved it——

It's like opening a flood gate to release a flood.

It is the sword that wants to be unsheathed, not that he wants to kill.

The Sauvignon Blanc, which had long been unbearable, almost flew out of its sheath. The roaring sword energy is like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon.

Jiang Wang's mood was calm.

His mind was racing.

The unfinished sword in the mirrored history, the sword that subdued Qiantang when it was unsheathed in the Yue Kingdom, now appears in the Fallen Fairy Forest.

This is the first time it has been fully reflected in this world, and it is much more powerful than the unfinished moment reflected in history.

His sword cuts through the years like a song, and the long river of history flows mightily. The subconscious sea simulates countless dead souls under the sword of Sauvignon Blanc, rushing in the fragments of the long river of history.

Zhuang Chengqian, Zhuang Gaoxian, Zhang Linchuan, Quan Yingyang, Jingtian Liuzhen... some sang, shouted or cried bitterly.

At this moment, "the heart and the mind are united, the thoughts and the true oneness" are truly achieved, and one sword can kill the world, kill the mind, kill the mind, and kill the body.

This sword also handed over his past to Lu Shuanghe to feel!

Jiang Wang didn't have any hatred at the moment, and he didn't have any unnecessary emotions. Lu Shuanghe's way of heaven is ruthless. The way of heaven he saw seemed to be only "high and insignificant". He seemed to have reached an infinite height, and his mind seemed to be flying above the long river of destiny.

The waves of fate!

Yu Beidou once led him into the long river of destiny, and he could not see anything.

Now that he has come back on his own strength, he has "seen" too much!

He "saw" the sky-blue phoenix eyes, the beautiful wings passing by, and the way of heaven flourishing.

He "saw" the beast running wildly in the jungle, with vegetation drying up wherever it passed. It's hard to tell whether it's cruelty or pain in the bull's eyes.

He "saw" the protector named Li Mao from the Ping Dynasty transform into the "Qiantang Lord" and fight to the death deep in the ghost cave. The origin continues to wither, but it moves forward step by step.

He "saw" King Zhao's face that was as bright as fire, bright and dark in the shadows of the Meteor Fairy Forest, as if he was happy or sad.

He "saw" the Divine Sin Army roaring like a golden river in the Fallen Immortal Forest, and Song Boti connected the unknown shore with a golden bridge.

He "can't see" Huang Weizhen, and he can't see the transcendent battle that is taking place. But I also vaguely understood that everything that was happening was part of that war.

This battle had started long ago, even before Huang Weizhen returned.

Transcendence takes heaven and earth as its situation, and will be fought for for eternity.

Even his and Lu Shuanghe’s swords!

When any of them becomes the person who breaks the cognition, the transcendent existence beyond cognition must also update the cognition. Therefore, he left certain traces and was captured by Huang Weizhen.

At such a moment, Lu Shuanghe's ruthless eyes saw two roaring rivers, one named "Years" and the other named "Destiny". Only by experiencing time can we know the years. Only by wandering around can we feel our destiny.

The power of this sword moved him for the first time.

He really saw the scenery in Dongzhen, which was higher than the limit.

This is not only a sword related to time, but fate has also been foreshadowed!

At this moment he was satisfied.

Why would you feel sad if you die after hearing the Word?

His white hair spreads out, and the way of heaven kills Shaohua. He is willing to die by this sword. He struggled to meet his sword with great piety, holding high the ruthlessness of heaven before fate and time. Do it to others, do it to yourself. I just want to catch a glimpse of the supreme "dao mark" in the limit of this limit!

But there was only a "dang" sound!

Like Hong Zhong Da Lu, it seems like the echo of the ages.

Chao Wen Dao was broken from the middle spine, and the sword edge flew high, never to return.

The two long rivers of time and destiny converge, and they are about to sweep this white-haired swordsman away——

Jiang Wanggao Miao's mind suddenly went into a trance.

Like in a daydream!

He seemed to see the back of an old man wearing a hexagram suit in the depths of the river of destiny, waving his hand without looking back and walking away.

He was anxious for a moment and shouted loudly: "Old man! You made a mistake in your calculation! Come back!! In the Duanhun Gorge on September 25, 3919 in the Dao calendar, you said it would take another ten years. There are only those who can surpass Xiang Fengqi. Look at me! Look at me! What do you mean-"

The shouting stopped abruptly.

Jiang Wang suddenly remembered that he had just been lost in the Mirror Lake for a year.

Ten years have passed.

Already the most true in the world.

He sheathed his sword and said solemnly: "Old man, you are very powerful."

It turns out that the crack that is the limit of ancient and modern caves has long been opened in the sky of Duanhun Gorge.

【End of this volume】

I'm at my limit.

Get some sleep first.

Regarding the summary and next volume plan, it will be randomly dropped in the next few days.

This chapter has twelve thousand.

Among them, 4K is the basic chapter.

Among them, 6k is added by Da Meng Chen Zeqing (3/3)

The remaining 2k is dedicated to all those who have waited until this moment.

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