Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2307 Join in the celebration

The human race and the sea race are looking at the same Middle Ancient Heavenly Road, and all the offshore seas and seas are connected with the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road. Only the lost world is in the shadow of the medieval heavenly road. Not only can it not touch this heavenly road, it can also not see what is happening on the heavenly road. When the news that shook the heavens came into this world from the near sea and the vast sea, all the realms of the Mysterious World were shocked!

But both Tianjing Kingdom and Donghai Dragon Palace are separated from the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road, and they are all trapped in a cage. It is difficult to influence this immediately, and we dare not move lightly - after all, whether it is the utopia of Emperor Lieshan, the Dragon Palace that has been passed down for a long time, or the Chao Cang Wu Sword and the Saha Dragon Staff, they are all crucial existences. , be extremely cautious in confrontation, lest you make a mistake.

After all, with one move of the Chaocangwu Sword, the Zhonggu Tianlu was cut across the sea. Neither side is a good person.

On the offshore archipelago, in front of the Tianya Stage, Lou Yue controlled the Nine Sons' bloodline beasts, controlled several changes of Xu San, Pei Hongjiu, and Wang Kun from afar, controlled the entire sacrifice process, and laid the earth and stones for the medieval heavenly road. This is the work of Ji Fengzhou's imperial pen. pioneer.

At a certain moment, he suddenly turned around and looked into the distance——

All that was seen was a huge warship with a ferocious appearance and claws, like a steel fortress with war weapons, rumbling towards it from the fog.

The fog is not caused by the sky, but brought by itself, just like the flag of this huge ship, it goes with the ship, the wind blows and the sails are raised.

This is the ship that Qi Wenzhi, the commander-in-chief of Xia Corps, is riding in today, and its name is "Disaster"!

Following this huge ship, there are a long line of warships of different shapes. Law-breaking warships, law-forbidden warships, mountain-colliding warships, sea-dividing warships...are divided into categories and gathered together into a whole war. The chants of well-equipped warriors blended into the roar of the fleet.

Ju Ming Island has been guarding the sea for many years, and Qi's ship craftsmanship can be said to be the best in the world.

Jingguo looked at the long river. After all, the long river had been peaceful for too long. Although the Changhe navy is strong, they entertain themselves behind closed doors. How can it be compared to the fact that the navy in the East China Sea has been fighting for many years without end.

You can see how this fleet is equipped with all its claws and claws, like a giant beast. The head and tail were connected in a line, and under the leadership of the flagship, they were like dragons in the sky, wagging their heads and swaying their tails, heading towards the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road.

It is also like a road winding from the sea to the sky.

There is a road in the sky that bridges time and space.

The road on the sea is the human ship.

The Xia Corpse Army stationed on Jueming Island, and the Nine Soldiers of Qi State who have been fighting at the forefront with the Hai Clan all year round, have now come out!

No one or any force can underestimate the existence of this army.

Lou Yue looked at Cao Jie, who was getting rid of his casual clothes and changing into armor on the Tianya stage: "Marquis Du! What do you mean by Qi people?"

Ye Henshui took two steps closer, stretched out his hand to hold the armor parts hanging in the air, and said solemnly to Cao Jie: "The most important thing for the country is to sacrifice the military. Ye is responsible for the islands and cannot go there in person. Please wear armor for the general!"

Cao Jie did not hesitate and opened his arms: "Then... there is Dr. Lao Ye."

After answering Ye Henshui, he responded to Lou Yue's question, but it was quite careless, and some people were talking about their own things, and they were talking the wrong words: "The Tianfu Army has been sent out and is on its way to the sea."

"But as a human race, there is no obstacle for the Qi people. Focus on the future and fight boldly - Duhou's Zhuang words are still in my ears!" Lou Yue's breath was dark and he was ready to go. He looked directly into his eyes: "As soon as he saw me Da Jing Xiong Tu, can’t you bear this?”

The highest goal of the Jinghai plan is to suppress the sea with nine sons, so that today's sea is like a long river, and today's sea people are like water people. In this way, sea troubles will never be eliminated, and the human race can even add a strong reinforcement to the battlefield of Shenxiao - this is of course far out of reach. , but it’s also really exciting.

Whoever can accomplish this will have made an indelible achievement.

Not to mention that Ji Fengzhou can make great progress with this and get closer to the Emperor of Liuhe. Once this plan is completed, the Jingguo people will directly occupy Canghai, and the Mystery Realm will no longer be a battlefield.

What the people of Qi say about "fighting with them in the future"... is that they have not seen the full picture of the Jinghai plan. Once you see it clearly, you will know that when the Jinghai plan is truly completed, there will be no need to fight? There is no room for contention!

The scenery flag is raised in the sea, and the Qi people's maritime operations for many years will be directly locked in the offshore. And the Mysterious World has become the flower garden of Jingguo, where rare things can be picked at will. The wider area of ​​​​Canghai is a territory waiting for Jingguo to explore.

Therefore, if the people of Qi are impatient now and take the risk of breaking the existing order and breaking the tacit understanding of the human race with the outside world, and forcibly stop the Jinghai plan, even though he is short-sighted, he can understand it.

Jing Guo also made plans! As the Prime Minister said, have the best imagination and make the worst plan.

It's nothing more than blocking the river and fighting for time. Fighting on two fronts happened more than once in the history of Jingguo. What's the harm in fighting on three fronts, four fronts and even all directions? Those really difficult gaps are the perfect space for heroes to make a name for themselves.

Lou Yue is ready to die here, or to step onto the top of the strongest list.

But the Duhou of Daqi he was looking at just thought to himself: "Xia Shi is also a powerful army in the world, and there is no harm in using it across the sea."

"——Canghai?" Lou Yue's soaring momentum seemed to be cut off at the waist. The bamboo raft they used to cross the sea alone was in pieces. There were still turbulent waves ahead, but he didn't know whether to continue moving forward with his head held high or to lower his head and repair the broken raft.

It's really baffling.

For use in Canghai? !

"Ah, is there something wrong?" Cao Jie looked at Lou Yue with a look of 'what are you wondering about': "The Emperor of Jingguo is ambitious to stabilize the sea, and our Great Qi Empire will also join in the great cause! General Yu is ahead, and the battle is over. This is the time for the human race to fill the sea. How can the Qi army not send it? Cao should also be personally armed! In order to save time and seize the opportunity, Tianfu is coming from the west and Xiashi is going to the east. I will use the two armies to defend. Therefore, Tianfu will stay in Cassia, and Xiashi will attack Canghai. Now is the time to compete for crossing!"

Ye Henshui kept silent, his expression relaxed as if he was going to attend a poetry meeting later. Du Hou was by his side, which was very reassuring. He patiently helped Cao Jie put on his armor and tied the last long cape. He deliberately raised his hand and spread it out, like raising a flag.

The ancient sky road, the Qi people are coming!

Now Lou Yue was in a dilemma and was silent for a while.

It was not right to stop or let go.

The people of Jing built the bridge, and the people of Qi crossed the river. The people of Jing planned the game, and the people of Qi shared the credit. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

But if they say that they are blocking the bridgehead and not letting people pass... The people of Jingguo keep saying that they are looking at the human race for generations, and want to pacify the sea and eliminate the sea disaster forever. How can they refuse the help of the people of Qi? The sea people killed by Qi's swords, do they not count?

Is it going to be like the old incident of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. Must Qi blast a hole by itself and go to the demon world to "dedicate"?

Even though Lou Yue is responsible for all the affairs near the sea this time and has a very high authority to make decisions on the battlefield, it is not good to act rashly in this situation, and can only wait for the highest decision of Jingting.

During this short wait, the sky was purple for a moment.

The most noble in the east.

With a long robe across the horizon, Cao Jie has already jumped onto the huge warship.

"General Cao!" Qi Wen half-knelt on the ground, holding the tiger talisman in his palm.

The head of the Qi family of Donglai was born with a pair of smiling eyes, a small round face, a short nose, and a very kind face, which makes it difficult for him to give people a serious feeling when he speaks and does things.

His figure is quite appropriate, neither fat nor thin, but his facial features are a little round. Among the current nine commanders, he is probably the least famous one, and his strength is far inferior to that of other members of the Military Affairs Hall.

But before Qi Xiao and the Qi family of Donglai completely broke off, he was also a famous and brilliant genius.

It was Qi Xiao who took Xia's corpse in his hand, and he became obscure for a while and gradually became unknown.

Even when Qi Xiao was at his peak, his son Qi Lianghua also went to the battlefield of Qi and Xia... The influence of the Qi family of Donglai on the political situation has always existed, although there have been ups and downs, it has never been cut off.

In the past few years, he has never lost the prestige of Qi when he led the troops on Jueming Island.

Of course, with his current strength, it is impossible for him to lead the troops to parallel Yu Que. He is very likely to be humiliated and damage the national dignity, and he has no ability to prevent accidents. Although he mobilized the troops to this point, the step of leading the army to rush to the Middle Ages Heavenly Dao can only be completed by Cao Jie.

When Cao Jie boarded the ship, he gave the seal.

Looking at the court of Qi State, Du Hou Cao Jie is one of the few people who can talk to Qi Xiao. The former commander of Chun Si and the former commander of Xia Shi can be considered good friends.

So Qi Wen can't help but be cautious in front of Cao Jie.

However, since the Qi family of Donglai regained power and Qi Wen succeeded Xia Shi, Cao Jie has never suppressed the Qi family and his attitude towards the Qi family is also normal. Not to mention whether he and Qi Xiao have a personal relationship, he is the person who will be in charge of the Military Affairs Hall and will never ruin public affairs with personal friendship.

At this moment, he just raised his hand to take the tiger talisman representing the military power of Xia Shi and said, "Thank you!"

Qi Wen bowed his head: "I will steer the helm for Cao Marshal!"

Boarding this warship that is very similar to "Fukuzawa", it is impossible to say that there is no ripple in his heart. The commander of killing who laid the foundation for the advantage of the world of confusion is now just an ordinary old woman sitting alone in a lonely courtyard!

But Cao Jie had no expression on his face. He just felt the military force with his mind, and instantly understood the situation of the entire army. He praised: "General Qi Wen has raised the army well!"

He did not call him General Qi directly, but called him General Qi Wen in full, in order to distinguish him from the previous commander Xia Shi.

Qi Wen carefully heard the difference and said modestly: "The emperor has entrusted Qi with important matters, and I will only do my duty."

Cao Jie glanced at him: "General Qi Wen leads the army to Zhenhai, isolated and hanging outside, raising the flag for the East Country, and cannot only do his duty."

Qi Wen lowered his head and spoke more respectfully: "General Cao's teachings will be engraved in my heart."

During this battle, Cao Jie did not say much, only said: "The Tianfu Army is on the way, General Qi Wen will meet them in time, and guard the island well. Discuss the important matters here with Alliance Leader Ye, and lead the army to help when necessary."

Qi Wen did not say anything more, and took the order and left.

Zhenhai League also has its own army, which is a mixed organization of forces from various islands, and is also a means for the people of Qi to govern the sea. Of course, it cannot be compared with the world's strongest army, but it also has a certain combat effectiveness. Usually, it represents the Zhenhai League to maintain the order near the coast, and in wartime, it can also be launched in the maze to fight against the sea tribe.

Ye Henshui bowed on the high cliff: "The Zhenhai League has prepared its army and is ready to go, just waiting for the commander's flag!"

After handing over the affairs in a few words, Cao Jie waved his hand, and the "Disaster" warship under his feet suddenly rose, and the entire fleet climbed up with it, and the momentum was majestic and out of the coast, like a dragon raising its head!

On the medieval sky road, Emperor Jing just spoke and continued to write the Eternal Heavenly Monument, and repelled the Emperor Xuanshen with one stroke.

Cao Jie led the army here.

Yu Que, who was responsible for protecting the road, immediately pressed his sword and turned around, and the 100,000 Dou'e army followed with the flags rolled back, ready to repel the Qi army while continuing the Jinghai plan.

The voice of the Emperor of Jing State rang out again: "The great cause of the sea border is an eternal ambition. I have also worked hard for it, and I am working hard for future generations! Jiang Shu is willing to contribute, how can we refuse his wish? Let Cao Jie come!"

On the glorious avenue that traverses the high domes of the sea, the golden dragon light flows like a tidal wave.

With Que's talent, it is not difficult to make millions. Leading an army of 100,000 is like an arm using a finger. Fight or run, it’s all in one mind. They immediately changed their formation and were actually on the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road, making way for Qi to advance!

Cao Jun did not give in, and immediately led his army into a leap and marched across the sea.

The fleet across the galaxy sails beside the powerful fighting force that suppresses time. They complement each other and each shows his power.

For a while, the two countries were in full view, and the coalition forces were here. Together they guard the road to heaven together with Que and Cao.

In a sense, this is a more difficult spectacle than the medieval Celestial Road.

"It has always been Jiang Mengxiong who saw me as commander. Why did he change to Duhou today?" Yu Que tilted his head and asked.

Cao Jie did not look at him, but looked down at the sea almost greedily - Qi State had been operating the East China Sea for many years, how many times had it had such a perspective, and how many times had it entered the sea? Every glance I see now is extremely precious information.

If I attack Canghai again in the future, I can win the command with this.

If there is no future... then in this battle, he must win more for Qi.

He said: "The State of Jing is getting stronger with age, and the State of Qi is changing with each passing day. Young people will inevitably ask the old people to witness different faces. Yu Shuai should have been used to it long ago."

Yu Que smiled: "It is true that there is no difference between you and Jiang Mengxiong. They are both so petty. They never give in in words, for fear of losing even half a point - did Jiang Shu teach you all before going out?"

"Ji Fengzhou!!!" Cao Jie suddenly shouted.

There was a brief silence on the Middle Ancient Sky Road.

"It's nothing, you are busy with your business." Cao Jie said to himself: "It's just that Yu Shuai doesn't respect me, the Emperor of Qi, and I can't respect you either."

After all, Ji Fengzhou was Ji Fengzhou, and he didn't hesitate at all to outline the eternal monument.

Yu Que was startled, however, and stopped talking to Cao Jun, so as not to upset Tian's heart - this bitter-faced Xiao Cao looked like a bully, not as violent as Jiang Mengxiong. Don't think about giving you a big one as soon as you open your mouth. It really shouldn't be ignored.

They say the winner has leisure time. The people of Qi and Jing are still in the mood to quarrel on the Middle Ancient Road, because their advantages are fully demonstrated and they feel they have more than enough to advance and retreat.

Correspondingly, the Sea Clan cannot relax.

It can even be said that as Cao Jie led his troops onto the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road, the situation in Canghai was already in danger.

Qi Jing was quarreling internally, but fighting in the same direction externally.

With the alliance of the two hegemonic powers coming from the east, what else can break the path of the Middle Ages?

What else can prevent the erection of the eternal monument?

Emperor Xuan Shen was almost disillusioned, Emperor Lingming was as angry as a thread, and Emperor Red Eyebrows didn't even find a chance to take action!

Although the sea is vast, we can no longer hide quietly and have nowhere to retreat.

At this moment, a gurgling sound sounded throughout the entire sea, as if there was a huge sea eye in the endless depths, spitting out bubbles crazily.

Wild waves arose in the distant sea, there were earth-shattering sounds in the dark depths, and the sea level rose crazily.

The five-ball spiraling rooftop had always floated and swelled with the water, but at this moment, it was submerged by a wave.

It is no longer able to monitor heaven!

That wave is a cover, and it can also be regarded as a protection.

A new fence is forming between the sea and the sea. This one is not allowed to see the other, and the other is not allowed to observe this.

This powerful law of heaven and sea was obviously born for the medieval heavenly road. The medieval sky road embodies the concept of "bridge", which is embodied as a "wall".

Separated by a wall, public and private ownership. Inside and outside the city wall, there is no way between us and the enemy.

Just like this eternal monument comes to hold the sea, but the sea is stirring up wild waves at this moment.

The true master of the boundless sea was awakened at this moment, and had the most direct confrontation with the eternal heavenly monument outlined by Ji Fengzhou and the medieval heavenly road paved by Jingguo.

In order to cover the retreat of the Hai Clan, the Xihun clan, the Dragon Emperor of the Middle Ages, cut off his queen alone and fought with the Lieshan Human Emperor. They reached the position of the Mysterious World today and created the Mysterious World that subverts all rules. This separates the sea and the sea.

The Xihun clan was seriously injured in the last battle, and later disappeared during the development of Canghai, and his life or death is unknown.

The common view later was that he was dead, or at least no longer a threat.

Because if this was not the result, Lieshan Renhuang, who had been fighting with him for many years, would not be able to relax and extricate himself.

After the Xihun clan disappeared, the Canghai Hai clan also fought to the death for the Dragon Emperor. Later, under the auspices of the first sage Yuan Zongsheng, a common agreement was formed——

"Those who do not rebel against the current world and dominate the center cannot conquer the sea."

Therefore, the Dragon King of Canghai in the past dynasties was only called "king", not emperor.

The person who took action to defend against the enemy at this time was none other than the contemporary Dragon Lord Ao Jie.

Another name..."Dragon King of the East China Sea"!

[Thanks to book friend "Xuanche Mingkong" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 769th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "Ba Rong" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 770th alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thank you to the book friend "my generation Ren Xiaoyao c" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 771st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "hz Ao" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 772nd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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