Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2256 Heavenly Man (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)


The vertical sword spine flipped in the air holding the thin and sharp sword tip.

The light from the sky shunted across the spine of the sword, and for a moment, it burst into iridescence.

The white-haired man held the broken sword in his hand. The hilt of the sword, which should have been the definition of the righteous model among swords, had been twisted into a mess of golden and wooden strands, and was tightly held in his hand by his five fingers. He also cut the five fingers of his right hand into dense wounds.

Lu Shuanghe didn't pay attention to his wounds or his sword. He just looked at Jiang Wang.

There was a little doubt, a rare ripple in those eyes that were as cold as heaven—

Jiang Wang's sword, which combined time and destiny, did not kill him.

He was the person who stood at the top of the cave and waited for Jiang Wang for a long time. You don’t need a reason to kill him, you just need a reason not to kill him.

If he is the winner today, he will never let Jiang Wang go.

It's not that he has any hatred for Jiang Wang, he has absolutely no resentment towards Jiang Wang.'s not necessary.

With a sword like that that goes beyond the limits of Dongzhen's past, he will move forward naturally.

No matter whether there are plants, flowers and birds, humans, ghosts or demons in front of you, you can take them all with one sword.

He will not hold back for Jiang Wang.

It doesn't matter whether Jiang Wang is alive or dead. Jiang Wang is no different from anything else in this world.

But why would Jiang Wang go out of his way to restrain himself for Lu Shuanghe?

Isn’t the lesson learned by Fengxi River profound enough?

And even this ripple of life and death, this doubt, did not stay in Lu Shuanghe's heart for long.

At such a moment, the white-haired real man named "Seven Kills" looked at Jiang Wang steadily.

He didn't ask "Why don't you kill me?"

Instead, he asked -

"Is there another sword?"

It doesn't matter what Jiang Wang thinks. Killing him or not killing him is just one of the countless choices that happen every day in this world.

He just expected higher scenery. I want to see if there is a stronger sword in Dongzhen's realm.

This path is not yet complete, and this heart cannot die.

Jiang Wang had sheathed his sword at this time, his peerless edge was gone, Gao Miao's mind sank, and Dong Zhen's supreme heroism was gone -

And these have nothing to do with Lu Shuanghe.

The brilliance of the extraordinary world was once revealed to the young boy for the first time in the light of Lu Shuanghe's sword.

But when he stumbled out of Fengxi Town, he always took a different path than Lu Shuanghe.

This road already bifurcates by the small river in Fengxi Town. Young Jiang Wang and Yi Shengfeng had already made their choices. At that time, the dream of finding immortality was in the sky, and the unbelievable pain was under the water.

Time flies until now, and the three words "Lu Shuanghe" are just passing scenery.

Passed by.

"I'm going back to eat." Jiang Wang said.

He glanced at Lu Shuanghe lightly, and then his figure faded away like water vapor spreading on the paper.

Such a look...

Lu Shuanghe saw his own eyes in these eyes that hung like sky mirrors.

He seemed to see a clear river flowing through the years.

He and Jiang Wang looked at each other across the clear river water, as if they were still the same as before.

Only then did he realize that the scene of shock and fear deep under the water was the first time a child's eyes reflected this bizarre and extraordinary world.

But maybe the river in Fengxi Town is too clear and the water is too twisty, and it has deviated from ruthlessness and washed away the betrayal... So what is left? Are you obsessed with "Tao"?

Lu Shuanghe didn't care.

But his hand that tightly held the sword hilt, which was cut without a piece of living flesh, lost strength for a moment.

He held it again.

He always felt that between him and Yi Shengfeng, or between him and Jiang Wang - in short, one was him and the other was Xiang Fengqi's back that he was waiting for - only one of these two people could move forward.

And he is the one who moves forward.

He had no reservations about Yi Shengfeng's teachings, and his expectation for Jiang Wang was absolutely false.

Xiang Fengqi died in an arrogant challenge that shocked the past and the present, and he lost the possibility of chasing forever.

There is no Xiang Fengqi in the world, so he wants to cultivate one, or wait for one.

Now of course he knew that Jiang Wang was not someone's back.

The person who can surpass Xiang Fengqi will not be the second Xiang Fengqi.

Now, at this moment, in this story where only one person can move forward, Jiang Wang said - I'm leaving first, you can's okay if you can't keep up.

The end of the story is completely different from what you imagined.

But it should.

The person who can beat himself must be the person who breaks his imagination.

Lu Shuanghe said nothing more. He just held his broken sword, which had almost no shape, and walked towards the shadowy distance.

The wind blows the white hair, as if it is covered with frost and snow.

Just like when he was outside Fengxi Town, he flicked his sword and never looked back.


The sword light cut through the sky and created waves.

The boundless sea of ​​subconscious sways peacefully in the sea breeze.

The guest in green shirt with jade crown and hair tied up is walking on the mirror-like sea.

What is reflected in the ocean mirror is not him and his sky. But another sky, and under that sky, a white bridge - connecting delusions and reality, daydreams.

If someone is walking on the Daydream Bridge, in the other world, the man in blue with his hair tied up in a jade crown will also be reflected on the bottom of the sea.

Daydreams and the subconscious sea are two mirrored lives. They are connected together to build the true path of yin and yang.

With just one thought, yin and yang were reversed, and three paths passed through the world, Jiang Wang could reach the end. He wanted to go back to the Duke of Huai for dinner, and the fastest way was of course to follow the true path of yin and yang back.

But at this moment, he looked up at the sky.

His eyes were as bright as hanging mirrors, without any waves. Reflecting everything, it seems that everything has been lost.

At the moment when he really cut out [Song of Time] and pushed it to the intersection of time and destiny, his infinitely rising mind fell into such a dangerous situation——

If you are too close to the way of heaven, you will naturally be attracted by the way of heaven...or even absorbed.

He is too powerful.

Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng, two great masters, made up for his last regret before he reached greatness. The history of the Yue Kingdom made him see the song of time, Beidou's killing of Nandou made him realize his destiny, and Zou Huiming's inheritance made him see the holy path...

After defeating Lu Shuanghe's [Chao Wen Dao], which represented the ultimate lethality of the Dongzhen Realm, his sword intent was still rising, and his mind was still going higher.

He really “hears the Word.”

He has seen an extremely powerful road - in line with the way of heaven, lying high in the nine heavens, at the end of time and space, outside of cause and effect, overlooking the intersection of the long river of time and the long river of destiny.

This is not even an "attraction", it has nothing to do with power or state.

This is an inevitable fact.

All things in heaven and earth will eventually return to unity. That is the eternal destiny.

And he was lucky enough to see it and had the chance to participate.

Every step that Jiang Wang takes slowly on the subconscious sea is actually fighting against the inevitability of "complying with the way of heaven".

In his eyes, he seemed to see a sky-blue light.

The extremely gorgeous sky phoenix spreads its wings in the flowing light.

Jiang Wang seemed to be looking into those sky-blue eyes, or in other words, his eyes... seemed to be those eyes!

Like a kite with its string cut off, it involuntarily moved higher and transformed from a kite into a real Zhang Yu's phoenix.

He flies higher and higher, flies higher and higher...

Click, click, click.

Each finger bone made an explosive sound, and the tendons surged like rivers in the mountains. He tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword. The sword was no longer unsheathed, but he was already standing still on the once turbulent sea.

There seemed to be a mirror at the end of time and space. His eyes looked at the sky-blue eyes in the mirror - the two pairs of eyes were finally separated - and he saw a little ripple in the eyes of the sky-blue phoenix.

As if wondering, why not seize the opportunity and move towards eternal strength.

These eyes do not represent the empty mandarin duck that has been born, nor do they represent Huang Weizhen. They are just a manifestation of the way of heaven, which generates feedback based on personal feelings.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "That is Heaven's way, not my way."

"Hear the Tao" and then "give up the Tao".

Snapped! !

Sky blue eyes, shattered like mirrors.

Huang Weizhen created the Sky Phoenix Sky Yuan in her fantasy to enhance the way of heaven.

Jiang Wang, who was climbing to the limit, also took advantage of this and struck out with a sword that surpassed the peak of ancient and modern caves and was close to the way of heaven.

Correspondingly, he was also "inspired" by the way of heaven.

He was fighting against the call.

The figure of Yu Beidou waving away in the long river of destiny is a wave of self.

He told Lu Shuanghe that he wanted to go back to eat, which was also the way he chose for himself to escape from the way of heaven.

Unknowingly, the Chu Huai Duke's Mansion has taken on part of the meaning of "home" for him, and part of it is in the secret realm of Lingxiao.

Man's ties to the world bind him to the world.

Jiang Wang withdrew his gaze from the sky and temporarily detached himself from the way of heaven - I say "temporarily" because it is not that easy to truly detach, and this must be a long process.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt a ray of eyes falling on him. That gaze was like water pouring from a river, drenching him from the inside out.

He had already achieved considerable accomplishments when he saw someone, but he had no way of knowing who the look was or where it came from. This line of sight is obviously so weak, but it is vast and boundless. There is no cover, but no trace, and no information can be captured.

Jiang Wang had a clear understanding in his heart——

This is the unknown great being deep in the Fallen Immortal Forest.

It's not that he has the ability to see through this gaze, but that he has the feeling of being "recognized" in the process of being recognized by this gaze.

Only then did he realize that he was being watched.

In the sky above the river of destiny, he had already seen that his sword would be involved in a transcendent battle, and therefore he could guess who was watching him.

In this kind of sight, there are few secrets about the existence under the pinnacle.

Jiang Wang had no intention of tracing anything back, and just waited quietly for a moment.

He understood very well that the process of his being included in the cognition was the process of Huang Weizhen capturing the mysterious detachment of the Fallen Immortal Forest - that being could also choose to ignore his sword that broke the limit of Dongzhen, but without this history With the cognition of sex's sword, the mysterious existence of the Fallen Fairy Forest can no longer maintain the state of "jumping out of cognition". Those who are waiting for Him will be beyond the common covenant and signed by the whole world.

There is a transcendent war, and Jiang Wang has done what he should do.

After waiting for a moment, Jiang Wang raised his toes and tapped lightly, causing ripples in the sea of ​​subconsciousness.

But the sea surface suddenly darkened, no longer as clear as a mirror, and everything reflected in the mirror was lost, and the seemingly endless bridge of daydreams could not be seen.

The true path of yin and yang has been severed.

Is it because the respectable cabinet minister refuses to clear the way for him again, or is it blocked by some kind of force?

Jiang Wang did not investigate for the time being, and his face was expressionless, and he only stepped forward——


The sword light was like lightning, splitting the sky and flying away.

If the Meteor Immortal Forest is said to be a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, he could also cross it in his physical body at this moment.

In the midst of the struggle among each other and the battle in the Abi Ghost Cave, what else can stop the current Master Jiang in the Meteor Immortal Forest, which is known as "the most dangerous place in the world"?

The heavy ghost mist will open when you blow your breath. The evil spirit is fierce and will burn with just a thought.

The mountain is not called dangerous, and the forest is not called deep.

Thousands of miles is a smooth road!

The sky suddenly became bright and dark again, and Master Jiang had already appeared at the entrance to the Bing Ruins. The Chu State suppressed the four fixed entrances to the Fallen Immortal Forest, and this was one of them.

But seeing that the entrance here had already been filled with rolling soldiers, only a dark cloud could be seen. The power of the Russian army surged and rolled, turning into a dark "two-headed tomb beast".

It is topped with antlers and sits on a square seat. There are two pairs of eyes, one pair is red and fierce, and the other pair is like a green palace lantern. The beast jumped up and roared to the sky. Its voice was deep and majestic, echoing continuously between heaven and earth.

There is no direction in the Fallen Immortal Forest. At this moment, it is determined to be south.

Jiang Wang felt something in his heart, opened his red gold eyes, raised his eyes and looked around, and saw a "flying bird in a tiger seat" in the direction of Dingxi. The appearance of this statue is as smooth and beautiful as lacquerware. At first glance, it does not look like a gathering of soldiers, but it looks like it was carefully painted by a craftsman!

Also, toward the east of Dingdong, soldiers and demons gathered together to form a "seven-colored sacred deer" with mysterious patterns on its body like auspicious clouds. The hoof hair is like snow, and you can see the winter frost when you step on it.

Looking further towards the north, boundless cultural energy gathers into an "iron-eating beast", which looks quite naive, as if half-awake from a nap, carrying a piece of moso bamboo with branches and leaves on its shoulders. A series of bamboo slips are hung at the end of the bamboo, hanging neatly on both sides, like firecrackers. Inside and outside the bamboo slips, the crackling, noisy atmosphere is filled with words!

The four fixed entrances to the Fallen Fairy Forest all have big movements, and they are connected to each other and echo each other from a distance.

At least within the Fallen Fairy Forest, Shushan and the Chu State also have joint actions - Jingping Fallen Fairy Forest is the human race's biggest goal at the moment, higher than all.

"Jiang Wang! Where are you coming from?" Suddenly there was a voice.

Jiang Wang turned around and saw Anguo Gong Wu Zhaochang standing there with his face covered, under the "two-headed tomb-suppressing beast", looking steadily this way.

He said, "I asked Lu Shuanghe for an old contract. It's over."

"Where to go?"

"Huaiguo Duke's Mansion." Jiang Wang said, "I came in a hurry and didn't eat well. I'll have another bowl when I go back."

Wu Zhaochang looked at him deeply and waved his hand: "Go quickly!"

The overwhelming power mobilized the soldiers, roaring in the Fallen Immortal Forest, and patches of gloomy dense forest were wiped out into white ground.

Jiang Wang didn't ask about the struggle for transcendence or the layout of the various parties. He simply folded his sword and passed through the Fallen Immortal Forest, landing at the Soldier Ruins.


"I am invincible!!"

The sound of fighting suddenly sounded in my ears. In front of him were swords and swords, broken flags standing sideways, and thousands of horses galloping... Jiang Wang found himself on a battlefield!

Leaving the battlefield of the Fallen Immortal Forest that has not yet ended, we came to a dilapidated ancient battlefield.

It is true that there are many battlefield projections in the Soldier Ruins, but now that they have been explored to a great extent, it is difficult to fall into them as long as you do not deliberately seek trials.

After all, after the last alliance of the Fallen Immortal, the Bing Ruins were raided on a large scale. Most of the ancient battlefields have corresponding warning stone monuments erected outside the projections.

And with Jiang Wang's current cultivation and current strength, he was obviously walking out normally, but falling into this step was like spraining his feet on the ground.

In his current state, it is difficult for him to express emotions. But that didn't affect his reaction.

It was precisely in this lofty state, which was close to the way of heaven, that he was the strongest moment in his life.

So he just glanced through the battlefield projection——

It was as if the "curtain" was lifted up, and a tall man with a face as bright as fire just happened to step into this place.

An impressive and powerful voice sounded: "Don't be nervous, I'm just using this place to have a little chat with you!"

Jiang Wang once heard this voice during the Nanxia official examination, the voice of "King Zhao"!

He really wasn't nervous because he was losing his emotions all the time. In other words, it flows all the way to heaven.

But he should be nervous!

So his sword is already unsheathed.

This sword does not sound, but a wail rises for it.

The heaven and earth are as if there is no trace, and all things do not exist.

Only a wisp of frost-white wind became the only color in this battlefield. Wherever it passes, there are only pieces of withered leaves left.

Everything is like a withered leaf.

In the current state, Bu Zhou Feng's killing power has reached an unprecedented level, truly killing all things and withering away forever.

Jiang Wang doesn't understand his own situation well enough, but he can grasp his own strength.

But heaven and earth have come together.

Like a door being closed and opened again.

Jiang Wang saw this frost-white wind caught between two fingers. It was impossible to see the exact outline of those two fingers, but they were as golden as jade.

The sharp edge of Sauvignon Blanc is also imprisoned in it.

"This murderous intention is so nostalgic!" King Zhao, who couldn't see his face clearly, sighed with emotion: "After so many years, I unexpectedly saw a heavenly being again!"

"Heaven?" Jiang Wang held the sword without moving and raised his eyes slightly to express doubt.

King Zhao shrugged indifferently: "There is a being in the rootless world. You should have heard of his name. Of course, it is not convenient for us to mention it - he is in a state similar to you, but much deeper than you. , and only when you have mastered yourself can you have the power of transcendence.”

Jiang Wang's stagnant heart suddenly felt an emotion, and that emotion was called "shock".

Of course he knew who the existence King Zhao was talking about was.

The Three Evils of the Sea of ​​Evil...the sinless heavenly beings!

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