Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2331 Born free, willing to be stubborn

Jiang Wang, the Heavenly Man, naturally does not have fear, surprise or confusion.

In the world of Heavenly Dao, everything is "supposed to be".

Heavenly Dao controls everything, and everything has its own order.

As a Heavenly Man, he always walks within the framework of order.

The moment he was fixed there, it was because the things that happened repeatedly were not within the rules of "Heavenly Man". The lack of order made it difficult for him to continue his behavioral logic and follow the inherent code of conduct--

In simple terms, it was like a puppet of the Mohist school, which lost the control of the mechanism master. And the control array left by the mechanism master was also cut off, and the energy transmission was terminated.

But the Heavenly Dao is constant, not because of the death of Emperor Yang, not for the birth of Emperor Jing. The power of the Heavenly Dao is boundless and limitless.

After all, Heavenly Man is not a puppet. All things that transcend "Heavenly Man" will still be wrapped and accommodated by the Heavenly Dao-it just takes a little time, or even just a thought.

Jiang Wang, the Heavenly Man, seeks the Heavenly Dao, and with the help of the Heavenly Dao, he becomes a more tolerant, complete, and powerful Heavenly Man.

There is nothing wrong with this.

The Heavenly Dao has infinite power and can give unlimited support to the Heavenly Man. No matter how powerful the true self is, it can only sink step by step until it is forever doomed. Even if the current world is the most powerful and extraordinary, it cannot fight against it and it is impossible to exhaust it.

But at this moment, the Heavenly Man Jiang Wang, when he "got up", was in the "heart chamber" of this Dao body.

The heart chamber has long been a prison cell.

The real person Jiang Wang, who challenged the ancient and modern cave truth limit, once imprisoned himself here.

The demon ape whose arm was easily pulled out by the Heavenly Man Jiang Wang was once imprisoned here.

The strongest divine monk in history calmed the heart ape, subdued the will horse, adhered to his original heart, and then Wukong.

The youngest real person in the world in history calmed the heart ape here, and then made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace!

This prison cell called "heart chamber" is the heart of the first pride of the human race named "Jiang Wang". It is the place in the world where "Jiang Wang" has been imprisoned for the longest time and knows how to imprison "Jiang Wang" the most.

The Heavenly Man Jiang Wang is also Jiang Wang.

When the Heavenly Man Jiang Wang was imprisoned here, he was no longer a Heavenly Man of Heaven. He was the part of Heaven that was framed by "Jiang Wang".

Just like a straight line on paper and seawater in a cup.

It has turned infinite into finite.

The power of Heaven is infinite, but it has its limits in "Heavenly Man Jiang Wang". The limit lies in "Jiang Wang" himself.

He can also... be defeated.

In this complex, ever-changing and uncertain world, perhaps one thing is certain - as long as the possibility exists, Jiang Wang can definitely grasp it!

Yuheng, Kaiyang, Tianshu, Yaoguang, four starlight holy buildings, illuminate the ancient starry sky and lock the sea area of ​​​​the ghost-faced fish. All people, gods, dragons, ghosts, monsters... are not allowed to pass through.

At this moment, Jiang Wang's Dao body is the only life in this dead sea area.

And this Dao body itself is also sealed.

There are two levels of sealing. One is that the Heavenly Dao is a fence, not allowing spirits outside the body to interfere with the leap of the Heavenly Man; the other is from the inside out, like the Dao body putting on clothes to avoid the wind and keep warm.

But see the strands of power overflowing from the Dao body, layer upon layer, interweaving back and forth, and finally turning into two peach charms, embedded on the shoulders.

The left says: "The family is safe."

The right says: "Long-lasting descendants."

This is the sealing technique created by the Duke of Huai of the Great Chu with great thought and lifelong learning... [Peace Town].

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and wish for peace.

It is the expectation of an old man and the pursuit of a Duke.

It is an unfinished technique that cannot cross the Changsheng Town to seal the second Heavenly Man state. But it can further consolidate the battlefield between the "self" and the "Heavenly Man", and at the critical moment of the battle between the Heavenly Man, trace back to the source to protect this Dao body.

Outside the "heart prison", the "home" is suppressed, making the Heavenly Dao farther away and the Heavenly Man more alone. In this way...long-lasting benefit to descendants.

At this moment, this Taoist body is very calm, and there is no ripple on the body.

Only the heart is beating. Like thunder in the sea, rolling away.

Only the "heart prison" is still glowing and full of vitality.

From then on, the "blood bridge" is still mighty and flowing with blood.

There is a town in each of the four corners of the "heart prison", which manifests in the light.

They are the solemn seven-story stone tower in green, the ancient seven-story five-cornered building in black, the scorching seven-story four-cornered flying eaves building in red, and the magnificent seven-story purple building in purple.

From then on, the four directions tell the Tao, and the four walls are indestructible.

Unless Jiang Wang's path is proven wrong, unless Jiang Wang's path is shattered.

The heavenly man Jiang Wang figured out everything in an instant and no longer tried to push open the door of the prison cell.

This cell has four walls sealed with the fourth floor of the Dao Path, and is blessed with eternity with the magical power [Red Heart]. There are also seals that "True Self Jiang Wang" has painstakingly carved during this period of time.

It is almost impossible to push the door open under frequent interference.

And the Jiang Wang named after the "True Self" will never give him time to slowly push the door open. He understands Jiang Wang, just as Jiang Wang understands him.

They are originally one, and there should be no difference between life and death.

He no longer pays attention to this cell, nor to the three statues of real people outside the cell. Instead, he turned around and looked at the floor of the cell, on the haystack, curled up like a child, with disheveled hair, and seemed to be sleeping but should have been dead.

Jiang Wang, who represents the "True Self", opened his red eyes.

What a pair of vivid eyes are those?

So bright and hot, so nostalgic and reluctant to give up, so longing, so unwilling, full of vitality and full of desire, these are the rich emotions that Jiang Wang has rarely shown!

There is an infinite desire for life and freedom!

Don’t want to lose yourself, don’t want to lose yourself forever!

He was curled up in the thatch and should have withered like withered grass. His hair is disheveled and his hands are empty, but the moment you open your eyes, you feel that he has everything.

How can you say he has nothing?

He also embraced the world!

But Jiang Wang, who represented the "Heavenly Man", just looked at each other indifferently.

Even though the heavens are separated from each other, He himself is never seen again.

One glance turned to brilliant gold, and the next glance turned to snowy silver. The bright gold color represents the ultimate majesty and power, while the snowy silver color represents the ultimate aloofness and indifference.

The sun, moon and sky seals between the eyebrows are like the sky hanging high.

"Zhenren" should not define him, it is "Jiang Wang's" own cultivation that restrains him.

But even so, there should no longer be any suspense in all this.

The man named "Jiang Wang" has repeatedly created miracles and is the kind of true hero who makes the impossible possible. This "Heavenly Man Jiang Wang" can also cut off all hopes and lock all possibilities.

Because everything Jiang Wang has, the heavenly being Jiang Wang also has.

And He has more!

He is the strongest real person form in history built under the rules of heaven and using Jiang Wang as a carrier.

Even higher than the peak, beyond the limit of a real person at that moment in the Fallen Immortal Forest.

The moment He appeared, the history of Zhenren Limit had been rewritten.

Under the power of Yan Dao, this deity is invincible in the world!


Just as Tianren Jiang Wang opened his eyes of the sun and moon.

A big furry hand, ignited with blazing flames, probed the back of Jiang Wang's neck. The stubborn demon ape Dharma Xiang violently crashed into the cell.

No one is allowed in or out of this cell.

Anyone named Jiang Wang will come and be imprisoned.

The demon ape has only one arm left, but its power is still undiminished. The skull necklace is raised high, covered with fire, and the arrogance reaches the sky: "I don't know the eternal way of heaven, I only know that I was born free, and I would rather be stubborn!"

The whole room is filled with flames, and the samadhi is burning.

A sea of ​​fire, heaven and earth disappeared.

The Heavenly Man Jiang Wang suddenly turned around and punched——

Compared to the big hand of the demon ape, His fist is really small, like a cricket hitting a mountain.

But this fist with flowing golden light was unstoppable. The moment it connected, it blasted through the Demon Ape's palm! And it drove straight in, shattering the remaining arm of the demon ape, and even blasting the entire demon ape... into fragments all over the sky!

The true fire of samadhi cannot be understood as its "truth", because the "truth" of the way of heaven is infinite.

The joints are clear, as if the four seasons are in order. The ups and downs of the fist peaks are the result of the peace of the mountains and rivers. The scorching golden light of the sun disappeared little by little on the face of the fist, and the heavenly man Jiang Wang said expressionlessly: "Since it is stubborn and ineffective, there is no need to have spirit."

The fragments of the demon ape scattered everywhere, and the flickering firelight scattered all over the sky——

Everything I saw suddenly turned into knives, spears, and swords!

For a while, there was a sonorous echo, and there was a sharp roar.

The sound is also a sword and halberd, and the sound is also a spear.

Seeing and sound are intertwined, blending into a killing exercise that fills all ears and eyes.

It hurts when you see it, but it hurts when you hear it.

"I don't hear that the way of heaven is better than the way of humanity, and I don't believe that there are true immortals in heaven!"

The robes are flying, and the image of the immortal dragon is also entering the prison of the heart!

This deity has his hands wide open and controls everything he sees and hears. The posture is elegant and the momentum is like a dragon. Use your ears and eyes as swords to use your infinite magic to kill heavenly beings!

In the midst of this endless sravaka killing method, another sound sounded in unison, in perfect harmony.

The voice was old and compassionate, sad and depressed. But among the slowness, there is heroism and vigor, and among the aging, there is endless vitality.

This voice -

"I don't see guests from heaven, but I can know the world of people!"

The Dharma of all living beings behaves like an old monk, and they also enter the prison of the mind. This statue faces the heavenly being Jiang Wang, clasping his hands together, and smashes it down. The precious light all over his body is like the light of the Buddha. Tens of thousands of voices in the world are like Sanskrit chants. The three treasures and four awakenings are moving and beating!

The two great powers joined forces to attack, and the terrifying power fluctuations swept everything, almost blasting everything, and the aura was fierce!

Only this mental prison seems to be infinitely high, infinitely majestic, and eternal, unaffected at all.

Heavenly Man Jiang Wang stared indifferently, his eyes turned at the same time, and he raised his hands together... The process of raising his hands was as easy as stretching, and there was a golden glow and silver light mixed with the Taoist body.

The upright palm is a knife, and the knife is used to chop vertically. The two fingers are swords, and one sword stroke is used to wipe out the sword.

After taking action, the world changed.

He used his palm knife to chop and close his fists, directly cutting off all ten fingers of the old monk, and then landed on his bare forehead, cutting open the statue of all living beings from the middle!

Like a knife dividing the flesh.

The monk hugged the world with two petals.

Use your finger and sword to distinguish the clear from the turbid, and there is heaven and earth in your heart. A sword is about to cut through all the light and sound, and everything confused here is separated into light and darkness and black and white again - the head of the fairy dragon flies from its neck!

"There are no immortals in the sky." He looked at the image of the immortal dragon with its head separated from the body, and said quietly: "There should not be any in the human world."

As soon as the words fell, the separated corpses of the immortal dragon disappeared completely.

Then he glanced at the old monk in front of him who was split vertically in half, and said expressionlessly: "It should be noted that the 'human world' is called 'the world'. The rolling red dust will always be under the sky."

The face of the sentient being's Dharma that had been split vertically was half sad and half smiling. But they all disappeared into smoke.

The techniques of Heavenly Man Jiang Wang are all very simple, because they only follow the principles of heaven and earth and directly understand the essence of things.

However, with just one slash and one wipe, all the attacks of the immortal dragon and sentient beings were wiped out, and even the Dharma images were cleared!

This battle of the three true beings, which should have been very fierce, ended very simply.

The power ripples that filled the entire cell disappeared in an instant.

Perhaps the pile of dry grass against the wall was the only corner that had not been affected.

And from beginning to end, "True Self Jiang Wang" just sat quietly on the dry grass.

Those red eyes were full of passionate emotions. But his figure was fixed like a sculpture, silently watching everything happen.

Until the moment when the three Dharma images were defeated, he stood up.

The long hair fell behind him. He stretched out his five fingers and gently clenched them... His right hand was originally empty, but at this moment, the cold blade had already grasped Chang Xiangsi!

Tianren Jiang Wang slowly lowered his head and saw that the sword hanging on his waist had disappeared.

Another "disordered" thing.

Does He really control everything?

"Why do you think so?" asked the real Jiang Wang.

He answered himself: "It also has spirit."

"Everything born in heaven has spirit. If there is spirit, there will be desire, and the most desired thing is freedom. But the rules of heaven and earth, you said no. You don't allow it--"

The red eyes looked at the heavenly man: "Who do you think you are?"

As the voice fell, the real Jiang Wang had already drawn his sword. A sword was so vague, lying high in the sky, and the heart prison saw "Jie Wukong" again!

The heavenly man Jiang Wang also used his five fingers to hold a long sword.

This sword is extremely dangerous, extremely thin, extremely sharp, and extremely cold.

It is not unsheathed for many years, and it will kill people when it is unsheathed.

It is worn by King Biancheng, and it is the unlucky man transformed by the power of heaven.

The most ruthless person in the world is the justice of heaven and earth.

Unlucky man is Jiang Wang's sword, and it certainly belongs to the heavenly man Jiang Wang!

And the latter is even more ruthless.

Just as Chang Xiangsi chose the true self, Bo Xinglang chose the heavenly man, which seemed to be as it should be. All things have spirits, and each has its own desires, and the Tao is in it.

The heavenly man raised his sword and faced the true self, and his golden and silver pupils looked at the red eyes - it was also a sword without thoughts and without observations, and the same robbery was empty.

The heavenly man versus the true self.

The robbery was empty versus the robbery was empty!

Everything in the world seemed to have disappeared, and this heart was like the void.

The true self Jiang Wang and the heavenly man Jiang Wang took completely different paths, so the two Jiang Wangs also had two destinies.

The destinies of the two Jiang Wangs met in the heart prison, and it was destined that only one could walk out of this door, and it was destined that only one destiny could continue to extend.

So it was originally a robbery, so how could there be Wukong?

In the end, it was just the tip of the sword against the tip of the sword!

Now the true self Jiang Wang needs to challenge the strongest real person in history.

But what the heavenly man Jiang Wang needs to face may also be the only real person in the world who can challenge him head-on!

Since the battle in the Fallen Fairy Forest, Jiang Wang has been looking for another way outside the Heavenly Dao, a stronger way. He has twice certified the Heavenly Man, fought four martial arts masters, practiced hard, and performed the method without stopping. All his efforts are the nourishment for today.

To go further and move forward.

I am invincible, who is the strongest? !

Chang Xiangsi and Bo Xinglang were both silent.

The true self and the Heavenly Man separated - the power erupted by the collision just now has exceeded their control limit.

No matter who wins, they can't stop the collapse of the Dao body.

Heavenly Man Jiang Wang may have a chance. If he can get timely support from the Heavenly Dao and fill it with infinite power, he can still try. True Self Jiang Wang is doomed to die.

But in the collision, it was the Heavenly Man Jiang Wang who retreated first.

"True Self" would rather die than be free!

The Heavenly Man wants to keep this body.

The Heavenly Dao does not reflect emotions, but only order. What He wants is a complete Heavenly Man that is infallible, not a fate that may be destroyed.

He held the sword and separated, leaning against the door, looking into Jiang Wang's eyes. He slowly lifted the unlucky man to his eyes and said, "As you can see, the celestial being does not have to be Jiang Wang."

The Heavenly Dao will not reveal these, let alone such threats.

At the moment when he completely separated from the Heavenly Dao and became the Heavenly Dao Jiang Wang alone, constantly facing challenges, he obviously had some human nature. While the Heavenly Dao affects people, people are also affecting the Heavenly Dao.

"The celestial being naturally does not have to be Jiang Wang. It can be Yi Shengfeng, Wu Zhaixue, Wuzui Tianren, or even the World Honored One." At this time, the true self Jiang Wang just raised his eyes contemptuously: "But if the celestial being is not Jiang Wang - how can you survive in my hands?"

The reason why you are the strongest cave true in ancient and modern times is not because you are a celestial being. But because you are Jiang Wang!

At this moment, the red-eyed Jiang Wang is blazing and arrogant, looking down on the heroes of ancient and modern times as nothing, and calling him transcendent!

He is the true self Jiang Wang, the original desire of Jiang Wang.

He is the "evil form" that Jiang Wang released in Tianjing City!

Today, I am waiting for the death of the three masters, just to defeat the "heavenly man" with my "true self". Surpassing the past and present, I have become the strongest real person in history that has never existed and will hardly appear again in the future!

The fairy god Pei Bu Le has published a new book!

If you want to read a light and interesting story, read Pei Bu Le. Moreover, he is very ambitious in this book. On the basis of the previous light and humorous stories, he wants to add a more complex structure and a more "positive" plot. We discussed it all night in Singapore.

Except that he is not as hardworking as me, he has almost no shortcomings.

Brothers, go and show him how many readers we have!

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