Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2315 How can I hear it again?


The raindrops hit the sea surface, knocking out fierce sounds.

But it is different from the rain with destructive meaning when Canghai was declining. It is not the thunderous waterfall caused by the collision of spells.

This raindrop is crystal clear and pure.

It is a sudden change, a rare emotion, like a teardrop from the sky.

It has traveled the long journey from the sky to the sea in a lifetime. Every raindrop contains abundant vitality. Every drop that falls creates new vitality for this ocean. It only needs to add some mature means to consolidate the feedback of the collapse of the peak, and this place will become a new peaceful sea area, providing a habitat for the sea people.

The death of the True Lord is of great benefit to the sky.

Yu Que's death here is the compensation of the human race to the sea people.

But it is far from enough!

Canghai almost died, and the sea people almost left their homes and fled with their entire family. How many habitats were destroyed and how many businesses were buried in this battle. The human race only paid a True Lord, how can it be enough to make up for it?

Ao Shuyi is dead.

Ao Shuyi, who had been scolded by the sea people for hundreds of thousands of years...left in such a decisive way. He was suppressed to death! The fate of the sea people was saved by the "River Dog"!

The Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly raised his head, his voice was sad.

He had shrunk many times, but his dragon body was still thousands of feet long, flying in such rain. Let the rain hit the mirror scales and knock on the wounds. The slightly cool rain did not make him happy, but the pain made him sober.

Canghai declined and then rose, and it was difficult to turmoil. In order to protect Canghai, Ao Jie did not mobilize its power. But with its own combat power, it is also unmatched in the world. The mysterious world where Lingchen Daojun is located is not far away from him. The mysterious trajectory was accurately captured by him.

After killing Canghai and protecting Canghai, and bearing the bombardment of billions of dust thunders, he was sure that he could still fight.

But at this time, the blood-colored dragon eyes reflected the lightning.

The blazing lightning actually filled the Dragon King's vision and was about to invade the Dragon's eyes!

The blood light in Ao Jie's eyes suddenly turned, swallowing up all the lightning that rushed into his blood eyes. Only then did he see clearly what was behind the lightning -

It was a ball of green lightning that was constantly rotating, and on the surface of the lightning ball was the last image of the True Lord Yu Que.

Yu Que's power was in it!

He had always thought that Ji Zuo wanted to take this power back and send it back after Yu Que crossed the maze. Yu Que "cut off his life for a hundred years, and replaced him with a dead body", and everything before his death was clearly such a performance.

But now Ji Zuo's finger thunder was clearly not the case.

Ao Jie could see clearly at this time that the surface of the green lightning was Yu Que's image, but inside it was surging with the power of the end of the catastrophe -

In the previous battle, he and Ji Zuo competed to destroy the Canghai, competing for the dominance of the Canghai's decline and death, in order to grab more of the end of the catastrophe. After Ao Shuyi defeated the ancient Tianlu, he immediately released the power of the end of the calamity that he had plundered, and in turn healed the wounds of the sea and made up for the damage suffered by the sea.

Ji Zuo would not pity the sea and left the power of the end of the calamity. At this moment, he used the power of the end of the calamity as a carrier, carrying Yu Que's supreme power as thunder, and made this [Qingxiao Annihilation of the World Tribulation Thunder]!

The lightning was white!

Between the sky and the sea, there was no more color.

Destruction is always easier than construction.

Can the sea, which has been devastated and has not yet stabilized, withstand such a bombardment?

Even if it is not killed again, it will definitely damage its origin!

Just as the lightning exploded and shone on the sea of ​​​​sky, a deep vortex appeared again in the depths of Ao Jie's blood-colored dragon eyes. The pupil of the celestial saint, the gate of the ultimate intention, swallows the universe, bottomless and endless——

The sky full of lightning, gathered in one point. This blue lightning point was embedded in the vortex of the blood-colored dragon's eyes, and then sank into the vortex and disappeared.

[Blue Sky Annihilation Tribulation Thunder] was taken into Ao Jie's body!

And what the powerful sea clans saw was a fairy island that carried the sky and the world, like a divine ship that saved the world at the end of the world, emerging from the nothingness - the holy land of Taoism, the source of Taoism, Penglai Fairy Island!

It originally only showed a phantom and sent Ji Zuo to the medieval heavenly road. Now that the medieval heavenly road is cut off, it will come in its original form.

Penglai Island, one of the three veins of Taoism, has always been isolated overseas. In ancient times, it also accommodated many deep-sea sea monsters. When it comes to "managing the sea", it is indeed rich in experience.

The so-called broken bridge can sail, and at this time Penglai is pressing the sea!

Bang! ! !

At the same moment, a terrifying loud noise exploded in the body of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It was as if the bones of Ao Jie were dismantled and covered with Ao Jie's skin to beat the drum!

The sound of thunder continued to reverberate and roar. Ao Jie's powerful dragon body also kept twisting and turning in the air, blood and flesh flying, roaring non-stop, and everyone who saw and heard it was moved!

"Dragon Lord!"

"Your Majesty!"

The sea clan masters present came closer one after another, showing great concern.

Of course, there were also people like the evil fairy emperor Shi Liang, who was swaggering, showing his green face and fangs, and went to the Penglai Fairy Island.

He was a very rare corpse cultivator among the sea clan. He was the corpse of a sea clan master, which was preserved for eternity in a special sea area. By chance, he was born with spiritual wisdom. Then he slowly cultivated all the way to the present. This way is almost extinct in the world. Because most corpse cultivators are fierce and unruly, and this way blasphemes the dead, it was jointly eliminated by the Buddhist and Taoist sects on a large scale, and the inheritance was basically cut off.

Before becoming a Taoist, Shi Liang was most afraid of thunder magic. But because of this, he accumulated the most experience in dealing with thunder magic on the road to becoming a Taoist.

Therefore, he was one of the sea clan kings who reacted the fastest to the endless dust thunder bombing Tianhai.

But he was still a step behind.

Penglai Immortal Island once showed its power to blast into the sea, but before the strong men of the sea clan could attack it, it flashed and disappeared without a trace. It seemed like he just came over for a face-to-face meeting.

But Lingchen Zhenjun Ji Zuo, who was almost ignored in the endless thunder light, also disappeared - being "ignored" among the powerful people is naturally a means of reaching the sky. But it is also the specialty of Penglai Island Taoism system.

All that was left was a Taoist robe floating in the air, and the thunder of dust that was still roaring between the sky and the sea.

That Taoist robe represents the Taoist authority of the contemporary Grand Master of Penglai Island, that is, Ji Zuo.

Starting from the corner of the robe, the ashes of calamity are gradually falling.

The meaning embodied by the medieval Celestial Road is a "bridge" that spans time and space and can be crossed by thousands of armies and horses.

The meaning embodied by Penglai Island is "boat".

In the miserable world of the end of the sea, the divine boat that survived the calamity could only carry Ji Zuo, who had only his inner clothes left.

Taoist Holy Land Penglai Island.

Welcome back its leader!

Boom, boom! The thunder was still rolling in Ao Jie's body.

He swallowed such a terrifying calamity thunder alive and didn't die immediately! It's really terrifyingly strong.

"Your Majesty?!" As soon as the thunder stopped, Emperor Xuan Shen flew to Ao Jie's side. With a single move of his scepter, he gathered the power of faith to heal the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea raised a claw and pressed the scepter against it. Open your mouth, let the blood in your mouth fall into the sea, and say this: "Don't waste your strength. There are more places in the sea that need you."

At this moment, Ao Jie's dragon body had become "thin" three times, making it appear that the body was narrow and very craggy. The bones on the body are hung with meat, and the meat is hanging with the skin, which is quite fragmented. His left eye had disappeared, leaving only a dark hole.

But he is in no rush to use up his strength to restore himself. As he and Emperor Xuan Shen said, there are more places in the sea that need strength. Quickly stabilizing the situation in Canghai and rebuilding his homeland is more important than repairing the body of Canghai Dragon King. He just turned his head and looked in the direction of the entrance to the enchanted world——

The forcibly opened entrance has disappeared.

After careful planning, about 50,000 of the 100,000-strong fighting force escaped.

At that time, this army was like an earthworm drilling a hole. The first half had already entered, and the remaining part was cut off together with Yu Que.

These fighting warriors who were forcibly left behind had of course been killed at this moment. Their corpses will all be preserved as food for sea beasts. Unless there are strong men with a certain value, the Sea Clan usually does not keep prisoners, because the food in the sea itself is precious, and it is not cost-effective to give it to the captives. It will have consequences if they starve and lose weight - except for a few who are particularly bloodthirsty, the Sea Clan usually Don't eat people. But for sea beasts, these human corpses are already top-quality food.

Ji Zuo did indeed attract the attention of most of the strong men of the Sea Clan for a time, but the emperors did not forget to let the Sea Clan princes with suitable combat capabilities lead their troops to pursue him into the Mysterious Realm and chase down the fleeing Dou'e army.

If all the 50,000 fighting soldiers can escape back to Jingguo, then using this as a skeleton, this army will soon be able to form combat effectiveness again. If they were all destroyed here... of course there would still be an army in Jingguo's territory. An army of Dou'e's level would definitely have enough reserve troops ready to replenish their ranks at any time. But there is no need to mention the title of the No. 1 Army in the World.

This person Yu Que...

First, he showed his bravery and suppressed thousands of troops by himself, making the Hai Clan think that he was going to fight desperately; then he deliberately called out Ji Zuo, making the Hai Clan think that his purpose was to lead the army to break up the rear and cover Ji Zuo to take away the Eternal Sky Monument; after this repeated In the meantime, he created an opportunity and blasted open the passage to the Mysterious Realm, making the strong men of the sea tribe think that he was using Ji Zuo to attract attention and escape with the Dou'e army; but in fact, he really left himself behind, Cheng Quan He caught the [Qingxiao Eternal Tribulation Thunder] and helped Master Penglai escape.

He is truly a master of tactical deception. Doing a dojo in this snail shell, feinting repeatedly.

As the commander-in-chief of Dou'e, Yu Que saw off his army. As the true king of Jingguo, Yu Que sent away the headmaster of Penglai. It can be said that he has lived up to his status and is worthy of his general title!

And how many Yuques are there in the human race?

Thinking about it makes you worried!

Yuque's death will bring great benefit to the sea.

The existence of the heavenly monument will bring great benefits to the sea.

But Ao Jie couldn't be happy. When he was young, he also believed that he would eventually accomplish great things that the sages could not achieve, and he was sure that he would become a "catastrophe" for the human race. When he defeated all his competitors and became the Dragon King of the Canghai Sea, he was also very ambitious and intended to make contributions to the Divine Continent... To this day, he only thinks about how to save the Hai Clan's "catastrophe".

The stronger you are, the more desperate you are. The more you know "the way", the more you know "the way is unattainable".

"I thought that those powers of Yu Que were for Ji Zuo to bring back to the Divine Continent, but I didn't expect..." Zhong Xi was the emperor who personally organized the killing of the Mysterious Realm. Thinking of Yu Que's death, he felt sad in his heart. Quite touching.

Qi Liang collected the green-faced fangs' dharma body, flew down, and pretended to be relaxed: "Probably Ji Zuo originally wanted to take it back. But there were too many illegitimate children in Yu Que, and I didn't know which one to give him, and it was impossible to catch them, so I simply threw them away. here."

This was not a funny joke, but the emperors more or less squeezed their lips and cooperated... The atmosphere was really too heavy.

Even the most radical and arrogant Sea Clan, after today's war, they all recognized the facts and saw the gap between the two races. Sometimes, no matter how disparate the data is on paper, it’s hard to have a deep feeling without having encountered it head-on – back then, we almost invaded the Divine Continent!

Ao Jie didn't smile.

He just dragged his seriously injured body, wrapped his dragon tail around an eternal monument, and flew far away. The blood flowed all the way and dripped into the waves - the blood of the Dragon Lord of the Canghai also affected the sea. It's a good supplement.

Under the control of the Jingguo people, the Eternal Sky Monument has the opportunity to become a yoke to restrain the Hai Clan. The Eternal Sky Monument is under the control of the Sea Clan, but it can create a peaceful sea area, allowing more Sea Clan creatures to live in it.

Ao Jie is looking for a place to build a home.

Under the gaze of all the senior officials of the Sea Clan, Canghai Dragon Lord headed east without looking back.

There is only this sentence left in place, which can be regarded as a summary of this war that was beaten at the beginning and was unable to fight back - "The Dragon Lord of the Changhe River has arrived. If we can't survive in the future, we can only blame ourselves, There is no one to complain about.”

Was the human-dragon war in the medieval era defeated because of Ao Shuyi?

If the human race's advantage had not reached a certain level, Lieshan Human Emperor completely suppressed Xihun Dragon Emperor, and Ao Shuyi rebelled, could he have summoned so many water tribes under his banner?

How can the "river dog" in the world be heard of again!

The northernmost island inhabited by the human race offshore should be the "Ice Phoenix Island" that is close to the glacier.

Li Fengyao, the eldest daughter of the Shimen Li family, has been stationed here for a long time, conducting business and practicing medicine here.

The East China Sea is vast and vast, even if it does not include the sea separated by the Mysterious World, it is enough for people to explore for a lifetime. Going north to the offshore islands, you can see glaciers. After the glacier, there is the sea, and after the sea, there is the glacier, which never ends.

Of course, the further north you go, the more deserted it becomes.

At this time, there were two figures walking side by side on the glacier.

He trudged hard against the wind and frost, his black robe swaying.

They wore the same mask, but the blood letters on their foreheads were different. One is called "仵官" and the other is "City".

They all pay attention to their steps. Even if there is a pit in front of them, they have to hover for a moment and wait for their brothers to take steps before jumping forward. No one is willing to be rude and walk in front of their brothers.

After walking like this for a while, I finally followed the organization's unique secret mark and found an inconspicuous ice cave deep in the glacier.

"Brother, please go first." The City King bowed politely.

"Oh, don't be polite now!" The King of Revenants still used his female body and said delicately: "Good brother, you go in first!"

"Come in together...come in!" King Qin Guang's voice came from the depths of the ice cave, and it was obvious that he was not in a good mood.

"Boss!" The warlock king immediately changed his tone, starting with a concerned and charming whisper, swaying towards the ice cave, talking non-stop: "I heard that you were injured, I was so nervous. , couldn't even continue the mission, came over overnight to support you, and brought you good medicine! Boss, boss! What's wrong with you, who dares to hurt you, we gathered our brothers together..."

He walked into the ice cave and saw an ice sculpture altar standing in the center of the ice cave.

King Qin Guang, whom he had not seen for a long time, was standing in the middle of the transparent altar with his head raised slightly. He is tall and straight, with a narrow waist tied around his waist by a mask. The empty eye sockets on the mask seemed to be staring at him.

What made King Wu Guan feel pressured was that King Qin Guang at this time was in an [evil] state with both blue eyes and long hair hanging down to his heels!

He was about to say something when he suddenly raised his head in horror, his gaze already passing through the top of the ice cave and directed towards the endless high dome——

There is a splendid medieval heavenly road there, crossing the sea and the sea, and the medieval world. Along the way, he only dared to look far away and did not dare to study in detail. I know how grand it is, but I am humble and dare not approach it.

But at this moment, that golden avenue, the smooth road to the sky, collapsed on the spot, falling like sand!

He raised his hand to hold down the trembling chests, stopping the body's violent heart, and looked at King Qin Guang in horror——

" cursed it?!"

Thank you to the book friend "Old City Yixin" for becoming the leader of this book. It is the 773rd alliance for the Sky Patrol!

Thank you to book friend "Green Bamboo Midori" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 774th alliance for the "Crimson Heart Patrol"!

Thanks to the book friends who have traveled along the way.

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