Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2353: Frost Moon across the sky, the true form is not empty

The cause and effect of the Maple Forest City is about to continue.

The life and death that is seen outside the lifeless calamity is not far away now.

Zhuang Chengqian, who was playing chess with the bones at that moment, has now been left far behind by the young man from the Maple Forest City in terms of cultivation.

The White Bone God!

The Heavenly Man Dharma Image subconsciously pressed towards his heart, as if he could feel the pain there. But when his fingers touched his chest, he remembered that the colorful heart full of regrets and attachment was not here.

This Dharma Image, which is so indifferent and much more ruthless than the original, inevitably caused waves in front of the White Bone Palace.

When have I ever forgotten?

It's just that I have always been too weak.

The butterfly flaps its wings, but it can't lift the sea.

Facing the netherworld, the White Bone God Throne standing on the top seems far away no matter how he runs.

But it is always getting closer.

Standing on the extreme truth, looking at the top. Stepping on the top, the top is in front of you!

The scenery that was once covered by clouds and mist for thousands of miles is no longer an impossible sight.

Tianren Fashang looked at the four characters "White Bone Palace" and finally stepped into it calmly.

He had imagined the scene of coming here many times.

However, the first time he really stepped into it, it was different from any scene he imagined.

Fate always changes with twists and turns, making people understand that it is impossible to predict.

All along, the White Bone Palace he imagined was a place where all gods sat down, all spirits submitted, and countless strong men stood like a forest. It was majestic and magnificent, with millions of believers and saints... It should be the most prosperous scene in the netherworld.

Because the status of the White Bone God is the supreme and cannot be higher in the netherworld.

But what he saw now was so desolate and deserted.

It was as if... the bones were dead.

What happened?

When did all these changes start?

As the embodiment of the authority of the White Bone God in the netherworld, the importance of the White Bone Palace is beyond doubt. In his plan to establish the Kingdom of Bones through Daozi, this Palace of Bones was an important fantasy direction. The imagination of the believers of the Bone Dao for the future was based on such a palace that they had imagined by chance.

Now it is all abandoned.

Jiang Wang has tried almost all ways to understand the Bone God. After the fall of the Bone Dao, he collected the most information about the Bone God in the world. Even the first question he asked to the Blood Puppet Demon was to the Bone God.

Of course he would not miss this place today.

The entire palace complex built by bones has no vitality.

But the hall where the Bone God lives, every brick and tile, any trace left, will inevitably be affected by the Bone God, and are the language of interpreting bones.

Jiang Wang will definitely study it bit by bit with the greatest seriousness.

His desire to understand bones is nothing less than a desire to become a Taoist.

Or in other words, he needs to understand what kind of path he should take to truly cross the mountains and stand in front of the Bone God!

The soles of his boots hit the bones, and the sound of his footsteps echoed in the void. Flesh and blood were superfluous, and his soul and bone marrow dried up together. In front of him, there was no other color, nor "other" except the paleness of the building. The celestial being observed every place carefully, every brick, every tile, and every mark.

Although he knew it was impossible, he still thought so -

Maybe the bricks and tiles in front of him contained the remains of Fenglin City.

Finally, he finally measured the palace complex with his feet and described all the traces with his eyes. It was as if he had recreated the process of the palace's completion, and felt the eternal and endless mourning in the endless time.

He finally came to the last bone throne -

The skulls as white as jade were obviously the precious collections of the bone god. The Danbi formed by them biting each other had a kind of painful majesty. Above the Danbi, countless white bone hands raised to the sky, as if tearing something, supported the ferocious throne with hideous bone spurs.

There was no figure on the huge bone throne.

There was not even a trace of great aura, everything disappeared very cleanly.

The White Bone God is indeed not here. Not just three or five days.

The celestial being watched all this indifferently, moving his eyes indifferently. His sight was like a knife, scraping one skull after another, grinding one bone hand after another.

At a certain moment, it suddenly stopped.

On the hollow back of the White Bone God Throne, which was probably the third pillar made of ribs, he saw a line of words written from top to bottom -

"The white bones disappeared. I am looking for Him."

The line of words did not exist, but appeared because of his sight, because the soul mark unique to "Jiang Wang" touched its existence!

It's like...

This line of words appeared here just to wait for Jiang Wang.

The person who left the words knew that Jiang Wang would definitely come here.

So Jiang Wang certainly knew who he was.

They have a common cause and effect, starting from the same place, but moving forward and going far away. No matter the mountains and ridges, the immortal sea and the divine platform, there will always be a moment of intersection in life. At that moment, it could be thunder breaking through the clouds, or Shenzhou leaving the sea, or the end of the world, the final chapter of life.

They are willing to give everything for that moment.

The handwriting in front of them is very familiar, it is the thunder pattern inscription, the strokes are emotionless, and the shape of the characters has a sense of alienation. It is like a figure walking alone in the long night, wandering in the world.

Wang Changji's words!

The two exchanged letters only intermittently over the years. Because Wang Changji's whereabouts are unpredictable and he doesn't use the Taixu Illusion Realm, the two of them usually only have brief communication when he comes to visit him or sends a message to Bai Yujing Restaurant.

Jiang Wang didn't know that Wang Changji had been walking in the Netherworld for a long time, and had already confirmed the disappearance of the White Bone God, and had visited the White Bone God Palace first.

The Dharma Prime Minister raised his finger and was about to erase these words - this in itself was a response from Wang Changji, telling him that he was here too. Seeing the words is like seeing the face.

But this line of words suddenly started to sway, as if floating on the water, rippling with the waves. In a daze, the glyphs have changed——

"I am sure that White Bones has been born into the world, and I am looking for the date of His birth."

Wang Changji later made a new discovery!

Did the White Bone God really give up being the Supreme Being in the Nether World and be born in this world?

If the time when the White Bone God is born can be locked, the possibility of finding a new White Bone Taoist fetus will indeed increase a lot.

However, in this vast world, the population is tens of trillions, and there are so many people born, old, sick and dying every moment. Due to the political capabilities of different countries, not everyone's birth and death can be accurate to a certain time. What's more, there are still some areas that are ruled by large groups in this world, and the management of the people is even more useless. Many people spend their lives alone, unknown to anyone, and many of them may not even have names.

Even if the exact time of the Bone God's birth is known, it is difficult to lock all the newborns in the corresponding time.

The gods and humans thought of too many things in one moment. Thinking of Zhuang Chengqian's "self" who was obliterated by the White Bone God, thinking of the "White Bone Daozi" recovered by the White Bone God, thinking of the White Bone Taoist embryo, and thinking of the origin of Zhuang Chengqian's new soul that he absorbed. I think of how the White Bone God from the Netherworld, through a long period of time, narrowly defeated the "present God's will" and won the possibility of the Dao Fei coming to the world.

Finally, he raised his finger, erased the line of words, and wrote in the blank space on the back of the chair——

"He will come to me."

In the long life of the Bone God, the name "Jiang Wang" was a "mistake" that he must erase.

In Jiang Wang's young life, these four words, "White Bone God", were the mountains that he could not get around and had to move away from. The blood feud in Maplewood City is the last remaining mountain.

Let's see who ends up losing whom.

The Dharma of Heaven and Man thought a little coldly.

At this moment, he felt something in his heart. He looked back in the bones-filled palace, and he saw several pairs of greedy eyes beyond the palace walls and thick ghost fog!

They come from a few sneaky figures, wandering outside the silent palace complex, always eager to try, but unable to make up their minds, not daring to actually step into the palace.

Obviously, these guys were vaguely aware of the owner of the White Bone Shrine and coveted this place. They may have been observing it for a long time. However, he is afraid of the majesty of the Supreme God and is still in the process of temptation.

This is also "heavenly fate".

The Dharma of Heaven and Man turned his palm upwards, with the palm of his hand as a furnace, and a white flame instantly ignited.

This fire flower looks extremely cold, like frost. The inside is made up of wisps of fine flames, the strands are twisted, and each wisp is too crazy to be studied carefully.

It is called "Intentional Fire" and is one of the flames that the deity Jiang Wang is smelting.

Without the demonic intention of desire demon skill, it is not very powerful. But it is enough to be used in the Netherworld to deal with these real gods and ghosts...

As soon as the flame was ignited, the shadows lingering outside the Bone Palace seemed to be fueled.

The devil's heart is restless and his mind is restless.

The strong desire to plunder the treasure suppressed all worries. The legacy of the Supreme God, even if it is just scraps, is a treasure that is difficult to reach in a lifetime.

The shadows were approaching in an instant.

Then outside the Bone Shrine, a sharp voice sounded: "The supreme god sleeping at the bottom of the Forgotten River, the eternal Lord of the End... Your divine glory will always bathe me, and the Ghost of Yinshan Mountain is here. See you!”

The second voice sounded immediately: "The True God Youmeng of Tianhen Valley, please see the eternal resting place, the Bone God! I surrender with devotion, and I am willing to kneel down and offer everything I have before the throne of the God!"

One is humbler than the other, and one is more loyal than the other. But everything must first see the Bone God.

Outside the White Bone Shrine, there was a sudden gloomy wind and ghosts crying like howls.

In the White Bone Palace, the gods and humans listened quietly for a moment, then extinguished the flame of desire in their palms. There was no expression on his face, he turned around indifferently and sat down on the Bone God's throne. He raised his hand and placed it on the smooth skeleton armrest. On his slender index finger, the frost light formed a ring that symbolized authority.

And above the palace, in the endless sky, there was a frosty moon that rose as he sat down.

The cool moonlight spread over the shrine, like mercury pouring down the ground.

Click, click, click!

Just in front of the throne, there was a pair of skeletal hands, struggling to get out of the floor tiles, and just pressing on the ground, they jumped up and stood in the hall.

Then came the second one, the third one...

For a moment, skeletons lined up in the hall, just like the civil and military officials of the underworld and the officials of the Kingdom of God, all worshiping the gods!

The white-bones skeleton was the first to get up, half-kneeling in front of the throne. As if receiving some kind of guidance, he turned the skull's head, opened its mouth emptyly twice, and finally made a sound -

The skeletons in the entire temple resonate together and deliver the oracle!

The moonlight covers this place and flows down the earth. Wherever he passed, densely packed white bones and skeletons stood up staggeringly in every corner of this huge palace complex. Some raise their swords, some hold their axes, or they look up at the moon and roar.

The Bone Shrine seems to be resurrected tonight.

And a long and grand voice, spread under the moonlight, like a rushing stream merging into the sea and leaving the palace-


The many shadows outside the palace almost knelt on the ground at the first moment, and did not dare to raise their heads for a moment.

When the frosty moon was across the sky, the master of the White Bone Palace announced to see the true god!


Look at the "big worlds" around the present world.

The Tomb of Ten Thousand Worlds has never been covered, allowing people to come and go.

Yu Yuan is nothing more than fighting in the Xinye Continent, and in recent years, he has been fighting on the Great Wall front.

The system of the netherworld has long been defeated. Basically, the gods of several parties sweep the snow in front of their own doors and live in peace forever. Some Yang Gods entertain themselves and satisfy their addiction to being gods behind closed doors. The netherworld is just a way to return to the source sea, not the end of death. In this era, it is not a big threat to the human race.

The Heavenly Prison World has established a long front around the civilization basin. The attack of the demon army is very powerful, and the defense can be said to be impregnable. In the past two years, in the battlefield represented by Choulongdu, medium-intensity wars have never stopped.

On the contrary, Canghai, which was almost pacified by a battle - this big world formed by cutting out a corner of the present world, should be said to have ushered in an unprecedented period of peace.

The maze is blocked, the medieval heavenly road is broken, and the five eternal heavenly monuments have been taken... It seems that the chronic illness has been completely cured and rejuvenated. The entire Canghai is under construction everywhere!

To the east of the Yongning Sea, which was once guarded by Gao Jie, 74,000 nautical miles to the east, there is a sea area called "Impermanence".

It is guarded by the Emperor Wuyuan Zhanshou.

The famous "Impermanence Flying Armor" is the ultimate weapon of this area, which exists to deter all parties.

The commander of the "Impermanence Flying Armor" is the "Hunting King" Ray Ai.

This true king is good at using poison and can often kill enemies unconsciously. The daily training of the "Impermanence Flying Armor" is all in his charge. When the Emperor Wuyuan was away or practicing, he was the supreme will of the Wuchang Sea.

At this moment, he stood on a giant shell with his hands behind his back, patrolling the vast sea under the rule of the Emperor Wuyuan.

Every time the two shells of the giant shell opened and closed, it swallowed and spit out a huge amount of sea sand. Looking closely, it was not sea sand, but the dead filth in this sea area!

The originally dirty and turbid sea water became much clearer after the giant shell swam through.

This giant shell sea beast is called "corpse-eating shell". It looks like a tool specially used to clean the sea environment, but it is actually a unique war weapon in the Wuchang Sea, which is also the origin of the name "flying armor".

It has a strong load-bearing capacity, a terrifying burst speed, and extremely strong defense. It feeds on decayed things and does not consume any resources at all. Among the excellent works of the wise teachers of all generations, it can also be regarded as the best war beast.

As usual, Manta patrolled the sea on a shell. In the days of commanding the "Wuchang Flying Armor", he was used to doing it himself. The emperor had suffered heavy losses in the battle of the ancient Tianlu before. This time, the imprint left behind some time ago triggered the True Venerable, and he once again used the power of the "main calamity", which would take some time to recover. The current Wuchang Sea, especially the moment that needs his attention.

What he saw before him was thriving.

As one of the most important seas in existence, the Wuchang Sea was not allocated the Eternal Heavenly Monument. This was not a poor treatment by the Dragon Lord of the Canghai Sea, but an honor under the disaster - because they could rebuild their homes with their own strength.

In this peaceful sea located in the far east, there could be no dangers outside the Canghai Sea. Even if the human race broke through the maze, it would take months and years to kill all the way to the "Wuchang Sea". It was really too far away, and there were too many dangerous areas in between.

As a True King, he only needed to guard against those natural disasters that might be displaced. Find a way to solve them in advance, or warn the emperor.

Of course, those troublesome bastards in the sea also needed him to discipline them from time to time. The construction and development of the entire Wuchang Sea requires him to control the direction.

At a certain moment, Lei Ai raised his head.

What he looked up to was not the gloomy sky with the coming storm. But his "Tao".

It had been many years before he was trapped in the throne of the emperor. In the post-disaster reconstruction of Canghai, he was vaguely touched, but he could never get in.

And today, in the dark, it seems that there is the power of the Heavenly Dao, waving to him.

This kind of Heavenly Dao power is absolutely true, not an illusion!

The destiny is in the sea clan?

The human race has Jiang Wang who broke free from the deep sea of ​​the Heavenly Dao twice, and the demon race has Mi Zhiben who swam in the deep sea of ​​the Heavenly Dao. This is a broad road that only the truly strong can set foot on.

Lei Ai exhausted his thoughts and couldn't help but ascend to the sky.

He seemed to have seen that in the center of the vast Heavenly Dao Ocean, there was a supreme emperor throne, with the back of the chair facing him, waiting for him to walk over and crown him.

A frosty moon shone on the water, and everything was calm.

He walked forward, his boots creating ripples on the sea.

When he finally reached the throne, he suddenly saw that it was not empty.

There was a Buddha sitting there.

The Buddha disappeared, revealing an old monk with a yellow face!

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