Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2299: Eyes and ears as the door

Jiang Wang is now a fish that has slowly stopped jumping on the shore and is about to die of thirst.

Even if there is poisonous wine in front of you, you still need to drink it to quench your thirst.

Just drink this cup.

Death by poison is something that will happen later, death by thirst is something that happens now.

At the end of Ganquan Lane, there is a fork in the road.

The left side leads to the prosperous area of ​​Jiuquan Avenue, with its high-rise buildings. On the right are some small brewing workshops, low-rise bungalows, and people who live seriously.

In front of it is a wall, surrounding this dirty Ganquan Lane and the homeless homeless people. A few simple bricks are the most convenient decoration for the city's appearance.

Gu Shiyi went to the left, Yan Sheng went to the right, Jiang Wang and Gu Zi moved forward and passed through the wall.

The homeless people in Ganquan Lane could not hear their conversation from beginning to end. Only when they saw a person passing through the wall, they raised their eyes slightly, but they thought it was a drunken dream.

What's going through a wall? There are many magical things in the world of drunken trance!

The wall-penetrating technique in some legends of monsters is only a basic method for extraordinary monks. But Jiang Wang really hasn’t learned anything. But at his current state, whether he started with Yuan Li or moved space directly, it was effortless.

His three Dharma images were all left in the courtyard given by Brother Yan Xian, and he studied the classics of sealing techniques - Brother Yan Xian said that he had no long-term possessions, so he bought a house and property, and gave common things to friends.

Jiang Zhenren walked in the busy city in his true form, reading the notes given by Mr. Yan while casually feeling the world.

The pressure of heaven is everywhere, like water flooding over the head from all directions.

He felt that he was walking on a road of no return, getting closer and closer to "people" and getting further and further away from "people".

He knew exactly what he was leaving behind along the way.

I really want to keep those feelings!

Giant turtles swim in the sky, and it rains in the "Ghost-faced Fish Sea".

The "ghost-faced fish" is a giant fish with a cruel temperament, bloodthirsty and a penchant for swallowing. It is said that it is the soul of a ghost buried in the sea. It is invulnerable and can come and go without a trace. For a long time, it has been the most feared maritime disaster among sea people, also known as "sea ghost".

When Shen Du Zhenjun was young, he mobilized a large amount of manpower and material resources, and swept away the ghost-faced fish sea area through the sixteen-character strategy of "fixing the cursor, burying the stakes, setting up the net with horizontal links, and wandering around the fish to swallow the poison." , thus became famous in the sea and won the hearts of the people.

Nowadays, the ghost-faced fish is almost extinct, but the name of this sea area has been preserved.

Probably because of too much killing, it has always been deserted. Although it is also close to the front coastal area of ​​the Mystery Realm, there has never been much defense pressure.

Wang Kun's master is Meng Yu, a real person from Penglai Island who is still stationed in Cangwu Realm. Penglai Island has always been isolated overseas. Although its true location is not visible to the world, it often exerts influence on the sea.

Jingguo's layout on the sea is usually carried out with the support of Penglai Island.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Wang Kun, an unlucky guy who should have been in the cold palace for eight hundred years, was able to get another chance to prove himself in Jingguo, which is full of talents.

He didn't spend much time in the offshore islands, but he did his homework so that he didn't understand everything.

Seeing that Li Longchuan had diverted the route to this remote sea area, he directly asked: "Has General Li diverted the wrong route?"

"That's right, it's right here." Li Longchuan said.

Wang Kun smiled but said: "I remember this is not the Diaohailou defense zone."

"It should be now." Li Longchuan said.


"If you don't believe me, ask your friends in Diaohailou." Li Longchuan looked at him: "Or... you don't agree?"

"Can I disagree?" Wang Kun asked.

Li Longchuan smiled: "This is the decision of the Zhenhai Alliance, which represents the will of hundreds of millions of sea people in the entire offshore archipelago. I'm afraid it's not up to Jingguo, let alone Qin."

Wang Kun looked at him: "I respect Brother Li very much, but Brother Li keeps trying to anger me!"

"Arouse you? Where do you start with this?" Li Longchuan looked surprised: "Adjustment of maritime defense needs to consider your feelings, Wang Kun - is this what you mean?"

Seeing him being so pretentious, Wang Kun could hardly suppress his anger: "General Li temporarily changed the Diaohailou defense area to target us. Isn't it a friendly act?"

"Temporarily changing the defense zone? How can I have such great power!" Li Longchuan laughed several times, stopped laughing, and then calmly said: "Maybe it's because you Jingguo soldiers are too elite, and you Wang Kun are too good, the Zhenhai League senior officials think I can give you more difficult tasks. The sea area of ​​​​Ghost Face Fish has always been a dangerous place, and it is very difficult for people to do it!”

Wang Kun grinned: "It seems that Qi State really regards the sea as private property and cannot tolerate anyone at all. It has only been a few years, but there is no sound on the sea? How unworthy is the death of Shendu Zhenjun? Dragon fishermen should Hold a grudge!"

Li Longchuan didn't say much to him, and only said: "If Jing Jun doesn't want to help, he can turn around and go back, and Li is willing to open the door for Brother Wang. But if you miss an appointment once, it won't be so easy to come back next time... …I think Brother Wang can understand it!”

"Go back?" Wang Kun raised his head and said, "Why go back? The great central scenery, the supreme power of the country, and the responsibility for the world for four thousand years. Since the top leaders of the Zhenhai League trust our Jingguo soldiers so much, this 'Ghost Faced Fish Sea Area' will be handed over to us !”

Those angry emotions are like a mask being taken off. Under the mask, he looked calm and solid, and he only waved his arms: "Send the order, station here, and unite for defense. Let the brothers at sea see how the central scene works!"

The fighting warriors named "The First Army in the World" instantly flew away and scattered in the air, like a giant open net.

Li Longchuan said nothing for a while, just watching Jing Jun's actions silently.

At this time, the rain falls on the quiet sea, and the rain seems to be caught in a net.

The giant turtle under his feet was suspended in the air, its heavy eyes closed at some point.

When King Qin Guang opened his eyes, the shadows of the real world flowed in his green emerald eyes.

He saw that everything was so different.

According to legend, the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, which was lost to the outer sea forever and never to be seen again, turned out to be hidden deep in this deserted sea, hidden in the gaps where light and sound patterns meet.

It must be a special startling rainbow with consistent light, and it must be an accidental sound that disappears at a thought.

Both the light pattern and the sound pattern have unique constructions, and they meet at a special moment, so that the portal can truly be called out.

The Yiluo Song sung by King Chu Jiang is certainly not the sound that opens the ruins of the real Wanxian Palace.

However, the music score of Yiluoge was once collected by Wanxian Palace, and was obtained by King Qin Guang from the outer palace. It was tainted with the atmosphere of Wanxian Palace and passed through the years along with the ruins of Wanxian Palace.

King Chu Jiang restored the ancient singing, and King Qin Guang used this connection to trace the past of the sound using the ancient music as a starting point, and found the unique voice pattern that could awaken the ruins of Wanxian Palace, and sketched it .

As for the beam of light that penetrated the ruins of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, he had found it earlier, but the last few strokes of the light map were a little blurry.

In the past few days, I have been floating around the sea with the King of Chujiang in a boat, constantly measuring light and sound, and finally getting closer to the "true appearance" step by step.

With the exact light pattern and voiceprint, plus the real key he had earlier obtained from the secret treasure outside the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace - the drop-shaped jade-colored thing that was flashing in front of him at the moment, such a trinity... was finally launched. Open the door to this ancient ruins!

What was floating and sinking in front of him was naturally not jade, but a real drop of water.

Nine thousand six hundred years have passed since a single drop was formed, only born from the "Xuanhua Pure Water" in the vortex of eternal darkness.

Even in the depths of the sea, where the environment is extremely harsh, the Eternal Dark Whirlpool is one of the most cruel disasters. The larger the scale, the more dangerous it is.

Zhong Xi, the Lord of the Great Prison, became famous by smashing the vortex of eternal darkness. When Gao Jie was still there, he was also in the eternal dark whirlpool, and for a long time, he did not move an inch.

It is in such disasters that Xuanhua Purifying Water can arise due to fate.

Naturally, it is impossible for a strong person to pick it up.

But the drop of Xuanhua pure water in front of King Qin Guang is not a treasure in itself, but a container - the water drop contains light.

The light that shone in Ten Thousand Immortals Palace tens of thousands of years ago.

If you look closely, you will see that the light that has gone through the years is swimming like a dragon in the water.

If you put your ears close to the water droplets, you can hear the singing sound of the tide inside. So this drop of water still contains the voices of the past era.

Sound and light build dreams, ears and eyes are the door!

The distant and psychedelic fairy palace mirage manifested in the intersection of light and sound, stepping out of the maze of time and space and returning to the current era.

The eyes are full of decay and sadness!

Is this... Ten Thousand Immortals Palace? The reverberations of an era are so tragic and shocking.

King Chu Jiang opened his mouth but made no sound. I am afraid that my own voice will scare away this trace of history.

King Guang of Qin was also speechless.

The sky is full of blue light, like insects swimming around, and the endless withering mood passes through the spring and autumn. He stood alone on the bow of the boat, his robes were billowing, his mask around his waist was blown up by the wind, and the word "Qin Guang" looked like drops of blood.

He stepped directly off the ship, embarked on a road intertwined with light and sound, and walked towards the gate of the Immortal Palace that no longer existed——

Half of the table is broken, and a wall is broken.

The blood is stale and the cries are inaudible.

What kind of changes happened back then, so that the palace of ten thousand immortals, which was so illustrious and famous that "people are the immortals of all immortals", declined overnight?

The grand scene of thousands of immortals coming to court still shines in the history books. The decay of the ruins has been swallowed up by the years.

In the void, there was a broken bridge, and the flowing green light connected the broken parts.

King Qin Guang was in front, and King Chu Jiang was behind. They walked forward like this, crossing the bridge in the misty illusion.

After crossing the bridge, King Chu Jiang tore it open as if tearing open a door. Behind the door were densely packed white squirrels, which all rushed out in an instant and jumped towards the ruins of the fairy palace.

These squirrels are very cute, chubby like snow dumplings. But his movements are agile, faster than lightning, and as he travels, he gradually becomes colorful.

Out of the need to hide her identity, this squirrel is a species that has never appeared in the world. It is an adventure squirrel she bred herself - using disaster as pine nuts, storing and eating them.

Their tails change color and reflect different colors depending on the level of danger. There are seven colors in total, with purple being the most vicious.

King Qin Guang made a backhand move after King Chu Jiang also got off the bridge——

The broken bridge connecting Ten Thousand Immortals Palace to the outside world seemed to be impatient with time and instantly decayed, falling like dust.

He is someone who demolishes bridges when crossing rivers and hides palaces when he enters them. Of course, he does not allow others to share the benefits he has gained through hard work and many life and death experiences. This move is precisely to erase the traces of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, so that I can have enough time to slowly explore the interior of the palace.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of tide——

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!

This sound was like the roar of a herd of animals, shaking the sky, getting closer and closer to the ear, like a noise in the ear.

The King of Chujiang released the last trouble-eating squirrel and looked back in front of the gate of the Immortal Palace. He saw a line of sea tide, approaching from far away and rising rapidly.

As far as a line, close to the embankment, and in front of him, it was already mighty and mighty, a high wall that reached the sky!

On the crest of the tide, stood a young man in armor and holding a long sword. He looked over here, confident and whistled: "I am the general of the Great Qi Empire's Rain-Cutting Army, Tian Chang! All under heaven is the king's land. The shore of the East China Sea is also the king's territory - I already know all about the turbulent sea news. Which rat bandit is making a fuss here?!"

The cicada catching the cicada was surprised to see the yellow bird.

The King of Chujiang frowned and raised his eyebrows. She was surprised by the other party's identity. In the East China Sea today, no force can compete with Qi.

This sudden appearance of the Rain-Cutting Army's general undoubtedly represents the most powerful voice in this sea area.

But this person came alone and did not lead the army to surround him. No matter what the reason was, it may mean that there is still room for everything - maybe the other party did not want the Qi court to know.

The phrase "the turbulent sea news" was the reason. He said that he came here by feeling the movement, not prepared in advance - but how could King Qin Guang leave them any movement!

Unlike King Chujiang, who is thoughtful and familiar with the official style, and wants to think through everything, King Qin Guang has always been decisive and often takes a different approach.

He doesn't have to think first, he wants to ask you if you are qualified to ask him to think!

Hearing the movement of this person coming on the tide and speaking nonsense, he said nothing, just turned his head, green eyes shining, and looked at this person -

This gaze has not even fallen, when King Qin Guang turned his head, Tian Chang, who was standing alone at the head of the tide, shuddered, and felt a chill deep in his bones! Almost subconsciously, he wanted to pull out the Chaoxin knife hidden deep in his blood.

Compared with the Da Qi military knife he is holding now, the famous knife named Chaoxin has the most magnificent power on the sea, which can give him a little sense of security.

But at this moment when he thought of Chaoxin, he realized that the feeling of fear actually came first from [Chaoxin] itself. This world-famous sword was one step ahead of him, as if it had foreseen the fate of destruction!

At first glance, King Qin Guang saw that it was a catastrophe!

In the indescribable fear, Tian Chang looked up and saw a piece of white -

It was a pale color.

The danger was isolated, the emotions were relieved, and the vision was far away, so that he could see clearly.

This is a hand.

A hand that cut off King Qin Guang's sight.

It was shackled, pale and thin, just open and horizontal in the air.

The joints were distinct, like five white bone mountains.

It was called shackles, but the iron chain was broken, and only a few iron rings were hanging scattered, more like bracelets than iron shackles.

Tian Chang's heartstrings, which had just been loosened, suddenly tightened again.

Because although the danger from King Qin Guang was isolated, the danger did not leave. In fact, what came at this moment was the danger itself!

He knew he would come, and he even came at his command.

But he was still afraid!

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