Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2305: The Ancient Sky Road, the

Emperor Lingming is fine and is the highest achiever of the Hai Clan's Yu Xing Zhao Dao.

He is tall and thin, with a steep bald head. Pointed and ridged, never rounded.

The bald head is covered with black patterns, which are complex and twisted, like the branches of an old tree entangled, or like a small snake jumping into its nest.

At this moment, the golden light from the ancient heavenly road flowed through the ring window and onto his bald head, dyeing the black pattern with golden light. His expression was very complicated for a moment.

As the master of astrology of the Sea Clan, he certainly could see the great significance of this medieval heavenly path. You can tell at first glance that this is the power of the Middle Ages, projected here.

But the golden glow on this road is the more specific uneasiness——

This is neither Buddha's light nor divine light, it is the light that represents the majesty of the dragon clan!

Running on the ancient road to heaven is the true power of the Nine Sons of the Dragon Emperor.

All sea tribes and water tribes have a deep bloodline surrender to Long Zi.

Wuzhi Hao can almost feel that the vast sea is full of violent waves, all of which are frightened by the majesty of the ancient dragon clan.

Precisely because this majesty was so real, Wuzhi Chao felt uneasy and gave birth to more anger——

In the Middle Ages, the Human Emperor Lieshan killed the Dragon Emperor's nine sons to refine the Nine Towns, and used the Nine Towns to control the Yangtze River.

Now, after many years of planning, the people of Jingguo have recalled the power of the Nine Sons of the Dragon Emperor from the medieval era, poured the blood of the Nine Sons into exotic beasts, and released them into the sea, hoping to use the Nine Sons of the Dragon Emperor to control the sea.

The nine noble sons of the ancient Dragon Emperor are qualified to represent the leadership of the Dragon Clan. In this way, from birth to death, and from death to life, they have been repeatedly used by the human race! The medieval era has passed, and the modern era has also turned over. The sea people have retreated to the depths of the sea... The nine sons of the Dragon Emperor will be pulled out of history and used again!

"What is this?" Looking at the brilliant golden light outside the window, Shui Yingqing was speechless for a moment.

I am used to seeing harsh weather in the sea, with darkness covering thousands of miles at every turn, and turbulent waves rolling in all the time. How many times have there been such glorious and bright moments?

He is the blood descendant of True King Suiying Jizo. In the last Mysterious World War, he lost the True King ancestor and his greatest support. I also lost the confidence to take risks.

Although he is a king, he cannot be compared with the talented people like Qi Xiaoqian who are expected to become true kings.

Many times I would rather not do it than make a mistake.

He never thought that the Jingguo people's actions this time could directly interfere with Canghai!

"The dangerous moment has arrived!" Wu Zhihao stepped out of the prison rooftop and stood on the highest point of the huge bone ball.

At that moment, the glorious medieval road was opening up behind him.

He looked towards the heavenly road, with his black robe fluttering behind him. The folds of the black robe and the black lines on the bald head are so distorted that it is heartbreaking.

The entire sea is in turmoil at this moment, and stars are shining brightly in the ever-changing sky, which may be filled with dark clouds or thunderous.

The Emperor Lingming is safe and sound, and a total of 9,999 star towers have been erected in the depths of the vast universe.

His Dao body is the ten thousandth star tower in the sea, that is, the ten thousandth star.

So... [Ten Thousand Star Spirits]!

The dark sky was lit up by ten thousand stars. The twinkling stars are also flying around the medieval heavenly road where nine people ran together.

The starlight trailed like a chain of light, trying to entangle the golden dragon of the avenue.

Qi Niu, Pulao, Suanniu...

The nine-son giant beast running on the Tongtian Avenue is still minding its own business.

But the golden glow, like a river tide, gradually recedes at the end of this avenue. This represents that the power of the Nine Sons in the medieval era is about to end.

In the process of the golden glow receding like a tide, a majestic figure, like a rock in the tide, becomes more concentrated and clear.

After all, it was the power that spanned eternity that sent him here. Or was it his presence that stabilized this marvelous medieval heavenly road?

He is a man with sharp eyebrows and a high nose. He looks very young, but the depth in his eyes will never make you misunderstand the age.

Today he is wearing a majestic Liangyi battle armor, with black and white cloud patterns explaining the mystery of Tao. A long mantle of chaotic color is tied behind the armor.

This cloak is so wide and long that it stretches back almost infinitely, like a carpet that can cover the entire Tongtian Avenue.

With a wave of his hand, his long robe rolled up——

Covered by the long cloak of chaos, there are hundreds of thousands of Doua warriors wearing Yin and Yang battle armor, standing there quietly with hanging swords!

The best army in the world, the powerful fighting force of the Great Scenery Empire.

The person in charge of this army is the true king Yuque!

He actually set foot on the ancient heavenly road, commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, and went to the sea in person.

This great army lined up behind the running Nine Sons, marching on the smooth road to the sky, in uniform order, but making no sound.

Until Yu Que pulled out the long sword from his waist and slashed out a sword light that split the heaven and the earth. This sword light manifested into a thin dragon whose body was white but with dark eyes. It just took a detour and instantly cut off the binding of the will. The brilliance of the stars and the underworld on this medieval heavenly road.

After this sword strike, there was a spontaneous "Might!" from the soldier.

Great military power!

Que, the famous general of Jingguo, commanded the world's best fighting army, ran behind the Dragon Emperor's nine sons, and descended into the sea through the medieval heavenly road...

This sense of oppression has reached its peak!

"Nothing is wrong." Yu Que said calmly: "I have survived for so many years, so it would be a pity to die at this time - let's keep him until he can be useful!"

No matter who is the most sage teacher of the contemporary era or the master of star divination of the Hai Clan, there is no way he can resist Yu Que at this moment.

Yu Que's "arrogance" is not considered arrogance.

I can't bear it even though I'm in trouble. It's not that he can't bear the humiliation, but that the Sea Clan has no room to make concessions - the Human Race has led their troops to fight into the sea!

The Mysterious Realm is still the Mysterious Realm, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the Saha Dragon Realm are still confronting the Tianjing Kingdom and the Cangwu Realm.

But a new round of war has begun.

This time, the Sea Clan was almost unprepared.

"As long as your Yu Que's sword is three-quarters sharp, why are you still talking nonsense at this moment!" The pattern on Wuzhi's bald head twisted, he raised his hand and spread his five fingers, facing Que from a distance, and the stars in the sky were all over the place. Flashing: "The human race has always been hypocritical to regulate itself with etiquette. It means that when a matchmaker is marrying, three gifts and six betrothals are required, and then they get married to continue the human relationship. But you are naturally liberated in Yuque. You are not the same on the outside, and you have many illegitimate children... You should be regarded as pure. Of!"

Astrology is a means of observing destiny.

Wuzhiyao took the nickname "Ling Ming" and was called the "Emperor of the Underworld". He was the best at manipulating life and death. At this moment, he activated the power of thousands of stars, moved the long river of destiny, and traced Yu Que's fate——

Of course, he couldn't just die in the palace. But tracing back Yu Que's bloodline, in the long river of destiny, observing the ripples around Yu Que, the "big fish", and looking for the direct blood relatives of this big fish, there are many illegitimate children who are not protected by etiquette and law, and whose fate is foggy... ...go and pinch them to death.

Then through the death of these blood relatives, we can trace back to Que. From the depths of the bloodline, look for Yu Que's loopholes and blast through Yu Que's defense.

I have to say, this is a miraculous method. And rooted in fate, it is obscure and unpredictable, and extremely difficult to capture, let alone defend or counterattack.

But what he faced was Yu Que who was leading the army and in his prime.

This world-famous general representing Jingguo just snorted coldly.

The exhalation is like a dragon flying in the clouds, and the roar is like Thunder Jingtian.

The majestic soldiers are rolling up. On the golden medieval heavenly road, ferocious clouds of soldiers and demons steamed up. From within the evil cloud, three more flags were raised one after another.

There are words embroidered on the flag, which say——

"No evil comes near, no evil invades."

"Gods, Buddhas, paper tigers, sky and sea fences."

"Everyone is scared and the whole world is unstoppable!"

Yu Que is still the same Yu Que, but his meaning and power are completely different! The two breaths exhaled from his nose rushed to the angry sea for an instant, and circled in the high sky for an instant. They were agile and agile, like dragons moving.

Call the clouds and rain all the way, swallow the stars and drink the light!

Wherever you go, the stars gradually dim!

You can see the stars twinkling in the sky, dimming one by one following the movements of the two exhalations. The sky is like a long strip, and two brushes are scribbling on it.

Wuzhi Yang, who is also a powerful senior member of the sea clan and the overlord of the Immortal Sea, has used the supreme method of stirring up the river of fate and tracing the life and death of his blood relatives, but he was stopped by his breath!

The power displayed by Yu Que, who commands the Dou'e Army, is breaking through imagination time and time again.

"I will lead an army of one hundred thousand to conquer the world. Who are you, and you can count me?" He looked down at Wuzhi Wan on the ancient road to heaven, and struck a sword across his hand -


The stars suddenly extinguished!

All nine thousand nine hundred and ninety stars in the entire sea area and sky were extinguished in an instant.

The last of the ten thousand stars, the strongest sage of the Sea Clan in contemporary times, stood in the sky above the Supervisory Tower, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell down on his back.

He fell into a red cloud.

Chiyun lifted his body, nourished his Tao, and replenished his destiny. Save him from the brink of life and death!

The red cloud is entrusted by a hand with five fingers coated with red kodan. The owner of this beautiful palm is a woman with red eyebrows.

The red-browed emperor, Xiyang!

While supporting Wuzhi Chao, she looked up at Yu Que. Facing such a powerful Yu Que, he still took the initiative to look for and entangle his eyes!

What a tough style.

At this moment, Yu Que looked away.

The reason why he personally took action to intercept Wu Zhiyao was of course not because he was itching to be warlike, but in order to allow the power of the Nine Sons of the Dragon Emperor in the medieval era to be fully released into the sea without distinguishing the power of the Nine Sons behemoth.

Killing one or two sea clan emperors is not the goal at all.

In other words, if Jingguo had planned for so long, prepared so much, invested so much, and ended up just killing one or two emperors, then the plan was a failure.

The many possibilities lost due to this plan are a huge shortfall. Lu Qiu Wenyue, Yu Que, Lou Yue, Meng Yu... the energy these characters put into the Jinghai plan can accomplish too many things.

Not to mention, using the weapon of transcendence towards Cangwu Sword is tantamount to giving up the advantage of the battle of transcendence. Huang Weizhen has been stuck in the battle of transcendence since she returned from the fantasy. She has seized the advantage and entangled her to this day. Where can she Would you like to relax a little? If you relax for a moment, the mysterious existence in the Fallen Immortal Forest may disappear again.

If the decline of the Saha Dragon Staff can be alleviated by two points, the Dragon Buddha will also feel at ease.

Regardless of this suppression, Jing Guo's goal is the entire Canghai!

Of course, Yu Que's sight cannot be restricted by the Red Eyebrow Emperor.

He looked at the endless sea, and the clear and turbid energy in his eyes flew around. One moment it was clear, the other moment it was dark. There was a sad look on his face, as if he had seen the devastation and magnificence of this ocean.

"The water in the sea is turbid and sad. The creatures in the sea are tired of life and death. Human beings are not grass and trees. How can we not feel sad when we see this?"

He led his troops with infinite power, established the ancient road to heaven, and seemed to be transcendent. Then he sighed sadly, which is really the sorrow of a benevolent person——

"The human race and the water race are one family, and they have lived in harmony for generations. In the Middle Ages, the sea race only made mistakes."

His voice spread across the sea: "Emperor Dajing, the co-lord of the Central Region, the first king of the world, has the capacity to tolerate the world and the heart to feel sorry for the world. He cannot bear the turmoil of the sea, and the creatures in the sea are in danger day and night, and the spring and autumn are gone. Therefore, he ordered me to come to the west to pacify the sea forever, so that the living can live and the old can grow old, and the wise spirit will not feel sad for the sea--"

As soon as he said this, no, halfway through this, the Red Eyebrow Emperor's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Wu Zhiyang, who was dying on the red cloud, opened his eyes in shock.

I always thought that the human race represented by Jingguo wanted to "pacify the sea", and this plan was grand enough. Now it seems that Jingguo has gone a step further and wanted to "rule the sea"!

If the human race wants to exterminate the sea, billions of creatures in the sea will not agree, the fire of resistance will always burn, and the war will never stop.

If the human race wants to rule the sea, make the sea free of troubles and calm, how can the sea people who grew up here and suffered personally refuse?

What is more terrifying than destroying the body is the enslavement of the spirit.

"Shut up!" The Red Eyebrow Emperor shouted angrily: "How can we be like Ao Shuyi? If the sea people were willing to be dogs and horses, they would not have fought with you, nor would they have retreated to the vast sea, and would not have survived in such a ghost place and fought in the maze for so many years! Tell your emperor to take back his obsession, we will break his rotten teeth!"

"Xiyang. You are the emperor, high above, you are the strongest, no natural disasters or sea disasters can do anything to you." Yu Que was not angry at all, and said loudly: "But even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about your bloodline? Don't you want them to live in a calm place and grow up without disasters? Even if you don't want it, you are cold-blooded and ruthless, and you would rather they all die. You can represent yourself, how can you represent the billions of sea creatures?!"

Looking at the vast sea, the wind and rain never stop, the thunder never stops, the tornadoes connect to the sky, the bottomless whirlpools, all kinds of natural disasters and sea disasters, have never stopped.

Yu Que said the most realistic problem.

The Emperor of Lieshan used nine bridges to suppress the river, and the long river has been peaceful for many years.

Although it is impossible to say that the sea is forever peaceful when the Jing Kingdom uses nine sons to suppress the sea, it can definitely greatly improve the living environment of the sea people. The price is just to lose a little freedom. For ordinary sea people, this little freedom is almost irrelevant, because most of the sea people will not meet the conditions that trigger "unfreedom" throughout their lives.

The emperor can focus on the overall situation and measure the future of the tribe, the true king can shout for dignity, and the sea warriors can "lose freedom or die"...

What about the hundreds of millions of ordinary sea creatures?

How will they choose?

The answer to this question is actually very clear.

When faced with the most realistic survival problems, all living beings will definitely vote with their feet. Whether it is the sea people, the human race, or the demon race, there will be no difference.

This is why Xiyang is angry, and this is why Wuzhiyang is afraid.

The Jing people's move is to destroy the spirit of resistance of the sea people since ancient times and dig out the roots of the sea people's resistance!

While Yu Que was speaking, the power of the nine sons of the Dragon Emperor on the medieval Heavenly Road had already been released into the vast sea.

The boundless golden light was the most brilliant the vast sea had ever seen.

The road to heaven was the smoothest road that could not be encountered in the evil world.

The power of the nine sons of the Dragon Emperor, at this moment, was condensed into nine huge stone tablets containing eternal breath, rumbling down from the sky.

Yu Que led the army to protect the way, and the sword cut off all evils and did not allow them to invade.

The stone tablet was nine thousand feet high, square and wide, ancient, with a thick base and complex patterns. The rhyme of Taoism was deeply hidden and could not be worn or damaged.

The front was engraved with the shape of the nine sons, and the back was engraved with the seascape of different sea areas in the vast sea - while the medieval Heavenly Road illuminated the vast sea, it was also feeling the vast sea.

The marks on the front and back of these nine huge stone tablets that reached the sky and suppressed the sea were evolving synchronously. They were developing, happening, and being completed. The patterns of the nine sons became clearer and deeper, and the map of the vast sea became more agile and complete.

Xiyang's eyes, which were always fierce and tough, finally showed a kind of dejection after suffering a series of shocks... This is really a despair that is hard to get rid of.

Jingguo almost replicated the nine towns of Changhe!

The arrangement of the Emperor of Lieshan almost reappeared in the sea after hundreds of thousands of years.

Whose hand is this?

Who can do this in this world? !

I have been on the road all day today, and I don't know if I am in good condition to write it.

But I will definitely not stop updating tomorrow. If there is no update at noon, it will be at 8 pm. No further notice.

I will return to normal when I get home. Thank you everyone!

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