Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2319 South Wind Knows My Intentions

As far as the entire Qi State is concerned, Shimen County is a miserable place. Although it occupies a large area, most of the territory is Gobi. The products are not abundant and the climate is harsh.

The hinterland of the Eastern Region is considered fertile, but the Gobi desert is actually not common. This landform was all formed due to war.

As a hero of the restoration of the country, the first-generation city-destroying lord had a lot of wealthy lands to choose from, but he chose to defend the country's borders.

The most difficult environment in Qi Land has forged a famous family like the Li family who destroyed the city.

Even the nominal first sect in Qi.

The spiritual throne of the first generation of city-destroying marquises has always been enshrined in the main shrine of the Protector Hall. Li's honors will last for generations.

But compared with the environment of Ice Phoenix Island, Shimen County can be considered a blessed place.

This island is isolated in the northernmost part of the offshore archipelago, desolate and bitterly cold. The north wind howls all year round, and frost cuts the face.

It is only after these years of operation that it gradually took shape.

Qi's road to sea power was divided into several steps. At first, it did not directly compete with Diaohailou for sea rights. Instead, it built Jueming Island, consolidated maritime defense, increased investment in the war in the Mysterious Realm, and assumed more responsibilities for sea control. On the one hand, it implements the "Aristocratic Family Going Overseas" strategy, giving the domestic aristocratic families the right to develop and allowing them to expand at sea on their own.

Over time, it has had an indelible influence on the offshore islands.

This was also an important reason why Qi State was able to immediately take over the Zhenhai Alliance and successfully control the offshore waters once the Diaohai Building was shaken.

Unlike the Tian family's "Bajiao" and "Chongjia" and the Chongxuan family's "Neverwinter", which are islands with excellent geographical locations and convenient trade, the Li family chose remote places from the beginning and went north to explore on their own. ——Li Zhengyan personally decided on the strategy of opening up the sea, saying, "Don't compete with others, compete with heaven and earth."

We must fight for human space in the vast world.

Li Fengyao had been to Ice Phoenix Island when he was very young. Li Zhengyan brought her here, thinking that the girl was fragile and should come here to withstand the test of a harsh environment and temper her temperament. Later, he realized that he had thought too much...

As Qi's national power grew day by day, the open and covert battles in the offshore areas became more and more intense.

The development momentum of Ice Phoenix Island was not good. Later, Li Fengyao simply moved here to practice and officially took over the management of the sea on behalf of the Shimen Li family.

It was the management of Ice Phoenix Island that made her famous early and became a sister-like existence in the circle of young aristocrats in Linzi. Li Longchuan trembled when he raised his eyes.

There is no spring and autumn on the island, only winter.

The tall Li Fengyao was wearing a frost-colored armor, his long hair was simply tied up, and he was not wearing a helmet. Standing with hands behind the highest ice peak on the island, it looks like an ice tree on the ice peak. Looking at the glaciers in the distance, people feel colder than frost and snow.

She is waiting for someone.

The two people who passed by this island a few days ago and turned back many times to spy on the reality and reality on the island.

Those two people thought that they were unaware of the ghosts, and they were indeed cautious and concealed. Little did they know that their evil thoughts had already been reflected in the ice mirror.

In the clear heart of frost, any shadow is very conspicuous.

After she became enlightened, the entire Ice Phoenix Island was within the scope of her reflection, and all evil spirits had no way of hiding.

The East China Sea is already the backyard of the Qi State, and the Zhenhai League is under the control of the Qi State. There is Xia Zhi on Huai Island, and Tianhui has been moved to Jueming Island. All, all are here.

But she wasn't going to ask for help.

It's just two gods coming, and there are soldiers of the Li family on the island!

She, Li Fengyao, was a military monk. She occupied the big island, commanded elite soldiers, and launched a killing formation. She waited for work and stopped quietly. If she still asked for help, she really had no ability to take on the trouble, and it would bring disgrace to the Li family of Shimen.

Why did the national system flourish?

It’s the military monks who are overthrowing the temples!

She had to let these little ones know what a military monk was!

The wait was a little longer than expected. The two murderers who should have come over a long time ago are still nowhere to be seen, but she is very patient. War is sometimes about hunting, most of the time it is about waiting and chasing, and the real confrontation is often over in a very short time.

Those who are eager for success often suffer rapid defeat.

After the collapse of the Middle Ancient Sky Road, she certainly had thoughts about the offshore situation. Knowing that a conflict with Jing Guo is probably inevitable.

As the representative of the Shimen Li family at sea, she is bound to be in this whirlpool.

But there are two sides to the matter. This is trouble but also opportunity. If Jing Guo doesn't come, the lost world is locked, there really is no chance to make achievements on the sea.

In the large-scale offshore strategy, Duhou must be the main one. In the small offshore situation, what she should do most now is to solidify the foundation of Ice Phoenix Island and consolidate the status of Ice Phoenix Island, instead of rushing to the inner island to build momentum for someone.

Ice Phoenix Island is located in the far north, framing the boundaries of the offshore islands. As long as she manages this place well, it will all depend on her face if people from Jingguo come here.

After all, Qi has been operating at sea for such a long time. Even if it faces direct competition from the first empire in the world, it will definitely have an advantage.

Competing with Diaohailou and competing with Jingguo have different strategies.

When competing with Diaohailou, Qi could slowly figure it out, turn its advantage into victory step by step, and even let Diaohailou integrate the offshore islands. This is determined by the strength of both sides. Emperor Qi repeatedly let it go and was ready to swallow it up at any time. All the efforts made by Diaohailou in integrating the islands did indeed become a wedding dress for Qi in the end.

It's different for Jingguo. Although they currently have the advantage, if Jing Guo's ambitions cannot be quickly eliminated and a long-term tug of war is formed, the outcome will be difficult to say. After all, Jingguo's heritage is too rich. Once it establishes a foothold in the offshore, subsequent power will inevitably flow continuously.

A general cannot just focus on one moment and one place. Real victory must be gained from the overall situation.

Li Fengyao waited and thought silently.

At a certain moment, she suddenly turned her head and looked south.

How strange.

On Ice Phoenix Island, a rare south wind blew.

The breeze swept through her hair, swirling it affectionately, and then reluctantly went away.

I'm used to seeing cold winds in the North Island, but this is such a cool wind.


The wind howled.

Because the flying speed was too fast, the wind in front of me was like a knife.

Tian Anping does not use extraordinary power to neutralize its sharpness like other monks. He uses his own body to feel it.

Pain is a way of understanding the world, more clearly than other feelings.

Of course he hadn't felt anything for a long time.

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and the sun is shining with gold.

Suddenly, he paused, and the pause was too abrupt. The long wake caused by his rapid flight was still screaming forward, breaking through the clouds for thousands of feet without stopping. And he became a rock in the wind, standing silently in this sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds itself has no waves, the sky is clear and the sea is clear without wind or rain. But a green light suddenly burst out from his Dao body!

Strands of green light, like fine needles of cow hair, split the gap between Dao Yuan and walked away. It also looks for pores and scurries in, like a snake swimming in a hole.

Curse, Biyou Needle!

King Guang of Qin, Yin Guan!

He took revenge overnight, took Tian Huanwen's Immortal Eyes, digested the gains in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, and then used Tian Huanwen's water in his pupils and marrow in his blood to launch a counterattack against Tian Anping!

Afraid of being a little slow, Tian Anping reacted and got ready.

Throughout the battle at the Wanxian Palace ruins, Yin Guan did not engage in direct combat, but repeatedly evaded. Relying on his knowledge of Wanxian Palace, he set up traps one after another... Despite this, he was still injured by Tian Anping.

But in the process of frantically escaping, he had already left a curse behind. It wasn't until he escaped to a safe distance that he set up an altar and detonated it at this moment, thousands of miles away.

It’s not that Yama doesn’t kill people, it’s just that it’s not the third watch of the night!

A little man wearing official uniform and holding a stylus appeared in the void. He held a book in one hand and a pen in the other. He pointed at Tian Anping and said in a loud voice - "The time for death has come!"

Cursed Immortal·Judge of Hell!

The wisps of green light surged tens of millions of times in an instant.

Tian Anping paused in the air, barely having time to make any moves. I could see that the green needles, as thin as cow hair, were densely squeezed into his body, as if pinning him into a green hedgehog!

He couldn't even see his face, and there was no gap in his body.

Compared to King Qin Guang in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, who just ran away, Yin Guan at this moment truly showed his killing power. His killing power has also skyrocketed!

But Tian Anping just stood there extremely empty, with no counterattack at all, and no even fluctuations in life.

He was like a dead tree, shriveled up to nothing.

The green needles swam around his body like a school of fish, constantly shuttling back and forth without breaking apart, and finally formed a huge cloud woven by green light!

The power of the curse has been piled up to this point, and it is already a terror that even the founder of the curse can't control.

Wherever it passes, people will die. If it falls into this sea, there will be no life in the sea for thousands of miles.

At this moment, Tian Anping raised his eyelids and opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, all the green needles in the sky made way for these eyes. They became two abrupt holes in the blue clouds.

He looked out like this and was surrounded by the power of the mantra. Following the connection of the mantra, he followed the flow upstream and arrived at it with just one thought. As if thousands of miles away, I saw the towering altar in the void. He saw King Qin Guang with long hair hanging on his heels standing on the altar.

Compared with King Qin Guang's almost crazy and murderous green eyes, Tian Anping's eyes are quite ordinary. Neither sharp nor vicious.

There was interest in his eyes. What he saw in King Qin Guang was a path that was completely different from everyone else's. It was the truth of the world that probably belonged to Yin Guan alone. He was willing to see more possibilities in this person.

As for Yin Guan, he felt that his Biyou Needle was stuck in the void!

It is clear that there is an endless curse, and this power is so powerful, but after piercing this Tao body, it actually lost its hold. It stands to reason that one shot of Biyou should be fatal, but if hundreds of millions of shots are given, everything will die.

But there seemed to be nothing inside Tian Anping's body. The skin was actually a withered and empty shell.

How can a real person in this world be a fake shell?

Tian Anping naturally has his "truth". He slowly raised his hand. As he raised his hand, the green needles that were densely stuck on his hand disappeared in large chunks, like sewage flowing on the floor tiles, leaving a large blank area with a rag.

This raised hand and these open eyes have become the "pure land" on this Taoist body that is not contaminated by the power of the curse.

He raised his hand to a level with the sea surface, and his overly pale fingers spread like this——

Countless lines flew out of the clouds. It was unknown where they came from or why they were born. They shuttled across the clouds and sky, linking tiles and weaving walls, and instantly built a square city.

It is truly a city, not just a model.

It is so huge that it seems to contain the sea of ​​clouds.


The city fell.

In the process of falling, this city seemed to have a terrifying suction force.

The green needles that were densely embedded in Tian Anping's body rose up into the air one by one, like thousands of birds throwing themselves into the forest, whistling and flying into the city.

Even if it penetrated deeply into Tian Anping's body, into his bones and marrow, there were still strands of green light retreating, all heading towards this city.

Only Yin Guan could feel that it was not this city that had a great influence on the green needles, but that these green needles, following the connection of the curse, went to curse the real Tian Anping!

Is this city Tian Anping?

Above the gate of the Sifang City, a plaque hung, condensing a clear "Ji" character formed by the rhyme of Taoism.

"Ji City" is here.

This is Tian Anping's inner palace!

The green needles outside the body have been pulled out, and Tian Anping, standing in the clouds, has clear facial features again. He is still wearing a thin coat, his hands have broken chains, and he is unharmed. He looked at Yin Guan from a distance, never moving his eyes.

And inside his body, there are still green lights flying out, which are the residual curse power, heading towards Ji City——

When he was in the ruins of Wanxian Palace, he still failed to detect the curse power left by Yin Guan. Or even if he noticed it, it would be impossible to eliminate it. At this time, he has already shown his understanding of the power of the spell, making it invisible in his body!

After the green light flew away, Tian Anping was momentarily empty. At this moment, it can be seen that in Tian Anping's empty shell, the universe is looming and the stars are flowing like clouds.

His inner palace is outside, which is a city.

His outer building is inside, which is the center of the universe.

The opening paragraph of the "Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to the Court" in the Wanxian Palace, at the end of the text, it says-

"Man is the universe, man is the universe, man is the immortal of the ten thousand immortals!"

Yin Guan and Tian Anping each plundered a part of the inheritance, and each had a different understanding, and did not follow the old path. They started from different directions, one first cultivated the immortal of the ten thousand immortals, and the other first refined the human body universe.

Come here to fight.

Yin Guan's green needle pierced into Tian Anping's body, but it flew in the vast universe, so naturally it could not find the real body.

At this moment, "Ji City" is like a cage, and the green light bird is caught in the cage.

People approach the food utensils to eat, the so-called "Ji" word! Can't wait!

Tian Anping drew a line on his index finger with his thumb, and blood flew out in an instant. He drew a human figure in the air with his finger. With a press of his finger, the human figure drawn in blood turned into a piece of paper with a bloody edge and an empty mirror inside.

His finger was still bleeding, and he wrote on the torso of the human-shaped paper again, writing... "Yin Guan"!

The paper burned.

The flying ashes swept the black power and went straight into the void.

He probably studied the power of spells a long time ago, and learned something from the confrontation with Yin Guan.

At this moment, he turned around and cursed Yin Guan!


The finger he used to draw the name of the person was strangely bent back at this moment, with white bones protruding outward!

After all, spells are the main road of Yin Guan.

Tian Anping was undoubtedly backfired!

Even his pupils were shattered like glass at this time, and the cracks were full of blood.

But he just closed his eyelids, and when he opened them again, his eyes had recovered. With a blank expression, he bent his broken index finger back.

The image of Yin Guan being watched in the void had disappeared, and with it the power of the curse. Seeing that things were impossible, the leader of Hell without Gates left without hesitation.

Tian Anping opened his mouth and swallowed his own city.

He did not chase Yin Guan, because he could not catch up, and there was no need to do so. He turned around and flew to Tianyatai.

In front of Tianyatai... Lou Yue is there!

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