Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2313 Sun and Moon Cutting Down the Decline (asking for guaranteed monthly ticket)


The water of Canglang is infinite.

For whom is the Monument of the Long River sad?


Changhe Longjun's neck bones have been completely crushed. Changhe Longjun's head directly crushed his neck and was smashed into his chest. This fixed the upright posture.

What he saw before him was the inner wall of his Tao body, and his eyes were soaked with golden blood.

Open your mouth, gurgling, gurgling, blood pours in and is spat out. The sound was very gentle, like resting in the shade of a tree on an autumn afternoon, stacking rocks for a stove, picking up dead branches for fuel, setting up a clean clay pot, and brewing a can of home-brewed fruit wine. . When the wine boils, it begins to bubble...the aroma is like the wilderness.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Ao Shuyi, who is immortal, has actually not known what physical pain feels like for a long time.

He also did not remember it for a long time.

He threw all the power he had to escape from the nine towns of the Yangtze River into the sea, leaving himself to endure alone here.

He buried his head in his chest and spoke as if he could only speak to himself.

He murmured, and the muffled sound in his chest sounded like a sad cry——

"How can I... be crowned emperor!?"

When Lieshan was still alive, he did say it jokingly once.

Say it comfortably, otherwise it will be you who becomes the next Emperor of the People.

Ao Shuyi still remembers that she was stunned at the time and said, how can the Dragon Clan become the Human Emperor?

Mr. Lieshan laughed loudly at that time and said, "Do you really want to?"

Mr. Lieshan said that when the days are leisurely, he feels very relaxed and likes to joke. Don't take Shuyi to heart.

At that time, Suiming City had been stabilized, and based on this, the Human Race and the Shui Race established a Civilization Basin in the Heavenly Prison World. Seeing that the demon clan is helpless, it is only a matter of time before the fire of civilization illuminates the entire demon world.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Lieshan, who had worked hard and traveled endlessly since he came to the throne, took a rare break for a while. I spent the whole day traveling around the mountains and rivers, visiting relatives and friends, and of course I also paved roads and built bridges and asked about farmers and rice.

Many people saw the Lieshan Renhuang with their own eyes during this period.

The ancient human emperor had the Xiong clan, but with the help of the ancient dragon emperor Yuan Hong clan, he calmed down the demonic tide. But the trauma brought by the demonic tide to this world will take a long time to heal.

The Lieshan Human Emperor almost rebuilt order on top of the ruins and revitalized the human race.

He often said that it is always easier to destroy than to build, and peace is actually more difficult than war. He chose to do the hard things.

Ao Shuyi worshiped Him wholeheartedly.

Lieshanshi added that he had made this kind of joke with several people, and everyone had a different reaction. Some people were ecstatic, some remained calm, and some were so frightened that their legs weakened. Only Qin Ao Shuyi is different and makes a fool of himself here!

After that, he laughed again.

Ao Shuyi was used to it, Lieshanshi regarded herself as a "person", and she was used to being what Lieshanshi called a "someone".

At that time, he just smiled along with him, and was just curious in his heart - who was ecstatic? Who is the one whose expression remains unchanged? Who is it that is so scared that its legs are weak?

Only later did he realize that his curiosity at that time was meaningless.

Because those people who were speculated at that time are no longer here. Time takes them away.

He believed it was just a joke. Because He knew that He did not have the talent to be a king.

But since then, He has often thought about that issue——

How can the Dragon Clan become the Human Emperor?

Then He thought of the answer.

Unless one day, the human race and the dragon race no longer need to be distinguished. Whether it is the human race, the dragon race, or the aquatic race, it is just an ordinary symbol, just like the surname Ji, Jiang surname, Si surname, etc. All spirits are together, and heaven and earth are one family.

He doesn't care about the position of Human Emperor.

His mother named him "Shu Yi" just because she wanted him to be happy! Although He couldn't be happy since he was a child because of his mother's existence...

But he is looking forward to a world where all living beings are equal and humans and aquatic species coexist harmoniously.

If we lived in such a world, there wouldn't be so many fierce conflicts. My father probably wouldn't have died tragically, and my mother wouldn't have practiced demonic skills in order to gain the power of revenge, and she wouldn't have been invaded by demonic nature.

He didn't have to have that kind of childhood.

Many of the tragic things He has seen and experienced would never have happened.

Lieshan Renhuang's utopia is an unprecedented and beautiful vision that transcends the times. How willing He is to be a diligent and diligent pawn who contributes to it. That was the future that He was deeply fascinated by when he first heard it.

Of all the unknown possibilities in the world, of all the futures that people are eagerly anticipating, none is more grand and beautiful than that.

One day, Lieshan Renhuang told him——

"Shu Yi, the conditions for becoming the Human Emperor are not mature enough now. Otherwise... you can become the Dragon Emperor!"

At that time, Mrs. Lieshan was sitting under a big tree with branches as lush as a canopy, lazily enjoying the autumn sun. There was a piece of Xu Lingcao in his mouth, his eyes were reading a book, his expression was very careless, and his tone was also careless.

At that time, he was sitting next to him and was reading a book. He could no longer remember the name of the book. It was about the origin and evolution of surnames. He remembered that he happened to see the surname "Jiang" at that time.

He also said casually, OK.

He thought it was another joke.

But Lieshan said that He was very serious this time.

Lieshan said that Xihun had a high level of cultivation and strong ability, but he did not do a good job as the Dragon Emperor. Because Xihun was too ambitious, he had been actively or passively creating conflicts and provoking wars. After sitting on the throne for so long, the water tribe had almost no peace.

Lieshan said, Ao Shuyi, you can bring a better future to the water tribe. You become the Dragon Emperor, and you can let the water tribe live a better life.

Lieshan said, Shuyi! For our common ideal!

He believed it seriously.

He knew that he was not a monarch and had no talent for ruling, but he tried very hard to do it well.

He gave everything he had, burned everything, and wished that he could be used as firewood and thrown into that brilliant world.

Everything was beautiful at the beginning, but later everything was not as expected.

Eternity is like a dream!

Hundreds of thousands of years, just weaving a bubble.

The ideal country of the Lieshan Human Emperor was finally just a small domain embedded in the battlefield of the maze, and it also ironically played a role in the racial war.

The man who outlined the grand ideal, after completing the great achievements that the world admired, stopped before the ideal he described and chose to commit suicide. He also said that his departure was the only way to his ideal.

How long will this "necessary road" take?

Hundreds of thousands of years are not enough?

He couldn't help but blame Lieshan, because in his heart, Lieshan was omnipotent! Even if Lieshan was going to die, he should be able to arrange everything before his death. The fact that the water tribe is trapped in today's situation can only mean that Lieshan is inactive and unwilling.

Maybe... this is the "king"!

Having stayed with Lieshan Renhuang for so long, looking at these so-called emperors today, I can't help but feel that "you are all children", but I can't help but think of Lieshan when I see them!

Ao Shuyi's Taoist body was smashed from "eternity" to "broken", from "immortality" to "decayed", and his voice echoed in his chest, like thunder that couldn't be released.

He wanted to roar, to shout, but what else could he say except "Lieshan!"?

In fact, his voice was very low.

"They are not other races, they are also water people, and they are of the same origin as me. They took a different path to continue their survival. Different from those who stayed behind like me, and different from the path I chose."

Ao Shuyi's Dao body had been smashed into a deformed state, and he said painfully: "Two hundred thousand years... You humans have used two hundred thousand years to declare my failure - you can't strangle the other path of the water people!"

The reason why he endured silently over the years is that there is still hope on the side of the sea people.

The more young sea people scolded him Ao Shuyi as a "broken back river dog", the more it showed that the new generation of sea people still had pride, still refused to surrender, and still walked their path.

Then the future can be waited for.

Until now... until now!

The Nine Dragons Holding the Sun and Forever Suppressing the Mountains and Rivers Seal kept falling, and Ao Shuyi's eternal Dao body kept falling. In the process of falling, it was like a sculpture weathering and collapsing in history.

The high sky that the coastal sea faces together, the dragon body that entangles the Eternal Sky Road keeps tightening!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The shaky sound is the last sound of saving. The giant dragon entangles the Sky Road, and Yu Que attacks it with his army, performing all the killing methods, but the huge wound caused by his blasting scales is not even worth mentioning for this endless golden dragon, and it has no effect at all!

The entire Canghai is constantly thundering at this time, and the world-destroying thunder is sometimes shattered by dust thunder. Huge seabed cracks, collapsed seabed mountains, and eternal dark whirlpools that swallow everything and seem to echo each other!

Lingchen Zhenjun pointed back in this world-destroying scenery, mobilizing the power of the end of the world, and the boundless darkness was like a vine, climbing up the golden and brilliant dragon body.

The dark color invaded the gold, but the dragon did not even look back.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

The Nine Dragons Holding the Sun to Eternally Suppress the Mountains and Rivers Seal was raised and smashed down again and again.

This scene reminded Ao Shuyi of the time when his mother pounded medicine for him when he was very young. The pestle was in the stone mortar, and it was the same.

"Ao Shuyi..."

"Ao Shuyi."


Ao Shuyi's eyes suddenly condensed!

And then dispersed.

Boom boom boom!

The ancient sky road that penetrated time and space, seen by the vast sea and the near sea... collapsed!


Ao Shuyi vaguely heard that in the Nine Dragons Holding the Sun Seal, in the torrent of humanity, such a conversation was taking place.

"Ji Fengzhou, you need to take responsibility!"

"No matter what, Changhe Dragon King has also contributed to the world. Why did he rebel? Can it be avoided? This matter should be explained."

"Ji Fengzhou, what did you talk about with the old Dragon King in Tianjing City that day?"

"You are saying these things now, ha! What can I say to him! It's nothing more than a tacit understanding of maintaining stability! The Central Empire is responsible for it, shouldn't I do this kind of thing?"

"Ao Shuyi will only follow his heart and will not be affected by other things. No one can really oppress him-has he communicated with Ao Jie? Did he plan to rebel during the Shenxiao War?"

"Speaking of which, he chose to rebel today, which is so stupid... It makes people sigh. I don't know what to say for a while."

"When Bi'an threatened to execute Ao Shuyi, it was very likely a trap set by the Emperor of Lieshan. He probably figured it out later, so he resented it."

"Didn't you know that when you were Ao Shuyi? But this incident reflects Biuan's disrespect for him and Longting's malice towards him. Whether he did something wrong or not, why does it matter?"

"He had a lot of opportunities over the years, a lot of better opportunities."

"Do you believe what He says?"

"...This is not like a question you would ask. We have already come this far. Does it matter whether we believe it or not now?"

Ao Shuyi's eyes were originally like two complete golden beads. Gradually it disintegrated into golden sand, scattered in the eyes like stars, and finally there was nothing. Not only is there no gold left, but the eyes themselves are disappearing.


"None of that. It has nothing to do with any of this. The reason why I stand beside Lieshan clan, follow him to fight, and become his banner to split the water tribe... is because I believe that he can create a beautiful world where all races are peaceful. I believe that only he can Fulfill such a great ideal.”

That's what He meant to say.

But in the end there was just silence.

This illusory ideal...

Such a thing as ideal...

Who believes it? ! !

The ancient road to heaven is crumbling.

The last true dragon in the world, the last Long River Dragon King, his immortal body is disintegrating.

The Divine Continent is vast and different from place to place.

Boom, boom!

The originally sunny sky suddenly began to rain heavily.

Where there had been continuous showers, the sun shone for a while.

It's summer right now, and most parts of the Divine Continent have entered the hot season...but it's snowing right now!

"Chaocangwu" contains -

"Death of transcendence, heaven and earth are innocent. Sunny becomes rain, and rain becomes clear. In summer, there is frost, and celestial phenomena repeat. On the forty-ninth day, it will stop and return to the normal state of heaven. The heavenly secrets are chaotic, and the divination person is blind."

In other words, during these forty-nine days, the order of the past celestial phenomena was completely out of control, and everything became unpredictable. The heavenly secrets will also become very confusing and impossible to grasp. All people in the hexagram path will be like blind men, losing their previous judgment!

That's not all.

As we all know, there are seven hours in a day: Mao hour, Chen hour, Si hour, Wu hour, Wei hour, Shen hour, and You hour.

There are five watches in the night: the first watch is at dusk, at the first quarter of Xu; the second watch is at the third quarter of Hai; the third watch is at midnight, at midnight; the fourth watch is when the rooster crows, at the second hour of Chou; the fifth watch is on the first day of Yin. Right four quarters.

Of course, there are four seasons of cold and heat, and day and night wax and wane. Sometimes the days are long and the nights are short, and sometimes the days are short and the nights are long. There are one hundred quarters in a day and night, and the day can be as long as sixty quarters or as short as forty quarters, which is not constant.

But it's usually like "seven o'clock and five o'clock."

But in the forty-nine days after the death of transcendence, this was not the case.

As "Chaocangwu" says: In the next forty-nine days, the day will be divided into four and the night will be three. Cut it into three at night, and update it twice a day. Also known as "the sun and the moon are declining"!

That is to say, in the next forty-nine days. The Chen hour, Noon hour, and Shen hour during the day will turn into night, and the day will be "cut" into four segments, which can only be seen at Mao hour, Si hour, Wei hour, and You hour. The second and fourth updates at night will turn into daytime, and the night will be "cut" into three segments, which can only be seen in the first, third, and fifth updates.

In the next forty-nine days, day and night alternated repeatedly, and the celestial phenomena were constantly changing. The entire world will usher in a period of "disorder". How to make the people live in peace will be the next question for all countries.

This kind of thing has not happened in this world for too long, and no country has the experience to deal with it. At least since the beginning of the Dao Li, this is the first detachment to fall.

How sad! The sun and the moon are destroyed!

With the joint efforts of the six hegemonic emperors, Jiulong held the Seal of the Mountains and Rivers of Riyong Town, and smashed the Changhe Dragon Lord, who was restrained by the Changhe Nine Towns and the Guanhe Platform, to the transcendent realm, smashed it into flesh, crushed it into dust, and finally continued There is not a speck of dust left, and it completely returns to the source sea.

He already exists transcending everything, is immortal, and has attained eternity. Finally, he waded back into the sea of ​​misery by himself.

In other words, He has never really left, so He is not truly transcendent.

Probably He has transcended all practical meanings, but he has not been able to transcend his own heart. What He asked for was too great, and the reality was too heavy. What He pursues is something that even detachment cannot achieve!

This is probably the first one in history, where Chu was beaten to death and transcended.

In the past, those who hugged trees after the wind died in battle.

But today, He hardly resisted.

Perhaps He did not die today.

Above the sea, the sky is filled with golden sand.

Like a golden mist, the curtain hanging down to separate two lives certainly does more than just block the view.

The connection between medieval times and the modern world has been restored to the endless river of time. The "bridge" that spanned the long river of time has also fallen into the torrent of time!

The Changhe Dragon King was completely dead, and the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road completely collapsed.

The sea and the sea are once again cut off from each other.

In the dark sea where the sky is falling and the earth is falling apart, the terrifying dragon body that stretches across the sea like a mountain seems to have awakened. In the pure blackness that swallows everything, a faint light flows. In those blood-colored sun-like dragon eyes, the endlessly deep dark whirlpool that was constantly spinning sank in an instant.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Jie, was already destroying the sea. He was competing with True Lord Lingchen for the power of the apocalypse, and wanted to send the elite of the sea tribe to Guixu...

At this moment, he jumped out of the sea, looked up to the sky and shouted: "Capture Yuque alive! Keep Ji Zuo!"

Move with concentration, never ending life after death.

The entire Canghai, the raging waves stopped for a moment. The flame in the fog deep in the Canghai, after a violent jump, completely dimmed! In the past, the arrangement of "killing Canghai" was forcibly destroyed by Ao Jie. The road to Guixu was pushed back to the end of the world by him - he stopped the process of killing Canghai!

This process cannot be repeated in a short time, but he has made a decision.

The power of the end of the catastrophe that flowed around him dispersed one by one and returned to the sea of ​​heaven. Become food, become grass and trees, become spiritual substances, and repair this scarred world.

The lord of Canghai, at this time, ordered all seas to launch an attack on the forces of Jingguo!

Who would be willing to leave their home if there was a little hope?

Although Canghai is barren, it has embraced the sea people and provided them with a place to reproduce in these hundreds of thousands of years.

The vortex in Ao Jie's eyes disappeared, but huge vortices appeared between the sea of ​​heaven and sea. Unlike the dark, all-consuming whirlpool of eternal darkness suspended in the sea, these whirlpools are dark blue and stand upright in the air, like a door. You can only see it clearly from the front, but you can't see it from the back.

This is the "Gate of the Ruins"!

This is a spell created by Ao Jie, which has never been shown to anyone. It is used in conjunction with the Guixu world. In the process of killing Canghai, the elite sea tribe he wanted to send to Guixu were hidden in this door.

This kind of spell can of course only be used once. If it happens again, you will definitely be caught.

There will never be a next time...

Because there is no river dog with a broken spine in the world!

From the dark blue gate of the ruins, a man in a golden crown and a gorgeous robe stepped out. He was not alone. He rushed out of the gate of the ruins with him. There were nine-zhang-tall sea tribe giants, all wearing heavy armor, like a moving steel fortress, and complex spell inscriptions were engraved on the steel armor.

These warriors, holding a huge shield like a high wall in one hand and a spiked mace in the other, came out like a tidal wave, with weapons of killing!

This is the Great Prison Emperor Zhong Xi, and the absolutely elite Qing Ding Army that he led to traverse the vast sea!

His bloodline, the famous young general of the sea clan, Ao Huangzhong, has an "attack the world" army. For an emperor like him who has been fighting all the way, the army under his command is the foundation of his survival.

This army is named "Qing Ding". First, it means that this tripod is as heavy as the blue sky, and he can bear this tripod, use this army, and use it to settle the eight wildernesses. Secondly, it is difficult to see the blue sky above the vast sea, and it is often cloudy. He used this name, naturally, and also meant to attack the human race and return to the Divine Continent.

The resources of the vast sea are poor, and the choice of war weapons has always been based on the cultivation of sea beasts. This army is so well-equipped that it can almost be compared with the world's strongest army of the human race, which shows the effort he spent on this army.

In the harsh environment of the vast sea, the sea race has long been distorted.

And there are hundreds of species and thousands of genera, with different forms. Because of the common evolution of the true form of the sea master, and because of the pressure of being in the vast sea, they can recognize each other and belong to the same race.

The soldiers of this army are carefully selected, one in ten thousand!

Take on the most difficult combat tasks and challenge the most dangerous sea areas. "If it is not the most vigorous, it is not enough to lift the green tripod", so there is such a strong army!

"Now the situation in the vast sea, if you raise it, you will die with a bang, and if you lie down, you will die in obscurity. Can the first be sad? I will be the first!"

The Great Prison Emperor led the army out and crushed the golden crown! In an instant, the soldier turned into an overwhelming iron fist, rushed out of the water of the vast sea, and hit the floating dust for thousands of miles, as if the angry sea punched and bombarded the sky!

This is the final moment of the charge, and it is time to verify the determination of the sea race to defend their homeland.

One after another, the "gates of the villages" opened, and the powerful sea tribes and the sea tribe armies were opened one after another.

The Xuanshen Emperor Rui Chong, who was strong with the power of faith, and her church guards "Tianzhou Guards"; the Lingming Emperor Wu Zhiyang, who spent a huge price to temporarily return to the peak, and his "Shenhe Navy"; the Wuyuan Emperor Zhanshou, and the "Impermanent Flying Armor" he commanded; the Nixian Emperor Shiliang, and his army, "Death Speaker"; the Wudang Emperor Yuanji, and his army "Trident Divine Front"...

The sky was full of flowing light, and the seas were churning.

All kinds of strange phenomena, infinite light and shadow, all came from the sky.

At this moment, the entire Canghai, which was still crumbling and wailing, responded to the attackers thousands of times!

And gave Ao Shuyi thousands of times of tribute.

This chapter is 6K, of which 2k is to make up for the update on the day of leave before. (4/4)


On the first day of April, I ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket.

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