Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2334 Crown

The peach charm transformed by Ping'an Town disappeared in his body, and the fence set up by the Heavenly Dao quietly disappeared.

The sound of waves rang.

Everything in the present world became concrete.

Jiang Wang did not get up immediately.

Those broken dreams that were cut off were pushed back by the waves.

For a moment, he was willing to sleep in the sea.

This was really a difficult battle.

The world was in chaos, and there was almost no chance to breathe. He had just fought against the four great martial arts masters and was in high spirits, but he was almost swallowed up by the Heavenly Dao on the spot. Wu Xun had determined that he would not wake up, but he opened his eyes. Then there was a long search. Under the huge pressure of the Heavenly Dao, he traveled through various domains and sought the way for thousands of miles... Finally, he won the opportunity to fight.

Just standing in front of the Heavenly Man Jiang Wang was a miracle!

Although the present world only completed the night of the fifth watch, in the prison of the heart, the true self Jiang Wang and the Heavenly Man Jiang Wang fought for a long time with all their strength. It cannot be timed, nor can it be measured with time.

After sealing the [Innate Eternal Golden Honor], he completely gave up the path of the Heavenly Dao.

Of course, he also created the history of the limit of the cave truth again outside the path of the Heavenly Man. From this, he saw his own path to the top.

He was going to take a different, but stronger path from the Heavenly Man. Now he has walked out.

But the process of climbing up is also the process of saying goodbye to the back. Looking back suddenly, the sky is so high, and some people will never see each other again.

One breath, two breaths.

Okay, enough rest.

Jiang Wang came back to his senses and carefully familiarized himself with his body. Let the body slowly float up, just like it slowly sank earlier. His upright and powerful Taoist body gradually regained its alert posture during this process, and he could fight anytime and anywhere.

The moment he stepped on the sea, Cao Jie, who was hanging high in the air and wearing a helmet and armor, looked over alertly: "Jiang Wang?"

"Du Hou, it's me." Jiang Wang pursed his lips.

With just a slight raise of his eyes, the Sky Star Tower disappeared.

Without the stars competing with it, the sun shines brighter. One is hanging in the sky, and the other is reflected on the sea.

Between the rising sun of the sky and the sea, Jiang Wang, wearing a jade crown and treading water with long boots, is the third kind of brilliance.

Cao Jie looked at Jiang Wang deeply, as if to see whether he was the "real me" or the "goddess", and finally took out the food box from his arms: "I haven't eaten the cake you sent me yet - do I need it?"

"I didn't need it then, and I don't need it now." Jiang Wang said: "But it tastes very good."

"Well... it's good!" Cao Jie has already eaten it.

Jiang Wang looked at the sky and the sea from afar: "Du Hou, do you have wine?"

"No drinking in the army." Cao Jie said.

But he turned his hand again, and took out a cup and a pot from somewhere, and flew them directly to Jiang Wang: "But you have resigned and are not in the army."

The wine pot is a crane-billed pot with a curved neck and a narrow mouth.

The wine glass is white porcelain, and the wine is seven-tenths full, and the wine is amber.

Good wine.

Jiang Wang raised his cup: "Today, drink the wine given to me in vain!"

Drank it all in one gulp.

Then he lifted the wine pot and poured the wine into the sea.

The amber wine rolled and floated in the sea, like a stubborn cloud that refused to go away...but it would eventually dissipate in the sea.

Jiang Wang threw away the empty wine pot and wine cup, leaving them, one big and one small, like a boat floating on the sea.

How can people in the world be like this boat!

He turned around and walked towards the direction of the Divine Land.

The sea breeze blew the green clothes, and there was a sense of immortality.

"This wine is very strong, and it is easy to get drunk if you drink it quickly." Cao Jie asked behind him: "Do you know what night it is?"

Jiang Wang walked forward: "I am very sober. Now is my time."

"Where is Master Jiang going?" Cao Jie asked again.

Jiang Wang did not look back, but raised one hand, made a ring with his thumb and pinky finger, and made a vertical plate with his index finger, middle finger and ring finger, and thus formed a seal, like a crown, and placed it on his head: "The real person should crown himself."



Time went forward.

Tian Anping, the commander of Zhan Yu, covered his neck and staggered forward.

He always pushed time.

This was the second time he walked out of the ghost face fish sea area. The previous time was to find Lou Yue with murderous intent, and this time he was dying and left alone.

Of course he did not want to die, but there was no meaning in living a boring life.

Just like now, he did not feel tormented or painful, he just felt satisfied and interesting.

Blood flowed between his fingers, and there was a sticky feeling in it, making these hands seem to have blood webs between their fingers.

Can't let go.

The too sharp sword mark left in the wound, a not too wide sword wound, is already a wound of "Tao". He must fight it seriously to avoid the further collapse of his own Tao.

After removing the shackles, he was unable to really fight.

Instead, he used his fully liberated state to treat his injuries.

Seeing that the wound was about to stop bleeding, he stretched out two fingers from his hands that were locked around his neck, inserted them into the wound, and pulled them out!

The narrow sword wound widened and tore from the collarbone to the chin, and blood flowed!

The sticky blood seemed to have put on a pair of blood gloves and a blood shirt for him. The original color could not be seen, and it was bright red and dark red.

He walked unsteadily.

Dissecting oneself is also a process of further understanding oneself. Healing oneself means making up for past deficiencies. Keeping the wound is to feel more of Jiang Wang's sword.

The sea breeze hits his face.

When people are weak, the wind is more fierce. It was like a knife, striking his eyes sharply.

He just opened his eyes indifferently, watching everything calmly, welcoming everything that happened in the world every moment.

If he couldn't poke his eyes blind, he would keep watching.

Until a certain moment, he stumbled in a trance, and when he tried to stand up, everything in front of him was different. It was as if he had fallen into a mysterious place, and in front of him was a stretch of flying corners and high buildings, with fairy air, and the farther he went, the more vague it became.

But there was no sense of existence.

There were all kinds of things on the sea, and I didn't know where the mirage was.

Even though Tian Anping was so weak, he never lost his vision. Of course, he didn't care about truth or falsehood.

If someone took it seriously, it wouldn't be false.

He stood outside the gatehouse and didn't go in. He was silent for a long time until a phantom figure came from the depths of the mirage-

This person seemed to be gathered by virtual light, and his face was dazzling and could not be looked at directly. He was here. It seemed that he was not here.

"Tsk, tsk, you're seriously injured." The man said.

Tian Anping covered his throat, his voice condensed in the air: "All parties are so restrained, this war opportunity is rare. You are waiting for the troubled times, why don't you seize the opportunity when it comes?"

The person in the mirage said: "Didn't you remind us before you exerted your strength?"

Tian Anping's voice said: "Opportunities are rare. If you have to wait for me to remind you about everything, you can't keep up at all, and there is no need to continue this cooperation. You have no way forward, so there is no need to ask me to step on this broken ship that is destined to sink."

The person in the mirage asked back: "When have you been on my ship?"

Tian Anping took a step forward and stepped on the boundary between the mirage and the real sea surface, with his long hair flying up.

"Do you care about the sinking ship?" asked the person in the mirage.

"I care about the time I wasted." Tian Anping said.

"Yes! There are still things in the world that you care about." The person in the mirage said.

Tian Anping suddenly clenched the wound on his neck! Black flames ignited at the fingertips, and the wound was sutured.

The person in the mirage said again: "I thought about it again and again, now is not the time."

"The current world has long been determined. The hegemons of various parties have been rooted for a long time, and have plundered all the sunshine and rain. Only when one of the behemoths falls, there will be room for you to break out of the ground." Tian Anping's voice said: "If it weren't for the war between the hegemonic countries and the chaos in the world, you wouldn't be able to wait for the opportunity even if you waited for ten thousand years."

The person in the mirage laughed softly: "It's hard for you to be so injured, and still consider us."

Tian Anping's words were characters, jumping in the air, making a sound: "I created the opportunity. If you don't grasp it, it's your business. Right?"

The person in the mirage said: "Yes."

Tian Anping said: "Now you should pay a price for this opportunity."

"You make a lot of sense, and that's why I came here." The person in the mirage smiled: "What do you want? "

Tian Anping raised his eyes and thought: "Under Cao Jie's eyes, is it an easy thing for you to appear here?"

"Not too difficult." The person in the mirage said calmly: "After all, he is a military strategist and relies on the army."

Tian Anping said: "I think of a very good gift."

"First of all, I want to remind you-" the person in the mirage said: "If this war starts, the gains you can grab from it will be immeasurable. In other words, you didn't give us all this opportunity. You need our strength to make the war inevitable, but we stopped. Ha! Or, pull back from the brink?"

Tian Anping looked at the mirage calmly: "I don't talk about your kind of reasoning."

The person in the mirage laughed: "Then tell me! What gift do you want?"

"Kill Cao Jie." Tian Anping said.

The mirage shook and almost collapsed. The person in the mirage seemed to have only a pair of dim eyes left, staring at Tian Anping: "This joke is not funny."

Tian Anping said expressionlessly: "Not bad. You actually think I'm a joker."

"One thing I don't quite understand - what good is killing Cao Jie for you?" the person in the mirage asked.

Tian Anping said: "What's the benefit of doing something? That's your way of thinking. Not mine."

"It sounds like you're saying - just do good things and don't ask about the future!" The person in the mirage said: "Maybe you're a good person!"

"Good or bad, it's just a secular standard." Tian Anping's voice characters twisted inexplicably, as if a little agitated: "OK, or not?"

The person in the mirage pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's easy to deceive Cao Jie, but it's not that simple to kill Cao Jie, and there's no guarantee that it will be done. Even at this moment when the secrets of heaven are confused, this is a very dangerous thing. Tian Anping, at least now, I'm not ready for that level of danger."

The peak of the Yandao, which represents the limit of the power level in the world.

To kill a top warrior, there is usually a prerequisite, which is "the top warrior never retreats". Such opportunities usually occur on the battlefield.

To hunt a top warrior who is determined to retreat, you need more than just a stronger force.

Tian Anping was about to speak when he suddenly turned his head!

The force was too great and the action was too intense, so that the wound on his neck bleeds again!

He looked in the direction of the distant sea area of ​​the ghost fish.

At this moment, there are four bright stars, hanging high in the night sky, and four terrifying star pillars, connecting the sky and the night, falling into the sea. The entire offshore archipelago was shaken by it, and all the people in the offshore looked up to the sky. What you see on the ordinary sea surface is a wonder. For someone like him who has just been expelled, what he sees is naturally Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang, who thought he had sunk, once again struggled in the deep sea of ​​heaven.

The current road closure also means that an unprecedented struggle is taking place.

This makes him excited!

"Do you know what is happening over there?" the person in the mirage asked quietly.

Tian Anping didn't answer, he just looked in that direction without blinking and said, "Let's change it to a gift."

He grinned, not caring that this action would further tear the wound, and said with mixed blood: "I want the method of heaven and man!"

"Are you sure?" The person in the mirage said: "Even Jiang Wang, recognized as the most talented person in the contemporary era, has so many people helping him and using so many resources, but he may not be able to break free. He is just struggling until now. "

Tian Anping was not calm at this moment, and was a little weirdly excited: "If he can, it means there is a way. If he can't, this is my challenge."

The people in the mirage were silent for a long time, and finally said: "There is no sure-fire way for heaven and man to succeed, but there are some paths closer to the way of heaven."

"That's enough." Tian Anping said.

During the period when heaven and earth were in decline, chaos occurred frequently in all directions.

As small as a village or a town, people's work and rest are chaotic, and they don't know when to work and when to rest. As soon as I lay down, it was daylight, and when I got up, it was dark again. The weather conditions that are suddenly clear and rainy also make the usual living conditions unsustainable.

The people were so frightened that they could not sit still, thinking that the world was about to collapse. Many heretical cults have taken advantage of the situation, preaching the Dharma of the end of the world, and using panic to preach... there are so many "sons of destiny" and "sages of the end of the world".

These are of course a test of the governance level of each country.

The big changes involve real changes in the rules of heaven and earth - these are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

For example, in the snowy areas of the northwest, the aurora appears all day long. I don't know if it was a change in the way of heaven, or if it was the founding emperor of the Li Kingdom who was striving for hegemony, or what kind of handiwork he had.

For example, in the sky over the Fallen Immortal Forest in the south, a huge gap opened for no reason, and it showed no tendency to heal. There are large clouds falling there, especially at dusk when the setting sun is dim, like a bleeding wound in the sky.

Speaking of all the places where human beings are stationed, probably only the Mysterious World feels the most "normal".

Because it is chaotic at all times, and it cannot be more chaotic.

Zhu Biqiong, with white eyebrows and quiet eyes, is flying here.

The Mysterious Realm has always been the preferred testing ground for offshore monks. If you have never broken through the Mysterious Realm, you cannot test the real gold.

Living at sea for so many years can be regarded as witnessing the changes in the order of the sea. As for the Mysterious World, she often comes here and is always there.

It may be a joke to say that - when the master is here, he will personally accompany her to the Lost Realm. Often hiding in the dark, waiting for a crisis to jump out. Because he filled in real-person combat power without authorization and interfered with the order of the Mysterious Realm, he was even warned by Tianjing Kingdom.

Which monk is not fighting alone here? She had to hold an umbrella when she went out.

Now it was time for her to hold an umbrella for the sect - but it was windy and snowy outside, and her umbrella was small and broken.

She often thinks about her sister, but she can only think about it.

Life is like a confusing world.

There is no top, no bottom, no left or right, no direction.

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