Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2322: Peace in the East China Sea, but Hatred Creates Trouble

"King Kun of Jing, kill Li Longchuan of Qi."

Qi Wen really didn't need to speak loudly, because this statement was like thunder.


Is it a warship or thunder? The spectators on Tianya Terrace can no longer tell.

Too many accidents happened today.

For most ordinary islanders, even practitioners, the changing flags on the city walls are like the sunset, or even the decline of heaven and earth... They can only accept it and cannot change it.


A crack directly appeared in the night.

Cao Jie's breath rose to the sky!

This great Qi Duhou and bitter-faced commander, who was a tepid existence in most cases, showed his murderous intent at this moment, and had the momentum to overturn the world.

Just a change in his eyes, you can know-he has fully prepared for a head-on conflict with Jingguo and has the determination to fight to the death with Song Huai.

In the direction of the Xia Shijun camp, evil clouds rose at the same time, like a giant umbrella, opening over Huai Island.

This is also the sharp edge of the nine soldiers of the Great Qi. All those who do not belong to the Qi State will naturally be isolated from the "wind and rain".

Far away in Jueming Island, there are also soldiers and demons. The fleet led by Qi Wen raised their weapons like a forest. The Tianfu Army, which has already arrived at the offshore, fully responded to the commander's rage!

Everything has an explanation.

Why did Tian Anping come with hatred, why did he ask Lou Yue for the crime.

Wang Kun was commanded by Lou Yue and went to sea on behalf of Jing State. He was one of the links of the Nine Sons Zhenhai, and it was also an important starting point for Jing State in the offshore islands. He controlled the Holy Turtle of the Protector State and flaunted the sea city.

Lou Yue had a share in his actions, and Jing State could not shirk his responsibility!

Not only Tian Anping wanted to ask for punishment?

Cao Jie had to draw his sword personally and hold Lou Yue accountable.

At this time, he could not question Qi Wen who came with his army. As the commander of Xia Shi, Qi Wen would never lie about such a thing under such circumstances.

In front of the city gate, Lou Yue, who had punched Tian Anping into it and was about to rush in, stopped in front of the city gate.

From the sudden rush to the sudden stop, the transition was too abrupt, and the conflict of power was too intense. The space under his feet could not bear it, and he stepped on a dark rotating chaos!

The robe that seemed to cover the mountains and rivers fell down.

Like dust and fog covering the sun, he looked like a extinguished volcano.

He turned back in front of the city gate.

This matter is too important - if the Jinghai plan succeeds, even such a bad thing will have a lot of room for argument. How did Wang Kun kill Li Longchuan? Was it excessive defense, or a mistake in the battle, or was it just a misunderstanding!

With the merit of Yongmi's sea disaster, using Canghai as a base and hugging the near sea, Jingguo's waist here is straight enough.

But now that Yu Jinghai's plan has failed...

Yu Que is dead, and more than half of the 100,000 Dou'e troops have been killed. The rest are trapped in the maze and may not be able to return. Lingchen Zhenjun forcibly destroyed the world and blew up all the dust and thunder. Although he barely escaped from the sea, how much strength does he have left?

Even if Penglai used all its strength, it could not suppress the arrogance of the Qi people, let alone bear the anger of the Qi people!

If they don't deal with it well, they will return to Shenlu today.

All the investment in the East China Sea this time will be declared to be nothing, and all will be in vain.

Penglai Island and the Imperial Party, which promoted this matter, including him and Prime Minister Luqiu, must give an explanation to other factions. Even the emperor must make concessions in some key places!

Compared with this, whether to kill Tian Anping or not is not so important.

Of course, he can't kill him again.

If Qi Wen is true, Wang Kun killed Li Longchuan, and he killed Tian Anping who came to ask for accountability...

That would force Jiang Shu to put on armor!

Li Longchuan was only the legitimate son of Shimen Li and the general of Jiuzu Zhufeng, but Tian Anping was already the commander of Jiuzu and a high-ranking official of Qi State with great power.

At this moment, Lou Yue felt that things were more difficult than ever before.

Song Huai took a deep breath, looked at the angry commander Xia Shi on the ship, and asked, "Where is Wang Kun? Where is he?"

The situation is unclear, and it would be passive to say anything now.

For now, the only way is to find Wang Kun first, understand the whole picture, and then make the next decision.

This is indeed the key issue.

Qi Wen, standing on the ship, looked in the direction of the city surrounded by iron chains.


Tian Anping was hanging on the broken chain again, his body half-bent, like a wounded lone wolf, staggering out.

His chest had sunk in, and he was almost punched through by Lou Yue, but he didn't after all - although his chest was pressed against his back, and it was not as thin as a palm.

His long hair was completely messy, tangled with blood and hanging in front of his forehead, which made him seem to hide his eyes and hide in the dark forest.

Those ordinary eyes became dangerous at this moment.

He stared at Lou Yue, like a bloodthirsty beast, staring at tonight's dinner. With his mouth that was no longer convenient for speaking, he slowly said: "I have killed it."

The voice was unpleasant, but calm, as calm as if he had just killed a chicken before leaving.

"The people of Jing dared to kill the people of Qi in the East China Sea, I can't let him live any longer."

This sentence was his rare explanation.

Then he continued: "You will not be an exception. Ask your crime. Now, I will do it."

He felt a little bit like he was beaten half crazy. At the end, not only did his voice become more and more vague, but even the word order was confused, but the meaning was still very clear.

"You killed Wang Kun? You convicted my Jingguo Tianjiao without trial and executed him without question?" Lou Yue sharply extracted the key points, his eyes became extremely sharp in an instant: "I see clearly - you are looking for death today!"

The period of the decline of heaven and earth, the four seasons are reversed, the secrets of heaven are confused, and the perception of Yandao is restricted, not to mention that he has not taken that step yet.

He really couldn't contact Wang Kun, nor could he get the information about the Ghost Face Fish Sea in the first time.

At this moment, he knew nothing about what happened between Wang Kun and Li Longchuan in the Ghost Face Fish Sea.

But no matter what, this matter will never be wrong - put the hat back.

Whether Wang Kun killed Li Longchuan or not, this matter can be discussed later. It is a fact that you Qi people killed Wang Kun, and it is a fact that Tian Anping came to the door... Your Qi country is wrong in the process, how dare you convict without trial, and be so disrespectful to the Central Empire! ?


The giant ship roared in the night sky. Under the effect of the magic circle, the noose of the war crossbow was stretched to the limit.

"The people of Jing dared to start a fight in the East China Sea, killed my son, and wanted me to judge the crime through your country of Jing?"

Qi Wen, the commander of Xia Shi, stood on the deck of the battleship named "Disaster" and shouted angrily: "Wake up from the beautiful dream of the Central Empire! Today is the 3919th year of the Dao calendar. The times are no longer the same, and you have become old and decrepit. This is the East China Sea! The sea of ​​the East Country!"

"The East China Sea is the sea of ​​the East Country. This is not the first time I have heard this. But it is indeed the first time that it has appeared in the mouth of the high-level officials of Qi. The heroes who have filled the sea borders in the past generations have become ghosts of your Qi country!" Lou Yue looked at Qi Wen: "It is indeed good to be young. You don't have to care about the past. It is thin and fresh to make up history at will, and it is shameless and shameless. Qi Shuai is worthy of being the new commander of Xia Shi. He is younger and more courageous than his predecessor. It is really a new generation that is worse than the old one!"

Qi Wen is naturally not as good as Qi Xiao, otherwise he would not have been suppressed for so many years.

Everyone in the world knows this, and he himself knows it.

Since he took back the post of commander of Xia Shi, he has been working diligently and dared not slack off for a day, always holding his breath to prove himself.

Not only did he build a large-scale project to consolidate the defense of Cassiae Island, practice military formations diligently, and improve the combat effectiveness of the army, but he also seized every opportunity to expand Qi's influence overseas.

In recent years, the offshore has been calm and the islands have all been submissive. Who can say that there is no contribution from Qi Wen?

Including today, the death of Li Longchuan is certainly a huge loss for Qi. It is another one of the numerous crimes of the Jing people. Their arrogance and rampantness are outrageous! But putting aside those emotional things, this is also a great opportunity to clear Jing's influence on the sea in one fell swoop!

Since Wu'an Hou was weak on the battlefield and let Chen Zhitao and Zhu Biqiong go, allowing the foundation of Diaohai Tower to continue, Jing took the opportunity to interfere in the offshore, and there has been a trend of relying on it. This time, the Jinghai Plan came out of nowhere, which further demonstrated Jing's ambition to swallow the sea.

If the East China Sea is preserved, the war potential of Qi, which is still developing rapidly, will be doubled. If the East China Sea is lost, Qi will not only be weakened in potential, but also need to be on guard against sea waves at all times. The long coastline will be a huge wound that Qi people will bleed endlessly!

In the past, Jing State used Xiadi as a knife and set it in the southwest of Qi State. It was hard to seize the opportunity and broke it with a big battle. How can we let go in the East China Sea today and let Jing State personally hold the knife to his waist?

As the commander of the nine soldiers of the Great Qi, he must plan for Qi State and share the worries of the emperor.

Lou Yue called the new predecessor of the Xia Corpse Army one by one, and he compared Qi Wen with Qi Xiao and used Qi Xiao to humiliate him.

But such humiliation, in the past time, has never stopped?

One day can't really catch up with Qi Xiao. This position of the commander of the Xia Corpse Army, which was stolen because of Qi Xiao's accident in the military hall, is itself a constant humiliation to him! Tell him-you are just a little thief who follows his sister to pick up food and eat, and you don't deserve this position at all!

"Qi is not a man, but he is strong for the country. There is no trouble in the East China Sea, but hatred stirs up trouble!" Qi Wen raised his hand and clenched it. He had already grasped all the energy of the Gengjin of Huaidao Island, and grasped his gilded tiger-headed spear. He held his head high and his eyes were cold and solemn: "Compared to you, Master Lou, Qi is indeed young. But in Qi, compared with those outstanding younger generations, Qi is already old! Li Longchuan was in his prime, with outstanding military strategy, and his future achievements will definitely be far better than mine, Qi Wen, but he died at the hands of the scoundrels of Jing State--"

The commander of Xia Shi held the spear horizontally in front of him: "Is this hatred really unrequited?!"


Since him, the armored soldiers of the entire fleet have raised their troops.

The soldiers are flying and rising and falling like dragons!

The conflict between Li Longchuan and Wang Kun was not fabricated out of thin air, but there are traces to follow, and many people have witnessed it.

Wang Kun implemented the plan of Jiuzi Zhenhai, driving the sacred turtle of Youguo out to sea, swaggering all the way, as a flag in the open of this action, attracting the attention of Qi people.

He confronted Li Longchuan on Haimen Island!

The two sides were on the verge of a fight. At that moment, Li Longchuan pointed the flag and wanted to fight to the death. Wang Kun put the Jinghai plan first and endured it for a while.

Li Longchuan, on behalf of Qi, strictly guarded against Wang Kun and his party, and even urgently adjusted the defense zone of Diaohai Tower to target them, and moved the Jing people to the desolate Ghost Face Fish Sea, and joined alone to accompany them all the way.

Many people who were present at the time could testify to this, and there were also Qi monks who reported it to Zhenhai League early. Zhenhai League has kept the bottom line in black and white.

After arriving at the Ghost Face Fish Sea, the two groups really fought!

Li Longchuan's arrow, which was once aimed at Wang Kun, also landed on the giant turtle.

The power of the Nine Sons of the Dragon Emperor once crushed Li Longchuan's golden body.

Li Longchuan's body was covered with wounds left by Wang Kun.

Li Longchuan's head was cut off by Wang Kun's sword.

All this is true and not a single word is false.

How can Jingguo deny it?

The human race has the overall situation.

Patience is needed before Shenxiao.

It is a consensus that a hegemonic country should not be attacked...



Li Longchuan is dead!

Li Longchuan, the legitimate son of the Marquis of the Great Qi Empire and the noble son of the Shimen Li family... he is dead!

Died at the hands of the arrogant Jing people!

This is not a contradiction that can be ignored, nor is it something that can be turned around.

Jingguo must either give a sufficient explanation or wait for war!

Tian Anping directly killed Wang Kun and asked Lou Yue to punish him. The armies of the two islands of the Tian family also sailed on the sea.

Qi Wen personally led the Tianfu Army to besiege Tianyatai---This is the statement of the two commanders of the Nine Soldiers of the Great Qi Empire.

As members of the Qi State Military Affairs Hall, they are undoubtedly high-level figures. At this moment, in this sea area, they can fully represent the will of Qi State.

If Cao Jie does not speak, then this is the attitude of Qi State.

And Song Huai knows very well that Cao Jie's silence at this time is more of a reservation of the situation. As the highest person in charge of Qi State in the East China Sea, he will not tear the last face for the time being and intentionally leave room. It is definitely not a disapproval of Qi Wen and Tian Anping.

Cao Jie will never speak out against them at this time.

This silence is almost equivalent to acquiescence.

"Du Hou, the incident happened suddenly, can you give me some time..." Song Huai took the initiative to lower his posture: "This matter-"

Dong Dong Dong!

On the Tianya stage, suddenly a strong man, wearing Qi armor, strode onto the stage. Holding high the Zhongtian Ziwei flag, brush--a piece of purple spread in the wind!

The purple air filled the sky and converged into a point, as if embedded in the center of the night sky.

Then it was Deqiao Island, Haimen Island, Wudong Island, Binghuang Island, Bajiao Island... One purple flag after another was raised.

The wisps of purple air all went to the sky, and the faint spot became brighter and brighter.

For a moment, the purple air rolled, and the night was like a flag, and the Purple Star was hanging in the sky!

Ye Henshui, a member of the Political Affairs Hall of Da Qi and the leader of Zhenhai League who had long left, completed the preparations quietly, and showed the results of his and Qi Wen's sea governance in the past few years in an extremely oppressive way.

One order and ten thousand responses, all the offshore islands are purple flags!

Song Huai paused and swallowed the words "We will definitely investigate it and give an explanation to Qi".

He understood that Qi did not need Jing to give an explanation, and Qi would get what it wanted by itself.

Just like Qi could fulfill Diaolongke and not interfere with Xuanyuan Shuo's transcendence. Once Xuanyuan Shuo died, the people of Qi could immediately swallow up Diaohai Tower without any pressure.

The same is true today. Qi can focus on the overall situation of the sea and give way to Jing to pacify the sea. But if Jing fails to pacify the sea, don't blame Qi people for driving Jing people out to sea.

Li Longchuan's matter is not the root of today's situation, but it is indeed the best reason for expulsion.

"Heh!" Song Huai's expression was very serious: "It seems that Du Hou wants to keep me too."

"Dong Tianshi can of course leave." Cao Jie said slowly: "But Jing must give an explanation for Li Longchuan's matter."

His clenched fist has already grasped the military power, and added: "An explanation of sufficient weight."

Wang Kun is certainly not enough.

Killing Wang Kun is not enough to pay for Li Longchuan's life.

So what is enough? Who is enough?

Lou Yue laughed at this time. He said nothing, because at this moment, it was Song Huai who represented Jing to talk to Cao Jie. He just took off the tiger roaring mountain and river robe and loosened his five fingers——

The robe opened lightly, like a net, more like a kite with a broken string.


A robe that can be easily blown up by the wind, fell a moment later, and it was like a mountain! It broke the distance between the sky and the sea, and smashed hundreds of feet of raging waves in the endless sea!

At this moment, Lou Yue, who was standing in the air, gave people a feeling of being so light, no longer the majesty and heaviness he had always had. But it seemed that he had not really released his power until this moment!

As if responding to what Cao Jie said... "weight".

This is the weight.

He is ready to accept everything.

Of course, this world also has to accept everything from Lou Yue.

But at this time, Song Huai looked at Cao Jie and said word by word: "Jingguo will not give up any Jingguo people."

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